Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Book Review on outstanding work of expo for the judicial history of destruction of states-rights and Const. republic....

How America Was Murdered--And Who Did It
Book Review: "How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up America," by Brion McClanahan
(Apollonian, 30 Oct 17)

Brion McClanahan's great and monumental work, "How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up America," Regnery Publishing, Wash. DC, 2017, xviii, 206 pp, 189 text, notes, index; is an instant classic, MUST reading for the patriot looking to finding out real history of USA and crux principles leading, for example, to the horrific destruction of the 1860s, but also bearing upon the remnant of that republic as it died a further excruciating death, esp. for the northern and western states which were told they'd won such glorious victory by the satanists and psychopaths who mass-murdered about a million whites and another million blacks (see works of Lochlain Seabrook) in the 1860s war--NOT a "civil" war, "civil" indicating conflict btwn two or more sides seeking control of the same overall entity or gov.--like the English Civil War of the 1640s, or the Spanish Civil War of 1936-9. American southern states merely wanted to secede like the original American colonies/states of 1776.

Great virtue of this most excellent production of McClanahan's is the brevity, which doesn't bother w. the 1860s war or even very much of the related items and details in the immediate lead-up to that tragic war, like Kansas or Dred Scott, or John Brown. McClanahan rather covers the basic theory pushed and used to justify and rationalize the empire established by Lincoln and "radical" Republicans which persists today, enforcer for world gov. and Jew world order (JWO). McClanahan even leaves out John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, and the South Carolina "Nullification Crisis" of 1832-3 whence Pres. Andrew Jackson threatened war against state of S. Carolina.

For that basic imperialist theory which McClanahan wants to cover and analyze most thoroughly is given by Hamilton at first, whose own exposition is piecemeal; John Marshall, the Supreme court Chief Justice, in his decision opinions, and who invokes Hamilton or at least his theories; and then most definitively by Joseph Story, Marshall's fellow Justice and ally on the Sup. ct., who propounded the most detailed and organized theory and history, in his "Commentaries on the Constitution of the US...," which was then parroted and argued by the shysters like Webster, John Q. Adams, Seward, Lincoln and others still. Even Pres. Andrew Jackson, in 1832, issued a "Proclamation...," though written by his Sec. of State, Edward Livingston. The only post-war (1860s) theory McClanahan covers in detail is New Dealer, appointed to Supreme Ct. by FDR, Hugo Black, of infamous "Warren Court" fame in the 50s and 60s, Black incorporating the 14th Amendment, further interfering in state government.

McClanahan's masterpiece is 189 pages total text, including an additional four page Introduction, then thirteen chapters. Incidentally, Ron Paul wrote the foreward. Hamilton as subject-matter thus takes up the first six chapters, Marshall the next four, Story one, Black next to last to the conclusion chapter. The only note I'd add, if it were up to me, would have been on key, essential subject of SOVEREIGNTY, the ultimate power and authority by which law is made and applied, etc. And that sovereignty lies in the people, expressed most naturally through the state convention and agency, by which then POWERS are DELEGATED to the states and the fed. gov. as detailed/specified in the constitutions. McClanahan's work on Hamilton is most excellent companion to the recent (2009) classic work of Thomas J. DiLorenzo's, "Hamilton's Curse...."

Thus the fed. union was made by compact ("agreement") among the states, and the people always, necessarily retain their sovereignty, it being impossible or inconceivable it would or could change. Thus the people delegate and withdraw powers to state and/or union. Thus the people effectively seceded fm the previous Articles Confederation by state agency, and joined and made the union of 1788 by state agency--and the southern states of the 1860s duly seceded by that same means, making use of the ONLY sovereignty that existed, never changing. Note then Lincoln and the Yankees were saying the states, not only of the south, had lost their sovereignty, not saying how except suggesting there was a greater sovereignty, that of the people in aggregate of larger union which they insisted pre-existed to the states--this larger sovereignty theory then was the creation of Joseph Story to whom we'll get shortly.

