Saturday, November 23, 2019

It's latest popular item in political journalism, folks--the "DEEP-STATE" idea, meme, concept--patriots, Christians must make most of it, connecting it to central-bank (legalized counterfeiting)....

Most Dramatic New Development In Politics/Journalism: Widespread Grasp Of "Deep-State," Suckers--GOLDEN Opportunity For Patriots, (Real) Christians To Expose Satanists, Central-Bank
(Apollonian, 23 Nov 19)

Well now, we see evermore the emergence of the "deep-state"--what and who are they?--they're the ones behind the "impeachment" farce/travesty, which poor, Israel-first Trump can't seem to shake. "Deep-state" sure has the resources, eh? For no matter what, the Jews-media, esp. the "leftists" (which is practically all of them--there are none without some "deep-state" spokes-persons, including FOX News), keeps backing "deep-state" and demon-rats.

Thus "deep-state" keeps pushing the demon-rats to prosecute Trump; "deep-state" Jews-media keeps pushing, despite people evermore grasping the idiot lies and lying. So it's one faction of Jews, the leftists, atheists, and "globalists" against the Israel-first Jews who back Trump--all Jews, all the time, "good Jews vs. bad Jews"--HOW is this?

For there's one absolute, most powerful instrument at the top which RULES--the central-bank, suckers (ck for expo; use site search-engine for specific terms)--why can't the over-populated fools, morons, and goons among "the people" figure this out?--surely, evermore people are figuring it out, but will it be enough, soon enough? For note, "deep-state" (Council on Foreign Relations [CFR], Tri-lateralists, and Bilderbergers) want "population-reduction" by which to mass-murder and genocide the over-populated people, now filled w. so many fools, scum, TV-addicts, inferiors, and weaklings--U KNOW war is coming--it's only matter of time--then we'll have bio-weapons, etc.

So It's GOLDEN opportunity, now that "deep-state" is so topical, popular, and in view of the public attn., for patriots and Christians to pt.-out the presence, place, and function of (a) Jews and Satanists (extreme subjectivists), and that Jews are Satanists, by definition and nature, (b) and then the central-bank, gross criminal enterprise (literally legalized counterfeiting of the currency, not REAL MONEY), and how it functions, and its place, etc.

Funny thing: the John Birch Society (JBS) and a few others (, like many "libertarians," perfectly well understand "deep-state" and central-bank relation, BUT won't say anything substantial as JBS, for example, is so totally funded by Jews.

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