Monday, November 26, 2018

It's the central-bank monopoly and criminal enterprise at top which is CRUX to problems, don't forget....

Satanists, Kikes Have Monopoly, Using It To Flim-Flam, Mass-Murder, Stupid, Over-Populated Morons, Goons
(Apollonian, 26 Nov 18)

Good grief, but there are just tooooooooo goddam, many, stupid scum, goons, morons, suckers, and fools, OVER-population, and that's why we get wars, famines, pestilences, etc., as we now see. And Jews and satanists then are what God inflicts upon stupid humans in order, and as result, to deal w. the problems, removing the excess population and scum.

And this over-population problem of too many goons, suckers, and scum happens at the end of CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, as we see, over-populated scum given now to satanism, pretending to perfectly "free" will, hence godliness, capable of creating reality, "good" and "moral virtue," etc., by which they want to dictate.

Thus the over-populated scum and filth sees to the institution of the central-bank, the ultimate satanic instrument by which Jews and satanists wield and exert power, especially, as now through means of one-world dictatorship and empire, the United Nations (UN), etc., including especially the mass corp. Jews-media propaganda machine/complex.

Thus the people are thereupon poisoned by the various means, GMO foods, fluoridated water, toxic vaccines, and not least by radiation, nuke and electro-magnetic, chem-trails, etc. Note the monopolist big-Pharma corps and Med. and Bar association monopolies are all creatures of the top monopolist central-bank. Now we see they use their "tech" monopolies to censor free speech and expression to further push their genocide and dictatorship.

Thus the central-banking monopoly/complex necessarily involves COGNITIVE DISSONANCE to maintaining itself, fueling the warfare, confusion, mass fear campaigns, etc. Thus satanists and Jews deny and obfuscate objective reality by the various means, pushing subjectivism and "midrash," etc., upholding lies, lying, and liars (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) against truth and Christ (JOHN 14:6), for the best example in literature and Western culture.

And this problem of over-population has no easy solution--it ultimately has to be faced. Satanists and Jews are NOT "wonderful" people, regardless their lies and lying. And after these satanists and Jews have killed off so many goons and suckers, satanists and Jews are left w. only themselves to be killed--the reduction ad absurdum--where we find ourselves presently, the "Zionist" Jews having now built the golem, Trump, to temporarily defeat the cowardly "globalists" and leftists, led by the more atheistic Jews, who comically now dare not explicitly blame Israel for their electoral set-back, preferring to say it was Russia's fault.

So now observe in the latest elections, just a couple weeks past, Zionists, top-dogs among Jews, have seen fit to bringing back a few more leftists and globalists in the lower House of Jew S A, by means of the typical frauds to keep stupid goyim confused and frustrated, as usual and always--and there are still lots more stupid goyim and morons to be expended, evidently, the poor, brainless puke, especially among the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) filth, scum, heretics, and hubristic excrescence.

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