Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Kike liar, afraid to post usual holohoax lies, just substitutes others....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/in-face...-anti-zionism/

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Jew Lies Never End
(Apollonian, 26 Feb 19)

<blockquote>"Strong allegations. If true, how do they excuse Germany starving 3.5 million Soviet POWs to death? 4.2 million Soviet citizens (mostly Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians)? Working 2.4 million foreign laborers to death in Germany ‘42-45? Homicidal policy in occupied areas? Ethnic cleansing, murder?"</blockquote>

"Incitatus," thou surely are the very picture of the smug, glib, lying, little kike, but where do thou get this above-quoted idiocy, thou little dumbass? Doesn't it occur to thou it needs citations for these idiot lies?--ho ho ho ho ho.

And though it doesn't seem like thou tries to pushing the usual holohoax lies of thou pathologic, lying, Jew monsters, thou covers that at the end of thy idiot quotation, "homicidal policy in occupied areas . . . . murder?" Thou tacitly admits holohoax is lies, but now thou just pushes others, eh?--ho o ho ho ho ho

For Germany was attacked, by France and Britain, and after having lost WWI, after the entente allies conspired w. Serbia to kill the Austrian Archduke, then declared war when Austria and Germany complained, Germany was essentially dis-armed, and only BEGAN to re-arming under heroic unc' Adolf.

So thou see, Germany in such defensive, inferior position, having been attacked by Britain and France, COULD not have pursued the absurd policies thou asserts--ESPECIALLY when one considers the furious attempts by Germany to making peace w. allies, esp. Britain, as after the fall of France. For HOW could Germans have expected allies to take German peace overtures seriously if they HAD followed such non-existent homicidal policies as thou lies they did?

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 164, Incitatus says:
February 26, 2019 at 9:40 pm GMT • 400 Words

“You’re forgetting that France declared war on Germany, not the other way around.”

Strawman. Didn’t say otherwise.

You opined France better off occupied, remember? Given contrary evidence, you change the subject.

“the western Allies were responsible for more French civilian deaths- and real atrocities- than the Germans were”

Enumeration and citations please.

“With respect to the diets of the “occupied” countries, don’t even go there…”

Already there and back. Sorry. Starvation rations are on record. So is Backe’s Hungerplan with its 20-30 million death estimate.

“the mass murder of German “disarmed enemy forces” in Eisenhower’s starvation camps and the deliberate efforts to starve the German people after the war”

Strong allegations. If true, how do they excuse Germany starving 3.5 million Soviet POWs to death? 4.2 million Soviet citizens (mostly Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians)? Working 2.4 million foreign laborers to death in Germany ‘42-45? Homicidal policy in occupied areas? Ethnic cleansing, murder?

Germany certainly suffered. 2.1 million perished in expulsions, 434,000 in Allied bombing, 5+ million in combat, flattened cities, etc. Genuinely tragic. Victims of criminally incompetent leadership.

“The so called “liberators” were far more destructive, homicidal and malign than the German National Socialists”

You’re welcome to believe that. Few agree. In any case, be consoled by good National Socialist policy direct from Mr. Big himself:

“He who wants to live should fight, therefore, and he who does not want to battle in this world of eternal struggle does not deserve to be alive.”

-Adolf Hitler ‘Mein Kampf’ Chapter 11 Volume 1, 1925

“If the German people are no longer strong enough and ready to sacrifice their own blood for their existence, then they should perish and be wiped out by another, stronger power. They are no longer worthy of the place they have won for themselves.”

-Adolf Hitler, remarks to the Danish Foreign Minister 27 Nov 1941

You might say the Allies took the Führer’s advice.

Reichminister Fritz Todt (one of the few capable Nazis) told Hitler “This war can no longer be won by military means…[it] can only be ended politically” 29 Nov ‘41. Failure to destroy the USSR by winter was as fatal as von Moltke missing the Schlieffen Plan timetable in September 1914, and Todt was honest enough to say it. He also warned direct US involvement would be terminal.

Hitler, ever messianic, declared war on the US two weeks later (11 Dec ’41). Reason? “We can’t lose the war at all; we now have an ally [Japan] which has never been conquered in 3000 years.”

Incompetent, suicidal leadership.

Monday, February 25, 2019

"anti-semitic," after all is said and done, means anti-Jew, and that's quite good enough....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/in-face...-anti-Zionism/

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All Humanity Is "Anti-Semitic," Naturally--Why Not?
(Apollonian, 25 Feb 19)

I agree, "skeptical": acknowledging one is anti-Jew by the understood language of "anti-Semite" is easiest, surely most truthful thing to say. Going on and about for long and needless explanation about "semite" referring also to Arabs is probably understood by most people anyway.

And most people surely understand the entire issue about "anti-Semitism" being so political and politicized--and if they don't so grasp it, it's surely useless to waste effort to explaining.

To speak the entire truth, one surely isn't necessarily all that much in favor of Arabs--unless one is Arab himself, so why bother? Easiest thing for me is to say, "heck yeah, I'm anti-Semitic, being a good Christian." Even if one isn't Christian, it's being good human being in general to be anti-Semitic, meaning anti-Jew--only confusion would be if one were Arab, and those are still so few, here in USA, at least, it would be waste of effort and breath.

Nowadays, of course, one must always stop and think if and when so confronted by word, "anti-Semitic"--esp. if one's job depended on it, as for many corporations, having to be "politically-correct" in this Jewified dictatorship we evermore live in and under.

Otherwise it should be understood all humanity is anti-Semitic, naturally--who isn't?--who wouldn't be?--OF COURSE I'm anti-Semite.

-----------------------above in response to below-copied---------------------------

# 136, Skeptikal says:
February 26, 2019 at 2:55 am GMT

I would just say:
You’re right.
I am an anti-Semite!

Ho ho ho hoo--leftist, socialist last gasp is to play "who's kidding who"....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/freed/the-empire-...ever/#comments

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When All Else Fails--Play "Who's Kidding Who?"
(Apollonian, 24 Feb 19)

Ho hoohoho ho ho ho, nice one, "alan2102": thou wants to play the "who's kidding who" little mind-game that thou leftists like to play, eh?--indeed, it's all thou have left, actually. But anyone can do a simple search-engine entry using "Agenda-21 depopulation" and come up w. numerous results--I got 393,000 on my first try, including several Jew-tube vids.

Socialism?--has NOTHING to do w. any actual economics, does it?--really--it's just the all-time champion pretext/excuse for dictatorship, upon the further pretext of "moralism," "brother's-keeper," non-selfishness, etc. For within strict democratic system, the majority could conceivably just vote to take the property of the minority, right?