So McClanahan proceeds for analysis of present American imperialist state/empire naturally by focusing first upon Hamilton for psychologic analysis, motivation, and historical record for Hamilton's actual performance. Hamilton wanted the centralization of power, reducing and eliminating the states, and his then is much the course which took place culminating in the horrific war of imperialist conquest of 1860s.

Thus the centralizers, imperialists, and financiers of the northeast states of USA conquered the states and union which is now called a "nation." For Hamilton was a lawyer, but heavily concerned w. finance and banking. The first bank of the US (BUS) was largely Hamilton's brain-child in 1791, and the bank was occasion of Hamilton's argument about "implied powers" of the Constitution which hadn't been specified as a delegated power.

It's most interesting subject to grasp, regarding this national bank, the (first) BUS, but it was a fractional-reserve operation (see for complete expo), hence actually a criminal fraud entailing literally the legalized counterfeiting of the money and currency--but it wasn't widely understood to being so (a criminal enterprise) at the time, the subject (of money) rather abstract and little understood by far too many people. But most interesting is Hamilton had actually contracted himself out as an agent for the British gov., who passed along sensitive and confidential info and acting as agent-of-influence.

Another figure, not insignificant, and worth mentioning, who cooperated w. the centralizers was James Wilson, an attorney fm Pennsylvania and member of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and who served as Justice on the US Supreme Court. Wilson is notable for his suggestion the states acted as a single nation in the Declaration of Independence, issued before the Articles of Confederation of 1777--this argument was used by Lincoln and others, for example, who seriously pretended the union preceded even the states and took precedence to states, and their -rights and -sovereignty.

After the bank episode, the next occasion for expansion of fed powers over the states was the Whiskey Rebellion in Pennsylvania in 1791 after passage of a law raising federal taxes by means of an excise on whiskey production, esp. by the western farmers. McClanahan shows how Hamilton agitated Washington to demonstrate fed. military coercion over a state regardless the Constitution or law and how ill it boded for the future.

Finally for the Hamilton subject, McClanahan recounts the "Proclamation" of neutrality btwn the British and French, issued by Washington in 1793, which seemed to dictate a national policy irrespective of any law passed by the Congress, Hamilton pretending the Proclamation should have the force of law, precedent for present-day "executive orders" by which the executive dictates illegally and in disregard, even in contravention, of the legislature.

Next, McClanahan covers in the next four chapters the career and handiwork of John Marshall, the third (or fourth) Sup. ct. Chief Justice, who followed upon and continued Hamilton's subversion of the Constitution and state sovereignty. And the first topic to cover is that of "judicial review" by which the fed. judiciary presumes to approve and ratify, or not, the actions of the legislature and executive--and the state governments and judiciary--a clear violation of state sovereignty. Of course, the problem w. this "judicial-review" pipe-dream is Sup. ct. is agency of the feds, and hence cannot act impartially, and should not be presumed to doing so. Thus the states MUST judge for themselves for Constitutionality just as Jeff. and Madison explained in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798-9.

And throughout McClanahan's exposition, he most excellently illustrates by means of the various commentaries produced at the times discussed, esp. in way of editorial essays published in the various newspapers. Additionally, McClanahan further provides for historical background on the judicial subversion of Marshall which subversion is little short of amazing. For example, in Fletcher vs. Peck (1810) Marshall and the court effectively legitimized a fraudulent contract which was repealed by the Georgia state legislature, blatantly and deliberately violating the state sovereignty for the purpose of expanding fed. court "supremacy" and usurpation.

The next disaster by Marshall covered by McClanahan is the McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) case regarding the criminal central Bank (the second BUS) by which Marshall legitimized and "codified," according to McClanahan, Hamilton's "implied powers" fictions and pretensions against the Constitution and states rights, not to mention in favor of the criminal enterprise of fiat money (see for expo--fiat money is devaluated by the constant issuances ("inflation") of evermore fiat-money, obviously).

