Friday, June 19, 2020

"Hate"?--"hate-speech"?--it's all just OPINION, suckers--the excuse/pretext stupid puke use to censor dissent....

Simple Msg For Stupid, Though Totally Psychopathic Satanists
(Apollonian, 19 Jun 20)

Hello, u scummy, stinking filth (whom many, many absolutely HATE, for obvious reasons--and which is going to turn out for ur eventual regret [to put things mildly, suckers], ho ho ho ho oho):

Well, u stinking puke, u'll note I've delayed my response to ur msg, copied below, till I consider I've thought-up a neat, appropriate reply, eh?

First of all, (a) u're just a bunch of scummy criminals, monopolists and frauds, taking gov. funds (fm tax-payers) to have achieved ur monopoly--and additionally, (b) u preach a putrid, moronic, self-serving "philosophy," such as it is, by which u intend to ILLEGALLY CENSOR a good number of those tax-payers u defrauded to make ur putrid monopoly--all this in order to push and establish ur stinking, filthy, genocidal (following ur leader, Bill Gates, no doubt) New World Order (NWO) dictatorship, following ur present illegal monopoly by which u illegally censor the readership.

And the crux to ur excuse for illegal censorship, regarding "hate" and "hate-speech" is simple: IT'S ALL JUST UR OPINION, u poor, brainless scum. In a way, we're lucky u're soooooo amazingly stupid, u can't figure it out.

WHO do u think u're fooling, suckers?--can't u figure-out people grasp exactly what u're about for ur criminal delusions and conspiracies? U may think u're soooooo "smart" and "virtuous" (ho ho ho ho ho), but u're actually just idiotically stupid, which MOST people can easily see. "Hate" and "hate-speech"?--most anyone can see ur obvious (self-righteous) idiocy--but u think u're "smart," hoh o ho ho ho oho ho.

U just don't like opinions that don't go along w. ur idiot NWO delusions, so u call it "hate," and use that as excuse for ur illegal censorship. And why wouldn't rational people HATE criminal, genocidal puke like u?--it's only rational thing to do, in all truth and reality.

So and thus, we the people are being censored simply for being rational and hating scummy, criminal, self-righteous puke like u. "Pay-backs" are fearsome thing, scum--but stupid puke like u never learn.

So that's why u're doomed, suckers--U'RE STUPID PUKE (a) who additionally (b) think u're going to get away w. ur criminal conspiracies. And hatred will indeed, as it should, be good part of the psychologic fuel to dealing w. u in way of "final solution" for u stinking, self-righteous, moronic filth which u so richly deserve. Sincerely, A.

----------------above by ap in response to below-copied fm Jew-tube-----------

On Thursday, June 4, 2020, 02:36:07 PM CDT, YouTube Accounts <> wrote:


Thank you for contacting us. We have carefully reviewed your account appeal.

Your account has been terminated due to repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines on Hate Speech. Although YouTube is a platform for expression of all kinds, our Community Guidelines prohibit speech that promotes hatred or violence towards certain groups or individuals. For more information, please visit our Help Center.

We have decided to keep your account suspended. You won’t be able to access or create any other YouTube accounts. For more information about account terminations, please visit our Help Center.

The YouTube Team