"Socialism" is just a way of saying, "rip some people off," right?--like ripping-off the "rich," the underlying excuse being, "well gee, but the rich are mean people, so it's ok to rip them off,"

So "socialism" amounts to a kind of cannibalism, right?--one part, the larger part, the "poor," are allowed to eat and consume the "richer" part, eh? But then such cannibalism isn't likely in a healthy society which always begins w. a sociology consisting of most of the people, not rich, being led by a leadership, these leaders naturally being more able and capable.

Thus "socialism" consists of the weak cannibalizing the "strong"--eating the leaders of the society--it's conceivable if the people consider the "rich" to have betrayed them, except that in most cases, politically, the "rich" themselves lead diff. factions of other folks.

I suspect thou are a little late in the game now, "alan2102," as not only is Agenda-21 & -2030 Addendum well-known for literal GENOCIDE policy, but the actual tactics and measures to be used are also well-known, like poison vaccines, poison prescription drugs, poison GMO foods, and other poisonous food-additives, poison chemicals in the packaging, like "bisphenol-A," then there are the "chem-trails" containing poisonous barium and aluminum particulates within the atmosphere, the toxic electro-magnetic radiation, the poison glyphosates in herbicides, etc.

"[O]bviously-demented"?--but don't thou need to establish premises for that conclusion?--what actually is "demented," sucker?--for I've only spoken truth and easily verifiable facts. I'd say thou are demented, imagining thou will get-away w. thy outright lying and moronic pretending. Oh, wait--I get it--any opposition to "socialism" lies and dictatorship is itself, "demented," right? Ho ho o ho ho. I guess I may be "demented," then, ho ho ho ho.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 252, alan2102 says:
February 24, 2019 at 11:11 pm GMT

Joseph, you ought not bother with the obviously-demented like Apollonian, ranting and raving incoherent right-populist idiocies (“….SOCIALIST GENOCIDE… AGENDA 21…” blah blah etc.).

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Poor, stupid, moralistic "anti-capitalist" exposed for gross, miserable ignorance of economics, etc....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/freed/the-empire-...ever/#comments

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Thug Merely Exposes Gross Ignorance, Pushing Lies, Platitudes
(Apollonian, 24 Feb 19)

Good gravy, JN, but thou don't seem to grasp how dumb thou really are. Thou say, <blockquote>"I have been fed (and accepted) the MSM propaganda brain washing of “Capitalism = democracy and communism and socialism as Satin’s spawn since elementary school."</blockquote> But whose fault is this? Thou don't even attempt a serious, genuine definition of "capitalism"--generally, a socio-economic system built upon INDIVIDUAL freedom, hence rule-of-law, sanctity of contract, PROPERTY RIGHTS, and Constitutional republic--not mere "democracy," which is just moronic platitude--it's got to be more than just majority-rule, fool--why/how is that so difficult to grasp?

And FDR?--he helped start WWII to bring in world gov. dictatorship of United Nations (UN) and inevitable Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE--FDR genocided Germans and Japs. Millions of people starved in USA during 1930s--see https://www.infowars.com/researcher-...at-depression/ .

Thou say: <blockquote>"Capitalism is about profit, not about welfare, where communism and socialism are primarily concerned with welfare."</blockquote> But capitalism (originally invoking the investing in capital tools of one's manufacturing plant) is about PROSPERITY for the entire society/economy, given the Constitutional rule-of-law and individual freedom. Communism and socialism are just about DICTATORSHIP, sucker--the excuse and pretext is "welfare," fool--and they have NEVER, EVER worked.

JN, thou are just tooooo stupid and ignorant, babbling moronic clichés, not even caring about actual, realistic definitions. But it's instructive to out and expose such ignorant creatures as thyself, lying and pushing thy platitudes, pretending thou are "MORAL," excusing robbery and cannibalization of the few upon pretext of giving a little to the poor, as thou ignores the difficult (for thou) economic science, human nature requiring incentives, and necessary foundation of law, sanctity-of-contract, and property rights

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 238, JNDillard says:
February 24, 2019 at 7:48 am GMT • 200 Words

I have been fed (and accepted) the MSM propaganda brain washing of “Capitalism = democracy and communism and socialism as Satin’s spawn since elementary school. That ruse, essentially promoted to gain our sheep-like acquiescence in foreign wars that have killed some 20 million since WWII, has grown desperate, as we see in the pathetic schrieking of the McCarthyist revivalists, with Rachael Maddow as exhibit “A.” The possibilities of socialism can be judged more accurately by the enormous and multiple benefits FDR’s New Deal brought to the country. The social security check that I receive every month makes a huge difference, and the porcine money-grubbers at the banks and Wall St. certainly would never back such benefits. Capitalism is about profit, not about welfare, where communism and socialism are primarily concerned with welfare. Look at Putin’s recent address to his government and look at the realism and genuine value of his priorities; look at Xi’s most recent five year plan and ask yourself, “Does the US offer anything that in any way compares?” I am not a Marxist, but the ideas of economist Richard Wolf make sense to me. I am not a socialist, but the ideas of economist Michael Hudson make sense to me. If you are not familiar with these two, I recommend you take a look before you climb on what Noam Chompsky has called “the manufacturing of consent” train, because it is going over a cliff.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Thug socialists doesn't even care about how economics works--they're all about FORCE....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/freed/the-empire-...ever/#comments

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Thug Admits He Admires "Force"
(Apollonian, 23 Feb 19)

<blockquote>"He forced the redistibution of wealth...."</blockquote> Yes, that's typical of punks and scum like thou: thou are sooooo fascinated w. other punks, thugs, and scum who go about "forcing" things, eh? And we now know what's worth of thy stupid web-sites, run by punk filth like thyself.

Note there's economics and then there's such thing as "socialism" which is just "moralistic" excuse for dictatorship and GENOCIDE, sucker, as featured in Agenda-21 and -2030 addendum. Economics is actual science (which some dispute) by which human production is understood, humanity being most important, humanity being motivated by self-interest, guided then by reason. Thou can't figure-out thy motivation is no different--self-interest--thou are just a murderer at heart.

So why is thy self-interest for purpose of mass-murder, dictatorship, and GENOCIDE?--obviously, thou are the typical "humanitarian," like Elsworth Toohey of Ayn Rand's "Fountainhead," eh?--thou just envisions a diff. "humanity"--more like robots, doing what thou say, what thou wants. But humanity is ONLY self-interested ("sinful," according to Christian philosophy)--anything else perishes--cannot survive.

