Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Defense of white race must be packaged within general defense of Christian ideal(s)....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Brief Analysis Of Present Cultural Situation, Way To Salvation
(Apollonian, 20 Jan 16)

Thanks much for this alert and alarm--very well taken. BUT I submit most strategic way of defense of culture and people/race is in way of Christian vs. satanist. It only then requires a solid understanding for the Christian element and philosophy and making it effective against this present satanic assault against West and its people and civilization.

And of course, "satanist" should be understood as extreme subjectivism by which the subject makes himself God, all reality a product only of subject's consciousness/mentality. Christianity must now only be re-taken fm the co-opted traitors and heretics in the pay of satanists who run establishment "Christianity," the topmost master-minds being the powers behind things, esp. who run the central-bank, legalized counterfeiting scam (see and for expo on central-banking).

Christianity then stands for primacy of TRUTH as the only way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), thus the OBJECTIVE reality, this objectivity necessary premise/criterion for such truth ideal. So philosophically, Christianity stands for objective reality against satanism and subjectivism. Another thematic dichotomy would be Aristotle vs. Plato.

Thus, for example, in accord w. Western ideals, "racism" is understood as LOYALTY to people, ancestors, and culture, consistent w. 5th of original Ten Commandments, "Honor thy parentage (race)."

Specific sociologic mechanism at work is CYCLIC course of history, in accord w. Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," following the determinist reality, whence a formerly successful civilization breeds-up hordes of inferiors and weaklings who are otherwise incapable but for what was handed to them by their forbears who were genuine heroes and conquerors. Present generation of inferiors and weaklings must now be REDUCED, and present economic and geo-political difficulties are simply the horrific circumstances which are fatal, as we see, for the weaklings so easily deluded and led by satanic masterminds.

Note then, satanists inveigle the over-populated people to subjectivism by means of delusionary "good-evil" which doesn't exist in an objective, hence determined (in accord w. strict cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" will) reality, it (such fallacious "good-evil") merely the pretext for inferiority- and guilt-complex which intimidates so many of the weaker-willed sort among the people--like the "metro-sexuals" and trendies, so subject to political-correct mentality.

And the satanists merely need be (further) identified as the creators of ISIS terrorists, for example, who want to mass-murder the people in accord w. "agenda-21," poisoning the food and water in way of fluoride and GMOs aside fm all the various toxic additives, MSG, bis-phenols, etc., toxic vaccines, "chem-trails," the electro-magnetic lethality, and outright nuclear radiation as fm Fukushima and depleted uranium.

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