Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Hoffman puffs Strasser in order to bolster his envy and lying about unc' Adolf....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Hitler Wrote "Mein Kampf"; What Did Strasser Write?
(Apollonian, 4 Dec 19)

W.B. of Kansas (see ) commends Hoffman for his book, "Adolf Hitler...," filled w. self-serving lies and display of virtue-signaling by Hoffman, specifically pt-ing-out Hoffman's puffing of G. Strasser. Hoffman lies and indicates Hitler "murdered" Strasser, and problem is there doesn't seem to be a full-fledged biography of Strasser, though Strasser is puffed by Hoffman. So much for Hoffman and Strasser.

But Hitler is a hero because he spoke much the truth about Jews and the people, like Hoffman, who defend and sympathize w. Jews. We KNOW Hitler is hero, otherwise WHY would Jews hate him and lie about Hitler so pathetically? See Hitler's "Mein Kampf"--what did Strasser write? Hoffman only slanders Hitler, among his other lies, because Hoffman ENVIES Hitler, and further, wants obviously to supplicate Jews whom Hoffman not only envies, but also fears, and Hoffman hopes thus to get some soft-headed Jews to help him make money selling his slanderous book, no doubt.

Note also Hoffman imagines there are "connoisseurs" of truth, but who doesn't appreciate truth?--would that be Hoffman, who wants to hold himself up as a "connoisseur"?--ho ho ho ho. But fact is Hoffman is no "connoisseur"; rather, he's just same old liar, moralistic virtue-signaler, and Pharisaic who wants to pretend to the lie that he's "good," which "good" doesn't and couldn't exist--anymore than there's "evil." In another of Hoffman's putrid works, "Usury in Christendom...," Hoffman pretends to denounce "usury," which he can't even define, lying, saying it's mere lending at interest.

Psychologically, Hoffman is just a passive-aggressive psychotic and heretic (Pelagianism), obsessed w. inferiority-complex by which he preaches the satanic lies about non-existent "good-evil," now pretending to denounce Hitler, Hoffman thus trying to suck-up to Jews. Hoffman can't figure-out Christianity is worship of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all, against Jew lies, Jews the very "sons of the devil," satan (JOHN 8:44).

So much for the shallow-minded, virtue-signaling Hoffman, passive-aggressive coward and yet another of his empty, worthless duds of a book, filled w. lies and lying about someone, a real hero, Hitler, whom Hoffman envies soooo desperately.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

It's latest popular item in political journalism, folks--the "DEEP-STATE" idea, meme, concept--patriots, Christians must make most of it, connecting it to central-bank (legalized counterfeiting)....

Most Dramatic New Development In Politics/Journalism: Widespread Grasp Of "Deep-State," Suckers--GOLDEN Opportunity For Patriots, (Real) Christians To Expose Satanists, Central-Bank
(Apollonian, 23 Nov 19)

Well now, we see evermore the emergence of the "deep-state"--what and who are they?--they're the ones behind the "impeachment" farce/travesty, which poor, Israel-first Trump can't seem to shake. "Deep-state" sure has the resources, eh? For no matter what, the Jews-media, esp. the "leftists" (which is practically all of them--there are none without some "deep-state" spokes-persons, including FOX News), keeps backing "deep-state" and demon-rats.

Thus "deep-state" keeps pushing the demon-rats to prosecute Trump; "deep-state" Jews-media keeps pushing, despite people evermore grasping the idiot lies and lying. So it's one faction of Jews, the leftists, atheists, and "globalists" against the Israel-first Jews who back Trump--all Jews, all the time, "good Jews vs. bad Jews"--HOW is this?

For there's one absolute, most powerful instrument at the top which RULES--the central-bank, suckers (ck for expo; use site search-engine for specific terms)--why can't the over-populated fools, morons, and goons among "the people" figure this out?--surely, evermore people are figuring it out, but will it be enough, soon enough? For note, "deep-state" (Council on Foreign Relations [CFR], Tri-lateralists, and Bilderbergers) want "population-reduction" by which to mass-murder and genocide the over-populated people, now filled w. so many fools, scum, TV-addicts, inferiors, and weaklings--U KNOW war is coming--it's only matter of time--then we'll have bio-weapons, etc.

So It's GOLDEN opportunity, now that "deep-state" is so topical, popular, and in view of the public attn., for patriots and Christians to pt.-out the presence, place, and function of (a) Jews and Satanists (extreme subjectivists), and that Jews are Satanists, by definition and nature, (b) and then the central-bank, gross criminal enterprise (literally legalized counterfeiting of the currency, not REAL MONEY), and how it functions, and its place, etc.

Funny thing: the John Birch Society (JBS) and a few others (, like many "libertarians," perfectly well understand "deep-state" and central-bank relation, BUT won't say anything substantial as JBS, for example, is so totally funded by Jews.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

M. A. Hoffman: just more putrescent, stinking moralism/Pharisaism posing as "history"....

Hoffman: Putrid, Pretentious Moralist Posing As Historian
(Apollonian, 19 Nov 19)

Michael A. Hoffman II, author of a new book on unc' Adolf, "Adolf Hitler, Enemy of the German People," is presently glorying and crowing that his book is under "increasing" attack (see https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ook-adolf.html ). But we already know Hoffman is very poor historian, merely the typical self-righteous moralizer, pretending he's "good," that he knows all about morality, and people should be more like him, taking his instructions.

And indeed, we can understand Hoffman wants to continue posing as the great moralist, as always, now using unc' Adolf as his foil. Thus Hoffman seeks to elevate himself and his usual putrid Pharisaism, hoping thus to making-up w. the Jews whom he well criticizes for their thematic Talmudism and Satanism. So that's Hoffman's purpose, pushing his moralism as always for him, and now in this instance, regarding dear unc' Adolf, to sucking-up to Jews. Is it any wonder real historians and honest folk have nothing but contempt for such as Hoffman?

Unfortunately, for Hoffman, he totally misses the boat for history as the Germans were attacked, France and UK, instigated by Jews and the Roosevelt regime in USA, declaring war upon Germany, which had done absolutely nothing against UK and France, which Germany under Hitler simply defended the German city of Danzig and the German people still living in Poland, Poland having taken land fm Germany illegally, who were being mass-murdered by Poles.

Hoffman, the incompetent "historian," overlooks simple, demonstrable fact Germany and Germans had been under active and unrelenting attack by the Jew bankers and associated oligarchs since 1914. And Germans under Hitler fought a desperate, defensive war against forces of Satanism and bolshevism who worked to mass-murder Germans of the time as they continue their mass-murder and de-population agenda to this very day under the brave New World Order and Agendas -21 and -2030.

Thus we the people can well judge Hoffman's incompetence by his previous treatment of the subject of "usury" (see his "Usury In Christendom..."), which Hoffman (falsely, at least tendentiously) defines as mere lending at interest, this charging of interest being, somehow, according to Hoffman, as "immoral," which morality Hoffman fails to define except as the commandment of God, which "commandment" Hoffman mysteriously extracts fm mere written material, like Old Testament, certainly not first-hand fm God, as Hoffman would like to pretend.

Thus we see Hoffman the moralist deriving his moralist judgment upon "usury" and lending at interest by mysterious, "magical" means--it says so in the book, thus it is true, according to Hoffman--so much for his knowledge of economics and money and banking, aside fm "morality" and history.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Hoffman again; what a putrid writer, pretending to history--just more virtue-signaling, Pharisaism....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Hoffman, Just ANOTHER Failed Moralist Pretending To Virtue-Signal
(Apollonian 3 Nov 19)

Hoffman is a transparently horrible writer--except when it comes to analyzing Talmudism, as he does quite well in a couple of works of his. But when it comes to economics (or anything else, evidently)--like regarding "usury"--Hoffman literally knows nothing, and can't even reason regarding the subject, beginning w. what "usury" is in the first place--for it's surely not mere lending at interest, interest well-justified in the science and for matter of freedom-of-contract among humanity, obviously.

Worst of all, Hoffman is one of those putrid virtue-signalers, so self-righteous he stinks--a real Pharisee himself of the worst sort. And that's what his book on unc' Adolf is all about--to display to the Jews how he, Hoffman, emotes w. them against a hero who dared to fight satan's front-line soldiers, the Jews. Hoffman wants to pretend only he is allowed to criticize Jews, u see.

Simple fact is Germany was attacked by the Jew-conspiracy, like they were in WWI, and Stalin was preparing a massive attack on the eastern front, confirmed in fine detail by Suvorov (or Rezun). Note Hoffman is soooo pathetic in attempted rebuttal of Suvorov, Hoffman can only cite what others allege and assert against Suvorov's mountain of facts. Hoffman himself is capable of nothing but virtue-signaling--it's his only purpose and desire, never doubt.

In Germany in 1934, it was continuous war against the Jews and cohorts who had concocted yet another plot, and Gregor Strasser was simply un-lucky amidst the tragic turmoil. People just fail to see the great tide of determinist history faced by unc' Adolf and the Germans against the criminal Jews and their great central-bank operations (see for expo on central-banking, etc.; use site search-engine for particular terms), consisting literally of legalized counterfeiting of fake currency, not real money, etc., combined w. the communist incubus, and United Nations world dictatorship.

So one sees Hoffman has no genuine arguments as he has no facts, his only real effort being in moralizing and emoting w. satanic Jews in his pathetic, self-righteous desperation, evidently in compensation and apology for speaking truth about Talmud--Hoffman is traitor to humanity and truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) itself, and he stinks.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Unz, kike editor, has made his comment page for Linh Dinh to be owned by troll, "anon 396," who just repeats idiot equivocation fallacy....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Raspail Hits Proverbial Nail Squarely On Head
(Apollonian, 23 Aug 19)

Observe how the Jew editor, Unz, allows the troll, "anon 396" to TOTALLY dominate and hijack the entire thread here. And observe how the troll does it--simply repeating ad infinitum his idiot equivocation fallacy regarding Christ being same and practically identical as the very Pharisees who ABSOLUTELY oppose Christianity--the reason they opposed Christ, calling him "blasphemer," and seeing to his being killed.

