Tuesday, March 26, 2019

"Thomm": another "smart" fool who, however, somewhat nearly gets-it about Unz the kike....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/an-irani...omment-3115629

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"Thomm": ANOTHER S**t-Skin Too Clever By Half
(Apollonian, 26 Mar 19)

Ho hoohoho ho--talk about "low-IQ," is there anyone dumber than "Thomm"?--hoh o ho ho ho. Thou have it all wrong, sucker. Unz is simply the same sort of kike, liar, subversionist (if ever possible, at any time), anti-human--and his "Open Ltr to Alt-Right" is excellent verification of the usual Jewwy, anti-white, anti-gentile contempt, condescension, hostility, alienation.

But Unz's innovation is unique: he presents the most anti-Semitic articles; in this way he sucks in quite a few un-knowing, un-suspecting gentiles, to be sure, encouraging them to think, "gee, there are SOME "good" Jews, aren't there?"--ho ho ho ho ho. The other typical Jew-serving fraud is "golly, gee, but one shouldn't judge all kikes by just one or a few, eh?"

But surely then, Unz's most practical purpose is to provide "pilpul" (casuistry) training and exercise for the various Jew trolls, as we've seen, for their usual lies and lying to the stupid gentiles w. their usual, typical lying and lies, the fall-back, as ALWAYS, being moralism and virtue-signaling, specifically, that one should treat kikes like individuals, not waging war in collectivist manner--as Jews routinely do to gentiles.

So, speaking as a "white-trashionalist," as "Thomm" likes to call us, ho ho ho ho, it's simply matter of the usual drawing the "venom" of the Jewwy snake, engaging in the very same sort of propagandist exercise, this for purpose of training and informing those gentiles who attempt to trying to engage in the discussion, such as one finds, as here on "Unz Review."

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 4, Thomm says:
March 26, 2019 at 3:43 am GMT • 500 Words

It is a privilege to see a sophisticated Confuse and Conquer Jew like Ron Unz singlehandedly tie up hundreds if not thousands of White Trashionalists at once. His strategy is particularly elegant when one observes the chess pieces that Ron advances in the correct sequence.

Step 1 : Make a website that WNs use (since they can never build anything on their own). Let any and all anti-Semitic slurs stand on the website to make WNs complacent and even keyboard-courageous.

Step 2 : Recruit the 2-3 intelligent authors that WNs read (Sailer, Derbyshire, etc.) who happen to bad at making money, so that they write for very little renumeration.

Step 3 : After a few years, start pushing for normalization of Hispanics (even if illegal; especially if illegal).

Step 4 : Deploy someone like Fred Reed to generate even more confusion, and then someone like Philip Giraldi to make anti-Semites feel at ease about saying anything.

It works…and it is a lesson in asymmetrical attrition warfare by a sophisticated Confuse and Conquer Jew. Remember, he got handed an unprestigious assignment from Jewish central command. Harvey Weinstein got to have sex with the prettiest actresses for 30 years, George Soros gets to be a billionaire, etc. But someone has to do the less glamorous work, and Runzie Baby is equal to the task.

Ron Unz has said about 95% of this site disputes the fact that the real division is black vs non-black. I am among the 5% that agree with him (although I am more conservative than him, since I think there should be only skilled, legal immigration, not unskilled and certainly never illegal).

Now, here is the thing. Those who talk about Auschwitz, lampshades, and soap never get moderated here, but those who agree with Ron Unz do. He will even get angry with those who agree with him too vocally, even as any and all anti-Israel content is fully welcome.


It is because he thinks it will expose his game of 4D chess from the perception of a 70-IQ WN. But I guarantee that it cannot, since the typical White Trashionalist is far below the IQ threshold where they can observe the many pieces in motion. I can describe Ron’s plan in full detail (and I fully support it), without any risk of the WNs figuring out that they are the frog and the temperature is already up to about 160 degrees F.

I am strongly in favor of what Ron Unz is doing. His recent ‘An Open Letter….’ article was a trial balloon through which he tested the speed at which the temperature can be increased under the immerse-in-water frog. I look forward to seeing him go for the kill (i.e. 212 degrees F) by around 2023 or so.

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