Monday, July 2, 2018

Trump vs. Obola?--just same old "good-Jew vs. bad-Jew" charade, suckers....

Below essay by ap submitted at comments,

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Currency, Economic -Collapse All Part Of Spengler's Western "Decline," Don't Forget
(Apollonian, 2 Jul 18)

WTF?--for goodness sakes, can't u ever figure-out the top, absolute existential (practical) power, not only for the world, but for Jew S A, is the central-bank criminal enterprise, tolerated (as they're sooooo incredibly stupid) by the mass of over-populated morons, called "people"?

Central bank is literally legalized counterfeiting, featuring INFINITE "currency"--NOT NOT NOT real money which must be commodity-based (like gold/silver), hence FINITE in amount. See for expo on central-banking, use their search engine.

And Jew S A--used to be USA--has long been utterly corrupt, satanic empire, the top satanists ruling, behind the central-bank. So it's just matter of the usual charade of "good-Jews" ("neo-cons" on the "right") vs. "bad-Jews" (of "left," "liberals"). And Trump is totally owned by Israel/"neo-cons"--observe his bosom-buddy, Giuliani, one of the top 9/11 principals, for goodness sakes.

Obola has LONGGGG been exposed as ineligible, not "natural-born" citizen, good gravy.

See: as reality is objective, it's necessarily determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" human will, and history is CYCLIC, and like Roman empire of yore. Jew S A has over-produced tooooo many, over-populated goons, scum, filth, puke, suckers, and fools, all filled w. HUBRIS, esp. idea they're "good" (which doesn't exist in determined reality) as the Pharisees and corrupt, hereticalist Judeo-Christians (JCs--see and for expo) so piously teach.

So naturally, in such corrupt conditions the Pharisaics and satanists (extreme subjectivists, who make themselves God) thrive and dominate in the continuing "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--this is what's going on--"END-TIMES," as predicted in New Test. "Book of Revelations."

So we need drastic, revolutionary change, but which won't happen without first disaster and catastrophe to removing some of the dead-weight of over-population, and motivating the rest of the survivors.

We need REAL MONEY--which by itself dis-empowers the satanists (a)--and (b) reversion to original sovereignty of the states, removal of present Jew S A centralized dictatorship, to include removal of United Nations too, naturally. Unfortunately, none of this will happen without first turmoil, disaster, and economic collapse, I'm afraid--esp. currency-collapse.

And perhaps most of all, we need real cultural change, thus return of the REAL, hence anti-semitic Christianity, founded upon the OBJECTIVE reality, only basis of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanist lies (JOHN 8:44). Israel-first Trump, and Obola before him, are just parts of the large satanic charade, that's all. Get a clue, fools.

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