After all what is New Test. all about, anyway?--if not Christian truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6, Aristotelian objectivity) vs. Jew lies (subjectivism, "midrash"--see JOHN 8:44).

Nowhere, by the troll, "anon 396," is there a simple analysis of the absolutely OPPOSED theses of Christ and Pharisees--certainly nothing like I explain in # 182, above. And observe there's no Christian champion of the real Christianity featured (other than my own notes)--evidently censored and deleted by Jew, Unz, as he's deleted my own subsequent entries.

So I wonder--will it take Linh Dinh himself to clarify the thesis he originally posed regarding philosophy of Christian vs. Jew. Does Dinh agree w. troll, "anon 396"? Incidentally, Dinh is absolutely wrong, I submit, about Raspail and his magnificent book, Raspail hitting the philosophic-political-cultural truth and facts quite accurately.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Unz the kike, pushing dis-info, featuring troll-exercise for his kike buddies....

Below by ap submitted but CENSORED by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Unz Shown Trolling His Own Readers, Once Again
(Apollonian, 22 Aug 19)

Once again we see Unz, the Jew, trolling the suckers who try commenting on Unz's troll training grounds for his Jew-buddies: observe his guest-troll, "anon," both 339 and 396, who seem to be same person, certainly pushing the same trolling pt. over and over and over, making use of EQUIVOCATION fallacy, insisting Christ was "Jew"--when the word "Jew" didn't exist at the time of Christ, there not even being the letter, "J," in the Roman alphabet of the time.

For Christ was ANTI-Pharisaic--why he was killed by them, as Pharisees HATE TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 8:44)--this conflict btwn Christ and Pharisees (truth vs. lies) being thematic to New Test.

For nowadays, "Jew," as Jews affirm, refers to followers of Talmud and those who identify with them racially--including Unz. Remember Christ was killed by these ("Jew") followers of Pharisees--about which killing their own Talmud brags, further confirmed at Gosp. MATT 27:25.

Note further, this Jewwy troll, "anon," totally IGNORES the absolutely contradictory and opposed philosophies of Christ vs. Pharisees, Christ confirming the Aristotelian objective reality, hence TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), AGAINST Jew subjectivism (JOHN 8:44), as I clearly note above, in # 182.

Note Unz's purpose is providing training exercise for his fellow Jews to trolling the gentiles in his comments pages here.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Olivier, again, who insists there's "good-evil," can't (won't) face-up to central-banking problem, which master-minded bolshies....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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As Usual, Olivier Needs Major Clue About History, Central-Banking, Etc.
(Apollonian, 9 Aug 19)

Olivier: when will thou ever grow-up and start thinking in accord w. reality? (a) First reality is objective, (b) hence DETERMINED (absolute cause-effect; NO perfectly "free" will), hence CYCLIC as for history in accord w. Oswald Spengler, "Decline of the West." Ergo there's NO, could be no such thing as "evil."

Jew subjectivists/Satanists do the best they can like anyone else (a), they genuinely believing in their filthy Satanism/subjectivism, and (b) hence, why shouldn't they continue to exploit stupidity of over-populated goyim (like thyself) who INSIST on this idiot, child's "good-evil" fantasy of thine by which thou pretends to be "good"?--like a child.

Stupid over-populated goyim also insist upon INFINITE currency (not real money, like gold/silver, which is necessarily FINITE). So the Jews/Satanists give stupid goyim what they want, the "liberal" (satanic) dictatorship of infinite currency by which Jews rule, keeping stupid goyim fighting one another, etc.

ONLY genuine, hence anti-semitic Christianity has serious hope/possibility for uniting goyim, even if only for a few moments of history before they break-up again in all their typical hubris which always eventually prevails in CYCLIC fashion.

Olivier says, <blockquote>"I will never understand why the Russians authorities keep silent,...."</blockquote>

Olivier: all thou needs do is to grasp that Jew-Bolsheviks were/are mere creatures of the world central-bankers (dominated by Jews, including Rothschilds) fm the very first, long before 1917, the central-bankers in definitive control of the world fm Napoleonic wars, consolidating ever since, WWI being the definitive institution of world gov. dictatorship ("League of Nations"), etc. See Antony C. Sutton's "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution," in which he demonstrates the NY/London bankers co-operating and cheerfully funding bolshies.

Don't forget central-banking is (a) monopoly, and (b) a criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting, known fm very beginning of civilization in Babylon (see; use their site search-engine).

So thou see?--central-bankers RULE, have ruled for over 200 yrs now, and Russkies and everyone else are their flunkies, henchmen, pawns, and play-things, simply doing what they're told, bourgeois morons (like thyself) imagining they're "good" for going-along. And ONLY a tremendous catastrophe, say like a horrendous economic depression, has remotest chance for changing things.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

# 802, Olivier1973 says:
August 7, 2019 at 11:52 pm GMT • 200 Words

And a new contribution by Orlov:

In French:

About Ron’s argument:

Les détails de la simulation étaient connus d’une très petite équipe de base qui comprenait quelques centaines de conspirateurs hautement qualifiés et bien placés – incluant évidemment les astronautes eux-mêmes – tandis que la grande majorité des 200 000 membres du personnel de la NASA employés dans le programme lunaire, sans parler du reste du public, n’avaient aucune raison évidente de douter que ce dont ils étaient témoins était de véritables missions avec équipage vers la surface lunaire.

The details of the simulation were known to a very small core team which included a few hundred highly skilled and well placed conspirators – obviously including the astronauts themselves – while the vast majority of NASA’s 200,000 staff members employed in the lunar program, not to mention the rest of the public, had no obvious reason to doubt that what they were witnessing was a fully manned mission to the lunar surface.

I will never understand why the Russians authorities keep silent, when this is a weapon of mass destruction: it would destroy once and for all the faith in the empire of evil.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Lev Ke needs getting clue about Unz, kikes, not to mention the CYCLIC hist. trend of Spengler's "Decline of West,...."

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jews: Foremost Satanists, Leaders Of Present Corrupt Culture In "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 21 July 19)

Thou are TOTALLY missing what Unz's purpose is--don't forget he's Jew, loyal to Jews, engaging in dis-info and cognitive dissonance against dumb gentiles like thyself. And Unz is plainly veritably anti-goyim--just look at and read his "open ltr to alt.-right." Unz has nothing but contempt for gentiles--which actually is quite justified, truth be told, esp. to listening to (reading) the morons commenting here, this site.

Unz thus wants to pretend there are "good" Jews, Jews to be taken as "normal" part of society, etc., and his site here is designed as exercise-ground/training-camp for fellow Jew trolls and dis-info/hasbara artists/practitioners to coming and pushing their typical lies, prop., and lying. And thou can and should take note of the numerous stupid ****s here fm among the goyim swallowing it all and taking part, even defending Unz and falsely complimenting Unz for his idiotic, dreary, droning, moronic articles about demographics and "IQ."

"Scientific method," don't forget, is INDUCTION, built upon numerous items of observation, and all observation and inductive logic and process SCREAMS the Jew-infested ZOG is nothing but lies and lying, built upon lies and lying, the "manned moon-landing," etc., just another instance/chapter--which hoax must now be dis-proven which Unz and fellow Jews cannot do, they preferring to just do more lying and dis-info.

Thus Unz just blithely ignores all the findings about hoaxes and lies regarding "Apollo" "moon program," playing stupid as he does, and pretending, "gee, but we need to hear fm 'experts' in order to know what's really true"--which method ("hearsay" and arg.-fm-authority) is actually essential part of the Jew/Talmudic method, fool--get a clue, sucker.

Thou are WASTING THY TIME, fool, appealing to Jew like Unz who has nothing but contempt for goyim like thou. Thou ought to start getting clue, finding-out what Jews are, what they believe (SUBJECTIVE nature of reality, reality being merely what they say, in accord w. "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition"), what their filthy, satanic "religion" is all about--like lying and mass-murder of gentiles--see,, and

Note "religion" is always based upon philosophy of some sort first and most, only later and subsequently elaborated for myth and ritual, etc., and Jew "religion" IS philosophy, built thereupon, of (extreme) subjectivism, SATANISM, reality held to be product of mind/consciousness, making subject God, the creator, Jews merely practicing a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, making them, collectively, to be co-equal w. God, etc.--see citations given above.

And as Jews are such sublime collectivists, leading more isolated, "individualistic" subjectivists among goyim, they rule and dominate the now thoroughly corrupt culture/civilization of hubristic gentiles so many pretending to "free will" and "good-evil" delusions, mere expressions of subjectivism (hence Satanism), the stupid goyim just toooooo brainlessly moronic and corrupt to realizing, making them suckers and slaves for the Jews, all present establishment "Christianity," for example, totally in hands of Jews/satanists.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

# 796, Lev Ke says:
July 21, 2019 at 4:05 pm GMT • 200 Words

The only explanation for Ron’s belief in the Apollo missions is the strength of childhood exposure to extreme propaganda. Strong emotions brought about by endlessly repeated fairy-tales presented as real during youth seem to be VERY hard to pierce and undo.

Ron, do yourself a favour and spend some time on this. Debunk the ‘hoax’ if you will. You owe it to yourself. You have written way too many great, very well researched and documented articles about stuff that is considered much more controversial and emotional and far-reaching than this. It’s absurd that you would dismiss this claim off-hand, without the thorough examination that you spent on other topics.