It doesn't matter to thy sort that "socialism" is anti-economics, is mere crass dictatorship "forced" upon people, as thou admits, and it NEVER ever works except for destruction and ruin--and this is what thou wants--GENOCIDE. Such are the motivations of "humanitarians" like thou, not only not knowing, but not even caring how economics and actual human nature (self-interested, necessarily, following human will) really works.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 224, JNDillard says:
February 23, 2019 at 7:37 pm GMT • 100 Words

Rats. My noteriety precedes me. My websites are dreamyoga.com and integraldeeplistening.com. I get really tired of people slamming socialism. From my perspective the finest president the US has ever had, by a long shot, was FDR. He forced the redistibution of wealth into public goods and welfare and made the pigs at the trough pay for it.

• Disagree: apollonian

Diff. btwn Islam and Christianity--Islam commands obedience, period; whereas Christianity is rationalist, worship of TRUTH, above all (Gosp. JOHN 14:6)....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, but CENSORED/deleted kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-grow...omment-3050337

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Islam Is Religion Of Command/Obedience; Christianity Worships TRUTH Above All
(Apollonian, 23 Feb 19)

Indeed: Islam is the religion of COMMAND and obedience ("submission")--Allah says (and commands), through his prophet Muhammud, whom thou MUST obey upon penalty of being be-headed, etc.

Whereas Christianity is a genuine PHILOSOPHY, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) in contrast to Satanism (making oneself God, the creator) and lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44). Thus TRUTH requires necessarily the OBJECTIVE reality as foundation/criterion for TRUTH--against Satanism and subjectivism, subjectivism the philosophy holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition.

And Christianity REJECTS childish "good-evil" because as reality is OBJECTIVE, it is DETERMINED (absolute cause-effect), there being no perfectly "free," hence God-like, human will, humans being sinners, creatures of self-interest, due to will, though this will not perfectly "free." So for the real Christianity, there's no "good-evil" as that would depend upon perfectly "free" God-like (hubristic) will, which perfectly "free" will doesn't exist for humans, though they might foolishly wish and "beeeeleeeeeeeeeeeev."

Note then, Christianity is worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence adherence to objective reality, anti-thesis being Satanism, (extreme) subjectivism, and lies which leads to self-destruction. There's no "burning" or "bombing" for Christianity except in rational self-defense, following philosophy of objective reality (Aristotle) and reason.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 228, Yee says:
February 24, 2019 at 1:56 am GMT • 100 Words

“Asia is a decent place, but it does not have the answers.”

No, Asia doesn’t have the answers for the whole world. The West and Islam do, both have the universalism for the whole world.

Although the West change their universalism from “Christianity” to “Democracy”, their mindset is still monotheism – from “if you’re not Christian you’re evil, it’s good to burn you” to “if you’re not Democracy you’re evil, it’s good to bomb you”.

If you want “answer” for the whole world, only 2 groups of people provide it…

Friday, February 22, 2019

Socialism: an insult to intelligence, is anti-economics, dictatorship, and GENOCIDE in guise of moralism....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/freed/the-empire-...ever/#comments

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Socialism: Nothing But Excuse For GENOCIDE, Folks--Look At Kind Of Ignorant Thugs It Attracts
(Apollonian, 22 Feb 19)

Listen to the ignorant, psychopathic thug babbling: <blockquote>"Socialism means equalizing and socializing – of rich and poor – at the expense of the rich who got that way at the expense of the poor, so you can say – it’s little bit of a payback time."</blockquote>

Folks: "socialism" is just GENOCIDAL dictatorship w. veneer of that kind of "Robin Hood" moralism assuring the suckers, golly, he'll rob the rich for the poor's benefit--suuuuuuuure. And a psychotic thug punk like "Cyrano" will just go along his merry way after the robbery and handing-over to the poor suckers, eh?--not taking a cut for himself?--ho ho ho ho. No suckers, that thug is gonna stick around and guess what?--he's just gonna take the formerly "rich" folks' place, that's all--in order to maintain the peace, right?--ho ho ho ho ho.

Then notice, the ignorant punk thug tells us all about "Americans" being "brainwashed" and the "wrong kind of socialism"--when the moronic, ignorant fool doesn't know anything about ANY kind of socialism in the first place, ho ho ho ho ho.

The ignorant punk-thug then finishes w. some homey-style poetry about "faking it," ho ho ho ho--when the psychotic moron is faking it all fm the very beginning about the "socialist" scam in the first place. Socialism?--it's just a moralistic-style fraud cloaking for GENOCIDE and dictatorship. And WHO would be stupid enough to accept such dictatorship fm such an ignorant thug-punk like "Cyrano"?--absolutely NO ONE at all--too bad "Cyrano" doesn't have the brains to grasp he impresses NO ONE.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 152, Cyrano says:
February 22, 2019 at 3:33 am GMT • 100 Words
@Harold Smith

Socialism means equalizing and socializing – of rich and poor – at the expense of the rich who got that way at the expense of the poor, so you can say – it’s little bit of a payback time. Americans have very clear minds about socialism – that’s because they have been brainwashed during decades long running propaganda. Then they got introduced to a wrong kind of “socialism” – where they were forced to socialize with a wrong kind of people – from alien lands and cultures. That’s not socialism, that’s cheap propaganda stunt, worthy of the Adolf himself. I think they were introduced to that type of “socialism” under the motto: “Fake it, so you don’t have to make it”. I think that the time will eventually come, where the more traditional motto will come into play: “Fake it, until you make it”.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Here's good example of what's published, and what's censored at Unz Review....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/freed/the-empire-...ever/#comments

Below by "one born free" is example of the crap which is published, while my entries are censored/suppressed

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# 145. apollonian says: • Website
February 22, 2019 at 2:31 am GMT • 100 Words

Righto, buddy (see below-copied): problem is thou have said this nearly same thing about 1,200,577, 662, 492 dozen times before, over and over and over and over and over–don’t thou ever get tired of it?–we do. And thou seem to imagine thou are saying something new, that no one ever hrd of before. Thou need to find something new. Thou are sooooo self-righteous, pretending thou know it all–don’t thou ever get sick of it? Give mankind a rest–show humanity some mercy, for goodness sakes.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 49, onebornfree says: • Website
February 21, 2019 at 10:48 am GMT • 300 Words

apollonian says: “….Socialism is anti-economics in favor of a false and pretended “moral” ideal (collectivism) which never works, never has ever worked, and guaranteed to fail–that’s its purpose, really: to fool the over-populated stupid people to giving the lying scum power and dictatorship upon false pretext momentarily attractive to poor, pathetic, over-populated stupid people who want to suck off their neighbors”


“Government, whatever form it may take, is by its nature a “socialist” system, at least in the sense intended by Trump in his speech. Its very existence depends on coercion, domination and control. Its raison d’être is to enforce a monopoly of power by the few over the many, and in its modern democratic socialist form it has even convinced those many that it “represents” them. That they are the government. And that the government will never be socialist.” James Corbett

“The state—or, to make the matter more concrete, the government—consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can’t get, and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time it is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.” H.L. Mencken

Here’s a link to a page containing links to free pdf downloads of Ludwig Von Mises’ masterpiece “Socialism” : https://mises.org/library/socialism-...gical-analysis

apollonian says: “So lets just SECEDE, suckers, and note now even lots of northerners would agree it’s the only, real PLAN”

Why wait for states to secede when it might never happen? Personal secession is faster, and has far more chance of working for the individual, seems to me.

