Saturday, October 31, 2015

Jewwy gov. "scientist" no good at observation OR logic....

Below-copied dialectic first published at comments,

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Jew-Spew: TYPICAL Gov. "Scientist," Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 30 Oct 15)

Ho ho ho--well, notice I "engage" him, ho ho ho--and in most appropriate manner, too, I'd say. [Ck dialectic at above citation.]

Jew-spew says he's "neuroscientist (actual scientist--see below-copied)," ho ho ho ho; that reminds me when I was student work-study employee and and assigned to watch the parking-lots--I always told people I was connected w. "security," ho ho ho ho ho. Such is this Jewwy-spew moron's connection w. science, one may be assured.

And what really is "science"?--it's production of "knowledge" that's necessarily true, according to Aristotle, the very father of science. Thus a scientist essentially does 2 things: (a) observation, and then (b) induction, a fancy word for generalization. After the generalization is made, more observation is employed, as in experimentation, to sharpen the accuracy of the inductions.

So a good scientist is nothing if not observant--for which we see this moron, Jew-spew, is utter failure. And we KNOW he doesn't understand simplest logic regarding above comment at Oct 30, 6:42 am (see below-copied), insisting there's no God, etc. Then there are all the simple observations Jew-spew ignores, as he's demonstrated now over several blogs and commentaries.

So what Jew-spew really is is just the typical cliche'-spouting kike, as we see, who SELECTIVELY observes and ignores facts of reality, and in place of real sense or skill for simplest, basic logic, merely spouts the usual idiot lies and platitudes that we always get fm Jew scum.

Jew-spew better hope he's saved his tax-feeders' wages as it's all coming to a screeching halt very soon, ho ho ho ho--US Dollar collapsing as we speak, by golly.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

Steve 12 October 30, 2015 at 8:05 PM

"He's more accomplished than you."
I'm a cognitive neuroscientist (i.e., actual scientist) at a major university. No, I don't care if you believe me. Yes, I will remain anonymous because I do not trust the mental stability of most people here.


Don't Doubt Sinful Nature Of Humanity, Criminal Nature Of Politicians Like LBJ
(Apollonian, 30 Oct 15)

Indeed, humans are sinners and life is war as Homer, Darwin, and all the great philosophers have taught us. Thus original American founders understood the notion of checks and balances as best effort by which the various interests might negate one another. St. Augustine reminds us about nature of gov.--kingdoms--they're a bunch of thieves and murderers, "criminals."

And this review itself, by Nelson, overlooks the criminal enterprise which has ruled Jew S A since at least 1913, central-banking legalized COUNTERFEITING, US Federal Reserve Bank--see and for expo.

LBJ himself was mere pawn of these "banker" criminals, as were the presidents before him, esp. FDR, this criminal cabal working through the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR--see for expo) and lately the Trilateral commission and "Bilderberg."

So JFK assassination can well and best be analyzed as ultimately overseen by CFR powers, LBJ the quarterback, pulling all the operational strings and seeing to the cover-up. Don't forget LBJ was Jew (see, well-connected w. zionist and Jew criminal networks, hence the Jews-media. Israel rec'd great increases in US tax-payers' largesse w. help of LBJ.


Steve12 October 30, 2015 at 6:42 AM

Grow up Apsterian. There's no God - that's a story for week-minded people who are afraid to die.

Oh wait...

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Fetzer, the gate-keeper, diversion-artist, continues to wiggle and squirm in effort to failing to see essence of Sandy hoax conspiracy....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Fetzer, PREDICATABLY, Diverts From Pertinent Issues
(Apollonian, 25 Oct 15)

It has NOTHING (regarding Sandy hoax and circumstances--see below-copied by Fetzer), first of all, to doing w. "Khazarians"; it has first of all to do w. the horrific criminal enterprise of legalized COUNTERFEITING, known as central-banking which Fetzer TOTALLY overlooks in considering all the details fm which then to INDUCT to proper general theory.

"Khazarians" come into it all secondarily, esp. as they're such consummate criminals, so integrally organized, w. sublime philosophy and justification for their criminal, satanic, and murderous activities--the Talmud--see and for best expo.

The other items to be observed along w. the Sandy hoax details would include the other fake "shootings" and incidents like at Boston marathon, Charleston, SC, the "Eliot Roger" incident, etc., all in conjunction w. this strategic and essential financial instrument which is NECESSARILY at the bottom of it all, the various psy-ops incidents within the larger, overall psy-ops treatment/campaign/program.

So we see Fetzer is simply out-of-his-element for proper scientific/philosophic grasp in general for overall command and observation of all the pertinent details upon which then one INDUCTS for proper general theory.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

James Fetzer October 25, 2015 at 7:04 AM

If this were recast by suggesting that there is always more corruption to expose, including that of the KCS (Khazarian Crime Syndicate)--about which my friend and colleague, Preston James, publishes so much--then by all means, let me join in recommending his work. Here is a nice sample: "The hidden history of the incredibly evil Khazarian Mafia"

I can certainly endorse the idea that Preston has been covering the issues that seem to matter the most to apsterian. I therefore recommend that he read Preston's work and comment on it and be the first to recommend it TO GET THE COMPLETE PICTURE. I agree with almost everything that he (Preston) writes. But his interests and mine are not the same. They are complementary, I would say, and to that extent, I recommend his work, too. But it is a bit of stretch to fault Jim Fetzer for not being Preston James, just as it would be absurd to fault Preston for not doing the kind of research that I do, which my history has exemplified.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Poor Fetzer, victim of public edjumacation: he can't see why he's such gross, pathetic FAILURE....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Fetzer's General FAILURE(S) Of Science, Observation, Induction
(25 Oct 15)

Prof.: We've noted ur serious and significant short-comings over and over--so let's go over them once again. See below-copied by Fetzer.

1. Regarding the specific conspiracies, JFK, 9/11, Sandy hoax, u often provide exhaustive, even tedious listings of details, BUT u don't cover that particular detail which over-looks and -shadows the others, which is CENTRAL-BANKING, as we've noted for u, giving ref.s, too, and saying how and why.

For how is it the mass corp. Jews-media so consistently and overwhelmingly pushes ZOG's agenda?--they're OWNED--by who?--the powers associated w. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilaterals, and Bilderbergers--HOW?--by means of the legalized COUNTERFEITING, the top criminal enterprise which literally owns and controls our culture, not only the ENTIRE mass corp. Jews-media, but public edjumacation too, of which u're unfortunate product, the blind leading the blinded people.

For just consider, just for Sandy hoax alone, the massive, incredible, and prodigious spending and financing which went into it all, planning for yrs, bringing the people and families into the local area, making all the pay-offs, buying all the houses, bribing all the officials, bureaucrats, politicians, and judges.

