Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Kike liar, afraid to post usual holohoax lies, just substitutes others....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/in-face...-anti-zionism/

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Jew Lies Never End
(Apollonian, 26 Feb 19)

<blockquote>"Strong allegations. If true, how do they excuse Germany starving 3.5 million Soviet POWs to death? 4.2 million Soviet citizens (mostly Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians)? Working 2.4 million foreign laborers to death in Germany ‘42-45? Homicidal policy in occupied areas? Ethnic cleansing, murder?"</blockquote>

"Incitatus," thou surely are the very picture of the smug, glib, lying, little kike, but where do thou get this above-quoted idiocy, thou little dumbass? Doesn't it occur to thou it needs citations for these idiot lies?--ho ho ho ho ho.

And though it doesn't seem like thou tries to pushing the usual holohoax lies of thou pathologic, lying, Jew monsters, thou covers that at the end of thy idiot quotation, "homicidal policy in occupied areas . . . . murder?" Thou tacitly admits holohoax is lies, but now thou just pushes others, eh?--ho o ho ho ho ho

For Germany was attacked, by France and Britain, and after having lost WWI, after the entente allies conspired w. Serbia to kill the Austrian Archduke, then declared war when Austria and Germany complained, Germany was essentially dis-armed, and only BEGAN to re-arming under heroic unc' Adolf.

So thou see, Germany in such defensive, inferior position, having been attacked by Britain and France, COULD not have pursued the absurd policies thou asserts--ESPECIALLY when one considers the furious attempts by Germany to making peace w. allies, esp. Britain, as after the fall of France. For HOW could Germans have expected allies to take German peace overtures seriously if they HAD followed such non-existent homicidal policies as thou lies they did?

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 164, Incitatus says:
February 26, 2019 at 9:40 pm GMT • 400 Words

“You’re forgetting that France declared war on Germany, not the other way around.”

Strawman. Didn’t say otherwise.

You opined France better off occupied, remember? Given contrary evidence, you change the subject.

“the western Allies were responsible for more French civilian deaths- and real atrocities- than the Germans were”

Enumeration and citations please.

“With respect to the diets of the “occupied” countries, don’t even go there…”

Already there and back. Sorry. Starvation rations are on record. So is Backe’s Hungerplan with its 20-30 million death estimate.

“the mass murder of German “disarmed enemy forces” in Eisenhower’s starvation camps and the deliberate efforts to starve the German people after the war”

Strong allegations. If true, how do they excuse Germany starving 3.5 million Soviet POWs to death? 4.2 million Soviet citizens (mostly Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians)? Working 2.4 million foreign laborers to death in Germany ‘42-45? Homicidal policy in occupied areas? Ethnic cleansing, murder?

Germany certainly suffered. 2.1 million perished in expulsions, 434,000 in Allied bombing, 5+ million in combat, flattened cities, etc. Genuinely tragic. Victims of criminally incompetent leadership.

“The so called “liberators” were far more destructive, homicidal and malign than the German National Socialists”

You’re welcome to believe that. Few agree. In any case, be consoled by good National Socialist policy direct from Mr. Big himself:

“He who wants to live should fight, therefore, and he who does not want to battle in this world of eternal struggle does not deserve to be alive.”

-Adolf Hitler ‘Mein Kampf’ Chapter 11 Volume 1, 1925

“If the German people are no longer strong enough and ready to sacrifice their own blood for their existence, then they should perish and be wiped out by another, stronger power. They are no longer worthy of the place they have won for themselves.”

-Adolf Hitler, remarks to the Danish Foreign Minister 27 Nov 1941

You might say the Allies took the Führer’s advice.

Reichminister Fritz Todt (one of the few capable Nazis) told Hitler “This war can no longer be won by military means…[it] can only be ended politically” 29 Nov ‘41. Failure to destroy the USSR by winter was as fatal as von Moltke missing the Schlieffen Plan timetable in September 1914, and Todt was honest enough to say it. He also warned direct US involvement would be terminal.

Hitler, ever messianic, declared war on the US two weeks later (11 Dec ’41). Reason? “We can’t lose the war at all; we now have an ally [Japan] which has never been conquered in 3000 years.”

Incompetent, suicidal leadership.

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