Thursday, February 15, 2018

Don't forget or under-estimate horrendous circumstances of WWII, unc' Adolf, Germans defending against purest satanism....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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The Enormity Of satanism--Truly Mind-Boggling
(Apollonian, 15 Feb 18)

"You obviously know nothing about the Polish provocations meant to cause war.
Alas Hitler took the bait." -"EliteComminc." # 131

U're making BIG, but typical, mistake about dear unc' Adolf "taking any bait," for u must remember the billions and trillions of lies put-out by Jews, satanists, Jews-media and their sycophants, henchmen, tools, and paid liars and flacks. Don't forget "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion," which so well and perfectly analyzed the sociologic machinations--which was published yrs before unc' Adolf emerged and became famous--and it doesn't matter who was actual author of "Protocols...."

And don't forget or doubt the large satanic movement towards world gov., consolidation, centralization, etc. which ensues fm F. Revolution in general, including the American war of 1860s, based and following upon the ever-tightening of the central-banking (see for expo) network exploited and managed by Rothschilds during and after Napoleonic wars, which hasn't ceased, even to this day of digital currency.

Thus unc' Adolf was serious impediment--though, to be sure, he didn't actually identify and define the larger SATANIC movement (founded upon extreme subjectivism by which reality is made to be mere product of mentality/consciousness, making oneself God, the creator) which Jews merely lead, manipulate, and exploit, Talmudism being merely specific, most practical and successful form of such satanism, Jews foremost satanists as they're sooooo sublimely collectivistic, organized, and cohesive--they thus lead all the gentile satanists and then, together, they leverage the rest of intimidated, demoralized society which lacks anti-satanic leadership, even the Christian establishment now hopelessly co-opted, subverted, and corrupt.

So u see, the "fix was in" even before unc' Adolf, and he and Germans were ALWAYS on defense against this satanic power founded upon the fiat-currency, "central-banking" scam--legalized counterfeiting.

Proper way to seeing it all is probably in accord w. the Russian author, Victor Suvorov (a pseudonym), who wrote the outstanding "Icebreaker" series, detailing Stalin's careful plans for massive aggression and invasion of the West--Hitler merely struck-back in self-defense best he could under difficult circumstances, and as it turned-out, saved W. Europe fm take-over by Russkie bolshevism.

For never forget humanity is ALWAYS on defense against satanism (extreme subjectivism) in general, which always arises and re-arises regardless specific circumstances, satanism working to destroy humanity. Humanity needed simply a healthy revived Christian (anti-satanism, worshipping TRUTH as ideal, in accord w. Gosp. JOHN 14:6) movement which unc' Adolf wasn't equipped for intellectually, he being mere politician who failed to grasp the subjectivist basis of the Jews, for example, subjectivism always using moralism as pretext.

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