2. Thus u FAIL to grasp the nature and implications of the large culture in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," in its horrific HUBRIS and satanism, satanism entailing extreme subjectivism, the large culture and society now LITERALLY captured and held hostage by these criminal COUNTERFEITERS calling themselves "bankers"--a captivity in effect for over a hundred yrs now fm the infamous Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (see and for expo).

3. Thus u're guilty of FAILURE of science and logic in way of (a) noting ALL the facts and details, and then (b) INDUCTION to proper conclusion.

4. Another gross FAILURE is ur (typical) refusal to consider Judaic Talmud which explicitly teaches this satanism, (extreme) subjectivism, and literal criminality, war against humanity (gentiles).

5. U FAIL to observe the gross satanism (extreme subjectivism) of the general culture in way of mass popular entertainment and also for politics and legal developments--this when there are many, many others (as on u-tube) who easily make these simple observations which u would only need to cite.

6. U FAIL to appreciate and grasp the genuine and substantial PHILOSOPHIC value of the people's traditional Christianity, writing it off, ignoring, and patronizing it as mere "religion."

So u see how u so egregiously FAIL, esp. for ur pretense to philosophy, one who properly grasps perspective and CONTEXT for all the pertinent details. There are other problems too, for example, ur muddled grasp of ethics and basic metaphysics, but I just emphasize the main and immediate problems, failure of proper induction, failure to grasp the culture-wide satanism/subjectivism/hubris, and that egregious specific failure regarding central-banking.

-----------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------

James FetzerOctober 24, 2015 at 8:44 PM

s a former Marine Corps officer who has spent the last 25 years exposing government complicity in JFK, 9/11, Wellstone, Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing and more, this kind of rubbish just won't wash. See my three books on JFK, my book on 9/11 and my book on Wellstone, for openers.

I have chaired or co-chair 5 national conferences on JFK (Minneapolis 1999; Dallas 2000; Dallas 2001; Duluth 2003; Santa Barbara 2013) and done a thousand radio and TV interviews on JFK, none of this makes any sense. It is simply irrational and contrary to the evidence.

I founded Scholar for 9/11 Truth December 2005, was the keynote speaker at The American Scholars Conference in LA 2006; was flown to Athens to appear on a 3.5 hour television show about 9/11, which was broadcast to the world via satellite. I organized the Madison Conference in 2007; the London conference in 2010; and the Vancouver Hearings in 2012.

I have probably done more to expose government complicity across the board than anyone else on the face of this earth. If you have other candidates in mind, let me know and we can compare what they have accomplished and what I have done. And I am not finished yet.

Indeed, my most recent book prior to this, AND I SUPPOSE WE DIDN'T GO TO THE MOON, EITHER? (2015), exposes the moon landing hoax, the death and replacement of Paul McCartney, the first death of Saddam Hussein, the second death of Osama bin Laden and the Holocaust.

Another absurdity implicit in some comments here is that, unless you expose corruption of every kind at every level, you cannot have made a serious contribution, which is obviously absurd. Anyone who offers such insinuations has to have their own agenda, which is other than exposing the truth about JFK, 9/11, Wellstone and more. Spare me.

I welcome criticism, but it has to be serious. If you think I have something wrong, then identify what I say and why I say it, then explain what I have wrong and how you know. That form of criticism I can respect, but gratuitous smears based upon massive ignorance of the Obama administrations obsession with gun control, for example, doesn't cut it--for me or any other serious scholar.

Sandy hoax: must be seen in full context, not merely in isolation....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Fetzer Continues To FAIL: Sandy Hoax Must Be Seen In Fullest Context, Not Mere Isolated Instance
(Apollonian, 24 Oct 15)

See above note by apsterian: the mass-corp. media are WHOLLY-OWNED by the topmost criminals and "banker" COUNTERFEITERS, their purpose being constant, continued, never-ending psy-ops, confusion, distraction, and diversion of the people--just like, and no diff. fm public edjumacation branch, of which Fetzer is consummate product, tried and true.

Observe Fetzer also provides cover for topmost satanists, Jews, refusing to examine Talmud (see, selling-out the people's Christianity, denigrating it as mere "religion" w. no serious, genuine philosophic content or meaning.

So Fetzer is himself an enabler of the satanic powers, playing GATE-KEEPER for truther opposition to satanists, FAILING to demonstrate best, fullest, and proper scientific method, keeping the rationalist and ethical pursuits muddled and confused--as u urself demonstrate w. ur half-baked "gee-whiz" -like "discovery" about the mass-media, as if they're not wholly-owned units fm very beginning, mere parts to the criminal whole and larger context.

Thus Fetzer, supposed philosophical, fails the people for fullest cultural and social CONTEXT, which large perspective is his very purpose as philosophic, this aside fm the broad economic purpose and meaning of MONEY, by which top banking criminals continue to defraud, confuse, and divert the people.

For now the next step for criminal powers, fully in control of things political and judicial, is to get the country and people involved in horrendous war which serves to muddy the proverbial "waters" even further, the poor victimized people evermore utterly destroyed.

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

Albercrumbie Fitch October 24, 2015 at 9:23 AM

And I would add that Obama's crimes and hoaxes could not be accomplished with out eager help from the corporate media, Anderson Cooper commits treason 12 times before breakfast every morning, and CNN, ABC, FOX, NBC are part of criminal conspiracies. It appears that Amy Goodman's role in promoting every staged even is to protect the Democratic Party. It will be a good thing when Establishment media loses all credibility. Hats off to Jim Fetzer, a lion in investigative research and publishing.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Windsors (Brit. Royalty) weren't "traitors" (except to humanity); they were sublime, devilish provocateurs, in all truth....

Below-copied by ap first submitted and published at comments,

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More Jew-Serving Lies By Leftist Stooge, Floyd
(Apollonian, 23 Oct 15)

Problem w. Chris Floyd is he's a lying liar who lies lies lies lies lies. Let's get something straight: it was the Jews and bankers behind the scenes, who controlled all the West, including UK and USA who financed Hitler and Nazis fm very beginning--why?--because they wanted a 2nd World war to bring USA into the United Nations (see Perloff's "Shadows of Power") (a), and (b) they wanted to use Hitler/Nazis to spark this war against the Jew-funded and -led bolshies (Stalin was married to two Jews, and then in common-law relationship w. a 3rd, Kaganovich's sister).

And Hitler and Nazis were ALWAYS encouraged by the West, including USA to building-up and re-arming--that was purpose of the Dawes and Young plans financial arrangements and all the other accommodations West made w. German industry. It was UK and France who declared war against Germany, this after West provoked Poles to instigate war against Germany, touching off the powder-keg. Throughout the war the British encouraged Germans that they were willing to negotiate, and that seems to have been the understanding when Rudolf Hess parachuted into England.