Regards, onebornfree

Here's good example of what's published at Unz Review, and what's censored/deleted....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/freed/the-empire-...ever/#comments Below by "one born free" is example of the crap which is published, while my entries are censored/suppressed * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # 145. apollonian says: • Website February 22, 2019 at 2:31 am GMT • 100 Words @onebornfree Righto, buddy (see below-copied): problem is thou have said this nearly same thing about 1,200,577, 662, 492 dozen times before, over and over and over and over and over–don’t thou ever get tired of it?–we do. And thou seem to imagine thou are saying something new, that no one ever hrd of before. Thou need to find something new. Thou are sooooo self-righteous, pretending thou know it all–don’t thou ever get sick of it? Give mankind a rest–show humanity some mercy, for goodness sakes. ----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------- # 49, onebornfree says: • Website February 21, 2019 at 10:48 am GMT • 300 Words @apollonian apollonian says: “….Socialism is anti-economics in favor of a false and pretended “moral” ideal (collectivism) which never works, never has ever worked, and guaranteed to fail–that’s its purpose, really: to fool the over-populated stupid people to giving the lying scum power and dictatorship upon false pretext momentarily attractive to poor, pathetic, over-populated stupid people who want to suck off their neighbors” Exactly. “Government, whatever form it may take, is by its nature a “socialist” system, at least in the sense intended by Trump in his speech. Its very existence depends on coercion, domination and control. Its raison d’être is to enforce a monopoly of power by the few over the many, and in its modern democratic socialist form it has even convinced those many that it “represents” them. That they are the government. And that the government will never be socialist.” James Corbett “The state—or, to make the matter more concrete, the government—consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can’t get, and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time it is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.” H.L. Mencken Here’s a link to a page containing links to free pdf downloads of Ludwig Von Mises’ masterpiece “Socialism” : https://mises.org/library/socialism-...gical-analysis apollonian says: “So lets just SECEDE, suckers, and note now even lots of northerners would agree it’s the only, real PLAN” Why wait for states to secede when it might never happen? Personal secession is faster, and has far more chance of working for the individual, seems to me. Regards, onebornfree

"Holodomor" of Ukraine is good comparison model to holohoax of Jewwies....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-grow...omment-3050337

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Straight, Simple Facts Are Most Effective
(Apollonian, 21 Feb 19)

Jacques: thou must avoid becoming un-hinged, eh? For thou almost starts to begin to somewhat approach the holohoax pushers who get unduly irate just because one doesn't go along too easily--aside fm the ones who are already psychotic, outright liars. For most of the holohoaxers are just psychos--who do they think they're kidding?

I also think there was holodomor, but just like holohoax, I say there ought to be evidence that can be pt'd out. There must be some documentation, and there ought to be some witness testimony too--it all ought to be calm (as possible) matter-of-fact.

Thus we can then say it happened for these reasons, under these circumstances, and we can say exactly how many were the poor victims, in terms of most exact numbers possible--all just as matter of fact.

Tentatively, I seem to understand there was a general famine and difficult circumstances over a large area of south Russia, including Ukraine, perhaps even for an extended period, for a couple yrs, but that also things in Ukraine were compounded, esp. for political reasons, Stalin and top politburo people putting special emphasis on things in Ukraine--to detriment of the people.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 457, jacques sheete says:
February 22, 2019 at 1:10 am GMT

That one’s nuts. The issue was whether the Holodomor happened or was a lie. That’s all. I said it did, Anon said it was a lie, “Deep State” propaganda.

What’s so hard about that?

Not even worth responding to the confabulating Stain apologist goof.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Judaism isn't bad for racism; it's bad as it's hubris and satanism....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-grow...omment-3050337

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Racism: Most Excellent, Necessary Virtue--Of All Races, Throughout History
(Apollonian, 20 Feb 19)

<blockquote>"Judaism was born and breed on racism."</blockquote>

Note "racism" is magnificent virtue of pride and loyalty for one's people, ancestors, and culture. All people always have been, always will be racist, sucker. Not to be "racist" (loyal) is psychosis and suicide. And Judaism is NOT execrable for mere racism--in fact that's one of the few credits for Judaism, actually, though they make it into a brainless mystic mumbo-jumbo, at same time lying, insisting such racism is not allowed to any others--gross HYPOCRISY.

What's execrable for Judaism is that it's leading present-day, form of hubristic Satanism (extreme subjectivism, holding mind/consciousness creates reality, making subject God, the creator--Satanism, by definition), by which they, Jews, collectively, LITERALLY make themselves co-equal w. God, claiming God's only purpose is to SERVE THEM as by acting as their assassin, attack-dog, as when God kills for them as on Passover and Purim. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 335, renfro says:
February 20, 2019 at 7:15 pm GMT • 100 Words

”The point is.. What sort of people celebrate the slaughter of innocents, and particularly children, as their most ‘holy’ of holidays?!”

Well….that says it all, doesnt it?

Except we might add ..what kind of people make up a racist God that declares them ‘chosen” above all others?

Judaism was born and breed on racism.

Gee whiz, but what's Artie-boy upset about?--just reality and truth?--ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/is-tulsi...omment-3049654

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Artie-Boy Has Difficulty With Reality, Truth
(Apollonian, 20 Feb 19)

Artie-baby: (a) Do thou observe Unz appended the "LOL"?--it's confirmation of truth of my complaint, sucker--and it affirms the contempt Unz has for the readers and gentiles--so he found it expedient to have it published, right?

(b) Did thou see thy buddy's ("RobinG") response? <blockquote> "The only possibly “subversive” thing about this site is that the WN’s (and everybody else) get enough rope to hang themselves."

