Monday, December 18, 2017

Note: in war u must treat ur enemy COLLECTIVISTICALLY--like he treats u and ur people, never forget....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...x-judaism.html

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Hoffman Gets Too Caught-Up W. Politically-Correct, Snow-Flake Babbling
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 17)

Hoffman: again, ur main problem is ur desperate, obsessionate, hereticalist insisting upon non-existent "good-evil"--PELAGIANISM--and this is why we, ur readers, are oppressed and disgusted by ur usual, typical pretending to "love" and "loving ur enemy" who is trying to cut gentile people's proverbial throat.

Only thing u're supposed to love, first and most, is truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), for hatred is natural which simply arises fm one's health, honesty, and emotion in reaction to something threatening, like Judaism, Jews, and their accomplices, including people like u, Hoffman, who profess to loving these murdering, monstrous Talmudic psychopaths.

For hatred, the honest emotion and reaction, can then only be treated by means of reason and the Holy Spirit. So what's this latest nonsense of urs?--u "oppose hatred"? But didn't God create hatred and aversion as healthy, HONEST, emotional reaction by which we take note to defending ourselves fm something noxious--like Jews, Satanists, and their putrid lying?

For note something, Hoffman, u pathetic hereticalist buffoon w. ur snow-flake talk and political-correctness, the Jews simply take advantage of the satanically degenerate culture in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," satanism being extreme subjectivism, the subject holding reality is creation of consciousness, thus making oneself God, the Jews most sublime, COLLECTIVISTIC and organized subjectivists, hence naturally, the leading, satanists, Jews dominating, as we see, Jews controlling the central-bank (see, that bank being the primary existential instrument of satanic society, that society over-loaded w. snow-flakes and subjectivists who have ruined society in corruption and irrational indulgences like ur sort of virtue-signaling Pharisaism, Hoffman--"opposing hatred," indeed.

And as the satanic society, now organized and led by the leading satanic masterminds, the Jews, works explicitly for the extermination and genocide of humanity, according to Agendas 21 and 2030, it's necessary to oppose Jews in most effective, even militarist manner--and that means Jews need to be treated collectivistically. For if Jews conduct war against humanity--as Judaism demands as religious principle--then humanity must react and treat Jews and their accomplices appropriately in military manner--IT'S THE WAY WAR IS PROPERLY WAGED.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Already plain and evident globalist conspiracy is now even more poignant and obvious in latest FBI corruption/manipulation regarding 2016 elections--maybe more people might be getting some badly-needed clues....

Globalist Conspiracy Evermore In-Contestable, Indisputable--IN UR FACE, Suckers
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 17)

Well folks, the evidence and reality of globalist conspiracy just gets more real, evident, and IN-UR-FACE, now w. the news and details of FBI manipulations regarding the 2016 Presidential election, including obstructing justice in case of hitlery Clinton investigation, and illegally manufacturing pretext for getting a wire-tap on Trump.  See .

But these details are just the latest now to go on top of all the other OVERWHELMING mass of details, facts, tid-bits, admissions, testimonies, and other indications, etc.--as regarding the mass-murder, even if by slow-kill methods, of the people forecast in Agendas -21 and -2030, and then actually observed for the poison vaccines, poison drugs, poison foods (GMOs, etc.), poison "chem-trails," poison herbicides, and toxic radiation, nuke and electro-magnetic now steadily killing MILLIONS. How many more need to die--before the morons start getting the clue(s)?

But gee whiz, but then HOW is all this, regarding the slow-kill genocide and gradual but steady poisoning, mass-murder initiated and generated at the beginning?--BY MEANS OF THE CENTRAL-BANK scam, criminal-enterprise, and conspiracy, stupid. See , also, for fullest expo.

And the real question is how long are the morons going to continue to ignore this legalized counterfeiting conspiracy? For the reality, sad as it is, is humanity needs real money to live, and that without this real money HUMANITY CANNOT SURVIVE. And CURRENCY is what kills real money, and kills humanity. But stupid, brainless scum will continue to ignore this simple fact about money having to be commodity-based, hence gold/silver being best.

So now what will happen?--the satanic top powers MUST NOT ALLOW THE TRUTH ABOUT CURRENCY and money to getting out to large numbers of the people who are slowly, gradually, but steadily becoming aware--so these satanic powers are going to do false-flags and starting wars--and Trump is their willing agent, Trump controlled by very same "globalist" powers and "deep-state," Jews at bottom of it all, Trump working steadily to starting war w. Iran, just for one obvious target--there are surely other targets too, like N. Korea.

