Friday, April 27, 2018

Hoffman: cheap Pharisaic, pretending to "good," suffering inferiority-complex, serving satanism....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...rowing-in.html

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Hoffman: Mere Advocate Of satanism, Subjectivism, and Non-Existent "Good," Worst Enemy Of Truth (= Christ)
(Apollonian, 27 Apr 18)

What?--"Chris Strenta," above (ck link), says Hoffman is "conscience of internet"?--ho ho ho ho. Hoffman is NOTHING but ignorant, un-informed, self-righteous moralistic, just ANOTHER pretentious Pharisaic who lies, pretending "usury" is (a) charging of interest on loans, (b) this charging of interest then being MORTAL sin.

So u see right off Hoffman isn't even a decent, adequate researcher who can properly define his terms, like "usury"--a basic, simple fault demonstrating Hoffman's utter incompetence, but serving his purpose to pretending to righteousness and "morality," hoh o ho ho.

Note Hoffman is so grossly ignorant of simple economics, and money and banking, not understanding what's diff. btwn money and currency, for just one example.

And observe further, Hoffman isn't even capable of saying why and how lending at interest would or should be "sin." Hoffman merely says, "the Bible says so!" ho ho ho ho. Thus one sees the moronic mindlessness of Pharisaic Hoffman, pretending to being "conscience of internet."

Hoffman features an ad regarding "truth mission," but this is gross miserable lie, as Hoffman is NOTHING but Pharisaic on a moralism "mission," that's all, pushing his endless inferiority-complex, obsessed w. being, pretending, and appearing "good," which "good" doesn't and couldn't exist in an objective reality, such objectivity being basis of the real TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) in accord w. absolute will of God, hence absolute cause-effect, etc.

So in this sinful world of war of truth vs. lies and satanism, note Hoffman is advocate of lying, Pharisaism, and "good," such non-existent "good" the worst enemy of truth (= Christ), pretext for subjectivism, extreme subjectivism then the method of satanism, the God-like manufacturing of a false reality (supposedly created by consciousness/mentality) in which monsters and Pharisaists like Hoffman pretend they're "good," certainly not interested in the least about TRUTH (= Christ).

Sunday, April 22, 2018

"Al Ellis" (probably a Jew), perfect example of basic problem, sociologic, psychologic....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...s-against.html

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Pharisaism Like "Al Ellis's" Is Root Problem--HUBRIS
(Apollonian, 22 Apr 18)

Hey "Al Ellis" (see below-copied): didja' know there's no such thing as "evil"?--or "good"?--it's only ignorant little children who are taught this moronic crap and lower intelligence fools, like urself, we see, filled w. Pharisaic self-righteousness, continue to believe, ho ho ho ho. For EVERYTHING of nature necessarily follows the will of God in accord w. absolute cause-effect. But the world becomes and is filled w. unctuous, sanctimonious people like urself (and Mike Hoffman)--AND THAT'S THE WHOLE PROBLEM--HUBRIS, first grasped by the Greeks and carried on in Christian philosophy contained in New Test. literature.

Thus CYCLIC history, in accord w. "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, is the story of civilizations arising w. honest farmers who disdain moronic "good-evil" and Pharisaic self-righteousness, and who become, mostly by luck and grace of God, like the Romans, for classic example, successful and victorious in war, and eventually "prosperous" in economics, dealing in real money, like gold-silver.

But in CYCLIC fashion following generations become evermore corrupt and self-righteous like urself and Mike Hoffman--and OVER-POPULATED--there are just too many fools, suckers, goons, dupes, and scum, and now these need to be . . . removed, somehow--but always, in the end, by means of warfare.

How ignorant are u, "Al Ellis"?--well, simply observe that in entire history of the world, philosophy, and ethics, there's NEVER been any solid, substantial criterion for "good-evil" that has ever worked or been proven--it's TOTALLY subjective product of childish, inferior mentalities, just like urs and Hoffman's.

Thus the satanists, who preach a perfectly "free" God-like will ("do what thou wilt"), who teach that consciousness/mentality CREATES reality--extreme SUBJECTIVISM--grow evermore numerous and organized, the Jews, preaching "midrash" (interpretation--see,, and, being the all-time, classic, and notorious leaders of such satanism combined w. collectivism, inexorably take control by means of warfare and in-fighting among the people as we see fm history in general and especially recent history.

And the satanists accomplish all this, ultimately, by the practical means of CENTRAL-BANKING (see for expo, use their search-engine) which is actually just legalized counterfeiting, LITERALLY--like we have now w. intrinsically worthless Fed. Reserve Notes.