So it's idiotic and stupid for typical leftist liar and propagandist, Floyd to pretend the Windsors were anything other than the usual provocateurs and agents for British intelligence as it is known they always have been. Same goes for the Bush family, headed by Grandad Prescott, who worked for Harriman in financing the Nazis: purpose was war by which the oligarchs and one-world advocates wanted to push world dictatorship through United Nations (UN). Germany was targeted and doomed fm the very beginning--fm the time the US Senate refused ratification of Versailles treaty. See also, A.C. Sutton, "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler," "Conjuring Hitler," by Guido G. Preparata, and David Hoggan's "The Forced War."

And look at the horrific results: who won WWII?--Jews and Bolsheviks, Israeli terror-state the next result in 1948, mass-murdering and ethnic-cleansing the Palestinians (see Jew, Ilan Pappe', "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine"), present UN world dictatorship and "agenda-21" "de-population" agenda (genocide) being effected as we speak, w. forced, toxic vaccinations, poison GMO foods, lethal drugging of the people by Big Pharma, and poison "chem-trails" and geo-engineering, etc. Floyd just serves-up same old lies and lying.

Inexorable Spenglerian Western "Decline" must take inexorable course, the over-populated, hubristic people not interested in real justice, mis-led by charlatans like Fetzer....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Humans Are SINNERS, Never Forget, Victims Of Hubris
(Apollonian, 22 Oct 15)

It probably has been ("submitted to a court"--see below-copied entry), but u under-estimate, as most Americans--and most humanity does--the ABSOLUTE power of the central bankers' legalized COUNTERFEITING (see and for expo on US Federal Reserve Bank).

Don't forget Kennedy, among all the other things, was planning on issuing silver-backed currency, which program, if expanded, would have under-cut the US Federal Reserve's prerogatives for spending and financial policy. See

Thus, as the "bankers" (COUNTERFEITERS) put out nearly as much currency (not real money) as they please, THEY OWN EVERYTHING and practically everyone, even Ron Paul having to fear assassination.

So the bankers own (a) all the mass-media--ALL OF IT--only thing they don't own is that on the free I-net, and they're ready to shut that down at any moment.

(b) "Bankers" also own all the politicians and judges, w. very few exceptions. (c) "Bankers" control all "edjumacation," of which Fetzer is one of the shining pearls. Thus few humans understand what MONEY is and must be, commodity-based, hence gold/silver.

What u have to understand and grasp is that all the world's so-called "civilization" is in the hands of these CRIMINALS (counterfeiters)--they literally own and control EVERYTHING and everybody for all practical purposes. And the only thing keeping humanity alive, to extent it still is, is the slight fact these criminals still suspect one another enough, there being "NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES."

Yet, these criminals have still, nonetheless, agreed upon general program for REDUCING world's population (genocide) in notorious "Agenda-21" policy of United Nations (UN) which includes the "climate-change" lies and propaganda, toxic vaccinations programs, continued GMO food poisoning, and "chem-trail" poisoning and geo-engineering, etc. Hrd about Fukushima?

Presenting "evidence to a court of law" presumes a population willing to entertain real, serious JUSTICE--which isn't in the cards, considering the addiction to "bread & circuses," moronic football games on TV, Justin Bieber, etc. Thus powers-that-be don't mind such as Fetzer presenting piece-meal tid-bits, as he does here, long as he and his info is kept conveniently marginalized and the people are kept distracted/diverted on any number of all the various idiotic things.

Don't under-estimate hubris and stupidity of humanity; they don't even begin to start to thinking till disaster is already upon them (as it actually is now), and we're already quite over-populated w. hubris-filled morons, scum, fools, and puke all working to make things even worse. So de-population might well be most appropriate thing to happen, everything considered.

---------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------

Emmanuel Goldstein October 22, 2015 at 8:15 AM

With all this evidence that Dr. Fetzer alludes to, why hasn't this evidence been presented to a court of law? Just askin' ;-)


Fetzer's Sublime Subversion, Gate-Keeping
(Apollonian, 22 Oct 15)

Thus u see, the real problem, regarding JFK, etc., is FAR MORE than the little tid-bits and details that Fetzer here and elsewhere brings up as we see, totally without CONTEXT.

The real problem is THE FULL CONTEXT of this tid-bit brought-up by Fetzer, who u'll note, is supposed to be a philosophical, who's capable, willing, and duly demonstrates the proper exposition of this large context, but who habitually and TYPICALLY FAILS for doing this for large context and proper philosophy.

Notice Fetzer keeps the focus LIMITED to mere details, tid-bits, and isolated items--totally against the proper method and way of truth, science, and investigation.

Thus the isolated details are sublimely MIS-REPRESENTED as they're placed OUT-OF-CONTEXT. For note 9/11, JFK, Sandy hoax, etc., are all just smaller pieces of a larger picture--the sad picture of an ENTIRE culture TOTALLY in control of criminals and larger, on-going criminal conspiracy who/which hold monopoly upon criminal enterprise known as central-banking (legalized COUNTERFEITING--see and for full expo).

Such diversionary mis-representation as Fetzer's is NO ACCIDENT, and is similar to fact that Al Capone, the 30s-era gangster, was mere henchman of the New York Jew gang led by Meyer Lansky, or that the Soviet murders of the Polish military "intelligentsia" was just one instance of mass-murder under the leadership of Stalin, who was subsidized by the Western Jew bankers, etc.

Thus is the exposition of Fetzer (purposely) incomplete, defective, lacking, subversive, and mis-leading as he fails for the basic job of CONTEXT which is precisely supposed to be his area of expertise--PHILOSOPHY, the study of CONTEXT and foundation(s) by definition. Such then is the method of Fetzer's habitual incompetence and subversion--too consistent to being mere accident.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What is satanic ZOG's OBVIOUS, next target?--must destroy free I-net, hence there MUST be war for cover/excuse, etc....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Given Ominous Trends, ZOG Cannot Allow Free Internet, Must Strike
(Apollonian, 20 Oct 15)

Thus "journalism" is perfect case-in-pt. for overall cultural "rationalization," monopolization, consolidation, journalism as itself a unit in the large process for ever-advancing one-world dictatorship--this all in accord w. the satanic program under-lying, central-banking dominating, continuing CYCLIC, Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

But then when we stop and look and analyze journalism itself as it affects all the various units, players, and entities within, it's same thing--satanistic lying, propaganda, psychologic programming, etc.

So Journalism is outstanding indicator for the effects of satanism (extreme subjectivism) internally and externally. And we see exactly and evermore WHO dominates--the foremost satanists, most organized and "connected," Jews and their close allies and cohorts, including homosexuals on the "left," and "rightist" neo-cons and "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo) pushing perpetual warfare, terrorism, etc.

Naturally then, these satanists CANNOT allow free market for the Internet spreading of truth and/or counter-message against the satanic program, for obvious reasons. Free internet is OBVIOUS next target, brilliantly vulnerable to such as EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) attack which will be done by ZOG itself, of course, and blamed on patriots and dissidents ("terrorists"). ZOG only needs pretext for war as in Ukraine, Syria, Iran, and w. China in the eastern Pacific area, etc.