Observe Trump is PERFECT for being "power's" flunky for starting the war(s)--as he presently seems and pretends to being victim to the "globalist"-FBI conspiracy presently being un-covered. For obviously Trump is TOTALLY controlled by Israel and Jews, their little flunky--notice the censorship by Google, Jew-tube, et al., continues merrily along. The free I-net is a big problem for JWO (Jew world order), as big a problem, if not the single biggest, as any other--they hate truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) more than anything. And war is excellent excuse for martial law and censorship, don't forget.

Friday, December 15, 2017

satanic conspiracy-complex isn't difficult to grasp for basic, necessary parts....

The satanic Conspiracy-Complex: It Isn't That Complicated
(Apollonian, 15 Dec 17)

Well, evermore people are catching-on to the evermore well-known plan for globalist world-gov. to exterminate and genocide the people, but still, it seems hard for some, if not many, to grasping it in sufficiently serious manner, in enough detail. But there are a few details to be known and to be understood together, in relation w. one another. Here's a good, short (5 1/2 min) recent vid by P.J. Watson who well and simply explains one aspect of it for politics:

Thus the great conspiracy to mass-murder the people is clear once the currency and central-banking fraud is understood, as I've made it clear it only needs removal of real money and substitution of currency--which gives the currency-masters all their power, basically, of existential nature--it only lacks a few notes for further explanation. For the practical (currency, etc.) is set-up by the abstract-psychologic condition--see below for Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

(a) Thus the currency scam/conspiracy is necessarily a monopoly--a coercive monopoly--it's attraction is that people are brought to thinking there's plenty of currency (not real money) to doing all that needs be done--as however much currency is just concocted by fiat (command/edict)--as if they have that "Midas" touch. See

(b) Thus the currency monopoly, buying, extorting, and controlling all politicians and judges, begets the "big Pharma" and medical monopoly, pushing the poison pills and treatments, especially the unnecessary surgeries, and especially the poison vaccines, requiring people to be vaccinated, causing medical scares using bio-weapons, etc.

(c) Other poisons are inflicted by means of the monopolized and corporate food industry, by means of the GMOs and food-additives, then there are the poison glyphosate herbicides, the poison "chem-trails," and poisoned water supplies (fluoride and chlorine).

(d) And of course, there is the relatively well-known communications-media monopoly, the "Jews-media." Public "education" is another vector of lies and false information.

(e) These listed above, are all well-known, at least by some, and they're well-documented and easily researched by simple means of the search engines.

Again, KEY to the large conspiracy-complex, for practical purposes is the currency conspiracy/monopoly which makes all the others possible and feasible. The only other aspect to be grasped is the psychologic/cultural--the "satanic" complex of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, and that isn't hard to understand. See

Thus as things economic and political get worse and worse, people will be evermore willing to consider simple things as I've noted above; it really doesn't take "rocket-science."

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Hoffman, blinded by Pelagianist obsession pretending "good-evil," fails to note obvious nature of monopolist/cartelist criminal enterprise holding society hostage--making everything else monopolistic, everyone slaves too....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ensorship.html

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Hoffman Refuses To Accept Facts, Truth (= Christ)
(Apollonian, 10 Dec 17)

Golly gee, Hoffman, but we note u didn't see fit to publish my most recent submission, a few hrs ago, this blog-article of urs, ho ho oh ho oh. Regardless, I trust u were able to catch the drift: CENTRAL-BANK which issues currency, not real money, (a) IS A MONOPOLY, of necessity, (b) it's a criminal enterprise (mere "legalized" counterfeiting, literally) as the currency is fraudulent and worthless, not having "intrinsic value," as real money like gold/silver, hence is potentially infinite in quantity.

(c) The obvious consequence of this nearly infinite quantity of currency (not real money which is FINITE in amount) is that the progressive and inevitable issuances of the currency DEVALUES (and hence defrauds) the currency which has already/previously been issued and in circulation.

And (d) central-bank is dictatorship due to "legal-tender" laws which require the people to accept this fraudulent currency--something which is obviously not needed for real (commodity-based) money. Thus the poor people, even though they KNOW the money is fraudulent and debased, are forced nonetheless to accept the devalued money for their hard work and products--THEFT.

