Friday, January 22, 2016

Inflation is actually COUNTERFEITING, literally, but covered in legality, the people confused by means of "big-lie" technique....

Below-copied essays by ap first published at comments,

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The Real Nature And Consequences Of The "Problem"--The "Big Lie"
(Apollonian, 22 Jan 16)

"This is a short video [on the US Fed] - why is there not more serious discussion of this matter on the telescreen?

"Who owns your TeeVee stations? Why do they not explain this to the public if it is such a serious problem?" -JR

Well JR, it's (inflation) "serious problem" ONLY for the people--NOT the topmost satanic bankster master-minds--they profit. Thus u see, inflation is an effective TAX which devalues the dollars sitting in the people's wallets and bank-accounts--that's "problem" for the poor suckers among the people being (effectively) taxed and expropriated, NOT a problem for the satanists and Jews at the top.

It's (inflation is) legalized counterfeiting, JR--LITERALLY--but the poor saps among the goyim morons, who are now so over-populated among the "citizenry," think this is mere exaggeration--"it's not really 'counterfeiting,'" they're told and tell themselves.

It's how the "BIG-LIE" operates, this legalized counterfeiting gets by BECAUSE the goons refuse to believe that's exactly what it is--"it's GOT to be more complicated," they say to themselves and thus fool themselves into believing.

And now the big come-uppance is upon us, JR--US Dollar (especially the "petro-dollar") is going to lose over half its value--SOON (petro-dollar will be ended entirely). The great post-WWII economic boom for Jew S A is OVER, gone, pooof, FOREVER. Get a clue, buddy. God help us all.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

"Climate-change"?--actually, quite a pathetic joke....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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"Epistemology" Merely One Of Many Un-Persuasive Circumstances For "Climate-Change"
(Apollonian, 21 Jan 16)

Of course ur specific mathematical-type arguments make excellent sense. But further, making use of inductive logic, note we also understand other things too:

(a) Aside fm the bullying and hysteria, note the climate-change alarmists are KNOWN LIARS, criminals, psychopaths, and fascists, esp. given all the circumstances, their full agenda also known, including "agenda-21" pretext for socialist-style dictatorship, and including pop. reduction.

(b) We also know their data itself is extremely questionable, to say the least, it known the alarmists deliberately skewed their measurements, favoring hot-spots for many of their readings and recordings--they're frauds in everything about them.

(c) And the alarmists like to flaunt blatant stupidity in form of known fallacies, esp. "appeal to authority," as by saying 95% of accredited climatologists say such and such..., etc. Such fallacious arguing is simply insulting one's intelligence.

(d) The proposed "solutions" are obvious boondoggles--yet more fraud and insulting the intelligence.

So normal, rational, healthy people naturally reject the climate hysterics, the ONLY people who go along being the very most disgusting, metro-sexual, politically-correct sort--the sociopaths. And remember, these sociopathic sort who are organized and agitating so actively are only animated to extent they're subsidized by the central-banking pay-offs and bribery they get and which will cease when and as the present economic collapse continues to worsen to full-out currency-collapse. Then, and it's coming soon, the climate-change lies will be utterly forgotten as people struggle simply for food, water, and shelter.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

People and psychology need to be appraised in context of CYCLIC course of history....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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People Are Lazy--No Less Than JR
(Apollonian, 20 Jan 16)

Jews-media is NOT NOT NOT "public enemy no. 1"--why?--because Jews-media is mere appendage, reflective, and symptomatic of something more basic, the fiat-currency system of legalized COUNTERFEITING, literally.

So as long as u have the corrupt and fraudulent fiat currency system nothing will change, including Jews-media. Jews-media will simply keep pumping-out same sort of lies and lying to maintain the currency system which benefits criminals at the top.

U may as well say, "what's problem?--answer: it's too much stupidity."

Too many folks cannot figure-out what's money--it must be commodity (having its own exchange value on market), LIMITED, not infinite, in quantity. Hence the best, for practical purposes, for monetary standard is gold/silver--always has been.