What then can be done?--aside fm the old, real, and true Christian anti-semitism (truth vs Jew lies), there's Constitutional 10th amendment, sovereignty of states-rights, nullification of obvious satanic laws, primacy of local gov., and REAL, hence commodity-based money, gold/silver re-institution--and putting hitlery Clinton in jail where she belongs.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Corruption of journalism simply stock part of monopolization, "rationalization," of society, economy--due to legalized COUNTERFEITING of central-banking....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Corruption Of Journalism Part Of CYCLIC Western, Spenglerian "Decline"
(Apollonian, 19 Oct 15)

Prof. Tracy herein (see above ref.) traces the steady corruption and degeneration of the journalistic profession here in USA fm over the yrs., the profession now totally captured by the central-banking money-power (legalized COUNTERFEITING--see and for expo on US Federal Reserve Bank), journalism now simply psychologic treatment and propaganda programming of the mass-population.

Such then is CYLCIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler and "rationalization" process described by sociologist Max Weber, the economy in general, including journalism, becoming evermore MONOPOLIZED and consolidated under control of top criminal "banker" powers.

For the world is falling evermore under complete control of one-world, "big-brother" dictatorship of United Nations and its regional instruments. Other sectors of the economy also manifest this ever-greater monopolization and centralization, like "big pharma" now forcing toxic vaccines and drugs upon the people, laws now passed forcing the people to accept this toxic drugging and vaccine treatment.

Is this monopolization actually in accord w. "free enterprise" and "capitalism"?--how could it if, for example, laws are passed exempting the murderous corp.s fm law-suits? Thus the law is used to favor particular corp.s, the people forced, against their will, to accept these toxic vaccines, buying insurance, and taking poison drugs, including a great percentage of the school children.

Regulations are passed specifying features which must be part of every unit of manufacture sold, including air-bags and seat-belts for cars, among many other items, these mandates being increased practically every year--which always favor the old established corp.s, discriminating against the newer competitors trying to break into the market. Thus "free enterprise" is killed, the monopolization then given a "socialist," "welfare" style.

Thus dictatorship follows MONOPOLIZATION which necessarily follows the monopolization of the (fiat-) "money"-supply--what did the stupid people expect fm such central-banking legalized COUNTERFEITING? For if one can just print-up and -out nearly all the currency one wants or needs, HOW could one NOT end-up owning (monopolizing) EVERYTHING and every-body?--for even Ron Paul has to worry about assassination.

The "government"?--it's nothing but enforcement for the top monopolists, criminals, and COUNTERFEITERS. It's no problem for these criminals to control everything including the elections and politicians as they control the currency and can contribute overwhelming funds to "candidates" of their choice, ASIDE fm controlling the propaganda organs which they own. And then further, as last resort, if necessary, these monopolists control the electronic voting, totally rigged.

So the deliberate, controlled, strategic corruption of journalism--like anything and everything else--is mere function of ever-greater monopolization of all aspects of the culture and economy manipulated by these topmost COUNTERFEITERS.

And there's not much, unfortunately to be done to recover fm this necessary trend of CYCLIC "Decline of the West," anymore than hubristic madness of the people can be reversed. Like the raging forest-fire, people can only stand-back, hope to survive, and wait till the fire burns itself out.

Thus the inevitable hyper-inflation which destroys the currency is, tragically, the only turning-pt. which people can look forward to for opportunity to rise-up and revolt. But the criminals are prepared and anticipate even this "end-times" too. Thus Christian patriots must PREPARE even now, and be prepared, working to provide foundation for the future by observing the satanic culture and its weaknesses and how to counter-act. Don't forget the great Christian revolution of early 4th cent. led by St. Constantine the Great. Thus patriots always retain and have grounds for encouragement by remembering history.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fetzer's subversionary strategy: "limited hangout" for Jews, diversion upon mere details, ignore abstract, theory....

Below-copied first published at comments,

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Fetzer's Strategy: Diversion Upon Details, Ignore The Abstract, Theory, "Limited-Hangout"
(Apollonian, 18 Oct 15)

Indeed, we see, as the "strumpet," above (effectively--see below-copied) notes--there's practically NO DEFENSE being done for Fetzer and his gate-keeping and subversion--aside fm the laughable ad-hominem by the strumpet herself--simply attack the critics.

For even Fetzer wouldn't deny he's against anti-semitism, though he then lacks the honesty to admit he's therefore anti-Christ--for he doesn't want to get into Christianity and its allegorical meaning for simplest philosophy.

And that's the interesting thing about Fetzer's "limited-hangout" strategy for Jews. Fetzer, for all irony, actually has LOTS of Jews not terribly admiring of him, as for his holohoax "denial," and criticism of Israel, "zionism," and obvious MOSSAD activity in 9/11 and JFK--it's subtle "limited hangout" operation, indeed.

After that (above about "limited hangout" strategy for Jews), it gets pretty abstract for criticism of Fetzer's mis-representation for science and inductive logic regarding theorizing, ignoring central-banking and basic issue of money, and the mis-representation of ethics, leaving out Hobbes' and Locke's rational egoism--too few seem interested in these otherwise obscure subject-matters.

Fetzer figures it's easiest thing then to just leave-off w. any criticism or arguing regarding the more abstract issues. Fetzer's purpose is (a) sublime "limited-hangout" regarding Jews, and then (b) keeping the gentiles distracted/diverted upon mis-directed, narrow focus on details, items, tid-bits. (c) Meantime, and again, Fetzer's mystic, subjectivist "ethics" gives overall cover for Jews in general.

Overall though, one sees: Fetzer will not defend Christianity, pretending to ignorance and disdain for what he calls "religion." And hence Fetzer refuses to face-up to the plain satanic issue, pretending it's abstract enough for him to expediently ignore, providing minimal confusion/diversion for the basic ethical and philosophic issues, which then provides cover for his Jew clients.

So Fetzer figures it's most convenient to lay-low, say nothing, and allow such as the strumpet's ad-hominem to occupy attn. for counter-attacking and confusionary purposes. The abstract nature of things conspiratorial itself will exclude attn. for most. Fetzer is conducting subtle subversionary operations, intellect-styled and -oriented, after all.

-----------------above by ap generally in response to below-copied-------------

AnonymousOctober 18, 2015 at 2:13 PM

As you can plainly see, Asslickiuan...NO ONE gives a **** what you write. Mostly because no one cares to engage a pathetic old assclown who likes to masturbate all over the comment section of a blog he neither writes for nor has anything meaningful to contribute in the way of value. Go **** Yourself. Oh,'re apparently already so engaged. Ho ****ing Ho.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Just how Fetzer acts his role as subverter of, gate-keeper for thusly compromised "truth movement"....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Fetzer's Role, Place, Function As Subversive, Gate-Keeper
(Apollonian, 17 Oct 15)

Thus we see fm our accounting and detailing of Fetzer's numerous failings and defects his real place as subversive and gate-keeper for patriot "truth" movement: (a) he's limited hang-out, subtle and deep-cover for Jews and satanists (extreme subjectivists), pretending there are "good" Jews--like there are good satanists, psychopaths, and Christ-killers, which ostensibly might seem counter-intuitive as he debunks holohoax and criticizes zionists, neo-cons, and even admits MOSSAD involvement in 9/11, JFK, and attack on USS Liberty of 1967, etc.

