Monday, August 22, 2016

Hoffman: satanist tool, heretic, demented moralist, advocate for, defender of Jew monsters conducting war against humanity....

Below-copied essay by ap submitted, but perhaps not to be published (ho ho ho), at comments,

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Hoffman: Advocate For Jews, Enemy Of Humanity, Truth, Justice, Etc.
(Apollonian, 22 Aug 16)

Hoffman: u're simply a coward, liar, and satanic traitor--who, in my opinion, should be removed, as I say, along w. all other enemies of humanity which is what Jews are, Jews the collectivist, satanistic leaders, as u demonstrate in ur exposition of their filthy, satanic religion. So what's ur problem?

So the Jews conduct warfare against humanity, as their Talmud directs, as u demonstrate. But now u tell us that we must not defend ourselves in the appropriate manner--warfare, specifically the just war in perfect accord w. reason, thus Holy Spirit, and proper Christian principles.

U Hoffman are opposed to TRUTH, hence reason and the Holy Spirit by which truth is grasped, thus the necessity of successful, prospective defensive warfare against Jew monsters. U're simply a traitor upon grounds of ur psychotic "good-will" excuse and delusion.

And liar and heretic (Pelagianist) as u are, u refuse the proper necessity of hatred of the murderous enemy of what one loves (TRUTH = Christ, for the Christian, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). And if u cannot hate, then u cannot love, the mere reciprocal emotion. Hoffman: u're enemy of truth (= Christ), reason, justice, reality, logic, and civilization, and u MUST be removed along w. ur Jew mentors, fm whom u take instructions as we see.

---------------above by ap in response to below by Hoffman------------------------------------

Michael Hoffman said...
To Mr. Blomstrom

In your video you are setting up a category of “Jews” to hate. Who wants to do that? How could such a thing have any appeal to people of good will? You’re rendering yourself a qualified Jew hater. God help us.

You write, “The Germans did persecute the Jews - and for good reason.”

That’s disgusting. You’re defaming the German people by equating them with the National Socialists and their persecution of human beings labeled “Jews.”

I am opposed to the persecution of any human being. Criminals can be tried and convicted of rape, murder, robbery, kidnapping etc. and stand trial with equal rights before the law — Judaic criminals as well as non-Judaic. But persecution? It's an antediluvian relic of troglodyte provenance.

Let’s work for Truth and Justice in Palestine, and with regard to the authentic history of Communism and National Socialism, without resorting to hatred and persecution, which are attitudes of the rabbis, and not of a Christian people working for a better, more positive future.
4:47 PM

-------------------------above by Hoffman in response to below-copied------------------------

David Blomstrom said...
Though I've been a political activist for two decades, I wasn't really tuned in to all this Holohoax stuff until last year. However, I hit the ground running and am now proud to call myself a Holocaust questioner. I think the Germans did persecute the Jews - and for good reason - but, like so many other people, I don't agree with all the details of the official account(s).

In the meantime, there are ways to fight back, and they aren't limited to the BDS movement. Check out my Jewarchy video @ and help spread the word.

David Blomstrom
4:12 PM

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Warfare requires contempt, hatred of the enemy who is trying to kill u, which is simple justice, most appropriate, BUT ALSO NECESSARY for successful prospects....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but probably not to be published, at comments,

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Hoffman Cannot Withhold His Hatred For Justice
(Apollonian, 18 Aug 16)

Hoffman: showing contempt for the enemy who is attempting to exterminate u is NECESSARY war measure, most appropriate as u demonstrate by ur own analysis and exposition of their Talmud which is nothing less than war program against humanity, God, reality, truth, reason, civilization, etc. Contempt then is not only appropriate and just, it's necessary in the obligatory war effort. And of course, we see once again u're here defending the enemy trying to murder the people, pretending thereby that u're "moral," evidently.

Hoffman, truly, it's TRAITORS like u who are just as responsible as the Jew monsters themselves for the destruction wrought upon oppressed humanity as we see. And in order to remove these Jew monsters, we see it's necessary to remove traitors like urself along w. the Judeo-Christian heretics and traitors, free-masons, homosexuals, et al.

And once again, we see u demonstrate worst enemy of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is such as ur phony "moralism" and monstrous idea of "good," the typical Pharisaic, not to mention heretic (Pelagianism). What a joke u really are.

------------above by ap in response to below-copied by Hoffman------------

Michael Hoffman said...

Why do you write “jews” in the lower case? To show your contempt for an entire people? How does this help Mr. Irving, or anything else?

Second, Irving has won very little unless his supporters become as active as his highly energetic detractors.
9:40 PM

---------------above by Hoffman in response to below-copied---------------

Cartier McCloud said...

I went to the trailer and left my 10 cents (inflation, don't cha know) about jews.

Irving won a long time ago, we just have to keep carrying the torch.
7:33 PM

Friday, August 12, 2016

Military strategy, etc., requires and is absolutely built-upon OBSERVATIONS, never doubt, never forget....