The time-line, plus the existence of the Van Allen belts AND the fact that we are never shown a scale model of the earth and the moon in which the locations of ALL human ‘space-exploration’ events so far are shown [highlighting the absurdity of the claim that we suddenly, without any intermediary steps or tests went from low-earth orbit to another celestial body, 1,000 times further, and then suddenly LOST the ability to do so], are three very simply facts that make for enough weirdness and absurdity to make any person with half a brain ask questions. Let alone someone of your calibre.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Life sucks, in the first place--too often forgotten by folks....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Don't Forget--Life Sucks
(Apollonian, 4 July 19)

Gosh, Olivier, but I almost missed this one little crack thou made: <blockquote>"– the Yankees are not ruthless people (they are receivers of stolen land and committed genocides)."</blockquote> But note humans are sinners by nature, and there isn't a land anywhere that wasn't conquered by someone, ancestors of those living there presently--it's the way of the world, including humanity--didn't thou ever learn such basic thing(s)?

Life sucks, according to all Western culture's wisest, beginning w. Homer, and the very nature of life is warfare and conflict: "war is general, and justice is strife, and all things come about by way of strife and necessity"--Heraclitus of Ephesus, 5th cent. BC. "Nature, red in tooth and claw," was Tennyson's characterization, which the Darwinists took up along w. "survival of the fittest."

Human survival is never guaranteed, under any circumstances, much a matter of dumb luck and God's will, but aside fm those it always helps to be strong as possible, in mind as well as body, eh?--at least for the proper understanding of things. And in the waging of war, it's hard to be "moderate," isn't it? For if one's life is at stake, one tends to always going all-out before one can breathe easy--it's way God made us to be, eh?

So what's really thy complaint, Olivier?--thou just regret reality, eh?--but is that "Yankees" fault?--I don't think so. Yanks did best they could, no less than thy ancestors or anyone else. I thought thy statements of # 785 were right-on, almost all the way through--it was just that one little deviance where thou went seriously off track.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

satanists/Jews continue iron-clad rule in Jew S A, by means of central-bank, don't doubt....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Satanism Continues To Rule In Jew S A And World, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 4 July 19)

Olivier: thou must grow-up and get hip--"yankee"?--ho hoh o ho ho--try JEW--those are who rule, and they do this as they're FOREMOST Satanists (Satanism being extreme subjectivism--see and for expo on Judaism/Talmudism/Pharisaism)--for that's what Jew S A is now--a horrific, satanic empire, having gotten worse and worse over the generations since 1860s when Satanists definitively destroyed original American republic and Constitutional system.

Jew S A now is mere "dog" wagged by "tail" of Israel (who OWN Trump, have lots of "dirt" on him--don't forget Trump took several trips to "Lolita Island" w. Jeff Epstein, high-level MOSSAD agent). Ruling, dominant charade, pushed by "Jews-media" is "good-Jews" (on "right," backing Trump, consisting of Judeo-Christian heretics [JCs--see and for expo] and "neo-cons" who support Israel) vs. "bad-Jews" of phony "left," atheist, "globalists."

Satanic empire RULES by means of fiat-currency/central-banking which is literally legalized counterfeiting--that's NOT exaggeration. So thou see, they (Satanists) simply counterfeit nearly endlessly, making evermore currency to fund practically anything they need, assassinations, rigging-of-elections, extortion, bribery--of course, thou know, Jews run the Jews-media, and "big-tech" is now feverishly censoring I-net, etc.

It (the central-banking "business"--a criminal enterprise) MUST end sometime, eventually, but it isn't terribly clear exactly when--very hard to predict exactly, though many, many are predicting definitive recession (world-wide) by end of 2020--even China is in some difficulties. Trump presently insists on continuing currency-printing for his up-coming election.

What would definitively END the fiat-currency empire?--REAL money, gold/silver, which Trump pretends he wants to enact, but only AFTER next election, ho ho ho ho ho. "Left," "globalists," "liberals" (who are really just gross fascists), and "progressives" are scared and committing acts of terror ("anti-fa")--which are tolerated as Jews/Israel control Trump, not to mention Democrats here.

Another neat thing would be "states-rights" removal of central, "national," "federal" dictatorship (see, but this won't really work without removal of central-bank.

Overall--we need REAL Christianity, which is worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, hence objective reality (Aristotle), which is anti-Semitic and anti-satanic, but none of this, real money, removal of central-bank, removal of central, federal dictatorship, or real Christian movement, resurrection/revival, will happen until fiat-currency system decisively falters and fails w. serious recession/depression to make over-populated fools, goons, weaklings, and inferiors to start seriously thinking (at least a little bit) for once in their miserable little lives, maybe.

And still, even w. recession/depression, it isn't guaranteed reason will emerge to prevail and revive as Jews/Satanists will try to start wars (as in Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, etc.). We may even have a bit of a civil war here in Jew S A as "left," "globalist" atheists are so desperate as I noted. Satanism (extreme subjectivism) MUST be dealt w. in decisive, definitive manner.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------

# 785, Olivier1973 says:
July 3, 2019 at 12:27 pm GMT • 300 Words

I can very well accept your information, Iris, but do you have any reference(s) to support it, even in Russian?
For instance

Les ingenieurs travaillant a l’agence spatiale sovietique en 1969 savaient tous que la mission Apollo 11 etait une histoire a dormir debout, et l’ont aussitot publiquement denoncee.

As I will welcome it wholeheartedly.

And still, I maintain: the Russians are too kind or too naive. They are kind, they know what is war, and they do not want it again. But they are too naive to think that:

– the Yankees can keep their words (for instance not to bring NATO to the borders of Russia);

– the Yankees will not do everything, will not use all their power to destroy the Russian Federation and to plunder its ressources;

– the Yankees will not use corruption to any level to get what they want.

– the Yankees are not ruthless people (they are receivers of stolen land and committed genocides).

We already have one example here (surely you know this document):

Sure, Putin understood everything and he did what had to be done militarily, but he needs to go further imho. I worry about the future. The Russians are too kind or too naive not to use NOW what they know about the fake Apollo missions. With everything which happened since 2001, they do not have to keep their word given 50 years ago.

Once that major lie will be acknowledged, it will help to destroy the yankee propaganda. The Yankees can count on cognitive dissonance. But the blow would be devastating.

It would be better if the news will come from Russia rather than from China.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Ho hoh oho, Kike Unz loves to think he fools so many....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Who Really, Does Jew, Unz, Think He Fools?
(Apollonian, 1 Apr 19)

Unz: WHY wouldn't the "moon-landing" be a hoax if so desperately pushed by Jews like thou and the lying Jews-media?--that's called INDUCTIVE LOGIC, sucker--the conclusion that if it isn't hoax, then it needs to be PROVEN it's NOT hoax--get it, stupid kike?

Jew: do thou have ANY proof there was "moon-landing"? Doesn't it bother thou there's NO STARS in the innumerable photos of all the pretended "moon-landing" activity? And there's good reason for the moronic excuses they give for lack of stars showing in photos, eh? Ho ho ho oho.

Regarding thy putrid web-site for "pilpul" Jews and liars--the whole site is TRASH, like thou, Jew, utterly negligible for any serious people, and thy filthy race of trashy, murdering monsters, called Jews.

But it's fitting and interesting to have a site like thine, reduction-to-absurd for pilpul kike liars, their goyim suck-alongs, like "one-born-brainless," and those precious psychos who keep saying Christianity is just variation of Judaism, "Christ was Jew," etc., whom thou also make use of, eh?

And WHAT a pathologic psycho thou are--so obsessively checking and reading EVERY goddam posting entry to MAKE SURE thou censors and deletes the REAL, serious, genuine Christians (hence anti-semites). So that's how thou think thou shall "normalize" kikery--getting people to "beleeeeeev" that "golly gee, but Jews are like anyone else," and "there are good Jews along w. some bad," and "gee whiz, but thou can't judge all kikes by just one or a few," ho ho ho ho ho ho.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Cut the crap: people KNOW "collusion" is w. kikes--they're just hypnotized, not wanting to admit the sad truth....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Mike Whitney Lies: People KNOW Real "Collusion" Is With Israel/Jews
(Apollonian, 29 Mar 19)

What a brainless, moronic joke: EVERYONE knows Jews/Israel TOTALLY controls the political parties and entire establishment as Jews run and control the top monopoly, the criminal enterprise (literally legalized counterfeiting) known as the central-bank (US Fed. Reserve) which pumps-out practically INFINITE "currency," NOT real MONEY (commodity-based, like gold/silver)--see for expo; use their site search-engine.

Top central-bank monopoly then controls all the other, sub-monopolies, Jews-media, Big (Jew) Pharma, which is busily mass-murdering everyone, quietly, w. poison prescription drugs, poison vaccines, etc. Then there's "big tech" running thought-control and censorship though Google and Jew-book. Then there's "public" edjumacation, etc.

So the political charade involves typical "good-cop vs. bad-cop" game, the sides being (a) Satanist, Jew-friendly, "liberal," "leftist," atheist, but esp. "GLOBALIST" on one hand, this, vs. (b) the Christian-styled "conservatives" and "neo-cons" on the other. And BOTH Repubs and Dems "collude"--actually are totally owned by Jews at the top pushing the "good-cop, bad-cop" charade.

And the people KNOW perfectly well the REAL "collusion" is w. Israel and Jews, Trump owned by Jew, Sheldon Adelson, the Dems typically getting 70% of their national funding fm Jews. But as long as the scum, suckers, goons, morons, weaklings, and TV-addicted inferiors imagine they're enjoying "prosperity," they don't want to get too involved--after all, it hurts their heads to find they're thinking too much, the scummy puke.

It's crying shame people are sooooo willfully stupid, ignorant, and complacent, imagining things economic aren't too bad and that China will continue selling cheaply for evermore worthless, inflated American money which is able to buy less and less due to the constant inflation and deficit spending, esp. on these idiot wars for Jews. Americans are as hopelessly stupid as the ancient Romans were when their society began to collapse, and they'll have to learn the hard-way about things, like when they start seriously starving.