So what does it (above quotation) mean?--does she thereby (tacitly) retract the stupidity she said before about Unz's "free speech" policy?--acknowledging what I described? And what's this about "WNs"? "[G]et enough rope to hang themselves"?--so they (WNs) exercise free speech, and what?--"hang themselves"?--so what?--they get CENSORED/deleted?

Don't thou find such sort of language puzzling, to say the least?--she asserts the lie about "free speech," but then excuses the censorship?

And artie-boy, don't doubt I made simple statements regarding facts some of which are quite verifiable--so thou are saying that's disgusting? Unz is a liar, a typical Jew snake, Artie-baby; deal w. it, sucker.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 380, Art says:
February 19, 2019 at 4:40 pm GMT

This comment is unequivocally, unambiguously, undeniably, unmistakably, unquestionably – disgusting!

• LOL: apollonian

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Fool fails to grasp the satanic method of the devilish kike editor....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/is-tulsi-gabbard-for-real/#comments

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Unz Indeed CONFIRMED, Sucker--Look, THINK
(Apollonian, 18 Feb 19)

Observe Unz essentially CONFIRMED what I explained w. his appended "LOL," thou poor, smug fool. What I explained and noted are quite verifiable facts--use thy braincells, few as they may be. And don't forget the satanic method of confirming, hence Unz's publishing, the plan and the facts in the gentile's and victim's face--like the 9/11 hit was foretold in the TV program aired a few months earlier on TV about the plane crashing into the bldg. Get a brain.

 ------------------------------Above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------------

 # 368 RobinG says:
February 19, 2019 at 3:28 am GMT

So why didn’t he censor this (which I could only read half of, but that was bad enough) LOLOL.

The only possibly “subversive” thing about this site is that the WN’s (and everybody else) get enough rope to hang themselves.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

It's good to see SOME kikes are actually as confused and dis-oriented as this one, ho ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/being-marco-rubio/

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Jew Disease Must, WILL Be Dealt With
(Apollonian, 17 Feb 19)

<blockquote>"4. You also fail miserably to acknowledge the OBSESSION with the Jews to the point of insanity, where it is impossible to debate."</blockquote>

"Insanity," says the psychopath--but Jew, WHY should humans "debate" w. thou murdering monsters?--thou wish, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho. There MIGHT be some "debate" among humans as to the wherefores and circumstances of thy coming eradication, but there will be no "debate" w. thou, sucker.

And of course, we humans understand humans are sinners--we'll not be able to eradicate sin, hubris, or even Satanism, extreme subjectivism, idea mentality/consciousness creates reality, making the subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition, Jews practicing this (extreme) subjectivism/Satanism in collectivist fashion. Jews call it "MIDRASH" by which Jew monsters imagine they create reality, like God does, with which God Jew monsters imagine they, collectively, are co-equal, God being merely their servant, slave, assassin, and hit-man, as on Passover and Purim.

Christ (= TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) attempted to "debate" thou monsters--and look what happened to him. Lucky thing He was (still is) God the Son, eh?--it demonstrates that TRUTH CANNOT BE KILLED, suckers--for TRUTH is OBJECTIVE, IS God, and always "resurrects" to come back to bite thou. But thou infernal monstrosities, called Jews, REFUSE to learn the lesson.

Oh, and "anon159," note we don't say thou psychopathic monsters are the only problem, for as thou see, the ENTIRE Western culture is in CYCLIC, Spenglerian "Decline of the West," degenerating in Satanism (extreme subjectivism and hubris). But Jews, thou see, are FOREMOST Satanists, the leaders--as in communism--thou monsters worship Satanism and lying, as w. thy "Kol Nidre" prayer by which thou seeks absolution beforehand, eh?

And indeed, Jew disease, like typhus and plague, fulfills a distinct socio-biologic function removing inferiors and weaklings among over-populated goyim.

But Satanism will always arise, like sin itself, subjectivism, and hubris--BUT Jews we can do something about--and we can do it in Christian fashion. Jews will be interned, separated by sex, prevented fm re-producing, and, voila, the task will be achieved--no more Jews. It will be a festive occasion, a holiday proclaimed for all humanity, the demise of Jews and Judaism, celebrated by future generations of humanity--like Purim is celebrated by thou monsters of today, actually. And it's really a simple solution, isn't it?

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 516, Anonymous[159] • Disclaimer says:
February 16, 2019 at 11:01 pm GMT • 1,000 Words

I do not know how to do the cut and paste thing with the block.
But you are beating around the same bush and not answering directly to my points.
We do not need to rehash history to discuss current events.

1.You totally skipped over the Camp David peace plan of 2000 by saying you did not see the map and settlements might be the problem.

No. All of the settlements were removed, and Jerusalem was split, I do not know how old you are but I am 65, the Jews tried so hard to make peace, it was stunning that Arafat walked away. No one could understand, and it had a profound affect on the current situation, because allowing the Oslo accords and Arafat back into Ramallah was a huge concession. Arafat threw klingoffer off that boat, and the PLO were responsible for the massacre of the athletes in Munich. You fail to grasp thru all of your threads, how sincerely the Jews tried, and how bad the leaders are not just in Palestine but all over the middle east, they are pathetic and do nothing to help their populations, for if they cared the whole mess would have been solved 25 years ago, and that is the truth, you cannot dispute.
The whole world had the Palestinians in their minds, but keep crying wolf, no one cares anymore. They squandered all the good will thrown at them.

2. You also skipped over the fact that the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza was an attempt to give full autonomy and they hoped that the Palestinians would thrive, remember what I said about the green houses. It was Hamas who took over from the PLO throwing them off buildings. Hamas is an extension of the Muslim brother hood, and regardless of what the history between the Jews and Muslims is in the past, you cannot deny that Hezbollah and Hamas want not one Jew in Palestine not a one. So what do expect Israel to do. Pretty feeble of you to say that real men cannot put down their guns. As I said if the situation were reversed and the Jews were in that ghetto it would be a different outcome there with trade, and innovation, and COMMERCE. If you think Israel has put all of its eggs in one basket, the Islamist have put all their eggs in the basket of destroying Israel to the ruination of their population. Not one Islamist will negotiate with Israel not one.

Their job is to destroy Israel.
Real men put down their weapons for the good of their population since as you said the Gazaians are in a perpetual no mans land, fighting a war they cannot win. Do you think that is a wise strategy? Do you think it advances their cause, or helps their population? The west bank is prosperous for everyone, and many restrictions have been eliminated.
Do you seriously seriously think the Jews want to keep a prison like Gaza going? Or that was their intention to create a camp of militants?