Below-copied dialectic first published at comments,

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Anti-Satanism REQUIRES Observations No Less Than Any Science
(Apollonian, 12 Aug 16)

Not at all comrade (see below-copied): remember, all science and scientific anti-satanism and anti-semitism (which is what our poor culture and people DESPERATELY need) absolutely requires cogent OBSERVATIONS as urs, which cannot be gain-said. It's absolutely NECESSARY for observations as urs, never doubt.

I myself tend to cite St. Paul, "no one is perfect in the eyes of the Lord, no, not one," and also St. Augustine vs. Pelagius, pt-ing out that pretending to "good" is simple heresy of Pelagianism, further then citing Martin Luther vs. Erasmus and the "vatican" (I was born and raised Catholic).

The basic philosophy follows thus: if Christ = truth, then it affirms the OBJECTIVE (God-given) reality, and objectivity necessarily renders determinism, absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will (humans being sinners, incapable of not so being), hence no "good-evil." Thus Jews aren't "evil"; rather simply a satanic, anti-human disease of hubris, function of CYCLIC hist.

Jews actually fulfill a legitimate biologic function, eliminating the weaklings, in all truth. Thanks again for all ur commentary, never doubt--we absolutely need excellent, honest Christians like u, brother, never doubt.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Anonymous August 12, 2016 at 3:34 PM

I can't and would not even think to argue(or stain) that perfect summary ,in so few words you get your point across,it's beautiful.
My own personal mission since about 1998 is whenever i get some judeo-christian who thinks they are good,(you know the type,they say "i like to think of myself as a good person") Iam on it real fast. "you think your GOOD?, So you are calling Jesus a liar" ,Jesus said "there is none good ,but my father in heaven" Matt,Mk,Luke
Yes jews and satanists have, and are feeding on the british hubris buy inflating them with British Israelism, just one example of many.
I hope i am not staining your blog, If i should not move forward in seating,just tell me to sit back further.

--------------------------above in response to below-copied------------------

apsterian August 12, 2016 at 12:32 AM

Well, yes, but remember Jews and satanists are just a disease, like typhus or plague, which couldn't have ever taken-hold UNLESS the conditions were there and ripe. Jews and satanists simply feed upon the HUBRIS of the suckers among goyim, etc. Jews are they who PROFIT fm human stupidity. Jews and satanists fulfill a biologic function--elimination of the weaklings.

So if u look at it all strictly scientifically, u can see easily how it all works for the role of lies and propaganda--all built upon subjectivism, hubris, and esp. moralism, the inferiority-complex of the weaklings and suckers who have this urge to "prove" themselves to be "good." There are now just too many of these scum, esp. the Judeo-Christian heretics, and Jews want to make sure they make most fm it all.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Christian soldiers only need to fully expose satanic program and psy-ops being pushed....

satanism: Fully Exposed--The Anti-Dote And Solution
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 16)

Note in my article at I explain how the satanists have the up-coming election rigged, and they don't care that the people know it. Satanists are determined hitlery is going to "win" the election, no matter what. And of course, there's yet another thing, that being these satanists are perfectly prepared to assassinate Trump if it becomes necessary in their psychotic minds.

Further, I pt. out how satanists want to use this rigging and cheating by way of demoralizing the people, the people knowing the rigging in happening, yet so many not feeling they're capable to doing anything about it.

But of course, things CAN BE DONE against this satanism, rigging, and cheating, and it must start in the churches at the very grass-roots. People must understand what Christianity is really all about--worship of TRUTH (= Christ), the only way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14: 6). Thus Christians must explicitly understand for the people, and teach the people exactly what anti-Christ satanism is, satanists led by Jews, foremost liars (JOHN 8:44), Jews denying there's such thing as truth, even in face of Christ's (= truth) resurrection--u can't kill truth--anymore than u can kill reality.

For truth exists because it reflects the objective (God-given) reality, Jews denying an objective reality exists, God being their slave who does miracles for them, killing the first-born of the Egyptians at Passover, for example. Thus as there's no objective reality, it must be subjective, and for Jews, it's a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, Jews then most cohesive and organized of all satanists and criminals, satanism being the most extreme subjectivism, hence hubris, one making oneself God, reality emanating fm one's mentality/consciousness. See for best expo on Jew Talmudism and subjectivism.

And of course, the problem is so many "Christians" don't really understand Christianity for the primary ideal and principle of truth, so many, for example, pretending it's about "love," or "faith," or "peace" at any price. But nothing is possible for love or peace or anything without TRUTH above all, leading, ruling, and beginning everything and anything else.

Such then is proper Christian militarization, beginning w. church and mentality, knowing and understanding things properly, most incisively, beginning w. truth (= Christ), only way to Godly happiness. Truth = Christ, which resurrects and cannot be killed, as it is founded in that God-given, hence objective reality. Satanism is (extreme) subjectivism, founded in lies, Jews the leading satanists as they're most organized and collectivist.

Thus note the satanists only stop short of admitting their satanic program, for the analysis as above would follow. And satanists don't want the people to understanding the essence of satanism, that extreme subjectivism, Jews most organized and collectivist.