Regarding people, remember MOST folks are always in the "middle"--they don't know too much about anything--they rely upon leadership supplied fm one of the polar ends for any issue.

So the way things typically go in the CYCLIC course of things is that people, esp. after the culture/economy has reached victory, "prosperity" and matured, have become hubristic and BELIEVE IN LIES--they're NOT realistic and honest. Like children, people can always be relied on to do what Jews-media persuades them is "good." "Good" is the cheap religion and opiate of the people.

The original pioneer, founder generations who were truly brave, heroic, productive, and honest give way to an over-populated generation of spoiled brats who indulge in Pharisaism and moralist "good-evil." All they want is "bread and circuses."

Thus the media will always REFLECT the intelligence and honesty of the mass population, "lowest common denominator," who merely want entertainment, "bread and circuses." Don't annoy them w. hard facts--they get offended, u know.

After all, JR, u don't want to face-up to the cultural conflict btwn Jews and Christians, do u?--how are u any better or different?

Defense of white race must be packaged within general defense of Christian ideal(s)....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Brief Analysis Of Present Cultural Situation, Way To Salvation
(Apollonian, 20 Jan 16)

Thanks much for this alert and alarm--very well taken. BUT I submit most strategic way of defense of culture and people/race is in way of Christian vs. satanist. It only then requires a solid understanding for the Christian element and philosophy and making it effective against this present satanic assault against West and its people and civilization.

And of course, "satanist" should be understood as extreme subjectivism by which the subject makes himself God, all reality a product only of subject's consciousness/mentality. Christianity must now only be re-taken fm the co-opted traitors and heretics in the pay of satanists who run establishment "Christianity," the topmost master-minds being the powers behind things, esp. who run the central-bank, legalized counterfeiting scam (see and for expo on central-banking).

Christianity then stands for primacy of TRUTH as the only way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), thus the OBJECTIVE reality, this objectivity necessary premise/criterion for such truth ideal. So philosophically, Christianity stands for objective reality against satanism and subjectivism. Another thematic dichotomy would be Aristotle vs. Plato.

Thus, for example, in accord w. Western ideals, "racism" is understood as LOYALTY to people, ancestors, and culture, consistent w. 5th of original Ten Commandments, "Honor thy parentage (race)."

Specific sociologic mechanism at work is CYCLIC course of history, in accord w. Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," following the determinist reality, whence a formerly successful civilization breeds-up hordes of inferiors and weaklings who are otherwise incapable but for what was handed to them by their forbears who were genuine heroes and conquerors. Present generation of inferiors and weaklings must now be REDUCED, and present economic and geo-political difficulties are simply the horrific circumstances which are fatal, as we see, for the weaklings so easily deluded and led by satanic masterminds.

Note then, satanists inveigle the over-populated people to subjectivism by means of delusionary "good-evil" which doesn't exist in an objective, hence determined (in accord w. strict cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" will) reality, it (such fallacious "good-evil") merely the pretext for inferiority- and guilt-complex which intimidates so many of the weaker-willed sort among the people--like the "metro-sexuals" and trendies, so subject to political-correct mentality.

And the satanists merely need be (further) identified as the creators of ISIS terrorists, for example, who want to mass-murder the people in accord w. "agenda-21," poisoning the food and water in way of fluoride and GMOs aside fm all the various toxic additives, MSG, bis-phenols, etc., toxic vaccines, "chem-trails," the electro-magnetic lethality, and outright nuclear radiation as fm Fukushima and depleted uranium.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Disgusting, filthy Pharisaic confronted w. truth over his attempt to intimidate diminishing number of suckers willing to peruse his lies....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but probably not published, at

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Hoffman: Suffers Hubris, Lives Within Pharisaic Corruption, Self-Delusion
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 16)

Hoffman: reason we gentiles and real Christian soldiers sooooo thoroughly and cordially HATE Pharisaics like u is, aside fm ur anti-Christ hereticalism (Pelagian heresy, pretending to "good-evil") and plain-out Jew-like lying, as about the meaning of "usury," ur mindless sort of HUBRIS, forgetting and over-looking simple things like fact German volk, including Hitler, considered they were at war, esp. w. the Jew-led and -dominated Russians who had well over 100 divisions mobilized and on the border, deployed and ready to move against Germany. Same goes for Gregor Strasser who was simply considered a traitor under the hysterical and hectic circumstances.

