Friday, March 8, 2019

"Evidence" overwhelmingly shows it COULD ONLY be Jews/Israel responsible for 9/11

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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All Evidence That's Real Evidence Pt.s To Jews, Israel For 9/11
(Apollonian, 8 Mar 19)

Newsflash, sucker: ALL gentiles are "anti-Semitic," excrement-for-brains--as is truth, reality, reason, and logic. For Jews make themselves, collectively, to be God and co-equal therewith, God's only purpose being the creation of those wonderful people of chosen-ness, God the slave of the chosenites, attack-dog and assassin who mass-murders enemies (everyone else) of Jews, celebrated at Passover and Purim. See,, and for expo.

Note also, the entire Western society and indeed, the entire world is ruled by a criminal, satanic conspiracy known as "central-banking," which is literally legalized counterfeiting--see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

So NOTHING happens in Jew S A without top criminals and masterminds, the top Satanists, KNOWING and consenting, and taking the largest part of whatever profits. Israelis now seem to be ruling faction of Satanists at the top, having run Trump and so grossly surprising and outraging the atheist-"globalist" Jews of the "left" and CFR (Council on foreign relations).

Regarding 9/11, all one needs is Chris Bollyn's (see work, "Solving 9/11," in which he documents Jew-Zionist control and oversight at every pt. of the conspiracy, operations, cover-up, "investigation," litigation, etc. Further, it's well known the Saudis are close allies of Jews and Israel. Jews and Israel kept close surveillance of the Arab hi-jackers, associates, and conspirators. Ptech corp. was Jew/Israeli-run and was involved in computers of Air Force, DoD, FAA, etc., injecting the false radar blips on the Air-traffic screens at time on 9/11.

Note Jews are top criminals, as they're top Satanists, Satanism being extreme subjectivism which holds mind/consciousness is source of reality, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism by definition. And Jews rule Satanism due to their collectivist organization which dominates the less organized subjectivist/satanist gentiles who yet far out-number Jews. So thou are exposed for the typical Jew liar, lying, saying there's "no evidence"--when there's tremendous abundance of evidence.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 145, Nat Philosopherat Philosopher says: • Website
March 8, 2019 at 5:59 pm GMT • 100 Words

The reason you are arguing about the USS liberty is that you are using it as a snowman since there is no evidence the Israelis were involved particularly in 9/11 but a lot of evidence they were involved in the USS liberty. So you are doing a bait and switch.

Nothing could be clearer than that the US government itself was heavily prepared before 9/11 to cover it up and covered it up after it every way possible and was furthermore heavily prepared before with detailed plans to use the event to motivate NSA surveillance and to invade multiple Middle East countries. Why go looking to blame the Israelis with essentially no evidence and Operationally very difficult and dangerous task if they wanted to do it in New York unless you are an anti-Semite, when it’s plain as a pike staff can blame Bush Cheney etc. who were clearly involved.

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