Wednesday, April 13, 2016

JR: useful idiot for Jews, politically-correct, anti-Christ, patronizing coward, as usual, typical....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR's Jew-Serving Nonsense Well-Understood, Predictable
(Apollonian, 13 Apr 16)

Well (see below-copied by JR), ur writings, blogs, and comments bear witness to ur consistent and insane anti-Christianity and deliberate mis-representations thereof. U recently wrote to effect Christianity has no integrity as substantial philosophy, as if it means anything anyone wants it to mean.

Essentially, ur argument against Christianity seems to be: u don't like particular Christians, so therefore that makes Christianity inadequate. U say that since there's still war and corruption, Christianity has failed.

U actually have few substantial arguments against Christianity, yet maintain it's no good and worthless. U actually know very little about Christianity, and the philosophy, merely sucking-along w. Jews and political-correct (PC) establishment, patronizingly rejecting Christianity, insisting it's inadequate and failure, pretending u prefer such as "law and B. of Rights," as if these aren't founded upon Christian culture and are products thereof.

Further, u totally fail for ur observation of that absolute, gross satanism (extreme subjectivism) which now prevails, people being mass-murdered, even in Jew S A, the people being poisoned by all the means and methods, chemical, vaccine, and radiation, etc.--not to mention all the other satanic activity.

Finally, it's up to u to stating ur own theses which task u've failed for doing, refusing to acknowledge the satanic essence and nature of Jews and their allies on both "right" and "left," and how this political activity all works.

U're just PC coward, JR, pure and simple, scared ****less of Jew filth who spit in everyone's face, hence effective defender of Jews, satanism, and satanists.

For example, u overlook central-banking, rather emphasizing the Jews-media which media is obviously totally controlled, bought and paid-for by the central-banking, along w. everything else.

U fail to pt. out simple fact we're really just fighting same basic battle of the war of 1860s--the thought seems never to have entered u head, easiest way to remove ZOG being nullification and secession. Only problem is the morons can't figure this out about 1860s--u being notable case-in-pt.

So JR, even though I wouldn't say u're satanist, anyone would have to admit u effectively work for them, defending Jews, defaming dear Christianity, confusing the issues, as of central-banking, as I noted.

What now will u do?--u will predictably, as u've done over and over, YEAR AFTER YEAR NOW, continue to defending Jews, making excuses for them, blaming rather Christians, ignoring the satanic culture (led by Jews) and mentality steadily taking-over, ignoring the central-banking, deflecting rather to relatively inessential Jews-media as always, as usual, pretending u're defending law and B. of Rights--which is a lie as u don't defend the under-lying culture. U'RE THE PROBLEM, nearly much as anything else.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------

Anonymous Apr 13, 2016, 6:14:00 PM

Apsterian says:
"U, on the other hand, want to pretend it's law and B. of Rights vs. "religion," which analysis of urs I have criticized extensively numerous times, concluding u're psychotic and obsessed w. this insane hatred of Christianity."

JR says: I don't agree with this synopsis.

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