People get sick and tired of ur sort of phony moralism and moralizing by which u attempt to frame the truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). And note ur stinking moralism is NOTHING compared to truth (= Christ), truth being everything and the only thing to serve as standard of real worth.

Purpose of ur writing?--is Pharisaism and pretending, building a lie within ur mind to effect u're "moral" or "good." For if u were honest and seeking truth, u'd see the Jew and Western bankers funded Hitler and Germany for purpose of war, which war was their method and measure, as always, for their purpose of world dictatorship, the United Nations (UN), the UN invoked by FDR (Roosevelt) explicitly on the way to war, for purpose of provoking war w. Germany.

So here's another blog posting to be deleted and ignored by u, Hoffman, who's only interested in building urself up for Pharisaic moralism within ur little mind's eye. Have fun as evermore Christians ignore and reject u.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Economic disaster is upon us now (practically--not much longer, surely)--I feel somewhat like Biblic Noah for warning, expositions....

Below-copied dialectic w. ap, and "dreadnought" fm Australia, first published at comments,

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Apollonian Apollonius 3 hours ago

+Dreadnought 1955 Ho hoh oho--"disguised voice"? (see below-copied)--ho ho oho ho ho--it's just that everything has been said that needs saying, and only problem for me is there's nothing more (essentially) that can be added--u've hrd it all, buddy. USA is in for "hard-times," soon--matter of weeks now, not even months. I feel somewhat like Biblic Noah, trying to warn the morons and suckers, they laughing about my "sky-is-falling" hysteria," ho ho ho ho.

See, we just got tooooo many (over-populated) dumb****s--that's the problem--all these stupid, scummy "metro-sexuals," et al., ho ho ho ho--and there's going to be a significant die-off and kill-off of inferiors, weaklings, and poor, un-lucky sons-of-guns (which I'm afraid might be my category)--as always happens in CYCLIC "declines," according to Spengler. We already had a big, huge, horrible one back in 1860s, as u might have hrd about, and the "good-guys" lost (in my opinion). That one of 1860s, however, was not precipitated by economics, so much, as in same way as present "currency-crisis" and sovereign debt (bond-holders of US securities are going to lose big-time, the fools).

"Good-guys" lost in WWII too, but they didn't know what hit them then, it all having been started fm Boer war in very late 19th cent., as u surely have hrd. Australia ought to weather things fairly well as Jew S A has the greatest distance to fall fm the top of things imperial, though Australia I understand will also come under serious pressure fm the Chinese industrial juggernaut, having replaced USA (which replaced UK, ho ho ho). Take care.

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Dreadnought 1955
Yesterday 12:04 PM

+Apollonian Apollonius Ap I'm probably not posting anymore, here on youtube or on the blog, have too much to do on videos. I would like you to do something on Banks and Decline on RD, disguised voice and no image I don't mind but you have to spread that integrity around. If not, consider putting up your own videos. Cheers Allan Powell

Apollonian Apollonius
Jan 11, 2016

+Dreadnought 1955 Note Spengler's CYCLIC theory--it's deterministic (not subject to "free" will)--a "successful," "prosperous" culture produces over-populated weaklings who didn't have to fight for what their ancestors gave them--like the Romans--they're given to HUBRIS of "good-evil," and the thought they can change reality--which all, then, the satanists take advantage of which has effect of killing-off the excess. And indeed, observe horrific economic collapse is imminent. Australia will do better than Jew S A, Jew S A in for HUGE down-turn due to rejection of reserve currency (the dollar) throughout the world--worse even than Greece.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Such is the quality, results of public edjumacation--thought-control....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Such Is Quality Of Modern Thought-Control In Action, Sooooo Felicitous For Society, Students, Public
(Apollonian, 8 Jan 2016)

"The NYT says he got sacked for not putting in paperwork."