But Fetzer, typical hack of establishment academia, always hastens to add that it doesn't mean there aren't "good" Jews.

(b) For Fetzer studiously avoids examination of the basic Jew Talmud which definitively characterizes very ESSENCE of Jews--subjectivism and hubristic making themselves co-equal w. God, Jews the ONLY PURPOSE OF GOD, God the abject servant of Jews, who does miracles for the Jews and God used as excuse for Judaic mass-murder, God having supposedly ordered Jews to kill every man, woman, and child, even the animals of the "Amalekites," euphemism for all gentiles and humanity. See for expo, also And don't talk about Jews of race who don't actively practice their satanic, Talmudic religion, for they ALWAYS defend and excuse their religiously-observant brethren and co-racialists. No decent human would admit they're "Jew"--anymore than saying they're psychopaths, satanists, or Christ-killers.

(c) Fetzer SUBVERTS and mis-represents the very scientific process itself, masking this w. his numerous, repetitive, long, boring, and tedious listings of various details, giving the impression he's being exhaustive and heeding the proper technique for considering ALL THE EVIDENCE--for Fetzer LEAVES OUT key details, despite his fraudulent manifestations pretending to proper science.

(d) For as noted, Fetzer strategically LEAVES OUT those necessary details about Jews and their Talmud, only selectively mentioning "zionists," neo-cons," etc. But further, Fetzer leaves out the most strategic detail of CENTRAL BANKING (legalized COUNTERFEITING) which makes everything else possible, practically/existentially. JFK, 9/11, and Sandy hoax COULD NOT have taken place without the lavish funding/financing of all the circumstances, including TOTAL control of the establishment mass-media covering things up and running numerous diversions against the people's proper focus and attn. (e) Another key detail is the simple nature and definition of MONEY. See and for expo on Federal Reserve Bank fraud.

(f) Fetzer serves satanists further by denigrating Christianity by over-looking, mis-representing (as mere "religion") and ignoring distinct Christian PHILOSOPHY which is contained within the literature and allegory.

(g) Thus Fetzer fails for proper science and INDUCTION regarding overall THEORY based upon details and observations, FAILING to note and identify the distinct and definitive satanic element and character entailing extreme subjectivism and hubris. It isn't just zionists and neo-cons, as this is a failure of incompleteness and insufficiency, FAILING to see to the ESSENCE, (extreme) subjectivism, and profound hubris--satanism.

Yet another note regarding fuller analysis of large satanist sociologic complex is important observation there are far more numerous satanist gentiles, but organized and effectively led by top Judaic/satanist masterminds, these including, on the so-called "left," the homosexuals (and sympathizers), perhaps 10% of the population, and even more numerous, the "Judeo-Christians" (JCs, also called "Christian zionists") on the pretended "right," these led by "neo-cons." For fullest expo on JCs, see and

(h) For note this satanism, easily verified and noted by many observers, is further confused by Fetzer's indulgence and partiality for SUBJECTIVISM, the basic premise of such satanism, given at the very foundation of philosophy, and excused and given pretext for Fetzer's fallacious "ethical" acceptance of "deontology" (Kant) and "utilitarianism" (Bentham), both of these founded in irrationalism, mysticism, and/or subjectivism.

(I) And this basic, fundamental anti-reason and mysticism for ethics and metaphysics by Fetzer is in addition to gross incompetence and ignorance of the rational egoism of Hobbes and Locke, whom Fetzer fails to even mention, and which egoism Fetzer mis-represents, for the typical incompetence and prejudice of establishment academics.

CONCLUSION: So we see Fetzer, the academic hack, and his practical effects for profoundly and sublimely subverting the truth movement in so many ways, acting as veritable gate-keeper, all of this whether Fetzer knows and admits it or not. For it's only typical if Fetzer genuinely believes in his Jew-serving mystic "ethics" and subjectivism which then acts to aiding and abetting the satanic (extreme subjectivism) enemy destroying the people, economy, and culture. For no less than the corrupt and satanic mass-media, so also does the corrupt, sublime, and satanist establishment "edjumacation" serve to divert, distract, mis-inform, deceive, and corrupt the perception, conception, information, and thus positive defensive activity of students and people, the people now stymied, confused and effectively crippled for self-defense and healthy, effective counter-activity.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Betrayers of church and people disguise their language in esoteric words/meanings--masonry--satanic, Jew-oriented and -led....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Christian Truth, Objectivity Vs. Satanist Lies, Subjectivity
(Apollonian, 16 Oct 15)

Thanks much for this expo on esoterica (see source, above)--which I found soooo abstract I had to go through it two or three times to get a solid grasp for what it all signifies (I think), the syncretism and disguised dialectic of two opposed ideals/principles/tenets, Christian TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew lies (JOHN 8:44). And we see it's the Christians and supposed ideal of truth making all the concessions and compromises as the Jews and satanists laugh triumphantly and maliciously.

Further, I note this abstract, obscure, and mysterious sort of dialectic and idiom (or lingo) is the language being used by the "Christian" traitors, posing as leaders, as they discuss and plan their betrayal of church and people to the satanists, led by Jews.

My solution is to free the people and church, much as possible, fm these traitors, and to doing this by means of straight-out philosophic analysis. Thus Christian TRUTH (= Christ) indicates the objective, Aristotelian (God-given, -created) reality, the necessary basis of, premise for truth (= Christ).

Satanic lies then are necessarily founded upon (extreme) subjectivism whence one hubristically makes oneself God, reality being merely what issues fm one's own consciousness/mentality.

The Jew version then is a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, the Jews submitting to a sublime leadership, highly organized and "connected" which creates then a sublime NETWORK of operators who, because of their great, integral unity and organization, are able to dominate far more numerous gentile subjectivists who tend to being more nihilistic and individualist--poorly organized in contrast.

The masonic institution then, is the interface btwn Jews and gentile subjectivists/satanists--the furthest for organization that any gentile can achieve. Hence naturally, the "church" leaders and traitors are part of this masonic complex, mere instrument to top satanists.

Of course, there still requires that necessary PRACTICAL instrument/mechanism of power and enforcement which comes fm legalized COUNTERFEITING, "central-banking" as of US Federal Reserve Bank (see and for expo), of the given culture/society's "currency" by which "financing" top satanists, hence Jews, end-up owning and controlling everything and everyone, those not willing to be influenced, manipulated, controlled, and commanded simply being eliminated as expedient.