So what's actually happening?--a paralytic malaise by the puke, called "people," as the economy is about to collapse upon their stupid heads, which they don't want to believe, imagining that if they just don't admit the truth, it won't be true, ho ho ho ho ho. Truly, the people are "hypnotized," as Kevin Barrett says.

If things get tooooo sticky for Israel, as when US economy collapses (soon), then they figure they'll just trigger a war, or some wars, after pulling the obligatory false-flag. There's Syria and Iran Israelis want to hit, but also there's Ukraine, Venezuela, and Korea too which provide easy pretexts, war the typical, easy way to mask economic incompetence and malfeasance; it happened before, will happen again.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

"Thomm": another "smart" fool who, however, somewhat nearly gets-it about Unz the kike....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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"Thomm": ANOTHER S**t-Skin Too Clever By Half
(Apollonian, 26 Mar 19)

Ho hoohoho ho--talk about "low-IQ," is there anyone dumber than "Thomm"?--hoh o ho ho ho. Thou have it all wrong, sucker. Unz is simply the same sort of kike, liar, subversionist (if ever possible, at any time), anti-human--and his "Open Ltr to Alt-Right" is excellent verification of the usual Jewwy, anti-white, anti-gentile contempt, condescension, hostility, alienation.

But Unz's innovation is unique: he presents the most anti-Semitic articles; in this way he sucks in quite a few un-knowing, un-suspecting gentiles, to be sure, encouraging them to think, "gee, there are SOME "good" Jews, aren't there?"--ho ho ho ho ho. The other typical Jew-serving fraud is "golly, gee, but one shouldn't judge all kikes by just one or a few, eh?"

But surely then, Unz's most practical purpose is to provide "pilpul" (casuistry) training and exercise for the various Jew trolls, as we've seen, for their usual lies and lying to the stupid gentiles w. their usual, typical lying and lies, the fall-back, as ALWAYS, being moralism and virtue-signaling, specifically, that one should treat kikes like individuals, not waging war in collectivist manner--as Jews routinely do to gentiles.

So, speaking as a "white-trashionalist," as "Thomm" likes to call us, ho ho ho ho, it's simply matter of the usual drawing the "venom" of the Jewwy snake, engaging in the very same sort of propagandist exercise, this for purpose of training and informing those gentiles who attempt to trying to engage in the discussion, such as one finds, as here on "Unz Review."

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# 4, Thomm says:
March 26, 2019 at 3:43 am GMT • 500 Words

It is a privilege to see a sophisticated Confuse and Conquer Jew like Ron Unz singlehandedly tie up hundreds if not thousands of White Trashionalists at once. His strategy is particularly elegant when one observes the chess pieces that Ron advances in the correct sequence.

Step 1 : Make a website that WNs use (since they can never build anything on their own). Let any and all anti-Semitic slurs stand on the website to make WNs complacent and even keyboard-courageous.

Step 2 : Recruit the 2-3 intelligent authors that WNs read (Sailer, Derbyshire, etc.) who happen to bad at making money, so that they write for very little renumeration.

Step 3 : After a few years, start pushing for normalization of Hispanics (even if illegal; especially if illegal).

Step 4 : Deploy someone like Fred Reed to generate even more confusion, and then someone like Philip Giraldi to make anti-Semites feel at ease about saying anything.

It works…and it is a lesson in asymmetrical attrition warfare by a sophisticated Confuse and Conquer Jew. Remember, he got handed an unprestigious assignment from Jewish central command. Harvey Weinstein got to have sex with the prettiest actresses for 30 years, George Soros gets to be a billionaire, etc. But someone has to do the less glamorous work, and Runzie Baby is equal to the task.

Ron Unz has said about 95% of this site disputes the fact that the real division is black vs non-black. I am among the 5% that agree with him (although I am more conservative than him, since I think there should be only skilled, legal immigration, not unskilled and certainly never illegal).

Now, here is the thing. Those who talk about Auschwitz, lampshades, and soap never get moderated here, but those who agree with Ron Unz do. He will even get angry with those who agree with him too vocally, even as any and all anti-Israel content is fully welcome.


It is because he thinks it will expose his game of 4D chess from the perception of a 70-IQ WN. But I guarantee that it cannot, since the typical White Trashionalist is far below the IQ threshold where they can observe the many pieces in motion. I can describe Ron’s plan in full detail (and I fully support it), without any risk of the WNs figuring out that they are the frog and the temperature is already up to about 160 degrees F.

I am strongly in favor of what Ron Unz is doing. His recent ‘An Open Letter….’ article was a trial balloon through which he tested the speed at which the temperature can be increased under the immerse-in-water frog. I look forward to seeing him go for the kill (i.e. 212 degrees F) by around 2023 or so.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Unz the kike--running psy-ops, troll's training camp, hoh o ho hoho....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Unz The Jew, Does What Jews Do Best, Most--Lies--Especially For That Art Called, "Trolling," "Trollery"--Form Of Dis-Info, "Deflection"
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

"Kiza" asks, <blockquote>"Why has the comments section of unz turned into such a parade of cretins?"</blockquote> Newsflash, sucker--it has ALWAYS been such a "parade," moron. And didn't thou know Unz is Jew?--so what do thou expect? Don't Jews do what Jews do?--is a Jew a Jew? Don't thou realize "Unz Review" is simply a psy-ops?--run by a Jew? So what's purpose of Jews and Unz?

Unz deliberately and sometimes rather pains-takingly strives to manage, manipulate, deflect, and distort the discussion taking place for his comments pages, sucker--can't thou figure this out?--isn't it obvious? Have thou failed to note the large number of Jew and Jewwy shills and trolls Unz sponsors and publishes?--even long after they've been exposed for the deliberate, blatant liars they are? Some of these Jews and cretins have published over a MILLION words here on Unz Review(!)--just ck it out.

UNZ IS THE BIGGEST TROLL ON his own comments pages, managing and publishing comments in extremely selective manner, allowing some trolls and trolling sometimes, and not others, but then bringing back the same trolls, off and on, Unz censoring, deleting, and "moderating" EXTENSIVELY, and not in the "light" manner as he pretends and lies--Unz the typical, lying Jew, just another Jew doing as Jews do--lying. "By way of deception shalt thou do war."

What's Unz's purpose?--overall, Unz wants to pretend kikes are like "normal people," hoh ohoh o ho ho--they're just like "anyone else," after all--and he has numerous trolls who actually speak these lies, using these exact phrases.

And gee whiz, but Unz also has numerous favorites, even among the goyim, who spout cliché's like, "gee, but one shouldn't judge all Jews by just a few of them, or even one of them, golly"--and making other, typical excuses for these Jew monsters.

Such is Unz's troll farm and exercise pages by which he finds-out about what the goyim actually know and what they say to one another, etc., besides providing training for his buddy Jew trolls for their lying and frauds to be put-over on the goyim, but also to continue to be put over Jews themselves.

For Jews lie even to themselves and one another, all for strategic purposes--they WORSHIP lying and creating their own subjective realities, don't doubt. Thus the lying Jew is as the Jew does, as always, as ever. Christ taught us about these monstrosities, called Jews, long ago, and nothing has essentially changed.

There's excellent and substantial reason our ancestors and parents taught us to hate Jews merely because they're Jews--they're NOT really human, actually--they don't even want to be, and in fact--they're simply monsters, most sublime Satanists, as Christ described.

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# 183, Kiza says:
March 25, 2019 at 2:34 am GMT

Brother, please fill me in on your source of magic mashrooms.

Why has the comments section of unz turned into such a parade of cretins?

Anti-Christ Psycho can't grasp equivocation fallacy which confuses "Jew" (followers of Pharisees) w. Judeans, who simply lived in the land....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Psycho Can't Grasp Equivocation Fallacy
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

As I've striven to explain to thou numerous times, most often being censored/deleted by our TYPICAL Jew editor, the word "Jew" in thy quotation is surely an EQUIVOCATION error, confused w. Judeans, supposed descendents of the Israelites of the Old Test. who first discussed the concept of "salvation."

But of course, and as we've noted, thou are too psychotically obsessed to grasp the concept, it being OBVIOUS that the proper ref. could NOT be to Pharisees who killed Christ, thinking they'd killed truth itself (or at least Christ's understanding and expression of it--like Unz tries so hard to do in these comments pages).

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# 63, Anon[283] • Disclaimer says:
March 24, 2019 at 1:47 pm GMT

Q: What is the only thing that can save the people, according to Christianity?
A: Jews! “We worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.” (John 4:22)

Well, there was surely "collusion," only it wasn't w. Russkies....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Collusion With Russkies?--No, It Was With Someone Else--Guess Who?
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

CJ rather begs the question: <blockquote>"The global capitalist ruling classes are putting down a populist insurgency, delegitimizing any and all forms of dissent from their global capitalist ideology and resistance to the hegemony of global capitalism."</blockquote> And that question then is, "WHAT'S "CAPITALISM""?--is it the free market?--hence freedom? For then HOW can freedom and free-market be ruled at top by criminal enterprise of central-banking (see for expo; use their site search-engine)--which is mere legalized counterfeiting, pumping-out nearly INFINITE "currency," not real money (again, see for expo)?

And besides, there was and still is "collusion"--only, NOT w. Russkies, but w. terror-state of Israel--and this "collusion" is w. BOTH the major parties--which they all knew and still know as they wink back and forth w. one another. CJ Hopkins is just too dumb himself to grasp the simple, obvious fact(s).