Such then is the sad and TRAGIC human condition of sin, hubris, and self-righteousness, as urs and Mike Hoffman's sort, and even if we in this cursed generation can effect another Christian revolution as St. Constantine the Great, the CYCLIC hist. and nature will continue, the satanists and subjectivists always the problem which lurks and waits, then arises to dominance, beginning and ending in "end-times" as described for us in "Book of Revelations."

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Al Ellis said...

MY FEAR last weekend was not that World War III would break out, but that the LEGAL Syrian government and Russian servicemembers who are aiding Syria LEGALLY, would be annihilated. Thankfully, for now at least, the Russian presence has provided enough deterrent to give pause to the CRIMINAL Amurderclown assault, which "only" was a "limited" state-terror bombing, which if it happened to Amurderca or Isra-hell, would be cause for a no holds barred counter-attack and/or life imprisonment for the perp. MY HOPE is that the dollar and stock market crash*, and that the political warfare between pro and anti-Trump factions in the ruling class and the state breaks out into armed civil war. This would be a good thing for much of the rest of the world, for if Amurderca self-annihilates, it will not be destroying nations and killing innocent people overseas.

* A dollar collapse could be initiated by China. The Chinese government is perhaps the most evil government on earth. As Mike has pointed out,
the Old Testament in several passages documents where nations more evil than ancient Israel had brought Israel to grief.
6:49 AM

Thursday, April 19, 2018

"Deep state" is a loser, losing now at every turn--they're cooked--BUT they still hope for false-flag, war, and hence MUST consider assassination of Pres....

"Deep State" Is Fatally Wounded, Needs War, False-Flag--Assassination Of Pres.
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 18)

"Deep State," featuring world gov.-dictatorship is fatally wounded--OBVIOUSLY--for everyone sees now hitlery Clinton is guilty as sin for the e-mail scandal on private, un-authorized, un-protected server, mis-handing classified info, deleting 30,000 e-mails AFTER the court-order to preserve and hand them over, not to mention all the other scandals, the Clinton foundation, and the Uranium One deal, bribery, etc.--again, aside fm all the others too.

THEN there's the FBI/DOJ scandal, including Obola, Holder, Lynch, Comey, deliberately obstructing justice on hitlery investigation, including McCabe and others of FBI. And there are many OTHER scandals now including state of California "sanctuary" policies repudiated by the local gov.s, cities and counties. And NONE of the deep-state office holders are in office legitimately due to vote-rigging.

So "deep state" urgently needs some serious warfare, turmoil, and terror, hence a false-flag--like assassination of Trump to be blamed on Iran, musselmen, and perhaps China and Russia.

But the stupid goons--"the people"--of Jew S A must be served for the CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler and the satanification of the culture, satanism founded in extreme subjectivism, concoction of one's own reality, making oneself God--and it all begins w. moralism and psychotic insistence of "good-evil," etc.

So the false-flag activity will continue, and Trump will be betrayed by the "neo-con" "good-Jews" faction he now imagine he "leads," the fool. For the Jews and Israel are behind it all, Jews the topmost, foremost satanists (subjectivists) as they're most collectivist, "connected," organized, collective subjectivism and "group-think" being most effective--esp. within circumstances of so many over-populated fools, goons, morons, suckers, and self-righteous scum who desperately "beleeeeeeeeeeev" so much, so hard, in "moral-virtue," "free-will," etc.

So that's the long and short of it: the "culture" has degenerated into such satanic state, leading satanists must foment warfare, trying to manipulate false-flags, the ultimate one being assassination of Pres., surely, if not something worse, whatever that might be, leading to war, thus muddying proverbial "waters" by which they, "deep-state" and Jews, make their get-away, much as possible.

And the ONLY sure anti-dote to this satanism is the REAL Christianity, esp. rationalism, worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), etc., hence anti-semitism and anti-satanism (anti-lies, Gosp. JOHN 8:44), war against lies and satanism/subjectivism, though, regardless and con-currently, things economic and political must get worse and evermore worse to simply getting the fools and scum to thinking, much as that's possible, however difficult. At some pt. "bread and circuses" must cease and the accursed people, minus the casualties, however many, will sink-or-swim.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

The satanic society--is the sociopathic society--w. too many over-populated goons, suckers, scum, etc....

Doesn't satanic Society Produce Sociopaths?
(Apollonian, 15 Apr 18)

According to the determinist nature (cause-effect) and CYCLIC theory of Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," the prominence and dominance of top satanists and hence, Jews, in the society merely indicates over-population, the satanists here now to kill-off and exterminate the excess scum, filth, goons, morons, suckers, and puke--called "the people."

