Saturday, February 1, 2020

That core PHILOSOPHY is what counts, including for the attraction of dear Christianity and its ethical spirit....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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"Pastel...," Victim Of satanic Prop., Dis-Info, Subversion
(Apollonian, 1 Feb 20)

"Pastel..." (see below-copied), did it ever occur to u and ur sort u're a tad tooooo "smart" for ur own good? U can't prove there's no God, so what if there was one?--might he not be like the Biblic God the Father who sent Christ to inform and assure us there's such thing as TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--against the false teachings of the very worst of the worst?--the Pharisees.

What would be idiot purpose of "agnosticism" which is moronic "middle" btwn the opposites?--why not know w. certainty, if it's possible? God is something ephemeral, ineffable, not subject to sense perception, not subject to logical "proof"--but that's not the pt., as Christianity holds TRUTH is God (Christ being the mythologic symbol/character for it), that real thing to be worshipped, revered, and treasured.

Fact: Christianity is literary mythos in form and style delivering serious, genuine philosophy and lesson, beginning w. (a) postulate of TRUTH (= Christ), (b) founded necessarily in objective reality, (c) giving then the Christian ethics which is what's most written about, and what people love and revere most of all, throughout hist., including to this very day. Remember again, the philosophic pt. is the foundation (the objective reality) of those ethics which hereticalist Pharisees (subjectivists) deny--why Jews say and insist "truth" is only what they say it is according to Talmud, "midrash," and "Oral Law Tradition." This, foregoing, is nothing to be "agnostic" about, buddy--is reality objective or no?--so does truth exist, or no?

And if u really had a brain, as u like to pretend so much, u see the exterior myth is mere vehicle for the REAL philosophy embedded within: there's TRUTH (= Christ) because there's OBJECTIVE reality (created by God the Father, another assumption) which serves as necessary criterion/premise/standard. And of course, as Aristotle and the Greeks teach, this objectivity is a necessary ASSUMPTION, at the beginning of reasoning, which cannot itself be proven, but serves to prove everything else following--the only alternative is subjectivism, idea reality is produced by mind/consciousness, making subject God, the creator, extreme subjectivism then being Satanism (making oneself God) by definition whence anything can be deemed to be "truth" or not, such "truth" then being devaluated to meaningless. Thus Christ = TRUTH = "God," the "summum bonum."

Thus Christ affirmed the original Torah for Judeans (not "Jews," defined as followers of Pharisees/Talmudists, the middle-class party leading 5% of pop. of Judea at time of Christ)--which the Satanists (led by Jews--see Gosp. JOHN 8:44) insist only means what they SAY it means (subjectivism), according to their "Midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition" (noted by Christ at Gosp. MARK 7:7-9), extreme SUBJECTIVISM--Judaism IS SATANISM, the most successful, dominant, leading kind, Jews being most collectivistic, organized, hence most successful group-think artists, naturally then dominating more isolated, "individualist" gentile sort, for example, who yet out-number Jews by so much. See,,, and for expo on Talmud/Judaism. Jew Zohar, foundation of "Cabala" affirms this dual nature of God w. satanic devil.

So u see: Christianity is really just RATIONALISM wrapped within a mythic-style vehicle, called "religion"--this in order not to rejecting the less-capable humans who have difficulty w. simple logic, like urself. Note the present-day establishment "Christians" of "churchianity" ("false-prophets") insist upon confusing and mis-representing Christ (= truth) and Christianity, rather mystifying things, befuddling the people (inducing a kind of "cognitive dissonance"--which is presently so satanically successful and wide-spread). Buddhism is rather similar, I presume, evidently, according to Brian and other such-like gurus.

Try to being more analytical, "Pastel..."; there's distinct purpose for our dear Christianity--to protecting the human people, like the Shepherd protects the flock. There's excellent reason it's been around for 2000 yrs, and u have to admit it's had its successes--like the effective banishment of Judaic Satanism till the late Renaissance era when such Jew-dominated satanism began its fearsome come-back. Amen.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by "Pastel..."--------------------

PastelNiggiMonster > The Brian Ruhe Show • 9 hours ago

How can you be both a Buddhist and a Christian? It is much easier to just be Agnostic and question everything. Thinking is becoming a crime in this technocratic age. Think before it becomes illegal! Before the Niggi Terminators show up at your door or compromise your smart home system.

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