Friday, December 1, 2017

Hoffman, ignorant, brainless liar, pushing Jew lies, in all his putrid, obsessive Pelagianism and virtue-signaling....

Below by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...sive-than.html

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Hoffman: Pelagian Heretic, Virtue-Signaler, Dupe For Jew Oppressors
(Apollonian, 1 Dec 17)

Hoffman is such a liar and coward, aside fm being heretic and traitor, he talks about "covert Nazi doctrine" when he doesn't really say or grasp what it is and what it has to do w. Jews, etc.

Hoffman says, "The Nazi doctrine is the mirror image of the rabbinic doctrine," but this is an obvious lie as the rabbinic doctrine is founded in extreme subjectivism ("midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition") by which they pretend to literal creation and nature of reality according to what's "good" for Jews.

Hoffman lies in all his cowardly ignorance and says, "it [meaning the "Nazi doctrine," evidently] got the German people totally defeated and it will defeat us all...," Hoffman parroting the Jew lies, doing the work for Jew liars, pushing their typical, incessant propaganda. For actual fact is the world war against Germany was most probably decided upon by the Jew bankers and cohorts in the mid-1920s when these conspirators formed up the original Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), purpose being to complete the swallowing-up of USA in world gov., which had evaded the old League of Nations in 1919. See Perloff's "Shadows of Power."

And the German NSDAP is to be commended for identifying the Jew enemy, how they're the very most collectivistic of all, connected and cooperating btwn Bolshevik assassins and enforcers on one hand and plutocrat central-bankers and pay-masters on the other hand. The world owes a great debt to NSDAP and dear unc' Adolf who exposed those infernal, conspiring, mass-murdering Jews who are nowadays pushing genocidal Agenda-2030, as we see.

So Hoffman indicates there are some Jews somewhere, maybe, who don't push Agenda-2030?--perhaps, but regardless, they're undoubtedly pushing or cooperating w. or excusing some other Jew conspiracy, fraud, plot, or pack of lies, always pretending Jews are soooooo "persecuted," etc.--their excuse is always, "look over there, there's a Jew who's not in w. these particular criminal Jews," when as Jew, that Jew must always sympathize w. fellow Jews, criminals or not, somehow or other, Judaism itself being a never-ending campaign and war against gentiles, God, truth, and the objective view of reality, one way or another, somehow or another.

According to Hoffman the liar and traitor, even though Jews act collectively and against gentiles, gentiles aren't allowed to act collectively against Jews in general. Hoffman brings up the alleged fact that Jew, Chomsky, stuck-up for Jew-friendly Hoffman--but why wouldn't the Jew do this for the anti-gentile traitor, heretic, and liar, Hoffman, who sticks-up for Jews, pushing their lies, as we see?--Hoffman doesn't consider this, can't see it is precisely what the shrewd Jew would do to manipulating the virtue-signaling collaborator and dupe, Hoffman, who is himself only concerned w. pretending he's virtuous and "good"--and especially most in the precious eyes of his Jew buddies.

Thus it's clear the problem is, aside fm Jews themselves at the core manipulating it all, the significant numbers of collaborators and dupes like Hoffman who's most interested in Pelagian heresy, phony moralism, and virtue-signaling, and who doesn't care about gentile people so obviously oppressed by Jew monsters and murderers as we plainly see in Israel wagging proverbial "dog," the USA succumbing to the large satanistic empire and mentality, in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," Jews the masters thereof, this putrid satanism founded in extreme subjectivism and moralism by which, in God-like fashion, these monsters pretend to creating reality--beginning w. pretext of imagined "moral virtue"--Pelagianism.

--------------------above by ap in response to below by Hoffman--------------

Michael Hoffman said...
To CumExApostolatusOfficio

You are afflicted with the 1930s antisemitism meme wherein you engage in group libel as a supposed advancement of your cause. when in fact the libel discredits you.

Writing about “The Jews” is counter-productive and reprehensible. You say “The Jews” talk out of both sides of their mouths and “The Jews” herd humanity like animals.

This group libel is straight out of the Talmud. Why do you imitate the Talmudic mentality?

Generalizing about all Judaic persons without honorable exceptions being made, smacks of the Hitlerian notion of a biological taint in every “Jewish” person. Failure to distinguish between good and not very good Judaic persons is a grave act of self-sabotage — as well as sabotage of the movement to be free of Talmudic and Zionist tyranny.

It was a Judaic (Noam Chomsky) who invested the most time and energy in personally protesting and lobbying against my having been fired from my job as a reporter with the mainstream media.

What have you done for the Palestinians lately? It is Norman Finkelstein who has relentlessly campaigned to expose Israeli brutality, most recently with his superb new book, “Gaza—An Inquest.” Henry Herskovitz pickets a synagogue in Michigan every week. Alfred Lilienthal was another great friend to this writer and the Palestinians. There are many more I could mention.

Enough with the covert Nazi doctrine! It got the German people totally defeated and it will defeat us all if it ever gains cachet again. The Nazi doctrine is the mirror image of the rabbinic doctrine. If you are truly opposed to the Talmud, stop despising an entire group of people like the Orthodox rabbis despise and generalize about the goyim.
6:37 AM

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