Sunday, December 27, 2015

USA was created effectively Christian, the states, many of them, officially Christian, protected by Constitution fm fed. gov....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR: Horribly Mis-Conceived, As Usual
(Apollonian, 27 Dec 15)

Good gravy, JR, but do u ever stop to think just how mis-conceived u really, truly are? We note u write above,

"...because one of the things that was always to differentiate America from all other nations was our religious tolerance - and the fact that no religion could get an upper hand and start imposing their belief system on the rest of us that don't want it."

And the question arises, WHERE DO U GET THIS CRAP?--do u just make it up in ur amazing mind?

I do believe u DO, very much, just MAKE STUFF UP out of ur wishful thinking. Why don't u just do simplest, basic research, buddy?

Don't forget, original US Constitution only applied against the general fed gov.--it was protection of the states and people against the fed. gov.

Many of the states had official state religions, to which established churches rec'd money fm taxes collected by the state--look it up. See

Const. protected the states and state churches AGAINST the feds making their own national or state religion. But many of the states had their own established churches, as I noted.

It was always understood that the states and people making up USA were Christian, but they differed regarding particular churches, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, etc.--these were left up to the states, explicitly denied to the general fed. gov. by Const.

JR, u are sadly mis-conceived as to religion, etc., and u urgently need to do some soul-searching, buddy--what is wrong w. u that u have to LIE LIE LIE LIE like u do?--u must be a Jew, the way u love to lie about religion. There's un-doubtedly something going-on within ur amazing mentality.

USA is and always was Christian, regardless particular church denomination, made by Christians for Christians, PERIOD. US Constitution was made by Christians, for Christians, PERIOD. US and US Const. are products of Christianity, Christian culture of the West in general.

U need to get real, start to facing the truth and the facts of reality, buddy. Jews didn't make USA--they had NOTHING to do w. it--only Christians, and no one else, made USA.

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