3. You also skip over the total lack of development is the islamic world towards capitalism and democracy for as you know Islam is not just a religion but a political system and a crippling one at that, for it is socialism under a totalitarian leadership with an infantile population. for them, . Shira is a burden on development, to care and feed for their populations under strict rules with little reason to innovate, for money and the making of money is considered less than worshipping Allah. If not for oil than what to they create or manufacture. It is not a priority. It is like Islam missed both the enlightenment and the Renaissance. You cannot blame that on the Jews, and you have to admit there is a certain amount of jealously towards the Jews for what they brought with them from Europe, to develop the land. You have to admit that Palestine was in ruins before the Jews arrived to aerate the land for farming. Look up Glad Mier’s description.

4. You also fail miserably to acknowledge the OBSESSION with the Jews to the point of insanity, where it is impossible to debate. That is what I was referring to by Giraldi and his followers. If you think that obsessing on the Torah and the Talmud and labeling the Jews as the sole problem in the universe do to the only fact that they are Jews whose very creation causes chaos in the world is a very limited pseudo science one where most intellectuals and people of reason and logic will reject. Understanding of humanity proves, that all peoples of the world contain bad and good, not one tribe has the ability to create and dominate good and bad, or evil . To ascribe all bad behavior to the Jews and none to the Palestinians or muslims to say that Israel supported ISIS and is responsible for Syria, is just ludicrous. I am not going to defend or argue with ideas like below. My point being that people with these ideas are going to be marginalized out of the mainstream and loose.

The Jews have become warriors and they will vanquish their enemies, no matter what, they have skill and innovation and military weapons not known to most.
I believe that Hamas, Hezbollah and the mullahs in Iran will need to be defeated before any peace can move forward, and if it means carpet bombing Southern Lebanon it will be done. Look no further that this thread, Giraldi and the sentiments below to understand why, never again means never again.
How much of below is repeated in this thread?

Judaism, which is just Satanism, the leading and most practical version (of Satanism) on earth, MUST BE EXTERMINATED, and Jews seem to understand this extermination is what gentiles must do, and should do, Jews wanting to get-out in-front by way of pre-empting this necessary extermination, as if to getting the gentiles to swear that they wouldn’t dare so think of exterminating this satanic filth–which gentiles MUST do to save their very lives.

• LOL: apollonian

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Here, again, we see the Jew pretending to be gentile in action, again, exposed, but still brazen, ho ho ho ho--I thought these scum were supposed to be "smart"?--ho ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied essays by ap, just below, and below-bottom, submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/studying-...omment-3021991

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"Corvinus" Caught Lying (Again)
(Apollonian, 16 Feb 19)

"Corvinus": on the "...holocaustianity" article, by Tobias Langdon, and comments page, # 131, thou says <blockquote>"Except I am not Jewish. I am goy. Pure goy. German, Dutch, Polish heritage. An American mutt."</blockquote>

But yrs ago, on Steve Sailor's article of Jan 26, 2010, "Teddy Kennedy's Irish Sweepstakes," comments page, # 51, thou said, <blockquote>"I'm of Irish descent,...." </blockquote>

So thou are pretty confused, aren't thou, caught red-handed lying as thou are? So seeing thou are so keen on pushing holohoax, isn't it clear thou are Jew?--why else would thou lie as we see thou doing?

Thou says, above: <blockquote>"...anyone who openly questions you just has to be anti-Gentile/pro-Jew. That is irrational on your part."</blockquote> --But that wasn't the pt., was it, "corvinus"?--the pt. I made being if thou continues pushing holohoax lies in svc of Jews, against gentiles, then by the obvious inductive logic it indicates thou are Jew. So it's thou who are irrational, aside fm being a proven liar, as we see. Keep talking to us, sucker, ho ho ho ho

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 188, Corvinus says:
February 16, 2019 at 3:24 pm GMT • 200 Words

“How Could “Corvinus” Possibly Be Gentile?”

Because I am. Of course, since I challenging people here, it is only fitting that I am labeled a “Jew lover” or a “Jew” or a “shill for Jews” or “not a Gentile”. That is what zealots do.

“Hey “corvinus”: what happened in the Zundel trial of 1988?–when Ernst Zundel (RIP) was brought to trial by Canadian gov. for supposed, un-Constitutional “crime” of “false-news,” the gov. then taking-on the obligation to providing evidence, in its case against Zundel, to PROVE the holohoax.”

He never “proved” that the Holocaust did not happen, he offered up a theory. Moreover, he was found to be in violation of Canadian law. He was convicted, but his case was overturned on the grounds of free speech. Now, we know that free speech has consequences. We can say whatever we want in public, under the realization that there could be a positive or negative reaction and/or action. It was not about a “gross lack of evidence” on the part of the Canadian government; rather, the highest court in Canada ruled that his words, which MAY incite physical violence, was still protected speech.

“And HOW could thou possibly be goy, “corvinus,” lying as thou do so psychotically, insistently against the gentile people, serving Jews? HOW are thou not traitor to gentiles?”

LOL, just what I thought. Press the “default button”–anyone who openly questions you just has to be anti-Gentile/pro-Jew. That is irrational on your part.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

--------------------------above response by ap was deleted, so here below-copied, is another attempt which, however, was also deleted---------------

The Case Of "Corvinus"
(Apollonian, 16 Feb 19)

Corvinus, buddy, thou are the TYPICAL psychotic, schizoid Jew--for Jew, by simple process of elimination, is ONLY thing thou could be. And of course, thou don't know, and would never admit thou have reached this state of such gross schizoidal psychosis. I'd sympathize w. thou if thou weren't such a Jewwy monstrosity, so thoroughly disgusting and putrid as thou are.

Thou TOTALLY misses the pt. to the Zundel trial of 1988, for the whole pt. is that the state, funded by endless resource of tax-payers was otherwise enabled to bring to the court evidence or proof of the holohoax, but was un-able to do so--demonstrated by the court transcripts gathered for the appeal.

Can't thou figure-out it's precisely why those transcripts were published?--to show how the government's case was so totally, brilliantly refuted by Zundel's counsel, Doug Christie and the case he presented, including the cross-examinations he gave to the gov's "expert-witnesses," the historians, Chris Browning and Raul Hilberg (fm 1984 trial).

Thou laughs and cackles like the possessed demon thou are when thou says I'm "irrational" when I only make use of the simplest inductive logic--but thou don't care because thou live in thy own little Jewwy world of schizoidal psychosis. Thou says, "[t]hat is irrational on your part," but it doesn't occur to thou that's ONLY THY OPINION--as thou so often notes about others thou pretends to rebut.

