Wednesday, July 3, 2019

satanists/Jews continue iron-clad rule in Jew S A, by means of central-bank, don't doubt....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Satanism Continues To Rule In Jew S A And World, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 4 July 19)

Olivier: thou must grow-up and get hip--"yankee"?--ho hoh o ho ho--try JEW--those are who rule, and they do this as they're FOREMOST Satanists (Satanism being extreme subjectivism--see and for expo on Judaism/Talmudism/Pharisaism)--for that's what Jew S A is now--a horrific, satanic empire, having gotten worse and worse over the generations since 1860s when Satanists definitively destroyed original American republic and Constitutional system.

Jew S A now is mere "dog" wagged by "tail" of Israel (who OWN Trump, have lots of "dirt" on him--don't forget Trump took several trips to "Lolita Island" w. Jeff Epstein, high-level MOSSAD agent). Ruling, dominant charade, pushed by "Jews-media" is "good-Jews" (on "right," backing Trump, consisting of Judeo-Christian heretics [JCs--see and for expo] and "neo-cons" who support Israel) vs. "bad-Jews" of phony "left," atheist, "globalists."

Satanic empire RULES by means of fiat-currency/central-banking which is literally legalized counterfeiting--that's NOT exaggeration. So thou see, they (Satanists) simply counterfeit nearly endlessly, making evermore currency to fund practically anything they need, assassinations, rigging-of-elections, extortion, bribery--of course, thou know, Jews run the Jews-media, and "big-tech" is now feverishly censoring I-net, etc.

It (the central-banking "business"--a criminal enterprise) MUST end sometime, eventually, but it isn't terribly clear exactly when--very hard to predict exactly, though many, many are predicting definitive recession (world-wide) by end of 2020--even China is in some difficulties. Trump presently insists on continuing currency-printing for his up-coming election.

What would definitively END the fiat-currency empire?--REAL money, gold/silver, which Trump pretends he wants to enact, but only AFTER next election, ho ho ho ho ho. "Left," "globalists," "liberals" (who are really just gross fascists), and "progressives" are scared and committing acts of terror ("anti-fa")--which are tolerated as Jews/Israel control Trump, not to mention Democrats here.

Another neat thing would be "states-rights" removal of central, "national," "federal" dictatorship (see, but this won't really work without removal of central-bank.

Overall--we need REAL Christianity, which is worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, hence objective reality (Aristotle), which is anti-Semitic and anti-satanic, but none of this, real money, removal of central-bank, removal of central, federal dictatorship, or real Christian movement, resurrection/revival, will happen until fiat-currency system decisively falters and fails w. serious recession/depression to make over-populated fools, goons, weaklings, and inferiors to start seriously thinking (at least a little bit) for once in their miserable little lives, maybe.

And still, even w. recession/depression, it isn't guaranteed reason will emerge to prevail and revive as Jews/Satanists will try to start wars (as in Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, etc.). We may even have a bit of a civil war here in Jew S A as "left," "globalist" atheists are so desperate as I noted. Satanism (extreme subjectivism) MUST be dealt w. in decisive, definitive manner.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------

# 785, Olivier1973 says:
July 3, 2019 at 12:27 pm GMT • 300 Words

I can very well accept your information, Iris, but do you have any reference(s) to support it, even in Russian?
For instance

Les ingenieurs travaillant a l’agence spatiale sovietique en 1969 savaient tous que la mission Apollo 11 etait une histoire a dormir debout, et l’ont aussitot publiquement denoncee.

As I will welcome it wholeheartedly.

And still, I maintain: the Russians are too kind or too naive. They are kind, they know what is war, and they do not want it again. But they are too naive to think that:

– the Yankees can keep their words (for instance not to bring NATO to the borders of Russia);

– the Yankees will not do everything, will not use all their power to destroy the Russian Federation and to plunder its ressources;

– the Yankees will not use corruption to any level to get what they want.

– the Yankees are not ruthless people (they are receivers of stolen land and committed genocides).

We already have one example here (surely you know this document):

Sure, Putin understood everything and he did what had to be done militarily, but he needs to go further imho. I worry about the future. The Russians are too kind or too naive not to use NOW what they know about the fake Apollo missions. With everything which happened since 2001, they do not have to keep their word given 50 years ago.

Once that major lie will be acknowledged, it will help to destroy the yankee propaganda. The Yankees can count on cognitive dissonance. But the blow would be devastating.

It would be better if the news will come from Russia rather than from China.

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