Monday, September 14, 2020

Exactly how and what makes present "Christianity" satanic?--subjectivism, suckers....

Chapter Three: How is present Christian establishment satanic?--What makes it satanic?
(Apollonian, 14 Sep 20)

Most pertinent Question now is how is present Christian establishment and culture satanic?--what makes it so? Remember the important point to Christianity, the practical, actual thing to be worshipped is TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), for truth is what Christ is, Christ himself, the story character-figure mere substitute in way of a personality giving drama to the New Test. story, stories, and the gospels. And truth is impossible and only meaningful given the necessarily prior OBJECTIVE ("God-given," according to Christianity) reality upon which truth is based and dependent.

Thus the objective reality (as of Aristotle) is absolute opposite concept to Jew/satanic subjectivism (and "midrash") by which reality is mere product of mind/consciousness--in the case of Jews, product of the collective mind/consciousness of the whole people, now as adjudicated and agreed-upon by the rabbinate/leadership by means of Talmudic method and "midrash" (interpretation), all according to the "Oral Law Tradition." See,,, and for best expo on Talmudic method, midrash, etc.

So the corruption of Christianity has to do, obviously by way of losing and dropping the objective basis and adoption of the Judaic/satanic/subjectivist, and this is done by means of the mystic, anti-rationalist, subjectivist conceptions of "faith" and "believing"--thus the fallacy of equivocation, the changing of the meanings of words, especially the words, "believing" and "faith."

For note the Judaic/satanic subjectivism absolutely requires "believing" as the way of asserting against, and despite any objective perception or conception--it can even become a psychotic obsession for believing in way of wishful-thinking. For the Christian, truth is simply what is reflected by objective reality ("correspondence")--whereas for the Jew/satanic, "truth" is essentially meaningless by itself, being merely what is ordained by rabbis, all in accord w. Talmud--the "party-line" according to communism. So the Jew/Satanist can only "believe" any particular truth, never know for oneself as by means of perception or logic.

Note then the special emphasis in Gosp. JOHN upon "believing" which is highly important concept and notion in John's Gospel, mentioned 99 times in that Gospel. "Believing" then for John is tantamount and equivalent to what we mean nowadays as grasping and understanding. So when John asks, do u believe?--he means in way of grasping and understanding--"do u understand?"

Thus "faith" for the Christian cannot be anti-rational, but means merely LOYALTY. For once one understands (and "believes," in the sense of Gosp. JOHN), one should be loyal and consistent therewith, in accord w. all logic. But the present-day Christians, far too many of them, have been inveigled by the Satanists and subjectivists to think now that truth is merely what one "believes," this "believing" now meaning wishing and desiring--even to the pt. of psychotic obsession and insistence--which is super-imposed upon one's mind, regardless of reason, as what one must now consider and insist to be true and real--this all in the style of Jew/satanic, hence subjectivistic, version of reality and truth. Thus reality, for the subjectivist is whatever someone, like the rabbis, says it is--or what society says it is, etc. The subjectivist thinks and says to himself, if one "beeelieeeeves," therefore it's true (for practical purposes).

Note then and now this absolutely corrupted version and meaning of the words, "believing" and "faith," rendered subjectivistic in the Jew/satanic style--against real Christianity which properly upholds the objective reality and a truth founded thereupon, all in accord w. logic. Thus we see the horrific spectacle of people, calling themselves "Judeo-Christian" (see and for expo), preaching loyalty to the satanic terror-state of Israel and the Talmudic psychopaths who call themselves Jews.

Thus one sees the absolute necessity and importance of "Christian" understood as polar and absolute opposite anti-thesis to Judaic/satanic--as objective is opposite anti-thesis to subjectivist. Truth (= Christ) has its own nature and reality, founded in reality--opposite and anti-thetic to Judaic "truth" which doesn't exist except as a kind of "consensus" or bolshevist-style "party-line" held by people, the people, or some of the people. Thus further, Christian reality is DETERMINISTIC (absolute cause-effect), there being no perfectly "free" human will, this false "free will" a mere form/product of subjectivism, the beginning and premise of hubris, hubris the beginning and premise for fullest outright Satanism (extreme subjectivism and making oneself to be God).

Thus have the words and notions of "faith" and "believing" become totally corrupted and over-turned to serving satanic/subjectivistic ends, the false concepts of "good-evil" now having taken over for the real and proper Christian ethics and concept of determined reality--for humans are sinners and cannot be good--neither can they be "evil," as everyone does their best as they conceive it to be for whatever ends to be achieved.