Thus this satanist grip over the culture/society will only loosen as the currency and economy collapse, the people seeing their betrayal as they're despoiled and impoverished by debauched currency and hyper-inflation soon to be upon us w. negative interest rates. Ironically, people will only start being honest w. themselves and genuinely thinking about things as they SUFFER catastrophe, disease, and starvation, etc.

The only honest, real, and true Christianity is the depiction u describe fm the medieval cathedral sculpture (ck source), the Church forthrightly militant, un-compromising, and absolutely anti-semitic (anti-satanist). For Judaism = satanism, and if u're not anti-semitic, u're not Christian, PERIOD, Jews the natural leaders of satanism, Jews foremost subjectivists, most organized.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Jews: topmost criminals, masterminds, and "bankers," naturally dominate in CYCLIC, Spenglerian "Decline of the West"--too many stupid goyim....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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"Decline Of West," By Spengler Is What's Happening
(Apollonian, 9 Oct 15)

ALLLLLLLLLLLLL candidates, who are "serious," who expect to buy TV time and ads, to appear on all states' ballots, etc., are "pro-Israel," of necessity--EVERY single one, without a single exception whatsoever--why?--simple: u need MONEY, and only--ONLY--the Jews have money--ONLY the Jews, get it straight.

For ONLY the Jews control "central banking," literally legalized COUNTERFEITING (see and for expo on US Federal Reserve Bank). Thus Jews (but especially the top master-minds) control EVERYTHING, able to buy and own everything and everybody--even Ron Paul has to worry about assassination. And note even Rand Paul, pretending to being more pragmatic than his more principled dad, is seen wearing the stupid-looking little beanie cap and mumbling at the "wailing-wall" in Jerusalem.

Why do u think Jews are sooooooooo hated, throughout history?--they're top criminals, always, top "bankers."

And it's because the goyim are soooooooooo stupid, NEVER learning, NEVER grasping money must be commodity, gold/silver being best, FINITE in quantity, having "intrinsic value," etc.

And as long as people insist upon stupidity, they're going to be ruled by most ruthless criminals, most bald-faced LIARS (subjectivists), the Jews. And to relieve the people upon whom God sooo pitied, He sent his only begotten Son to teach the people anti-semitism, and necessity of HEEDING TO TRUTH above all things (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

Even STILL, folks, even those brought-up at least nominally "Christian," have greatest difficulty grasping such simple thing as Christian TRUTH, the only way to Godly happiness, truth thus founded necessarily upon the objective (Aristotelian) reality. Such is the basic Christian PHILOSOPHY within Christian literature and allegory, so difficult for sinful, hubristic humanity to grasp, the poor, pathetic, pitiful scum.

What are Jews?--they're the monstrous disease God sends down upon humanity to remove the over-populated excess which follows fm CYCLIC times and periods of "prosperity," "victory," and success as Western culture enjoyed fm Renaissance up to French Revolution.

For thus ensued "middle-class" ("bourgeois," according to Marx) moralism/Pharisaism and hubristic pretense to ethical "good," pretext for subjectivism and Jew lies, as of Bentham and esp. Immanuel Kant, thus socialist dictatorship and destruction of individual liberty, etc.

Now, here we are struggling soooo desperately against the Jew world order whence it seems there's still lots and lots of excess goyim to be exterminated yet, as w. "Agenda-21," toxic vaccines, poisoned GMO foods, and glyphosate insecticides. May the Lord have mercy.

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David Norton October 9, 2015 at 12:29 AM

Mr. Fetzer: Trump is 1000 percent pro-Israel. Big problem.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fetzer, Jew-sympathizer, defender, well-analyzed, in all truth and accuracy....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Fetzer PRECISELY, EXACTLY Analyzed, Evaluated
(Apollonian, 6 Oct 15)

Of course, above (see below-copied) by "activist strumpet" is just same old cheap ad-hominem drivel and lies.

I present most perfectly clear Inductive theory founded upon ALL THE FACTS, items, and details, unlike Fetzer, (a), and (b) I pt. out EXACTLY what Fetzer leaves out, and HOW his induction and theory are so lacking and deficient.

(c) I note exactly how and why Fetzer is subversive GATE-KEEPER, Fetzer using the tacit excuse he's sooooo ignorant--as of Christian PHILOSOPHY, not merely "religion"--philosophy perfectly discernible within Christian allegory and literature (d) which Fetzer deliberately overlooks and ignores, and further, (e) Fetzer overlooking/ignoring Jew satanism (extreme subjectivism) within their Talmud (see and for definitive Talmudic expo), (f) which subjectivism Fetzer actually endorses for his incompetent, half-baked, so-called "ethical theory," Fetzer the typical academic hack, thus giving cover for Jew conspirators, criminals, and psychopaths, Jews the natural leaders and master-minds, due to their organized COLLECTIVISM, of the satanic culture in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Q.E.D.

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

Activist AngelOctober 6, 2015 at 2:35 PM

As Dr. Fetzer mentions in his latest TV appearance in Seattle, the site that he posted these comments on has been taken down! I believe he may be right, his comments were so clear and well sourced that perhaps some of the celebrities themselves began to rethink and look at the evidence.
Great work Dr. Fetzer.

PS The fact that you attract nut jobs like Aspertame in your comments (unless he is a plant from you know who) shows you must have something worth trying to bury in BS.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Christianity must revive as basis of rational culture--hence ANTI-SEMITISM--get rid of them all; there's no "good" Jew....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Christianity Must Revive As Basis Of Rational Culture
(Apollonian, 4 Oct 15)

Well (see below-copied), u ought to take time to note that as long as the Jews, for one, were kept-down, suppressed for their criminality and satanism, gentiles and humanity prospered, Jews not understood as humans, humans deserving of rights, hence most conveniently treated as monsters (incorrigible criminals) they obviously are, they now prominently at the head of the horrific satanist waves presently prevailing.

And it's these Jews and their cohorts who/which must be treated and dealt-with.

Previously, Christianity, in general terms, was sufficient tool by which people were united against these Jew and criminal monsters. But Christianity became compromised and ineffective--dis-credited, even, around about the French Rev., we see, even though that dear Christianity continued to remain for a few yrs and even decades in USA--till the "Civil War."

Thus Christian anti-semitism seemed to GIVE WAY to a rationalist-styled moralism/Pharisaism of a sort, but which moralism/Pharisaism really wasn't so "rational," founded as it was in same old subjectivism--which subjectivism now veritably RAGES, as in form of satanism, an EXTREME form/manifestation of this basic subjectivism.

Thus as the large culture steadily fell-apart due to the compromised "rationalism" which was under-cut by the subjectivist moralism/Pharisaism, the Jews and their satanist cohorts advanced and gained evermore power--observe the dominance of the terror-state of Israel.