For note these satanists and Jews couldn't possibly do or accomplish anything, as they've done, without the willing help and co-operation of the scum of society, society having become soooo satanic ("liberal").

And NOTHING will happen to alleviate the horror and horrible satanism without continuing and sustained disasters and catastrophes--lots of scum and puke have to die and be killed, etc.--in order for the rest of the population to see, observe, perceive, and realize, "hey, we're in trouble--there are too many Jews and satanists." But then, and again, note u couldn't have one without the other, Jews and satanists (a), AND (b) the over-populated scum, filth, puke, suckers, filth, et al., who sustain the satanists and satanism.

So people have to realize and face-up to the hard fact(s)--(a) it's a satanic society, w. too many satanists and too much satanism, which all such satanism is actually a death-cult (which is actually all-too confirmed by simple observation).

(b) Next hard fact is satanism is extreme subjectivism, the idea consciousness creates reality. (c) And finally, most effective, practical subjectivism/satanism is the COLLECTIVISTIC, "group-think" sort by which the subjectivists/satanists all co-operate upon a common program (or criminal enterprise)--like central-banking, for foremost example--see for expo on this central-banking criminal enterprise which is just legalized counterfeiting, which (d) the brainless scummy goons who over-populate the society refuse to face--u can't have INFINITE "money" (it's actually CURRENCY, not real money).

So the society has to SUFFER before the over-populated goons, morons, fools, and scum even begin to realizing there's something seriously wrong--this is the tragedy. Many, or at least SOME, of the over-populated puke somehow have to be removed, offed, eliminated--it has to happen one way or another. Continuing to feed the scum "bread and circuses" only makes the problem worse.

Thus the real sociopaths work to continue in satanism, etc., the "bread and circuses," and they call the anti-satanists, anti-Christs, and anti-semites "sociopathic" (and "racists," which racism is all merely in line w. orginal 5th of Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (race)"). So it is in the Orwellian, topsy-turvy, satanic stage of "Decline of the West."

Thus the satanists and Jews steadily, intensively practice CENSORSHIP, as we see w. Google, Jew-tube, and Jew-book--they don't want the goons, morons, and scum to imagine there's anything wrong, u see?

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Basic principles remain the same, and there's very little that's "new" under the sun, truly....

Political Principle Regarding "Globalism" EXACTLY, PRECISELY Same As 1860s, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 5 Apr 18)

Observe the present battle btwn "nationalism" vs. one-world gov. ("globalism")--its crux is PRECISELY the very same, identical principle of the 1860s war btwn the northern and southern states of the old USA.

In analysis of things then, we see the logic of reduction-ad-absurdum for socialism and world gov.--THEY WANT ALL POWER BECAUSE THEY WANT TO KILL THE PEOPLE--"de-population" of Agendas -21 and -2030. And the proof is in the over-whelming power of the corp.s which do the actual mass-murdering--by "slow-kill" method, perhaps, but still it's being done without slightest doubt--by means of the poison drugs and vaccines, the poison weed-killer ("glyphosate"), GMO food, the poison "chem-trails," including the toxic radiation, nuke and electro-magnetic, etc.

But what happened that the people of north (in 1860s) went ahead to mass-murdering of their fellow citizens of sister states? Well, I suspect the mass-murder was justified for the economic wealth that was produced which the people imagined would be enhanced by the usurpation and expansion of the central, fed. gov.--even if it all required a little mass-murder.

For note the cause of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) was victim of the hubris of supposed wealth-creation of the time (1860s). Thus rule-of-law and Constitution took second place to the usual "morality" of false and non-existent "good-evil." "States rights" and state's sovereignty were not appreciated and understood well enough in 1799 when Jefferson and Madison published the famous resolutions, nor in 1832 when S. Carolina published and passed its nullification, etc.

The nationalists-consolidationists led by Justice Story, Sen.s Webster and Clay, then the veritable psychopaths, Andrew Jackson, followed by Lincoln were able to get-by w. the abomination of "sovereignty" of the people of all the states as a whole, hence the union, when it was palpable nonsense, the states NEVER giving-up sovereignty, which sovereignty is inalienable, only delegating "POWERS" to the union, the union being the creation and servant of the states, states acting as agents for their people, people of the states being the only sovereigns.

But again, as I noted, the conflict of ideology is now reduced to absurdity, the omnipotent state working for its only purpose of SATANIST death-cult and exterminating and mass-murder of the people--which is actually happening, the consolidationists being outright satanists as we see, working for genocide of the people which "improves the environment," according to David Hogg (see.