Friday, February 28, 2020

Jew returns to repeat exact same lies, lying he did a day (or two) before--now we see (again) why Jews are so cordially hated, detested....

Below-copied essay by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike Unz, at comments, .  Observe the kike lets fellow kike liar lie blatantly, but won't publish my own response--this is how kikes operate, folks.

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Return For Another Round Of Lies, Lying
(Apollonian, 28 Feb 20)

We see now the Jew took a short break and is back to his usual, typical lies and lying, spinning hist., covering-up simple facts; now he tells us, <blockquote>"[n]o he [unc' Adolf] wanted them [Poland] as a protectorate which means under German control. When they refused Hitler allied with Stalin and they split Poland."</blockquote> But Jew, it was already explained to u, Poland threatened Germany w. war over Danzig (a), and (b) Poland then made offensive alliance w. UK and France in Mar. '39, (c) Poland agitating, conniving, and committing acts of war, oppressing and in many cases actually murdering German citizens, UK and France thereupon declaring war when unc' Adolf finally acted against overwhelming Pole provocation.

It was "Forced War," just as David Hoggan explained and documented in his eloquent and much appreciated history. Those are the facts, Jew, all laid-out and sitting there for everyone to read; ur ignorant lies and lying are mere impotent expressions of ur filthy, satanic religion of lies, lying.

Jew-son then repeats, <blockquote>"...everyone wants to believe that Hitler wasn’t a bad guy and was forced into war."</blockquote> But those are the documented, absolutely PROVEN facts of reality, which reality and truth thereof we understand u Jews absolutely hate and detest in accord w. ur satanic religion of Talmudic lies and lying whereby u concoct (lie) ur own reality, ur own truth by means of "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition," repudiated by Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which lies u Jews then enforce by means of ur collective efforts of extreme subjectivism, Jews most organized, motivated, and committed, thus dominating fellow Satanists/subjectivists among gentiles even though gentiles so heavily out-number u, gentiles not nearly so well organized or well-led.

Unc' Adolf is loved and revered as he was soooo forthright in calling u Jews out for what u are, what u stand for, what u do and how u did it--as Germans observed huge Jew/bolshevik mass-murders of gentiles in Russia and Ukraine, even before unc' Adolf came to power. See,,, and for best expo on Judaism and Talmud.

Jew then asks,<blockquote> "So shadow Jews actually controlled Chamberlain?"
</blockquote> Jews controlled, led, and organized the all-powerful network of central-banking which prevailed in West fm during and before Napoleonic wars--see Griffin's "The Creature from Jekyll Island," and; use site search-engine, at, for particular terms, like "fiat-currency."

Thus "fiat-currency" and central-banking is criminal enterprise, literally legalized-counterfeiting, pumping-out evermore masses of "fiat-currency" (not real MONEY), at the very heart of the formerly Christian Europe; yes, they were begun by gentiles, like John Law in France in 1720, and such as William Patterson in England in 1694, but Jews, like Rothschilds, et al., quickly took over, took charge, consolidated, and dominated as we see, proven, documented, and before our very eyes. Jew bankers not only controlled Chamberlain, but all politicians, including esp. Churchill who is documented to having gone heavily into debt and then bailed-out and liberally subsidized by Jews and cohorts, this documented by David Irving, among others too. No wonder Churchill refused unc' Adolf's liberal offer of peace after Dunkirk.

The Jew ends his post w. blatant lies and lying, <blockquote>"[h]ow was Germany pushed into a corner? They were given concessions and didn’t need to attack the USSR through Poland. No one here has denied this inconvenient fact."</blockquote> See Jew?--this is why gentiles and all humanity throughout history, of all races and cultures, so intensively hate u Jews, ur "chutzpah," effrontery, and contempt for truth and honesty, u psychopathic monsters kicked-out of practically every country numerous times--and why we love unc' Adolf, our hero and saint.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------

109. John Johnson says:
February 28, 2020 at 4:00 pm GMT • 300 Words
@John Regan

When the Czech President came to Berlin to ask for German support to deal with the chaos, he and Hitler agreed to the peaceful partition of the country, with an independent Slovakia and a protectorate for the Czech regions.