And the old rationalist economic system, founded upon HONEST money in form of gold/silver standard, gave way to the criminal enterprise we observe today, legalized COUNTERFEITING as of present, privately-owned US Federal Reserve Bank, along w. the other sister criminal institutions, the IMF, World Bank, B. of England, ECB, etc.

Thus Christianity must be revived for the up-standing WEAPON it provided against extreme subjectivism--SATANISM. Observe then, if only the basic monetary system could be reformed, the criminal master-minds would be effectively undone, their primary instrument dissolved.

But there's got to be something under-lying for culture to re-institute HONEST money: there's got to be a basic cultural HONESTY which used to prevail to such a great extent, a genuine rationalist ethical grasp--AGAINST subjectivism, root of this poison and putridity we now behold in form of raging, rampant satanism. Somehow, people have to regain the courage to be anti-semitic.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

AnonymousOct 4, 2015, 9:54:00 AM


Of course I am. I am one of the fat slobs basting in my own juices - and that makes it worse for me.

I do see it all happening. I never wanted to listen to "crackpots" like me who tried to point these things out in my younger years. Some handed me books to read, videos to watch etc... but I was so busy at work.

Now I'm older and have no other answers than to provide these brutal self examinations of what, in the end, is the destruction of everything I thought this country, and myself stood for.

Yes - I am an American - and I am one of those slobs basting as we turn our own military and police and propaganda inward onto ourselves.

You are absolutely right. The truth hurts - for me too.


Friday, October 2, 2015

satanism is only theme making sense for the large program entailing the various details about our corrupt culture in decline....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Simple Satanist Theme Lost In Gross FAILURE Of Fetzer For Philosophy, Induction, Analysis
(Apollonian, 2 Oct 15)

Anon, at 4:15 pm, above, Winfield (see below-copied), is absolutely right-on, and those are just SOME of the details providing basis for necessary INDUCTION for which induction Fetzer and other gate-keeping incompetents have FAILED so miserably and horrendously, as I've noted.

For observe the great SATANISTIC culture of corruption, dominated by central-banking (just literally legalized COUNTERFEITING, truly un-limited supply of currency--see and for expo on US Federal Reserve Bank).

And note satanism is precisely defined and discerned: EXTREME SUBJECTIVISM--and who are the leading, consummate subjectivists?--JEWS, and only Jews; see and for Talmudic expo.

Observe also, Chris Bollyn ( identifies Jews ("zionists") at every strategic pt. in great 9/11 conspiracy, for another example. Late Mike Collins Piper ("Final Judgment") also detailed place of Jews in the epochal JFK assassination.

Unfortunately, subversives and gate-keepers, exactly like academic hacks like Fetzer and James Tracey, continue to subvert and gate-keep the truth discovery process by "good Jew, bad Jew" game, pretending there are "good Jews" as if there are "good" psychopaths, good satanists, and good Christ-killers.

Thus within the evermore corrupt, hubristic, SUBJECTIVISTIC culture/society, Jews naturally rule and dominate as they're COLLECTIVISTIC, hence most united, organized, "connected" subjectivists--all-out SATANISTS, controlling, influencing, and manipulating the stupid, clueless, confused, "individualist" gentile morons, even though gentiles are more numerous.

Thus gentiles must embrace Christian TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44) founded necessarily upon OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, including then 10th amendment and emphasis upon state and local government. There are no "good" Jews--GET RID OF THEM ALL, along w. their sympathizers and defenders among gentiles--anti-Christ enemies, TRAITORS and heretics.

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Anonymous October 2, 2015 at 4:15 PM

Everyone should keep these points in mind: Both the Boston Bombing and Sandy Hook were totally fraudulent staged events as professor Fetzer and others have shown. Government was involved at the highest levels, possibly even the CIA in the planning. FBI was certainly involved in the deception and lying. Therefore, any events after these two must be assumed to be false flags unless the physical and forensic evidence and actual crime scene evidence show otherwise. Remember this: When government is involved in the lying and cheating, anything goes. They can and possibly do pay someone to "die" or get "killed". They could pay them off and let them begin a "new" life as these agencies do every day. They can easily dupe all the others at the school as they likely did by treating them like criminals. There are no true eye witnesses. No timely crime scene photographs showing gun fights or bullet holes in walls or blood or the dead shooter at the crime scene, nothing as usual and you can be sure there won't be anything either. Remember every thing was destroyed at Sandy Hook. Even the wrecking crew was sworn to secrecy with criminal penalties if they violated the promise. The stakes are high here. Government has pulled out all the stops. They are all pathological liars. They have unlimited money to carry out their evil agenda. Again, assume every subsequent event after Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing is a false flag unless proved otherwise with real physical proof, not hot air. Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics

GodSend October 2, 2015 at 4:45 PM

Right! - and the question is: WHY do these ALIEN idiots keep doing the same thing (staging shooting hoaxes with crisis actors) over and over again and expecting different results? (Einstein's definition of INSANITY). Or is it extreme chutzpah?!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Fetzer and shill squirming to cover-up, defend Jews....

Below-copied essays by ap first published at comments,

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Fetzer Is Miserable FAILURE, Subversive, And Gate-Keeper
(Apollonian, 1 Oct 15)

Fetzer has SERIOUS problems, for one thing, the failure of inductive logic for the large conspiracy entailing the top criminals who run the central-banking, legalized COUNTERFEITING scam(s) that dominate the world and have done so now for yrs and yrs and yrs.

This large conspiracy is plainly SATANIC--dominated by extreme subjectivist philosophy which Fetzer refuses to grasp or even acknowledge. And the satanism has been noted by many observers, as in the near-pornographic entertainment, esp. in "hip-hop" music, but also for the application and selective enforcement of legal treatment.

Fetzer also refuses to face-up to the philosophic/ethical aspects, limited as it might be, for Christianity and Jew Talmudism, Jews now absolutely dominant within the world, but especially in Western world, and esp. in USA.

Thus Fetzer, the academic hack, acts as GATE-KEEPER keeping attn. upon mere details and items, AWAY fm the larger aspects of cultural and philosophic significance, refusing and failing to pt.-out the absolute Jew dominance, NOT JUST "ZIONIST."

For heretofore the Christian culture, civilization, and PHILOSOPHY--which philosophy Fetzer refuses to grasp--has kept satanism at bay and relatively suppressed, much in same way Jews were suppressed, for Judaism is satanism, and Fetzer is gross incompetent and failure for this necessary and simple cultural analysis. So Fetzer is actually exposed as gate-keeper and subversive as he really is.

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Ed Perkins October 1, 2015 at 2:56 PM

Mr. Fetzer... Another excellent analysis, as all yours are.
As I've written a few times before about other articles you've written about the JFK assassination and other subjects, you're one of a very few who can evaluate the significance of a wide variety of evidence and you're one of only a few who can draw reasonable inferences - as opposed to scatterbrained inferences - and argue an issue logically and unemotionally.
I keep making this point in the hopes that others will pick up on the obvious clues. But my knowledge of human nature tells me it's not likely to happen.

