Thursday, August 23, 2018

Proper philosophy presents the "big-picture"; details merely for illustration....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Proper Philosophy Presents "Big Picture" Along With Some Details
(Apollonian, 23 Aug 18)

Alison: don't forget Fetzer is actually quite a blundering dunderhead, typical product of public edjumacation whence he imagines there are "good Jews" like there are good psychopaths, good child-molesters, and mass-murderers w. hearts of gold. Fetzer admits he voted for both Obola and Clinton twice each. Like a child, Fetzer too "believes in" non-existent "good-evil" even as he denigrates and fails to grasp purpose of religion for people and society.

Fetzer recites all these details and factoids about JFK, 9/11, and Sandy hoax, but he doesn't know diff. btwn "currency" and real money--yet he pretends to being "philosophical"--and a "teacher" who knows anything about the subject(!).

Ajax Jewns ( is simply a known flack/shill for Israel-first, like Trump himself--u had to know this when hitlery explicitly puffed and mentioned him by name in one of her speeches--this is all just big set-up and psy-ops.

Ajax is just the new Rush Limbaugh, flunky for Israel-first, upholding same old "good-Jews" on neo-con "right" vs. "bad-Jews" of atheist, "globalist" "left" charade.

Thus u have the monopolist, totally Jew-controlled criminal enterprise of central-banking (see for expo) at the very top of the culture, putting-out the legalistically counterfeited "currency," enforced by dictatorship and "legal-tender" laws upon the people, the currency practically infinite in amount, which continued issuances necessarily de-value currency already existing ("inflation") which steadily defrauds, impoverishes, and destroys the people--as all history demonstrates.

BUT people can't figure it out, even to saving their very lives, the pathetic, stupid scum--because they too cannot imagine the big diff. btwn real money and mere currency.

So as reality is objective (Aristotle), basis for TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect (no perfectly "free" will), thus hist. is CYCLIC, and every once successful, victorious, "prosperous" culture soon enough degenerates in culture-wide HUBRIS, the culture becoming satanic, as we now see, totally dominated by the central-bank criminal enterprise and Jews who are most effective, collectivists, best organized of the satanists, natural leaders and manipulators. See,, and for expo.

And just as Jew Zohar ("Cabala") requires extermination of gentiles, it should come as no surprise UN Agenda-21 and -2030 feature "population-reduction."

Thus satanist masterminds run a literal, veritable MONOPOLY, mere criminal enterprise, pretending to "private property," owning and controlling everything, now pulling blatant power-play in everyone's face--and now getting away w. it all w. such as Ajax providing distraction/diversion, all the goons, scum, suckers, fools, and morons now looking-on, jaws-agape, not knowing what to do, geeee whiz.

Thus as the currency steadily collapses into HYPER-inflation, they'll take us into war, no doubt several of them. People must either wake-up or they will perish--it's simple as that. But people need motivation; that's why a bunch of them have to die, many others suffering fm sudden impoverishment, evidently--such is CYCLE of hist. in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Alison August 23, 2018 at 7:05 AM

I just want to point out that the real target of the crackdown I believe is Wolfgang Halbig. Alex Jones's people have not done much investigation of their own. What they have done is featured Wolf's findings, and Wolf has come up with much that is significant. He has been dogged.

While I deplore the shutdown of Infowars' youtube videos, Facebook page, and whatnot, Jones, who is a co-defendant with Wolfgang Halbig in the lawsuit brought by several Sandy Hook families, has defended in large part by taking swipes at Halbig, saying, "It's all his fault." So, loyalty to Alex Jones at this juncture looks a lot like you approve of him throwing Halbig under the bus.

Since Halbig took his own website down three years ago, because of threats to him and his family, they have nothing left of his to shut down, however.

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