So note, it's just a horrifically satanic society, run by Satanists and mass-murdering criminals, led by Jews, foremost Satanists (see,, and for expo), using the central-bank, pushing Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE, pushing lies on top of lies, the welfare-state and corrupt (and over-populated scum, called) people satiated by modern "bread & circuses," TV and idiot football games, etc. And it's all soon enough to come crashing-down w. recession and currency-collapse, but then we'll find ourselves in another war if Israel, our fearless leader, the terrorist "tail" that wags American "dog," has its way.

Only when things start to getting really bad, economically, will the stupid scum, called, "the people," begin to taking things more seriously, and begin to realizing they're being led by the noses by Satanists, Satanists led by those lovely Jews--for Judaism IS Satanism (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition), Jews simply practicing a collectivistic subjectivism ("midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition"), making them leaders/rulers among Satanists, intimidating and terrorizing the rest of the brain-dead, dis-connected, TV-addicted population.

And the only thing that can save the people--at least the survivors--is the real Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and objective reality, basis of all following Christian ethics, so much admired by all peoples. But first the people must SUFFER, and lose a lot of weaklings, fools, goons, and suckers (unfortunately)--the necessary inspiration towards that saving Christian anti-Semitism/anti-Satanism.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Too many brainless scum are too brain-washed by Jew-serving, Jew-friendly lies, prop. regarding WWII, etc....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Germany Was Attacked, Beginning With Assassination Of Austrian Archduke--Which Was Directed By Russia, Colluding W. UK And France
(Apollonian, 22 Mar 19)

"Elite...," thou really are ignorant as always, best excuse for thy stupid, typical Jew-friendly, Jew-serving lies and lying. Note immediately upon Armistice in 1918, Germans were required to dis-arm, and immediately, the Poles and French, among others took territory against the treaties and laws in effect. And Germany which was attacked and did most to try to prevent WWI, was branded the culprit. See "Hidden History...," by Docherty and Macgregor.

Poles told Germans that if they didn't stop talking about re-uniting w. city of Danzig, there was going to be war; Poles continued to encroach and harass Danzig, and throughout Poland began arresting Germans, beating and killing them in large masses, taking Germans' property, and marching Germans to concentration camps--after they'd made offensive treaty against Germany in Mar 1939 and mobilizing their military. Then France and UK declared war against Germany, moron. GERMANY WAS ATTACKED--AGAIN, fool. See "The Forced War," by Hoggan.

Meantime, the West, esp. Jew S A, was heavily subsidizing and helping Judeo-Bolsheviks to building the largest military in the world so as to attack the West. When USSR was pre-emptively struck by heroic allied forces of Germans, Romanians, and others, Jew S A immediately began to supplying bolshies by means of MASSIVE lend-lease munitions and every sort of useful commodity.

Newsflash, sucker: the entire movement, leading to WWII, was (a) Dramatic, sustained Rise of Judaic (Rothschild) banking power following Napoleonic wars, (b) Bolshevik world conquest, including, (c) as side-light, expansion of world government, featuring socialist dictatorship, as in guise of League of Nations, soon to become United Nations (UN)--which impetus has continued to this day for Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE policy, and deliberate poisoning of the people throughout the world by means of glyphosates, GMO foods, poison prescription drugs, poison vaccines, toxic radiation, including electro-magnetic and "5G," poison "chem-trails," etc.

It wasn't a "gambit," thou brainless, ignorant scum--it was simply a rather desperate self-defense against known, proven, mass-murdering Satanists, Jews, and their allies, dupes, and henchmen, fool. Get a clue and get a brain--at least TRY, idiot.

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# 56, EliteCommInc. says:Next New Comment
March 21, 2019 at 11:33 am GMT • 100 Words

I think someone previously noted this.

Pre-emptive warfare is not new and rife with speculative reasons why someone is attacking someone else.

Botton line Germany did not have much of a case for war. The Allied powers had largely given up their attempts to exact revenge on Germany as evidenced by their failure to respond to Germany’s violations.

Chancellor Hitler’s gambit was neither justified nor well thought out.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Giraldi rails at AIPAC--but it's only mere symptom to real problem, the central-bank....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Key, Crux To Satanic Empire/Society--Israel Mere Symptom--Is Central Bank
(Apollonian, 20 Mar 19)

Phil Giraldi is just a typical kind of damn-fool who typically just keeps repeating and "barking up a tree" at Jews who spit and laugh at him.

Yes, Giraldi is eloquent and brings-forth most interesting facts and trivia, etc., as usual, but Giraldi refuses to face the over-whelming fact, the 900 pound gorilla sitting right next to him:

And that simple fact is Jews, most organized arch-criminals, COLLECTIVISTIC Satanists, most organized, committed, dedicated, w. most effective, successful "group-think" who dominate and lead the subjectivists/Satanists among gentiles, which Satanists, led by Jews, then collude and co-operate to intimidating and terrorizing the rest of the demoralized population, Jews and Satanists making use of the CENTRAL-BANK criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting (see for expo on central-bank), achieving and attaining absolute, invincible power over everyone else by means of this criminal monopoly.

For thou see, the central-bank of issue now puts-out nearly INFINITE funds of CURRENCY, NOT real MONEY, and this allows the Jews (not just "Zionists") and Satanists absolute power over the hordes and masses of over-populated and leaderless (except for traitors) stupid goyim, morons, fools, suckers, inferiors, and weaklings who cannot grasp they must have REAL MONEY, not "currency" in order to survive.

So one can denounce Jews, Zionists, and Satanists to the heart's content, but unless the people remove that monopolistic criminal enterprise, the central-bank, they're going to be powerless and doomed--to GENOCIDE as under present Agenda-21 and -2030, not to mention the present poison prescription drugs, vaccines, poison GMO foods and -additives, poison glyphosate permeating the food-supply, etc.

So Giraldi has to start facing the real facts-of-life for reality of that central-bank (legalized counterfeiting monopoly) problem which Jews and Satanists, not just Zionists, exploit against the stupid goyim. Subject of MONEY and what it really is and must be is ABSTRACT problem which most people have greatest difficulty understanding. Giraldi and his allies must start to getting serious to handling and treating this central-banking criminal-enterprise issue--nothing will change long as central-bank instrument continues to exist.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Typical faggot moralist, good buddy for kike Unz....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Precious, Little Colin, Once Again, Demonstrating His "Virtue," Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 17 Mar 19)

Colin: just another stupid, lying punk, like about holohoax, taking the queer's opportunity to virtue signal, eh? Tell us, Colin: what's "evil"?--what's "good," sucker?--give the criterion, scummy little p.o.s.

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# 111, Colin Wright says:
March 17, 2019 at 4:00 pm GMT

The efforts of the Islamophobes to defend this pointless and evil atrocity are truly nauseating.

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Colin Jumps At Opportunity To Signal His Great Virtue (Not Having Any Brains), Ho Ho Ho

Colin, buddy, thou just needs to find a site w. people having low IQs as thine, sucker. The incident was most probably just another hoax, sucker--but of course, thou wishes to take opportunity to express thy virtue, not having any intelligence or discernment--typical of thy sort. Go thou and cut-off thy left-foot, and feel pain and dis-comfort, sucker--that way thou can feel "moral," eh?--ho ho ho ho ho ho.

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# 116, Colin Wright says:
March 17, 2019 at 4:39 pm GMT • 200 Words


The replies on this thread led me to wonder, ‘just who are these people I’m associating with’?

After all, this is an event that separates the men from the boys, so to speak. However radical one’s dissent, presumably there is a moral line somewhere — unless one is truly lost to humanity. One can think Nazi Germany was bad — but agree the Russian sack of East Prussia and Silesia was a gratuituous evil all the the same. There’s a limit.

So how many here would defend an action like the mosque shooting — particularly given the availability of the truly nauseating details? So I did a count.

Obviously, there are numerous problems with a ‘statistic’ of this sort — not least of which is that who ‘approves’ and who ‘disapproves’ becomes subjective. Still, we seem to have forty posters who think the killing was beyond the pale — or have at least gone off on some tangent — and twenty four who are prepared to condone it in some form.

I’m not sure what to make of that. This is a community of compulsive iconoclasts — but still…

Jews: absolutely TERRIFIED by, allergic to truth, never doubt....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Jews, Including Unz: Terrified By, Allergic To TRUTH
(Apollonian, 17 Mar 19)

Cowboy: MOST of my comments are deleted/censored by the kike, Unz--why?--because they're genuine, substantial anti-Semitic expositions which speak truth about Jews and simple fact they're Satanists, liars, etc., like Unz, as Unz never fails to demonstrate as he lies and says he's for free speech and expression, ho ho ho o ho oho.

Observe, Unz publishes all these anti-Semitic articles--do thou think a gentile could do it so easily?--hoho ho ho ho ho. But then look at the comments pages--nothing but "weak tea" and platitudes by these wussies pretending there are "good" Jews--and this is aside fm HEAVY salting w. Jew and other trolls as thou see.

But the wise KNOW the Jew is as Jew does, and Unz is Jew all the way, w. capital "J," never doubt. Unz thus wants to "manage," manipulate, affect, and distort the comments to effect there are "good" Jews like there are "good" psychopaths and Satanists, and one can't and shouldn't judge all Jews by one or a few--but this, of course, isn't the way to wage war, and it isn't appropriate to meaning of "Jew" (Satanist and anti-Christ).

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# 482, Cowboy says:
March 17, 2019 at 8:02 am GMT • 100 Words

Thanks for that, Apollonian.

How often do you have comments deleted? I would say that I have had close to 10 blocked, or at least they never showed up. I cannot be certain that they were blocked. I don’t allow cookies so once I “publish” I just have to hope it shows up. It is very annoying, especially when one puts time and effort into creating a good comment.