------------------------------below-copied in response to ap's at top, above------------------------------------------------

GodSendOctober 1, 2015 at 5:17 PM

Jim Fetzer usually has his head buried so deep in scientific facts (aka trees) that he typically (intentionally or otherwise) fails to see the forest! A MAJOR problem with Jim Fetzer is that, as an agnostic, he is totally unaware of spiritual truth and fails to see the BIG PICTURE! The BIG PICTURE about 911, the Kennedy assassinations, the Wellstone and Forrestal, etc. "suicidings", is that ALL of them have a COMMON CAUSE: Israeli Zionist Slimeballs, working with their countless katzas and sayanim embedded in American society (and other countries), launching endless "False-Flag" ops to promote their ALIEN AGENDA to destroy America, the Human Habitat (311) and Humanity!

Jim Fetzer never heard of: "I know the blasphemy of THEM which say THEY are Jews and are not, but are the Synagogue of SATAN" (Revelation 2:9).

A BIG CLUE about the true origin and nature of Israel's Zionist leaders (since 1948) is their relentless persecution (GENOCIDE) and periodic ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian population in Israel (especially the GAZA GULAG), aka "mowing the lawn", freely employing American-supplied weapons such as white phosphor shells and cluster bombs against defenseless civilians! During the last "lawn mowing", THEY specifically targeted and slaughtered 500+ Palestinian children (among 5,000 or so other civilians). Only a PACK of CUNNING and COLD-BLOODED RAPTORS could do such a thing! Zionism=Nazism=Satanism! Jim Fetzer is clueless and speechless about the BIG PICTURE!

---------------------below-copied by ap in response to above-----------------

Jew Shills Pretend "Zionism" Is Diff. FM Judaism
(Apollonian, 1 Oct 15)

It's not just "zionism"--it's all Judaism, based on Pharisees, Talmud, and similar "midrash." See and It's Judaism and Jews, following their satanic Talmud which preaches war, murder, and slavery of gentiles--NOT JUST "ZIONISTS."

For regarding Philosophy, Christianity stands for TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the objective reality, against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44), not just "zionism," Judaism and Jew lies founded on subjectivism.

And eliminating ALL JEWS will take care of the "zionists," the easy, simple way of going about things. Jews = satanists = extreme subjectivism.

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GodSendOctober 1, 2015 at 6:35 PM

Read (assuming you can read with comprehension - a BIG assumption) Alan Hart's book: "Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews". Authentic Jews (mostly Hasidic Orthodox Jews) are not a threat to anyone. The vast majority of so-called "Jews" are nominal Jews only, who simply practice Jewish cultural traditions and don't know (or don't believe) the racist teachings of the Talmud. Most of them are descendants of Khazars - NOT authentic Jews. They are not a threat to anyone, either. Judaic Talmudist zealots are small in number and are not a threat to anyone, either. That only leaves the Zionist ISRAEL-FIRSTer fanatics (aka NEOCONS) who are not Jews but are the "Synagogue of SATAN". THEY LIVE - and are AGENTS of the ANCIENT ALIEN RACE of SATAN (referred to in Revelation 2:9). THEY are an existential threat to all of Humanity! THEY worship Satan, aka Lucifer, DRAGON, SERPENT and GREAT DECEIVER. Read (if you can) the Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview: "The Hidden Tyranny". Humanoid, reptilian critters who worship Satan (their natural "Father") CANNOT be Jews. A human Jewish Zionist is an oxymoron! You are blinded by irrational (mindless) hatred! True followers of Christ, who have been "born again from Above", do not suffer from blind, mindless hatred of "Jews"! That (most probably) makes you an imbecile, aka NUTCASE!

---------------below by ap in response to above-----------------------

There's No "Good" Jew, Anymore Than Good Satanist--Get Rid Of Them ALL
(Apollonian, 1 Oct 15)

Godsend: u're just a lying shill for Jews. Jews are followers of Talmud by definition ("Reform" Jews follow similar "midrash"). No decent human being would call themselves "Jew" any more than calling themselves satanist, psychopath, or Christ-killer.

Judaism must and will be exterminated, and humanity must record in history victory over satanism known as Jews.


[Apo commentary in below-copied text by "Godsend," capped, bracketed.]

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GodSend October 1, 2015 at 6:35 PM

"Read (assuming you can read with comprehension - a BIG assumption) Alan Hart's book: "Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews". [WHY NOT JUST SAY WHAT THE BOOK IS ABOUT AND SAYS--IF U REALLY READ IT URSELF AND KNOW WHAT IT SAYS?]

"Authentic Jews (mostly Hasidic Orthodox Jews) are not a threat to anyone. [U'RE JUST A LYING SHILL: JEWS FOLLOW THE SATANIC TALMUD WHICH TALMUD, WE NOTICE, U DON'T TALK ABOUT, DO U?]

"The vast majority of so-called "Jews" are nominal Jews only, [HOW COULD AN IGNORANT LIAR LIKE U KNOW THIS?]

"...who simply practice Jewish cultural traditions [YES, TALMUDIC WAR AGAINST GENTILES, INCLUDING MASS-MURDER AND LYING.]

"...and don't know (or don't believe) the racist teachings of the Talmud. [U'RE JUST A JEWWY LIAR, LYING FOR JEW MONSTERS AND MURDERERS.]


"They are not a threat to anyone, either. [U'RE A LIAR, LYING FOR UR FELLOW LIARS.]

"Judaic Talmudist zealots are small in number and are not a threat to anyone, either. [U'RE A LIAR, JUST LYING.]

"That only leaves the Zionist ISRAEL-FIRSTer fanatics (aka NEOCONS) who are not Jews but are the "Synagogue of SATAN". [THEY'RE JEW SATANISTS FOLLOWING THEIR SATANIC TEXT, THE TALMUD.]

"THEY LIVE - and are AGENTS of the ANCIENT ALIEN RACE of SATAN (referred to in Revelation 2:9). THEY are an existential threat to all of Humanity! THEY worship Satan, aka Lucifer, DRAGON, SERPENT and GREAT DECEIVER. Read (if you can) the Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview: "The Hidden Tyranny". Humanoid, reptilian critters who worship Satan (their natural "Father") CANNOT be Jews. [U DON'T EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE. "JEW," BY DEFINITION, FOLLOWS TALMUD--SEE and FOR EXPO.]

"A human Jewish Zionist is an oxymoron! [WELL, U'RE A LYING MORON, HO HO HO HO]

"You are blinded by irrational (mindless) hatred! True followers of Christ, who have been "born again from Above", do not suffer from blind, mindless hatred of "Jews"! [JEWS ARE LYING FOLLOWERS OF THEIR FATHER, SATAN--SEE GOSP. JOHN 8:44.]

"That (most probably) makes you an imbecile, aka NUTCASE! [U'RE A LIAR, SHILLING FOR JEWS.]