Monday, December 17, 2018

The Jew wiggles and squirms, but cannot prove it isn't Jew, ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Is The Jew A Little Tooooo Clever?--Jew-Meter Is Buzzing And Beeping
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 18)

Ho ho o ho--watch the Jew squirm, folks.

1. For IF u were Jew, then u'd lie, right?

2. And u're a dumb Jew too, we see. Ever hrd of INDUCTIVE LOGIC?--it means details add up, and if u walk, talk, act, and think like a Jew, u very well could be a Jew, and after enough evidence, it's best to assume u're Jew unless u can PROVE u're not--this is how science and legal investigations work. And I say u're a Jewwy Jew lying and question-begging w. most putrid, stinking chutzpah as any Jew.

3. Besides, it's sufficient for my arguments' sake to observe for folks u argue like the typical moronic Jew, ur arguments the very same things and sort of things Jews would use.

4. So ur arguments are Jewwy, if nothing else, sucker, ho ho ho ho--just more inductive evidence, u see.

5. So I consider I've well-enough demonstrated my case--we'll let the readership decide, eh? Ho ho ho ho oho

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

Corvinus says:
December 18, 2018 at 3:54 am GMT • 600 Words

“Eloquent Jew (In His Way) Shows Why Jews Are Sooooo Cherished By Humanity”

Actually, I’m an eloquent American mutt–Polish, German, and Dutch. No Jew blood in me. Your Jew-O-Meter is on the fritz. Take to Goebbels and Sons, I hear they do great work.

“Good gravy, “corvinus,” we see u’re just another Jew liar, spewing ur stupid Jew lies, the Jew parasite living off the remnants of the original gentile Constitutional achievement…”

Again, I ask, do you look for Jews underneath your bed and in your closet?

“So do u have any exposition saying what multi-culturalism is, what Satanism is, and why they’re NOT same?–no, just the usual, typical Jewwy lies and assertion.”

Actually, you were the one who made the charge, so it is up to you to offer proof in support of that assertion. Besides, would any evidence to the contrary change your mind, or would you simply call anything and everything I provide a “Jewish conspiracy”?

“Wasn’t it Lincoln who called for volunteers, and wasn’t it the Yanks who marched into Confederate territory for first battle of Bull Run?”

Actually, both sides were eager for a fight, and considering that southrons had fired upon Fort Sumter and began the hostilities, the North took decisive matters.

“South wanted independence, sucker; slaves were secondary, and it was North which went to war.”

Indeed, there were many factors that led to the Civil War, but preserving slavery for the South was front and center.

“Stupid ignorant Jew then moronically babbles about sovereignty of individual, hohoho ho, making no sense at all.”

Of course individuals have sovereignty. Natural moral law is derived from human individuality, and the premise of equality implies individual sovereignty. For if one is not sovereign, some other person has the moral authority to be a master. Individual sovereignty is moral equality taken to its logical conclusion. The concept of “self ownership” is the same as individual sovereignty. People therefore may exercise their individual sovereignty in a collective fashion–the people as a sovereign body are thus capable of wielding specific powers.

“Then the stupid Jew says secession has been “settled,” ho ho ho ho–like the mugger who knocks his victim out and takes victim’s wallet, and then says, well ownership of this wallet is “settled,”

Non sequitur.

“South will rise again, sucker.”

It is 2018, not 1958.

“And how could Jackson be for states-rights if he contradicts Jefferson and Madison…”

Jackson was an ardent supporter of states’ rights. He believed that there were strict limits to the federal government’s authority under the Constitution. He even supported the state of Georgia in its jurisdictional dispute with the federal government over the Cherokees. Jackson, however, rejected Calhoun’s theory of nullification. Thus, in this specific case, federalism trumped states’ rights.

“when the Const. itself plainly says only gold/silver can be legal tender, etc.”

It’s more complicated than you think.

“Is it any wonder these Jew monsters and satanic liars are sooooo hated by all humanity of all races and cultures, all throughout history?”

It would appear that anyone and everyone that dares to question you is a Jew. If that be the case, you have serious mental and emotional issues. Do you need help? Would you like to know more, citizen?

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