It would be courteous and respectful for whoever is moderating to acknowledge that they have blocked a comment and provide some kind of justification. Some moderator sometimes will insert a message into a poor comment, and they often hide things behind the MORE. It would seem that the moderator could breifly explain why the comment was not allowed, then hide it behind the more.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

"Jesse"--just another dumb Jew liar....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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"Jesse": Another Dumb, Ignorant Jew Liar
(Apollonian, 16 Mar 19)

Hey "Jesse": I thought thou Jews were supposed to be "smart"?--ho ho ho ho. Why can't an ignorant Jewwy liar, like thyself, support thy stupid lies w. citations and references?--is it because thou are just dumb, brainless lying liar?--as it notes in New Test. by Christ, thou Jews liars who do work of thy father, satan?--ho hoh o hoho.

Jew: didn't thou know it's mere matter of record, the Poles told Germans that if they didn't cease w. talk about re-uniting Danzig w. Germany it would mean war? Poles intended to TAKE Danzig, and they committed many encroachments and harassing incidents (see David Hoggan, "The Forced War"). Earlier, in the 1920s there were plebiscites regarding the people's choice, in various provinces, to determine whether that province would go to Germany or Poland, and Poles took by force at least one of the provinces that voted for Germany, sucker.

Regarding Czechoslovakia, the Czechs ran an imperialist police-state against Germans and others, having taken German land ("Sudetenland"), and the Slovaks asked the Germans to intervene. After Munich, Czech leadership continued to conspire w. Bolsheviks of Russia, there being continuing political turmoil in the country, so dear, heroic unc' Adolf decided to make it a protectorate, given fact Czech land was entirely surrounded by German land on three sides and the hostile Slovaks on the other.

In Mar 39, war-mongering Brits (UK) made an offensive alliance w. Poles in transparent effort to start war. Poles began a terrorist campaign against the million German people still residing in the new country of Poland, murdering, and dispossessing thousands. So it was the Poles, pushed by UK who started the war, Germany merely responding w. the invasion to end the war--these are the actual facts, stupid Jew, lying moron.

Regarding "racism," thou brainless Jew scum, thou should merely ck dictionary. Racism is defined as loyalty to and pride in people, ancestors, culture, and note there's NO ONE nearly as racist as thou filthy Jews (just ck the Biblic Books of Ezra and Nehemiah). Racism is magnificent and even necessary virtue, and EVERYONE is racist (loyal) to some race, even if only by default, including the mixed-race concept of the race-mixing morons.

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# 447, Jesse says:
March 12, 2019 at 10:16 pm GMT • 100 Words
@Grace Poole

Everything you said is a lie by the way.

Hitler bombed Spain, killed thousands, which had nothing to do with German lands.

National Socialism was an invasive project as it invaded Poland.

No, there were no Germans being killed. It’s fake. Absolutely artificial propaganda.

National-Socialism wanted to maintain the system of ownership (capitalism) but make it German, a sort of “national” capitalism. Hitler also left the German landlords and feudal barons alone. This of course was only a short term remedy, so Hitler had to unify the German nation through a Polish and Czech enemy.

Friday, March 15, 2019

"Renfro," brainless, Jew-friendly suck-up totally blows the sociologic/psychologic analysis....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Renfro Out To Lunch For Sociologic Break-Down, Psych Analysis
(Apollonian, 15 Mar 19)

Renfro: thou are the usual moron, a gross, brainless weakling, sucking-along w. Unz the Jew, whom thou calls, "Ron," who has nothing but contempt for goyim fool like thou, ho hoh o ho. And thou grossly under-estimates the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) "evangelicals," who seem to be at least around ~ 40 million strong, depending upon the particular issue in question (abortion, gun-control, trans-gender adoption of kids, etc.).

Sociologically, the sides will be (a) strong Christians one one hand vs. (b) the Satanists, led by Jews, on the other, both of these relatively small minorities, the rest mostly "un-decideds" of various degrees in the over-whelmingly large middle. Nothing dramatic will happen till a serious famine, perhaps mixed w. plague (bio-weapon), sweeps the population, dummy.

Satanists will have the usual establishment advantages--finance, communications, police, lawyers, judges, etc. Jews will be solidly united w. only very few not strongly among leadership and cadre of Satanists; including the "non-religious" (atheist) Jews, there's probably 10 to 15 million of them--get a brain. And there's no essential diff. btwn Jews and Zionists, ding-bat.

Thou are just an idiot for thy moronic estimates of numbers--long as the finances hold, Satanists will be dominant as they will intimidate the "un-decideds" in the middle, who will fear to stand w. Christian patriots, fool--no diff. than it is now, and has been for yrs now.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

# 7, renfro says:
March 15, 2019 at 4:52 am GMT • 100 Words
@Twinkle twinkle

I could support most of their platform.

But again…blacks should leave the black identity out of their peace/reform movement and whites should leave white identity out of their peace/reform movement.(if they ever get one)

ALL identities….. leave your identity out of it and join together…..193 million whites, 48 million blacks, 57 million hispanics…..vr…..500 Congess criminal members, 3 million Zionist (half the Jew population) and 7 million evangelicals.

We have the numbers , we could win easy peasy.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Ignorant moron can't figure-out what the Jew's site is "for"--dis-info....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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"Renfro": Ignorant Peasant
(Apollonian, 14 Mar 19)

Renfro: thou ignorant puke. If culture is at issue, then so is literature, ignorant little piss-ant punk. And don't forget it's Unz the Jew who inflicts the troll(s) "anon" who tell their stupid lies, giving their mis-quotations, so it's legitimate for us to correct the record regarding the cultural implications of the literature, thou brainless, ignorant scum.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 402, renfro says:
March 14, 2019 at 11:42 pm GMT

Take your religious discussion else where.
This site is not for bible classes.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Giraldi just bleats, repeats same context-less crap--thinks he accomplishes anything, impresses anyone....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Giraldi Just Continues Bleating, Repetitively, Fruitlessly
(Apollonian, 12 Mar 19)

Once again, and as I noted before (though it was censored/deleted by Unz, like MOST of my typical anti-semitic entries--so I simply published it elsewhere) Giraldi FAILS, though he does fairly good job otherwise, pt-ing out the OBVIOUS hypocrisy and blatant treason of the Jews--he just doesn't call it "treason." Then again, knowing Jews, it's un-realistic to expect them to be loyal to anything other than satansim and Israel.

For there's OBVIOUS reason for the treason and Israel-first policies of a horrifically stupid USA, now the Jew S A, and that's the CENTRAL-BANK criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting--it just keeps pumping-out nearly ENDLESS fiat-currency, suckers (see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms). Hence the central-bank ABSOLUTELY determines campaign-contributions, fools. For WHO do thou think controls central-bank, suckers?--is it the thou-know-whos?--WHO ELSE?

So Giraldi needs to figure-out (a) NOTHING WILL CHANGE without getting rid of the central-bank criminal enterprise. (b) Fiat currency is a fraud as it is endlessly replicated/proliferated ("inflation"), thus devaluating the currency units, defrauding and despoiling the stupid, over-populated goons, called, "the people." Only REAL MONEY (commodity-based), like gold/silver, will break the power of Jews (not just "Zionists"--as they all work together) and satanists.

Further, Jew S A is HOPELESS--it won't and can't change it's necessarily self-destructive and suicidal, imperialist course of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. So patriots MUST make use of NULLIFICATION and secession in accord w. states-rights principle--see for expo.

Finally, note it's significant that Jews and cohorts operate within a larger context, the plain and blatant Satanism which prevails evermore, including the destruction of philosophy and science founded upon the objective, hence determined reality (absolute cause-effect) whence there's no "good-evil" or perfectly "free" human will.

And this Satanism is extreme subjectivism, holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, creator of reality--Satanism, by definition. What's original pretext of Satanism/subjectivism?--it's that obsession to pretend to "good"--which "good" doesn't exist in a determined reality, though the kids are taught such "good" and virtue-signaling incessantly--why the state wants to steal and control kids, forcing them into gov. "edjumacation," etc., fm ever earlier ages.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Of course Jews bring their troubles on themselves--just ck their "foreign relations" policy towards gentiles....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Jews Help And Do Their Part To "Bringing Troubles," Without Slightest Doubt
(Apollonian, 9 Mar 19)

Buddy: thou haven't got even the slightest clue as to what is going on, or what thou pretends to talking about so brainlessly. Thou say: <blockquote>"It is a simplification to suggest Jews brought all of their troubles upon themselves."</blockquote> Thou should ck into what Talmud is and says--it's the written "Oral Law Tradition" mentioned in Gosp. Mark ch. 7 which "tradition" hadn't been written-out and -down yet at time of Christ. See,, and for best expo.

Basically then, Talmud is a manual teaching WAR AGAINST HUMANITY (gentiles) by which humanity is to serve Jews, which "svc" is pre-saged even in Biblic Old Test. In the Zohar (Cabala), written during the middle-ages, AD, the gentile slaves are scheduled further for extermination after slavery use is over.

Okay?--so do thou begin to "getting it"?--Jews un-questionably bring "troubles upon themselves," without the slightest question. Thus the Talmud teaches "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah (first 5 books of Old Test.)

Did thou catch that about "midrash"?--thus Torah means NOTHING but what rabbis definitively say it means. Hence then, observe Jews (defined as followers of Pharisees and Talmud--Pharisees, the middle-class party of Judea at time of Christ, leading only about 5% of the pop.; "Jew" is NOT same as "Judean") are (a) SUBJECTIVISTS, holding, for practical purposes, reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism by definition--and this is demonstrated for rabbis holding that collectively, Jews are co-equal w. God, God their slave who kills gentiles for them like an attack-dog, as celebrated on Passover and Purim.

(b) Jews then consciously practice a highly organized COLLECTIVISM and most effective "group-think" which makes them dominant and rulers over the far less well-organized gentile subjectivists (especially "moralists" and virtue-signalers) and Satanists who nearly always far out-number Jews.

(c) When the society/empire of gentiles becomes "mature," according to Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West" expo upon CYCLIC history, and the over-populated gentile masses filled w. HUBRIS, they and it (the culture) becomes extremely CORRUPT, as we see fm Roman example, and present Jew S A too, subjectivistic, esp. in way of moralism and virtue-signaling, pretending thereby they're "good" and they're "exceptional nation," etc.

Thus under such corrupt conditions, Jews, subjectivists, and Satanists rule, dominate, and lead the mass of over-populated fools, goons, morons, scum, TV-addicts, inferiors, and weaklings. And this process and state of corruption is described PERFECTLY in "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," which Jews always squeal is "forgery," etc., but nonetheless describes conditions PERFECTLY, regardless the original source.

Jews, Satanists, and subjectivists have essentially won definitive control of any culture when they've achieved institution of (criminal enterprise of) CENTRAL-BANKING and fiat-currency system (see for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, which produces nearly INFINITE currency, Jews and Satanists thereby enabled to buying practically everything and everybody w. only few exceptions. Anyone not going along is liable to assassination, as JFK.

Such then is the inexorable, determinist, CYCLIC historical process which has taken place, Jews and Israel now dictating ruthlessly to the over-populated, stupid, befuddled, distracted, and most of all poorly organized goyim who merely strive for sense-gratification.

Note then Jews and Satanists perform a genuine socio-biologic function of eliminating (effectively) the over-populated goyim. As the central-banking system is doomed to inevitable collapse, the top masterminds will induce a serious complex of wars and series of wars as way to "muddy" the waters and thus to make an exit to yet another fertile breeding ground to start the CYCLE anew as history perfectly attests and verifies. Q.E.D.

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# 58, Patricus says:
March 9, 2019 at 5:47 pm GMT • 300 Words

Good article but I have trouble with the oft repeated notion that the US callously turned away Jews in their hour of need, presumably due to anti-Semitism. In the mid 1920s the US ended the policy of open immigration. This was not focused on Jews. Many millions came to the country from all over Europe. In cities there were quarters where only Italian, Greek, Yiddish, etc. were spoken. A deliberate decision was made to allow these immigrants to assimilate. It seems to have worked over a generation. In the 1960s the mass immigrations began again, slowly at first. This might be a good time to repeat that curtailment of immigration again.

Americans heard about German oppression of Jews but suspected the story was exaggerated as in the WW I propaganda about Huns spearing babies on bayonets, or making soap from human fat.

It is a simplification to suggest Jews brought all of their troubles upon themselves. They probably can fairly be accused of resisting assimilation. Thousands of years ago Jews started migrating to cities in the Mediterranean where they made livelihoods in middle man occupations. Only settlements of considerable population density can support large numbers of middle men.

When Jews were cast out of European cities and moved to places like the Russian Pale of Settlement they were not suited to agricultural labor and tried to make livings in retail, peddling, inn keeping, bartending and money changing. That developing region didn’t need many middle men. Agriculture and some developing crude factory work was required to advance the economy. There just wasn’t enough wealth to support millions of Jews in the occupations they knew. Most Jews were on the edge of starvation. The Russian Czars tried to resettle Jews to places like Ukraine where they were given plots of land and houses were built for them, at great expense. It takes generations for city dwellers to adjust to the farming and herding life. The resettlement policies failed.

Friday, March 8, 2019

"Evidence" overwhelmingly shows it COULD ONLY be Jews/Israel responsible for 9/11

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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All Evidence That's Real Evidence Pt.s To Jews, Israel For 9/11
(Apollonian, 8 Mar 19)

Newsflash, sucker: ALL gentiles are "anti-Semitic," excrement-for-brains--as is truth, reality, reason, and logic. For Jews make themselves, collectively, to be God and co-equal therewith, God's only purpose being the creation of those wonderful people of chosen-ness, God the slave of the chosenites, attack-dog and assassin who mass-murders enemies (everyone else) of Jews, celebrated at Passover and Purim. See,, and for expo.

Note also, the entire Western society and indeed, the entire world is ruled by a criminal, satanic conspiracy known as "central-banking," which is literally legalized counterfeiting--see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

So NOTHING happens in Jew S A without top criminals and masterminds, the top Satanists, KNOWING and consenting, and taking the largest part of whatever profits. Israelis now seem to be ruling faction of Satanists at the top, having run Trump and so grossly surprising and outraging the atheist-"globalist" Jews of the "left" and CFR (Council on foreign relations).

Regarding 9/11, all one needs is Chris Bollyn's (see work, "Solving 9/11," in which he documents Jew-Zionist control and oversight at every pt. of the conspiracy, operations, cover-up, "investigation," litigation, etc. Further, it's well known the Saudis are close allies of Jews and Israel. Jews and Israel kept close surveillance of the Arab hi-jackers, associates, and conspirators. Ptech corp. was Jew/Israeli-run and was involved in computers of Air Force, DoD, FAA, etc., injecting the false radar blips on the Air-traffic screens at time on 9/11.

Note Jews are top criminals, as they're top Satanists, Satanism being extreme subjectivism which holds mind/consciousness is source of reality, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism by definition. And Jews rule Satanism due to their collectivist organization which dominates the less organized subjectivist/satanist gentiles who yet far out-number Jews. So thou are exposed for the typical Jew liar, lying, saying there's "no evidence"--when there's tremendous abundance of evidence.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 145, Nat Philosopherat Philosopher says: • Website
March 8, 2019 at 5:59 pm GMT • 100 Words

The reason you are arguing about the USS liberty is that you are using it as a snowman since there is no evidence the Israelis were involved particularly in 9/11 but a lot of evidence they were involved in the USS liberty. So you are doing a bait and switch.

Nothing could be clearer than that the US government itself was heavily prepared before 9/11 to cover it up and covered it up after it every way possible and was furthermore heavily prepared before with detailed plans to use the event to motivate NSA surveillance and to invade multiple Middle East countries. Why go looking to blame the Israelis with essentially no evidence and Operationally very difficult and dangerous task if they wanted to do it in New York unless you are an anti-Semite, when it’s plain as a pike staff can blame Bush Cheney etc. who were clearly involved.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

"Redmud" imagines it's ok to tell a few half-baked lies, long as he mixes in some truth....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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"Redmud" Is Half-Baked, Lies And Lying Along With Some Facts--Not Good Enough, Sucker
(Apollonian, 7 Mar 19)

Hey "Redmud," while a lot of what thou say about the Israel-first Trump and his neo-con suck-alongs and traitors is absolutely accurate, thou really go wayyyyy toooo far when thou babbles about "capitalism"--which word was really first introduced into common parlance by Marx as a smearing, derogatory epithet.

"Capitalism" actually meant, and still means the re-investment of part of profit back into improvement of capital tools of one's manufacturing plant--directly implying a free market founded upon property rights and individual freedom--as enshrined then in US Const. and Bill of Rights. Capitalism is thus most excellent VIRTUE, sucker.

And socialism?--it's just dictatorship, tool of GENOCIDE--as of present Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide pushed by socialist world dictatorship. Socialism = GENOCIDE, sucker; get a clue.

For socialism is MONOPOLY, enforced by monopolist murderers and thugs who use implicit "socialist" "morality" of "brother's keeper" and "to each according to need...," etc. lies, masking dictatorship--that's what thou refuses to face and admit. Economist Ludwig von Mises proved conclusively in his work, "Socialism," published in 1922, that it is IMPOSSIBLE as it eliminates the market and pricing mechanism, which destroys any possible economic calculation. Socialism is just moralist excuse for dictatorship, which has ALWAYS failed miserably.

And note the monopolist US Federal Reserve central-bank, a criminal enterprise, literally legalized COUNTERFEITING, putting-out nearly ENDLESS, infinite fiat-currency, has been in effect now for over 100 yrs. What we have is NOT free-market, capitalism at all, fool, but rather a monopolistic dictatorship w. HEAVY elements of socialist-style government, including "income-tax," a prize detail of Marx's communist ideals, along w. "progressive taxation," and other Marxian planks, including overt dictatorship by means of heavy bureaucracy over private property rights, limitation upon inheritance, centralization of transportation, communications, etc.

Doubt socialism (monopolist dictatorship) is GENOCIDE?--observe big Jew Pharma pushing poison drugs and vaccines, other monopolies pushing GMO poisoned foods and -additives, poison fluoridated water, toxic radiation fm "5G" micro-waves and cell-phones, poison geo-engineering and "chem-trails," etc.

So why not lay-off w. the stupid, moronic lies and lying about capitalism, sucker?--talk about a "dupe"--thou make no sense, and only betray gross ignorance of the real situation, brainless, dumbass liar.

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# 196, redmudhooch says:
March 8, 2019 at 2:53 am GMT • 500 Words

I’m loving me some Ilhan Omar.

Right wing crackers are too busy chasing their tails hysterically screaming about communists, socialists, marxists, chemtrails, directed energy beams, Mexicans, terrorists, Antifas, to fight their real enemy.

It takes a black Muslim female from a far away land to come to do what none of them will do, and many of them still continue to chase their tails.

This is what Fox News, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, John Hagee does to a weak minded feller. They’ve all been subconsciously programmed to fear non existent boogiemen, all the while embracing that which is actually robbing them blind and killing them. Same with the “left” and their CNN, MSNBC programming. They’re chasing their tails over the Russiagate hysteria.

Funny there are only two topics Alex Jones will not dare question. Capitalism and Jews. Just a coincidence I’m sure.

Funny that John Hagee is the most pro-Israel white guy in America, he loves capitalism and says socialism will destroy America. Just a coincidence I’m sure. He would never lie.

Those pro-Trump “proud boys” who are pro-Israel to the max, and make it a point to say they are defending capitalism. Coincidence!

Same with guys like Glenn Beck, Hannity, T Carlson or Ben Shapiro. Capitalism is awesome! Israel is our #1 ally!

Nevermind that all capitalist countries are pro-Israel, and all Socialist/Communist countries are pro-Palestinian? Just a coincidence. Pay no attention to that.

All these commenter’s on Unz , who seem to have lots of free time on their hands, supposedly hate Jews and hate Israel but act and talk exactly like the Israelis. Just a coincidence.

Keep defending those old rich imperialist capitalist crackers, keep voting them in as they rape you over and over again. It’ll be different this time!

But muh white genocide! The only white genocide is Wall St-capitalism, thats why white goyims aren’t having children, they can’t ****ing afford it. You’re being replaced by capitalists who want cheap labor, your middle class jobs were outsourced by capitalists who only care about profits. Capitalism is white genocide. Capitalism brought the blacks here as slave labor, same with the Mexicans. Damn those socialists! Damn those commies!

I would feel safe betting that Americas “war on terror” has killed off more Christians than communists ever have. The group Hezbollah that saved the Christians from Americas and Israels ISIS proxy army, has just been declared a “terrorist” group by the Trump regime. Let that sink in. The group that protected the Christians are “terrorists” according to America/Trump.

Ilhan has more IQ, integrity, courage, heart and soul than any white guy in congress or the white house, thats no exaggeration.

Now turn your TeeVee back on, Hannity is on. Israel is GOOOOD. Capitalism is GOOOOD. Mexicans are BAAAD! Muslims are BAAAD! Everything is awesome! Pay no attention to your rotting country! Trump is AWESOOME! TRUST THE PLAN!!!

Good read Mr. Shamir, theres no hope for these dupes. Hope to see more of your work soon.

Using word, "holoHOAX," would better express "meaning"....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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"HoloHOAX" Far Better Expresses Proper "Meaning"
(Apollonian, 8 Mar 19)

Gilad: I rather suggest thou read and most of all THINK about thy highly questionable use of holohoax. Indeed, I strongly suggest thou should rather more overtly use the word, HOLOHOAX, to emphasize the satanic nature of such a lie, so as to leave NO DOUBT. Then thou will begin to grasping proper meaning of things, eh?

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 2, Gilad Atzmon says: • Website
March 7, 2019 at 4:36 pm GMT

I suggest that you read the article rather than commenting on the first line while failing to grasp its meaning.
• Agree: Byrresheim

• Replies: @Byrresheim, @forgottenpseudonym, @vagabondtheelder

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

"Complexity" is nearly always a tactic, meant to hide, cover, cloak, and mask what is really simple--like satanism....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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"Complexity" Is Really Simple, Necessary, Given Circumstances
(Apollonian, 6 Mar 19)

Well of course, "seraphim"--it's precisely what Judeo-bolshies WANT thou to doing, right?--make things seem "complex"--muddy the waters w. complications.

Basic cultural problem is the natural, determinist course and CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. And within the otherwise chaotic "decline" phase caused by HUBRIS and over-populated inferiors, weaklings, goons, and suckers, bred-up by the initially successful founders--as in Roman and American instances of inevitable empire--we see the rise and thriving of SATANISM (extreme subjectivism making reality to be mere product of mind/consciousness, the subject now being God, the creator--Satanism, by definition).

Thus Jews are simply the leading, dominant Satanists, Jews, by definition, proponents of "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition," Judaism actually most practical, successful specific brand and exercise of Satanism--see,, and for expo--Jews practicing a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, most effective "group-think," thus leading all the dis-organized and random gentile subjectivists/Satanists, even though Jews far out-numbered.

Thus all the confusion and "complexity" is deliberate (and necessary) for purpose of cloaking and masking the real operators acting internally and behind-scenes in secrecy amidst all the bustling confusion--as we see is and was the case in history and reality.

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# 287, Seraphim says:
March 6, 2019 at 3:56 am GMT
@Ron Unz

Of course the label ‘Judeo-Bolsheviks’ tend to simplify a complex and at times contradictory problem. One should look at the role of Jews in all political parties implicated in the Revolution. So, Cadets, SR’s, Bundists, Zionists. The problem is even more complicated when we take into consideration the Comintern.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Pathologically lying Jew, can't figure-out his constant lying is just MORE evidence....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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"Corvinus": Pathological
(Apollonian, 5 Mar 19)

"Corvinus": buddy, don't thou know thy Jew-friendly game is up?--"Renfro" caught thou the other day, about a week ago, in another of thy Jewwy lies when thou said thou were of Polish, Dutch, and some other ancestry, Renfro showing a comment by thou in 2010 when thou said thou were "Irish," ho ho ho ho ho.

Besides, do thou think constantly lying changes the evidence we have against thou for being the typical, lying Jew, pushing holohoax lies? Who do thou think thou kids, sucker? All the inductive evidence SCREAMS out that thou are Jew, could ONLY be Jew. So what are we supposed to believe, common sense and consistent inductive (scientific) evidence?--or thy stupid, Jewwy lying?--hoho ho ho ho. Continuing thy moronic lying is just more evidence--comprende?

Of course, we know thou Jews are also psycho and pathologic liars, so keep it up, buddy--thou are a genius, for sure, w. IQ probably in the high 80s, eh? Hoh o ho ho ho hoh oho

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# 171, Corvinus says:
March 5, 2019 at 11:39 pm GMT
@joe webb

The only point being proven here is your Jew Derangement Syndrome.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Unz (Jew, of "Unz Review") is biggest troll of his own site, hoho oh ho....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted at comments,

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Endless Jewwy Lies And Liars For Dumb Suckers And Goyim
(Apollonian, 5 Mar 19)

Jew "TKK" lies and says the following: <blockquote>"There are many Jews in US state and federal prison.

"There are poor Jews.

"There are many Jews who are not successful. Indeed, dunces and drug addicts."</blockquote> "TKK," typical kike (and "dunce"), thus, as above-quoted, pretends to be stating facts, but it's just a mantra, a recitation of mere mythic "article of faith," and "talking pts."

(a) "[M]any Jews in US state and fed prisons"?--but HOW many, exactly?--or at least roughly. For one EASILY bets there are VERY FEW, far, far fewer than percentages of any other ethnicities--so isn't this significant? "TKK" wants to pretend he's settled the issue w. his lies and lying.

(b) "[P]oor Jews"?--well there are probably only two of them, right?--ho ho ho ho--which then allows "TKK" to pretend to the plural. Again, it's easy bet there are far, far few poor kikes by percentages than others--and there are significant reasons for this which "TKK" doesn't want to get into for obvious reasons, as his mantra of talking pt.s would fall flat and be exposed as the lies and lying they really are.

(c) "Unsuccessful Jews"?--but "unsuccessful at what, exactly?--after all, everyone is going to fail in the end, right? And Jews, by definition, by religion (to which all Jews by race are ultimately loyal to as they profess "Jew" as race--like Unz, our editor), are collectively co-equal to God, esp. in relation to gentiles who are mere species of animals, according to the rabbis and Talmud.

And all these pt.s here I make are easily demonstrated in fact and logic by reference to the obvious facts of politics and economics, esp. in way of money and banking, dominated by central-banking and fiat-currency (see for expo) criminal enterprises (mere legalized counterfeiting), the West, formerly Christian (hence rational, Christ understood as TRUTH, first and most), now in "Decline...," according to Oswald Spengler, this gross "decline" easily demonstrated and proven, beginning w. Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE policy which is active, working, and quite evident--poison vaccines, poison drugs, poison "chem-trails," poison GMO foods and other poison food additives, and fluoridated (poison) water supplies, etc., etc.

And what then are the factors of this general (CYCLIC) "Decline of the West"?--this is what Unz the Jew editor doesn't want to being known and detailed or analyzed, Unz mere Jew-serving, Jew-friendly, Jew-oriented operator (psy-ops) determined to obfuscate, confuse, deflect, and manipulating the discussion and dialectic, pretending he's "contributing" to anything "positive" regarding actual problems, ho o ho ho ho ho--and even having many of the gentile morons here, who actually complain about Jews, agreeing Unz is soooooooooooooooo wonderful, ho ho ho hoo ho.

And it's easy thing for Unz to simply deleting and CENSORING any serious commentary and analysis, like my own, leaving in the fools, goons, and suckers who merely complain w. the usual empty platitudes which roll of the backs of Jews like water off a raincoat, as Goebbels noted. Additionally Unz interjects the moronic "trollery" of such as "Thomm," and fellow Jew liars like "corvinus," and "incitatus," among yet other Jew liars--Unz actually the biggest troll of his own website, hoh o ho ho ho ho.

Kirkpatrick asks, "what will Conservatism Inc. do?"--well, WHAT actually CAN possibly be done?--after all, it's probably quite Jew friendly itself, accepting the inflated, proliferated currency, created out of nothing, etc. And long as that insidious currency machine (the central-bank) remains in operation and business, it will continue to doing the usual severe damage until the very "end-times" warned of by "Book of Revelations."

For note there's NO serious anti-Semitism actually tolerated or discussed here--it's always rebutted by the notorious platitude: "one can't judge all kikes by just a few or just one of them," and nothing further is allowed, anything to genuine contrary DELETED AND CENSORED, suckers--which the morons utterly fail to realize.

So only after many, many more gentiles have been killed off will the Jews and satanists at the top more seriously fall-out w. one another, having lost soooo many "shabat goyim," the top masterminds suspecting one another of the typical double-crossing, as of Stalin and Trotsky, only then allowing the remaining gentile survivors to even beginning to organize a genuine revolt w. any chances of success. Presently, things in "Decline of the West," are pretty hopeless, and Unz and fellow Jews just like to hear what we pathetic gentiles are thinking about.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

# 70, TKK says:
March 2, 2019 at 4:37 am GMT

There are many Jews in US state and federal prison.

There are poor Jews.

There are many Jews who are not successful. Indeed, dunces and drug addicts.