Simply a blatant admission of the chicken's excrement, under-handed method they chose in their cravenly cowardly manner--what slimey worms.

"It is a huge pile of dung with political insects of a particular religion burrowing about in it."

Yes, and it's interesting to analyze it, for there's surely a significant number of teachers and administrators who genuinely sympathize w. Tracy, but are such miserable cowards (a).

(b) And then there are those who are against Tracy to different degrees, perhaps, but these also need public exposure for all the various reasoning--and all for the good, info, and "education" of students and public.

This then is quality of PUBLIC EDJUMACATION for u, folks--aren't u happy the tax-payers and students get such value for their money?

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Dreadnought January 7, 2016 at 10:45 PM

The NYT says he got sacked for not putting in paperwork. He didn't tell them he had a blog and an internet show? **** me that's even worse than getting sacked on Pozner's sayso. It is a huge pile of dung with political insects of a particular religion burrowing about in it.

apsterian January 7, 2016 at 9:11 PM

Kelley January 7, 2016 at 8:38 PM

"He is a great and honorable man"

Well, ok, but u admit u know perfectly well why he was fired. Christ was killed for being truth itself (Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Truth isn't appreciated much, is it?--but why?--is it because the ruling criminal enterprise (the central-bank) is a fraud and can't stand truth?

Do u think these criminals profit fm people's not grasping what real money is and must be? So get ready for US Dollar losing over half its value, prices more than doubling, soon--hundreds of million of poor fools ripped-off, horribly--but it's what happens, right?

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Kelley January 7, 2016 at 8:38 PM

Dr Tracy being fired makes me want to throw up! He is a great and honorable man

In the large CYCLIC scheme of things, conditions aren't yet bad enough for the fools and goons to perceive something is terribly awry....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Too Few Morons Have Died For The Rest To Start To Getting Wise
(Apollonian, 8 Jan 2016)

Winfield: the powers have decided there's a greater purpose, that being in accord w. United Nations Agenda-21, reducing world population, etc. (see below-copied).

And due to "terror" we're not allowed info, that "terror" created by the powers themselves--as we see now in case of ISIS which has been given AA, highly advanced "stinger," missiles.

Given the latest ISIS revelations, I cannot see how Obola or Clinton continue to survive, traitors as they've been shown to be. Of course, they have Israel's cover, don't they? And all these stupid scummy puke of Jew S A, pretending they're "Christian" are totally terrified and intimidated by these Jews at the bottom of and behind everything--isn't it obvious?

So enough morons haven't been killed in obvious manner by Jews yet, so the morons forget that traditional anti-Semitism of our more honest and truly Christian (hence anti-Semitic) ancestors.

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Anonymous January 7, 2016 at 9:01 PM

The book “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” by Jim Fetzer, et al was published and for sale on Amazon.Com for about a month before it was banned by CEO Jeff Bezos. Then the authors made it available for free on the site and others. This has been publicized for over a month since the banning by Amazon. While the only people who could prove that the editors and writers of the NY Times, Harford courant, Sun Sentinel, NYPost, AOL, NBC and other news outlets had read this book would be a US Attorney questioning these people under oath, it is very likely all of them have downloaded the free copies available for this book, along with the millions of others reported to have done so, and read every word of it.

Yet they obviously are bending over backward to avoid even referencing it, let alone discuss all the many contradictions this book poses for the official lies of Sandy Hook by government at every level, federal, State of Connecticut and Newtown Connecticut. These news outlets have a basic responsibility to the public to promote the public interest and that does not mean deliberately lying to the public about crimes of its own government. But that is exactly what is and has been going on here. The whole reason this book was produced was exactly because those responsible for properly and honestly investigating the events at Sandy Hook School Dec. 14, 2012, failed to do so. They are still failing to do so. The best result that would happen now would be a full blown public discussion of the book. Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics