Sunday, May 22, 2016

JR: anti-Christ, but insists he's "American"....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR: Continues Spewing Anti-American Anti-Christianity, Lies, Lying, Etc.
(Apollonian, 22 May 16)

Christ is TRUTH, sucker--ck Gosp. JOHN 14:6. U simply hate truth, JR, and one, among others, of those truths is u're "religious," as I noted, for ur obvious insane, fanatical, obsessionate hatred of Christianity, lying and mis-representing it as u do (a).

(b) Another of ur moronic lies, as fm ur above text, is about "religion" itself, u alleging (see above) it is "believing without proof," when this is really, at worst, mere species of insanity and stupidity--as of believing against proof (which such "believing against proof" is what u do, as regarding Christianity).

For people can have suspicions, who "believe," so to speak, but without what might be called conclusive evidence, yet continue to looking for evidence, etc.--it's also called "theorizing," prior to that conclusive sort of knowledge given w. full proof, etc.

Religion has to do, primarily, for the system and nature of one's thought, how it is integrated both for conscious intellect and then further, for subconscious effect, which all then gives an integration to the whole of one's spirit, both for intellect and emotion.

Thus "religion" and the habit thereof could be rational or irrational. Most Christians strive for reason and rationality. "Religion" is NOT a synonym for mysticism as u mis-represent, due to ur brainless ignorance and simple moronic failure to consult dictionary.

Further, we see u continue to repeat, idiotically, about "torture," insisting in ur religious, irrational, moronic, repetitive manner it's "wrong" without saying how or why. I explained torture is simply useless as it doesn't render real info, only what poor victim thinks u want to hear. And doing it (torture) to enemy gives them right to do it to u.

Torture is done by psychotic Jews of Israel, and now adopted by Jew-controlled Jew S A, as it gets victim prisoners to say whatever propaganda the Jew-oriented psychopaths want them to say, which all began, I believe, w. Bush and Cheney. Bush, Cheney, and neo-cons, continuing w. Obola and Democrats, use this phony "info" gotten by torture to then make excuses for what they say "al Qaeda" and now ISIS (which they created, funded, armed, and supplied) is planning to do, thus justifying more of the police-state they are imposing on the stupid goons of Jew S A.

U're not and couldn't be "American" as u're enemy of and traitor to the people of original USA and their Christian culture, lying and mis-representing that Christianity as u do so psychotically, insistently, incessantly, and fanatically. Truly, u're most "religious," in a satanic way, thus playing the willing dupe and useful idiot for the real enemies of USA, now become Jew S A, as I've noted.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by JR---------------

Anonymous May 22, 2016, 3:27:00 PM


You still don't sound like a Christian to me. Was it Ghandi credited with saying "I like your Christ but not your Christians?"

Perhaps Apsterian can help us understand what this means... Jesus is a torturer now? I'm not buying it.

Torture is wrong - and it is against the law according to the Constitution. But then I would be told that our laws are based on Christian teachings. But the Christians themselves wish to torture.

As far as accusations against me I should be used to all of that by now.



Don't Forget JR's "Religion" Regarding Non-Existent "Good-Evil"
(Apollonian, 22 May 16)

JR says above: "...a religious person here in this article you are reading , is a person that simply believes without proof."

So where do u get this moronic "good-evil," JR?--here's perfect example of ur TYPICAL psychotic hypocrisy, pretending to ur "religion," just a kind of irrationality or mysticism according to u. So where/what is the "proof" of this so-called "good-evil"?--tell us, explain, by all means.

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