"That is what zealots do," thou asserts, but it's just elementary inductive logic of which thou seems to be totally ignorant. Thou acts, thinks, speaks like typical Jew, so it's reasonable to conclude Jew is what thou are--regardless of thy moronic lying, over and over, as thou do--and thou give no reason or evidence to conclude otherwise, regardless thy lying and insisting. Thou seems to imagine thy lying and insisting must be taken as fact, whereas anyone else's statements are only his/her "opinion." "Corvinus," thou only fool thyself, sucker, typical Jew. I thought Jews were supposed to be "smart"?

Friday, February 15, 2019

Golly gee, but what about the Canadian trial of Ernst Zundel of 1988 which gov. couldn't prove holohoax?--as the stupid Jew pretends he's gentile, ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/studying-...omment-3021991

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How Could "Corvinus" Possibly Be Gentile?
(Apollonian, 15 Feb 19)

Hey "corvinus": what happened in the Zundel trial of 1988?--when Ernst Zundel (RIP) was brought to trial by Canadian gov. for supposed, un-Constitutional "crime" of "false-news," the gov. then taking-on the obligation to providing evidence, in its case against Zundel, to PROVE the holohoax.

Thus Canadian gov. w. its vast tax-payers' funding was exposed for gross lack of evidence, as we see by the book of the appeal transcripts ("Did Six Million Really Die?" Edited by Barbara Kulaszka, about 600 pages), which included the testimony fm gov. and witnesses against Zundel--NO documentary evidence, NO physical evidence, ONLY the usual, typical Jew liars jumping up and down, shrieking and insisting--who were then demonstrated liars, but the ct. doing nothing as they were also demonstrably touched in the head.

And HOW could thou possibly be goy, "corvinus," lying as thou do so psychotically, insistently against the gentile people, serving Jews? HOW are thou not traitor to gentiles?

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 177, Corvinus says:
February 15, 2019 at 10:49 pm GMT • 100 Words

“I have yet to come across a ‘ Objective” study of Jews during the war.”

Because it is easier for you to characterize these studies in this manner. In that way, you don’t have to think. You simply rely on your confirmation bias.

“But in my experience almost no one believes 6 million Jews were gassed or otherwise killed.”

You mean you are part of a group who refuses to admit the series of events referred to as the Holocaust.

Talmud is essence of Jews/Judaism, and it's revealing to see what Jews themselves say about it....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/being-marco-rubio/

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Judaism (Talmudism): It's A Deadly, Proven Conspiracy, And Gentiles MUST Remove It
(Apollonian, 15 Feb 19)

Is it any wonder humans and gentiles hate thou Jew monstrosities, liars, and psychopaths? So the Jew monster and psychopath tells us, <blockquote>"Reading the Talmud is not necessary."</blockquote> But the OBVIOUS fact is Talmud IS Judaism, Talmud is definitive, and what is Talmud?--it's written-out "midrash" (interpretation, as of Torah, first five books, Mosaic law), written-out "Oral Law Tradition," this "tradition" the very ESSENCE of Judaism, Jews followers of Pharisees and Talmud. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

Thus Talmud is the very essence of Judaism, and to KNOW Jews, one must understand the Talmud, the written-out version of Oral Law Tradition, period. Talmud is literally the war-plan of Jews who conduct Talmudic war against gentiles.

Then the Jew psychopathic monster says, <blockquote>"...this text that no non-Jew possess, assuming they could read it (unlikely),...."</blockquote> But fact is the Talmud is published and accessible for anyone--they can just go on-line to find out what it says. And note the Jew psychopath pretends no one can "read" the stinking, satanic, filthy Talmud which exhorts war against the gentile. In fact, it's absolutely NECESSARY to read Talmud and KNOW what it's all about--regardless the lies of Jew psychopaths and monsters like this one we have here to whom I respond.

Next, the Jew psychopath says, <blockquote>"The Talmud is only a commentary on the Five Books or Old Testament."</blockquote> Yes, it's "commentary," but there's a pt. and purpose to that commentary, as the commentary demonstrates the Talmudic philosophy which is (a) war against the gentiles, (b) for the purposes and "good" of Jews, as determined by the leaders, the rabbis, Jews COLLECTIVELY understood as co-equal w. God, God the servant of Jews, God acting as assassin/hit-man for Jews, as on Passover and Purim; and (c) it (Talmud) demonstrates the METHOD, "midrash" (interpretation)--SUBJECTIVISM, by which subjectivism Jews create reality within their minds/consciousnesses, making themselves God, the creator--Satanism.

The lying Jew monster tells us, <blockquote>"They just don’t read them,"</blockquote> which means the Jew monster pretends he's in position to know and comment upon inferior gentiles' ignorance, etc.--the usual, typical, traditional, obligatory, Talmudic Jew contempt and hatred for the dumb, gentile cattle.

So we see the monumental monstrosity of Jews and Judaism--THEY WORSHIP LIES, LYING, AND LIARS, like satan, including LYING TO THEMSELVES, as in this case-in-pt., a Jew lying psychopath and monstrosity who has so thoroughly lied to himself, as we see. Such is the Talmudic war against humanity and gentiles, such is the Talmudic METHOD of lies and lying, including LYING TO ONESELF.

Judaism, which is just Satanism, the leading and most practical version (of Satanism) on earth, MUST BE EXTERMINATED, and Jews seem to understand this extermination is what gentiles must do, and should do, Jews wanting to get-out in-front by way of pre-empting this necessary extermination, as if to getting the gentiles to swear that they wouldn't dare so think of exterminating this satanic filth--which gentiles MUST do to save their very lives.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 465, Anon[620] • Disclaimer says:
February 15, 2019 at 9:47 pm GMT • 200 Words
@jacques sheete

Have you ever read any of the Babylonian Talmud?

Have you ever read any of the rabbis and their “build in” hate for the goyim?

Reading the Talmud is not necessary. In fact, I believe that the constant referencing of this text that no non-Jew possess, assuming they could read it (unlikely), serves as a tactical distraction from what you really should be reading and that almost everyone has in their home.

The Talmud is only a commentary on the Five Books or Old Testament. These latter books contain all of the gentile hate, admissions for the destruction of non-Jewish nations, and calls to genocide that anyone could ever stomach. Again, almost everyone has this collection of books somewhere in their home. They just don’t read them.