Hitler was given Sudetenland as part of the Munich agreement and then decided to take the whole thing. The Czechs never wanted Germans to control their country.

Hitler had no problem with Poland’s existence. He wanted Poland as an ally against the USSR, which he did plan to make war against (both to secure resources for Germany and to end the danger of Communism).

No he wanted them as a protectorate which means under German control. When they refused Hitler allied with Stalin and they split Poland.

Hitler ended up killing Polish veterans that had fought the USSR after WWI. He was more interested in expanding Germany than fighting communism.

Great Britain and France did not want war in 1939, and Chamberlain was indeed popular for his determined efforts to avoid it.

Well that’s not a popular opinion here. At Unz everyone wants to believe that Hitler wasn’t a bad guy and was forced into war. Carpet bombing the Christians of Warsaw and then splitting the country with an evil dictator was somehow an act of peace.

However, the globalists (who, then as now, controlled the media and the financial system, as well as the US Government) did want the war, and they forced Chamberlain to give the disastrous guarantee to the Poles

So shadow Jews actually controlled Chamberlain? Are you saying he didn’t want to defend Poland?

which they interpreted as a general permission to run rampant. With the result that Germany was pushed into a corner.

How was Germany pushed into a corner? They were given concessions and didn’t need to attack the USSR through Poland. No one here has denied this inconvenient fact.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

People need to figure out: Germany was under sustained attack fm even before 1914....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but then CENSORED, deleted by kike Unz, at comments,

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Germany Under Conspiratorial Attack FM EVEN BEFORE 1914, Don't Forget
(Apollonian, 24 Feb 20)

"Fool": u're aptly named, buddy. U're smart enough to note the many lies by the Jews-media, going all the way back, but it doesn't occur to u there was no "blunder" by unc' Adolf and Germans. For Germany was under conspiratorial attack fm even before 1914--see https://firstworldwarhiddenhistory.w...e-smoking-gun/ . Note also, the "Entente" powers were exposed for such essential conspiracy by mid-1920s, by numerous authors/historians, like Harry Elmer Barnes and Sidney B. Fay, after Versailles Treaty had falsely blamed Germany.

Suvorov, real name Rezun, notes in his works ("Icebreaker") there were 170 Soviet divisions right up on the border w. Germany and the other Eastern Europeans by 1941, w. another 70 or so divisions in 2nd echelon, ready and poised to strike. Further, by 1941 FDR (Roosevelt) and administration were already sending "Lend-lease" munitions and other vital supplies to UK, which immediately began sending to Soviets fm very get-go in June 1941 when Germans launched pre-emptive attack, supplying Soviets w. absolutely necessary food, equipment, including esp. trucks to make Soviet forces immensely more mobile against Germans.

Don't forget UK and France declared war against Germany to start the war, this after the offensive alliance w. Poland of Mar. 1939, the "allies" instigated by Jew bankers and FDR for purpose of world dictatorship of United Nations (UN), leading to present-day situation.

Hitler and Germans HAD NONE TO VERY LITTLE CHOICE over things all throughout, Germany under attack fm before 1914, Jew central-bankers at the bottom of it all. Get a clue.

------------above by ap in response to below-copied by "fool's paradise"-------

12.fool's paradise says:
February 24, 2020 at 9:41 pm GMT • 200 Words

Since we’ve been taught all our lives to hate Hitler as the worst man who ever lived, and then to find out through revisionist historians that he tried to make peace with England several times but was always rebuffed, that there was no “Final Solution”, no gas chambers, the obvious conclusion is, Hey, maybe he wasn’t as bad as depicted, what other lies have been told about him?

About Russia. Maybe Stalin wasn’t about to attack, as some historians claim, but Hitler knew that Churchill and Roosevelt were scheming with Stalin to get into the war eventually, and, a war on two fronts the last thing Hitler wanted, he gambled on taking Russia out first, a strategic blunder that cost him the war.

Was Hitler so bad for Germany? Germans worshiped him. What his National Socialists accomplished during the ’30’s was known throughout Europe as the German Miracle. So Germany had to be destroyed, for the same reason it had to be destroyed in WW1.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Christian philosophy in "nutshell...."

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Christian Philosophy In "Nutshell"
(Apollonian, 5 Feb 20)

Hi Brian: good show, buddy, blessed by Holy Spirit u demonstrate once again. Well, remember any religion's purpose is to integrate conscious mind w. emotions, sub-conscious, etc.--to make the person whole, spirit w. mind and body, etc.

Ok, and then note the CORE of the religious vehicle is the inner PHILOSOPHY--this is the real substance of it all. And w. Christianity, worship of truth, Christ is mere character, figure, symbol for TRUTH--for truth is what we worship--Gosp. JOHN 14:6--and this should be definitive. Any Christian MUST acknowledge this worship of truth if he wants to be Christian--and the HERETICS are the ones who deviate, "going their own way."

Note also, a philosophy is also often best understood in terms of Hegelian-style anti-theses; thus Christianity stands for truth vs. Jew/Satanic lies (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44), based upon OBJECTIVE reality vs. subjectivism of Satanism (extreme subjectivism, idea that mind/consciousness is source of reality, making the subject God, the creator).

Thus truth is the basic, fundamental thing, value--EVERYTHING ELSE is secondary, including "faith," "peace," "love," etc. "Good" does not and cannot exist within an objective, hence DETERMINED reality, absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will. Humans are sinners by definition, and no human will can ever change this. Only way to heaven and "salvation" is by God's mercy and grace--cannot be done by human alone--as demonstrated. by St. Augustine in his battle against Pelagian heresy--ck Jewwy Wikipedia for easy source, ref.

Now then note the Christian philosophy is thus definitively laid down, Christ being TRUTH, the only way to God and hence happiness (or perhaps better, satisfaction). And the implication then is such truth principle entails the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality as basis--it doesn't depend merely on what someone says--as the Pharisees insist, according to their filthy Talmud, "midrash," and "Oral Law Tradition." See,,, and for best Talmudic expo.

Ok, and now finally, for this short, "nut-shell" expo here, the basics to Christian philosophy laid-down, the Christian ETHICS is founded and provided-for regarding the beginning principles--the objective reality. And note it's these Christian ethics which are most noted, discussed, and revered by the Christian people throughout the ages, fm the very beginning--these ethics being what Christianity really is all about for at least 90% of the Christian volk and "faithful" (loyalists)--they don't really grasp the more basic metaphysics too terribly well, not making a tremendously great effort to do so.

So u see, Christianity is, as in Old Testament, a LITERARY religion, tradition--getting the lessons and Christian philosophy itself fm a story given in literature--just like the Greeks got theirs fm the Illiad and Oddysey legends/myths. Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ) is extremely Greek for inspiration--as was the original Torah of Mosaic law.

Remember also, this literary tradition is NECESSARY as the people of time of Christ were fairly illiterate, to great extent--they didn't necessarily attend too much schooling, so they'd stock their memory by means of this kind of mythos and story fm which they'd draw lessons and moral-type development which would be noted and discussed w. their parents and elders, family members, etc.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

That core PHILOSOPHY is what counts, including for the attraction of dear Christianity and its ethical spirit....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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"Pastel...," Victim Of satanic Prop., Dis-Info, Subversion
(Apollonian, 1 Feb 20)

"Pastel..." (see below-copied), did it ever occur to u and ur sort u're a tad tooooo "smart" for ur own good? U can't prove there's no God, so what if there was one?--might he not be like the Biblic God the Father who sent Christ to inform and assure us there's such thing as TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--against the false teachings of the very worst of the worst?--the Pharisees.