The ancient descriptions of "usury" most pt. to and indicate this "central-banking" is what is really meant by the word, "usury"--NOT NOT NOT the mere lending of (real) money--for what could be wrong w. a contractual agreement btwn willing parties?--NOTHING, and this realization is the reason why the Renaissance Vatican wisely, understandably, and correctly determined to allow the practice to facilitate legitimate trade.

But u're such an ignorant, cowardly, lying liar, Hoffman, that u can't bear to bring urself to acknowledge these simple, basic facts of reality, history, economics, and money/banking--NOT GRASPING THE DIFF. BTWN CURRENCY AND REAL MONEY. U can only idiotically continue, brick-headedly to maintaining FALSELY that (a) "usury" refers to lending of (real) money, which is not verified fm the original writings and texts, and (b) that it's somehow prohibited by God, etc.

And all of this, above, is motivated by ur monstrous, satanic obsession for pretending to hereticalist Pelagianism and non-existent "good-evil," and that u're some sort of a judge regarding this "good-evil."

But note again: the pt. is that the entire culture/society/economy is captured and hostage to this currency MONOPOLY at the top, the central-bank. Hence logically, they're going to enforce this monopolism all throughout the rest of the economy/society/culture as they own (literally) all the judges and politicians--controlling everyone, directly or indirectly.

This utterly illegal, un-Constitutional monopolistic nature/character for the entire society is why/how such as Google and YouTube, which have taken gov. subsidies and loans--like fm the central-bank and its instruments and agents--and enjoy favorable regulation fm the various oversight bureaucratic agencies yet pretend it's all their "private property" w. the "right" to refuse svc to anyone they choose--like u and Herskovitz--this is what's going on, Hoffman; get a clue, buddy.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Observe the Jew-friendly traitors insist, no matter what else, we Christians MUST NOT hate kike filth, murderers, and psychopaths....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...sive-than.html

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Treason, Pratt, And Hoffman Are The Problem
(Apollonian, 4 Dec 17)

Well Gordon Pratt: isn't the question then whether Jew hatred is justified, even necessary, in the obligatory war effort? For if Jews are waging war against gentiles and humanity, it would seem humanity must strike back in self-defense.

And we see if ur be-all and end-all is merely prevention of "virulent Jew hatred," even when such hatred is justified and necessary, then all u're doing is to serving the Jew enemy, aren't u?--isn't that treason?

And so what are u and Hoffman now going to say in ur patronizing manner?--"tut tut, we can win the war without 'virulent Jew hatred'"?

And the problem is u neither provide a plan, nor do u give an analysis, merely insisting in the Jews' favor--isn't this simply treason?--what good are u? Ur sort of Jew-friendly advice is what has gotten humanity in the dire straits it finds itself.

So if "serious people," as u describe, aren't interested, FIRST OF ALL, in winning the war against Jews and satanism--how is it u say they're "serious"?--"serious" about what?--hence, serious about TREASON.

Why is it u're more "serious" about preventing "virulent Jew hatred" than u are about the desperate position of humanity, up against Agenda 2030, as we see, poisoning of the food, water, drugs, and vaccines, etc., against the anti-human Jew (which is a redundancy) and fighting effectively and winning the war? With "friends" like u and Hoffman, does humanity need enemies?

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by Pratt-------------------

Gordon Pratt said...
I tend not to take CumExApostolatusOffico seriously.

Up to about a dozen years ago supporters of the Jewish colony occupying Palestine debated critics of so-called Israel on good sites like

After losing the arguments for a number of years the supporters disappeared to be replaced soon after with virulent Jew haters. The comments of the latter were so extreme that serious people left and closed down.

I suspect that somebody decided that if they could not win the argument they would discredit the site.

Does that explain CumExApostolicusOfficio?
4:40 PM

Friday, December 1, 2017

Hoffman, ignorant, brainless liar, pushing Jew lies, in all his putrid, obsessive Pelagianism and virtue-signaling....

Below by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...sive-than.html

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Hoffman: Pelagian Heretic, Virtue-Signaler, Dupe For Jew Oppressors
(Apollonian, 1 Dec 17)

Hoffman is such a liar and coward, aside fm being heretic and traitor, he talks about "covert Nazi doctrine" when he doesn't really say or grasp what it is and what it has to do w. Jews, etc.

Hoffman says, "The Nazi doctrine is the mirror image of the rabbinic doctrine," but this is an obvious lie as the rabbinic doctrine is founded in extreme subjectivism ("midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition") by which they pretend to literal creation and nature of reality according to what's "good" for Jews.