Note further how now subjectivism and the false notions of "good-evil" and a perfectly "free" human will lead inexorably to entrenched inferiority- and guilt-complex, to varying degrees, among the people, used then to manipulate the people psychologically.

Thus observe how this satanic corruption takes place through the life of the child who is taught to be "good," hence obedient (or obedient, hence "good"). "Good" then, which is intrinsically meaningless, is understood to be a real thing--as is "evil." And this cheap, empty religion of "good-evil" now replaces the real Christianity, as we see, the false notions of "faith" and "believing" included within such cheap and false religion--the satanization of Christianity.



For "Judeo-Christianity," see and

For central-banking, see; books, "The Creature From Jekyll Island," by G. Edward Griffin, "The Mystery of Banking," by Murray Rothbard.

For Judaism/Talmudism/Pharisaism, see,,, and

Note: satanism is religion, yes, but it begins as philosophy--extreme subjectivism....

Chapter One: Christianity Satanized: Overthrow of USA, West; The Present Satanic Dictatorship
(Apollonian 14 Sep 20)

II. Satanism: Mostly Philosophy For Beginning Premise--Subjectivism

Note Satanism itself is mostly a PHILOSOPHY, extreme subjectivism, making mind/consciousness the source/creator of reality. For Satanism couldn't be mere religion of worship of any particular god as Satanism is that philosophy by which one makes oneself god, and as in case of Jews, Jews collectivistically making themselves god, the rabbis acting as mere arbiters, middle-men, power-brokers among the "leaders," who are always temporary, the rabbis constantly pushing new candidates to serve their latest ends.

And note also how Judaism becomes itself the leader of all Satanists, including the less collectivistic among gentile Satanists and subjectivists, as Judaism is most cohesive, most organized, naturally dominating, Jews leading both factions of the "good-cops and bad-cops," all by means of the criminal central-bank instrument. Thus the society is evermore satanic as it is dominated by this criminal enterprise, the central-bank.

Thus now we see how the real Christianity is destroyed and pulverized btwn the dominant factions within a hubristic empire which had first arisen among originally brave, honest, productive farmers and citizens of a republic. For the inexorable HUBRIS of success, victory, and prosperity erodes and subverts that original honesty and Christianity, Christianity featuring the objective reality, basis of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Subjectivism, esp. in guise of "good-evil" fallacy/heresy inevitably creeps in, and Christians are inveigled to pretending that "truth" is merely what one "beeeleeeeevs," as the people are evermore encouraged and required to think. For note mere "beeeeleeeevin'" doesn't make anything TRUE or real.

Thus Christian philosophy originally founded upon the implicit Aristotelian objectivity and determinism (absolute cause-effect) is encouraged to fade away within all the hubris and subjectivism of the false prosperity, false victory, and false success--at least that of Israel--ironically entailing the failing republicanism in face of rising imperialism, the empire dominated by a criminal enterprise, the central bank, naturally and evermore controlled and directed by satanic psychopaths who even admit their goal is anti-human (the "green new-deal") and the reduction of the human population (Agenda-21 and -2030).

For observe the original Christianity arose fm the hubristic Roman Empire of the time which was falling evermore into gross Satanism following a similar course to present-day USA, USA begun w. its outstanding Constitutional system of voluntary union of republican states but soon centralized and dominated by the criminal central-bank, the USA now a gross, horrific, satanic empire, as we see.

And note the original Christianity was most dramatic rebellion to satanic subjectivism, Christian ethics founded upon the implicit Aristotelianism and objective reality--which objectivity one sees is now nearly totally lost and completely forgotten, objectivity and determinism reviled as "racist," hence "evil," and not, therefore, to be tolerated and taken seriously by these psychopathic Satanists who now rule so definitively, funded by their criminal central-bank. For HOW can such criminal central-bank be itself tolerated by the real Christianity featuring truth, hence objectivity, the necessary criterion, hence a genuine rule-of-law?

Thus the Satanists demand a false "Christianity" founded upon subjectivism, hence "beeeleeeevin'" as the false criterion of truth and reality--which then secures their criminal enterprise of central-banking by which they rule and dictate their culture of death and anti-humanity, featuring, as we see now, perpetual war for perpetual peace, human population to be reduced by means of poison and toxic vaccines forced upon the people along w. poison drugs and so-called "medicine," poison food additives, poison food (GMOs--"genetically modified"), toxic radiation, both nuclear and electro-magnetic, etc.