Saturday, March 9, 2019

Of course Jews bring their troubles on themselves--just ck their "foreign relations" policy towards gentiles....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Jews Help And Do Their Part To "Bringing Troubles," Without Slightest Doubt
(Apollonian, 9 Mar 19)

Buddy: thou haven't got even the slightest clue as to what is going on, or what thou pretends to talking about so brainlessly. Thou say: <blockquote>"It is a simplification to suggest Jews brought all of their troubles upon themselves."</blockquote> Thou should ck into what Talmud is and says--it's the written "Oral Law Tradition" mentioned in Gosp. Mark ch. 7 which "tradition" hadn't been written-out and -down yet at time of Christ. See,, and for best expo.

Basically then, Talmud is a manual teaching WAR AGAINST HUMANITY (gentiles) by which humanity is to serve Jews, which "svc" is pre-saged even in Biblic Old Test. In the Zohar (Cabala), written during the middle-ages, AD, the gentile slaves are scheduled further for extermination after slavery use is over.

Okay?--so do thou begin to "getting it"?--Jews un-questionably bring "troubles upon themselves," without the slightest question. Thus the Talmud teaches "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah (first 5 books of Old Test.)

Did thou catch that about "midrash"?--thus Torah means NOTHING but what rabbis definitively say it means. Hence then, observe Jews (defined as followers of Pharisees and Talmud--Pharisees, the middle-class party of Judea at time of Christ, leading only about 5% of the pop.; "Jew" is NOT same as "Judean") are (a) SUBJECTIVISTS, holding, for practical purposes, reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism by definition--and this is demonstrated for rabbis holding that collectively, Jews are co-equal w. God, God their slave who kills gentiles for them like an attack-dog, as celebrated on Passover and Purim.

(b) Jews then consciously practice a highly organized COLLECTIVISM and most effective "group-think" which makes them dominant and rulers over the far less well-organized gentile subjectivists (especially "moralists" and virtue-signalers) and Satanists who nearly always far out-number Jews.

(c) When the society/empire of gentiles becomes "mature," according to Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West" expo upon CYCLIC history, and the over-populated gentile masses filled w. HUBRIS, they and it (the culture) becomes extremely CORRUPT, as we see fm Roman example, and present Jew S A too, subjectivistic, esp. in way of moralism and virtue-signaling, pretending thereby they're "good" and they're "exceptional nation," etc.

Thus under such corrupt conditions, Jews, subjectivists, and Satanists rule, dominate, and lead the mass of over-populated fools, goons, morons, scum, TV-addicts, inferiors, and weaklings. And this process and state of corruption is described PERFECTLY in "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," which Jews always squeal is "forgery," etc., but nonetheless describes conditions PERFECTLY, regardless the original source.

Jews, Satanists, and subjectivists have essentially won definitive control of any culture when they've achieved institution of (criminal enterprise of) CENTRAL-BANKING and fiat-currency system (see for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, which produces nearly INFINITE currency, Jews and Satanists thereby enabled to buying practically everything and everybody w. only few exceptions. Anyone not going along is liable to assassination, as JFK.

Such then is the inexorable, determinist, CYCLIC historical process which has taken place, Jews and Israel now dictating ruthlessly to the over-populated, stupid, befuddled, distracted, and most of all poorly organized goyim who merely strive for sense-gratification.

Note then Jews and Satanists perform a genuine socio-biologic function of eliminating (effectively) the over-populated goyim. As the central-banking system is doomed to inevitable collapse, the top masterminds will induce a serious complex of wars and series of wars as way to "muddy" the waters and thus to make an exit to yet another fertile breeding ground to start the CYCLE anew as history perfectly attests and verifies. Q.E.D.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 58, Patricus says:
March 9, 2019 at 5:47 pm GMT • 300 Words

Good article but I have trouble with the oft repeated notion that the US callously turned away Jews in their hour of need, presumably due to anti-Semitism. In the mid 1920s the US ended the policy of open immigration. This was not focused on Jews. Many millions came to the country from all over Europe. In cities there were quarters where only Italian, Greek, Yiddish, etc. were spoken. A deliberate decision was made to allow these immigrants to assimilate. It seems to have worked over a generation. In the 1960s the mass immigrations began again, slowly at first. This might be a good time to repeat that curtailment of immigration again.

Americans heard about German oppression of Jews but suspected the story was exaggerated as in the WW I propaganda about Huns spearing babies on bayonets, or making soap from human fat.

It is a simplification to suggest Jews brought all of their troubles upon themselves. They probably can fairly be accused of resisting assimilation. Thousands of years ago Jews started migrating to cities in the Mediterranean where they made livelihoods in middle man occupations. Only settlements of considerable population density can support large numbers of middle men.

When Jews were cast out of European cities and moved to places like the Russian Pale of Settlement they were not suited to agricultural labor and tried to make livings in retail, peddling, inn keeping, bartending and money changing. That developing region didn’t need many middle men. Agriculture and some developing crude factory work was required to advance the economy. There just wasn’t enough wealth to support millions of Jews in the occupations they knew. Most Jews were on the edge of starvation. The Russian Czars tried to resettle Jews to places like Ukraine where they were given plots of land and houses were built for them, at great expense. It takes generations for city dwellers to adjust to the farming and herding life. The resettlement policies failed.

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