Hoffman lies in all his cowardly ignorance and says, "it [meaning the "Nazi doctrine," evidently] got the German people totally defeated and it will defeat us all...," Hoffman parroting the Jew lies, doing the work for Jew liars, pushing their typical, incessant propaganda. For actual fact is the world war against Germany was most probably decided upon by the Jew bankers and cohorts in the mid-1920s when these conspirators formed up the original Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), purpose being to complete the swallowing-up of USA in world gov., which had evaded the old League of Nations in 1919. See Perloff's "Shadows of Power."

And the German NSDAP is to be commended for identifying the Jew enemy, how they're the very most collectivistic of all, connected and cooperating btwn Bolshevik assassins and enforcers on one hand and plutocrat central-bankers and pay-masters on the other hand. The world owes a great debt to NSDAP and dear unc' Adolf who exposed those infernal, conspiring, mass-murdering Jews who are nowadays pushing genocidal Agenda-2030, as we see.

So Hoffman indicates there are some Jews somewhere, maybe, who don't push Agenda-2030?--perhaps, but regardless, they're undoubtedly pushing or cooperating w. or excusing some other Jew conspiracy, fraud, plot, or pack of lies, always pretending Jews are soooooo "persecuted," etc.--their excuse is always, "look over there, there's a Jew who's not in w. these particular criminal Jews," when as Jew, that Jew must always sympathize w. fellow Jews, criminals or not, somehow or other, Judaism itself being a never-ending campaign and war against gentiles, God, truth, and the objective view of reality, one way or another, somehow or another.

According to Hoffman the liar and traitor, even though Jews act collectively and against gentiles, gentiles aren't allowed to act collectively against Jews in general. Hoffman brings up the alleged fact that Jew, Chomsky, stuck-up for Jew-friendly Hoffman--but why wouldn't the Jew do this for the anti-gentile traitor, heretic, and liar, Hoffman, who sticks-up for Jews, pushing their lies, as we see?--Hoffman doesn't consider this, can't see it is precisely what the shrewd Jew would do to manipulating the virtue-signaling collaborator and dupe, Hoffman, who is himself only concerned w. pretending he's virtuous and "good"--and especially most in the precious eyes of his Jew buddies.

Thus it's clear the problem is, aside fm Jews themselves at the core manipulating it all, the significant numbers of collaborators and dupes like Hoffman who's most interested in Pelagian heresy, phony moralism, and virtue-signaling, and who doesn't care about gentile people so obviously oppressed by Jew monsters and murderers as we plainly see in Israel wagging proverbial "dog," the USA succumbing to the large satanistic empire and mentality, in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," Jews the masters thereof, this putrid satanism founded in extreme subjectivism and moralism by which, in God-like fashion, these monsters pretend to creating reality--beginning w. pretext of imagined "moral virtue"--Pelagianism.

--------------------above by ap in response to below by Hoffman--------------

Michael Hoffman said...
To CumExApostolatusOfficio

You are afflicted with the 1930s antisemitism meme wherein you engage in group libel as a supposed advancement of your cause. when in fact the libel discredits you.

Writing about “The Jews” is counter-productive and reprehensible. You say “The Jews” talk out of both sides of their mouths and “The Jews” herd humanity like animals.

This group libel is straight out of the Talmud. Why do you imitate the Talmudic mentality?

Generalizing about all Judaic persons without honorable exceptions being made, smacks of the Hitlerian notion of a biological taint in every “Jewish” person. Failure to distinguish between good and not very good Judaic persons is a grave act of self-sabotage — as well as sabotage of the movement to be free of Talmudic and Zionist tyranny.

It was a Judaic (Noam Chomsky) who invested the most time and energy in personally protesting and lobbying against my having been fired from my job as a reporter with the mainstream media.

What have you done for the Palestinians lately? It is Norman Finkelstein who has relentlessly campaigned to expose Israeli brutality, most recently with his superb new book, “Gaza—An Inquest.” Henry Herskovitz pickets a synagogue in Michigan every week. Alfred Lilienthal was another great friend to this writer and the Palestinians. There are many more I could mention.

Enough with the covert Nazi doctrine! It got the German people totally defeated and it will defeat us all if it ever gains cachet again. The Nazi doctrine is the mirror image of the rabbinic doctrine. If you are truly opposed to the Talmud, stop despising an entire group of people like the Orthodox rabbis despise and generalize about the goyim.
6:37 AM