What would be idiot purpose of "agnosticism" which is moronic "middle" btwn the opposites?--why not know w. certainty, if it's possible? God is something ephemeral, ineffable, not subject to sense perception, not subject to logical "proof"--but that's not the pt., as Christianity holds TRUTH is God (Christ being the mythologic symbol/character for it), that real thing to be worshipped, revered, and treasured.

Fact: Christianity is literary mythos in form and style delivering serious, genuine philosophy and lesson, beginning w. (a) postulate of TRUTH (= Christ), (b) founded necessarily in objective reality, (c) giving then the Christian ethics which is what's most written about, and what people love and revere most of all, throughout hist., including to this very day. Remember again, the philosophic pt. is the foundation (the objective reality) of those ethics which hereticalist Pharisees (subjectivists) deny--why Jews say and insist "truth" is only what they say it is according to Talmud, "midrash," and "Oral Law Tradition." This, foregoing, is nothing to be "agnostic" about, buddy--is reality objective or no?--so does truth exist, or no?

And if u really had a brain, as u like to pretend so much, u see the exterior myth is mere vehicle for the REAL philosophy embedded within: there's TRUTH (= Christ) because there's OBJECTIVE reality (created by God the Father, another assumption) which serves as necessary criterion/premise/standard. And of course, as Aristotle and the Greeks teach, this objectivity is a necessary ASSUMPTION, at the beginning of reasoning, which cannot itself be proven, but serves to prove everything else following--the only alternative is subjectivism, idea reality is produced by mind/consciousness, making subject God, the creator, extreme subjectivism then being Satanism (making oneself God) by definition whence anything can be deemed to be "truth" or not, such "truth" then being devaluated to meaningless. Thus Christ = TRUTH = "God," the "summum bonum."

Thus Christ affirmed the original Torah for Judeans (not "Jews," defined as followers of Pharisees/Talmudists, the middle-class party leading 5% of pop. of Judea at time of Christ)--which the Satanists (led by Jews--see Gosp. JOHN 8:44) insist only means what they SAY it means (subjectivism), according to their "Midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition" (noted by Christ at Gosp. MARK 7:7-9), extreme SUBJECTIVISM--Judaism IS SATANISM, the most successful, dominant, leading kind, Jews being most collectivistic, organized, hence most successful group-think artists, naturally then dominating more isolated, "individualist" gentile sort, for example, who yet out-number Jews by so much. See,,, and for expo on Talmud/Judaism. Jew Zohar, foundation of "Cabala" affirms this dual nature of God w. satanic devil.

So u see: Christianity is really just RATIONALISM wrapped within a mythic-style vehicle, called "religion"--this in order not to rejecting the less-capable humans who have difficulty w. simple logic, like urself. Note the present-day establishment "Christians" of "churchianity" ("false-prophets") insist upon confusing and mis-representing Christ (= truth) and Christianity, rather mystifying things, befuddling the people (inducing a kind of "cognitive dissonance"--which is presently so satanically successful and wide-spread). Buddhism is rather similar, I presume, evidently, according to Brian and other such-like gurus.

Try to being more analytical, "Pastel..."; there's distinct purpose for our dear Christianity--to protecting the human people, like the Shepherd protects the flock. There's excellent reason it's been around for 2000 yrs, and u have to admit it's had its successes--like the effective banishment of Judaic Satanism till the late Renaissance era when such Jew-dominated satanism began its fearsome come-back. Amen.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by "Pastel..."--------------------

PastelNiggiMonster > The Brian Ruhe Show • 9 hours ago

How can you be both a Buddhist and a Christian? It is much easier to just be Agnostic and question everything. Thinking is becoming a crime in this technocratic age. Think before it becomes illegal! Before the Niggi Terminators show up at your door or compromise your smart home system.