And surely, as important, perhaps most important, was Marshall's declaration, utterly without any foundation whatever, that the people express a sovereignty as a whole people of all the states, not merely of the states they reside within. And by means of this fatuous declaration of Marshall's, in the McCulloch decision/opinion, is origin and statement of the Yankees and Lincoln, among others, who denied state sovereignty, -rights, and the "compact theory" as understood by Jefferson and expressed in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. Actual truth, of course, is this "compact theory" is explicitly stated in the Const., Article VII, that the Const. is an agreement ("compact") "between the states..." [perhaps the word "among" ought to be used too]--it isn't just "theory."

The great achievement of McClanahan is that despite the brevity of his work, 189 pages text, he does excellently, even brilliantly, for thorough and incisive exposition he gives which is incontestable, especially for the lies of Marshall and Story, on top of their criminality and treason which can only be excused for their madness in favor of the consolidated, centralized empire which crushes sovereignty, rights, the people, republic, and rule of law, including the Constitution. And this historical excellence of McClanahan is including his reference to the critics of the time, like the Virginia "junto" of jurists, like Spencer Roane, John Taylor of Caroline, and the others, who are extensively quoted for decisive effect.

So then what's Joseph Story's part in things imperialist and, actually, fascist?--nothing specifically, as he merely followed his predecessors, Hamilton and Marshall, for the basics. But note, those "basics" of Hamilton and Marshall were more piece-meal and random for their assertion and expression, and Story's part was to put them all together and arranged in a more coherent fashion, presenting it all in way of more finished history. Still, Story's account is just a fabric of lies, and it's note-worthy that Story's work is actually easily refuted, as we see by McClanahan, but most notably by the figures at the time, St. George Tucker, the Virginia "junto," and Abel P. Upshur who specifically answered Story in his (1840) work, "A Brief Enquiry...."

Finally, we come to Hugo Black and the "Warren Court" of the 50s and 60s of the twentieth century, for there was more to come to making things topsy-turvy, thoroughly corrupt, w. even more complete domination of the central gov. against states--that was by means of application ("incorporation") of the 14th Amendment and the Bill of Rights against the states. In truth and to judge fm McClanahan's erudite description, it really seems more of a rather pathetic reduction-to-absurd by means of a palpable dim-wit like Hugo Black for this "incorporation" principle and application. Regardless, McClanahan again does well for his thorough exposition for the real history and idiotic lying on part of such as Hugo Black.

So when one actually gets down to things regarding the theorists of the present centralized, imperialist dictatorship, the Jew S A, we see Hamilton is an actual, palpable liar, criminal, and traitor, Marshall and Story liars too, and Hugo Black's only possible excuse being he really was so dumb and such poor scholar, as McClanahan demonstrates.

I've read lots of good books, including upon the supremely important issue of juridical degeneracy, subversion, and confusion for such as that most horrific tragedy which destroyed USA, the 1860s war. McClanahan's work is not only one of those good books, it's one of the very best. There are lots of historical circumstances to be further or additionally grasped, including the too little comprehended criminal nature of central-banking, which demonstrates how really abstract such seemingly simple thing as subject of money truly is--people thought it, the central-bank, would make things better--and so likewise they did for consolidation of the central gov. of USA now become the Jew S A within the horrific JWO, presently exterminating the people by slow-kill methods of poison vaccines, poison prescription drugs, poison GMO foods and food-additives, poison herbicides like glyphosate, poison "chem-trails," and the deadly radiation, nuke and electro-magnetic.

Such juridical degeneracy goes to show ignorance and stupidity really kills, as we see, evermore. But a great writer and historian like McClanahan genuinely helps us w. his outstanding information, analysis and exposition to be able to see and understand; his book is truly a gem and a masterpiece for which we can be thankful--it really can help us all now to understanding and solving some serious and basic problems. By all means, get McClanahan's book as a priority; u won't be disappointed.

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