If every gentile would pick up the Bible in their home and read the Old Testament with the understanding that the Jewish religion sees the genocidal and nation destroying fables contained within as modern instruction, then we would almost instantly realize complete victory after the shock wore off.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Lying kike moron announces, proclaims reality in oracular fashion, like rabbi giving a juridical ruling in ct., while insisting he's goy, can't figure-out what chutzpah--impossible for real goy

Below-copied by ap submitted, CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/studying-...omment-3021991

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Jew Insisting He's Goy, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 14 Feb 19)

Righto, Jew (thou could ONLY be a Jew, eh?)--it's true because thou says so, ho hoo ho ho, over and over and over, thou insists like the psycho child, who repeats, and repeats, and repeats, ho ho ho ho. Would real gentile act in thy psychotic manner?

And when one pt.s out no real gentile could/would possibly, conceivably LIE like thou does, thy only reply is to say thou are a "MORAL" gentile, eh?--perhaps the only such "moral" goy on planet earth--though, actually, there are lots of gentiles willing to take the Jews' money.

Amazingly, there are MILLIONS of "evangelical" -type "Christians" ("Judeo-Christians"--JCs--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo, JCs also called "Christian-Zionists") who support Israeli terror-state, many w. great enthusiasm--psychos, for sure, w. not the slightest idea what Christianity is all about (truth = Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

Keep it up, Jew: thou have become quite famous and notable pretending thou are goy while pushing most outrageous, moronic Jew lies--who does that?--hoh oh hoh o ho ho

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 133, Corvinus says:
February 15, 2019 at 1:20 am GMT

The reality is that the Holocaust happened, despite denials and obfuscations by those who desire to minimize its historical significance.

Monday, February 11, 2019

"Genetics" determines the manifestations, and genetics is determined itelf by prior conditions, biology, physics, etc....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/jthompson/healthy...-genetic-code/

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"Genetics" Mere Manifestation Of Prior Source(s), Determinist Nature
(Apollonian, 11 Feb 19)

Golly gee, "res," but it sure is complicated, isn't it, this business of "race"? But if one just cks dictionary, race is group of people descended fm common ancestors, right? And diff. race means they're descended fm a diff. group of ancestors of some other race. And geography has quite a lot to do w. it all, doesn't it?

And "race" can be general, like all blacks fm Africa, but it could also be more specific, like the races of Nigeria, or Ethiopia, etc. Indeed, race could be isolated to specific individuals, like race of Ham, Japheth, and Shem.

Then we see thou wants to bring in "genetics," which actually is just more internal counterpart to external manifestation(s), like skin color, those genetics or genes, now considered the foundation/basis/source for all the manifestations. But didn't we already know this about the genetic foundation(s) as source?--what else would genetics refer to?

So for all external manifestation(s) there must be a genetic component, like for red hair, blue eyes, skin color, etc.

But regardless all this material about genetics and whatever it is thou are attempting to make of it, we know RACE, and reality, including race, is determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect, necessarily--there's no perfectly "free" will.

Thus "genetic code" is founded upon prior biology and physics, and no "post code" can possibly change or contradict the fundamentals--everything is DETERMINED in accord w. absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will, which perfectly free will is definition of "God." Whatever manifests follows fm prior source, and nothing can manifest in disregard of this source.

"Res," it seems thou want to quibble, like w. Thompson, insisting more needs, or should, or ought be known regarding details of genetics, which actually no one seems to deny. Then thou presents thy graphic showing the presumed descent fm the negroid or African (evidently) which doesn't really seem to be too terribly relevant to the basic thesis regarding "nature and nurture," or "post" vs. "genetic" "code."

Finally, we racists say race matters--that things are DETERMINED in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" will which is just fictional pretext for subjectivism and Satanism against which Satanism and Satanist genocide of Agenda-21 and -2030, for one instance, humanity presently struggles. Q.E.D.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 71, res says:
February 11, 2019 at 6:31 pm GMT • 600 Words

You quote this comment with reference to my definition of the present-day scientific understanding of race with apparent approval.

I think that quote captures most of the “scientific” zeitgeist (if not the scientific reality). But if you think race can be defined by gene pool then perhaps we disagree less than I thought based on your other statements. In which case I would expect you to be more accepting of genetic evidence like PCA and the dendrogram I presented. I do realize your understanding is more sophisticated than the “race is solely a social construct” version better represented by that quote. My response would be better read as agreeing that trend is prevalent and troublesome than as believing your thinking is exactly that.

A good way to put it is I object to your statements where and to the extent they align with that comment.


A race is not defined by skin color or any other particular morphological trait, but by breeding pattern and genetic relatedness. Specifically, a race is an interbreeding population separated by geographical, political, social, or religious divisions from other groups. A race can therefore be defined by its gene pool.

I partially agree.

I do agree gene pool provides a good definition for race (me presenting genetic evidence for my assertions might have provided a clue here). But since skin color and other morphological traits are largely dictated by genes they correlate quite heavily with race. Trying to pretend race and genes have nothing to do with physical (and behavioral) traits is exactly the kind of Lysenkoism I decry. At the same time, I agree single traits have a very imperfect relation to race. You have done a good job of drawing out the classic dark skin color examples demonstrating that.

And since I am playing nice with you about that, please do me the courtesy of doing the same with this.

Do you actually deny that the biggest single genetic split between human groups occurs between Africa and the rest of the world?

If so, please grace us with your understanding of human genetic variation across geographic groups. In particular, I would be interested in learning whether you believe in the Out of Africa theory (strong or weak, I tend to believe in a weak version) and how that relates to your answer. You might throw in a discussion of how small founder populations affect genetic variation as well.

But spare us another of your useless caption-free graphics.

There is a reason I include links to the source when I post things like that. If you are incapable of understanding the graphic (as I assume from your response) then feel free to follow that link. Is spoon feeding you enough, or do I also need to pre-chew your food for you?

I think the reason you object to my graphics is because they provide extremely compelling evidence for the points I make. And you aren’t man enough to admit that.

P.S. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I interpreted you responding to my request to stop with the ad hominems by calling me hypersensitive as you saying you are thick skinned and I can feel free to heap as much abuse on you as I like. I can back off if you actually want to have a civil conversation about this. But don’t ever think my preference for civil conversation means I can’t trade insults with you.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Significance of Trump is he consciously features NATIONALISM against "globalist" world gov. dictatorship and genocide....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/a-passio...ment/#comments

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Trump Features NATIONALIST Alternative To "Globalist" World Gov. Dictatorship And Genocide
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 19)

Fatima, thou disgusting troll, significance of Trump is he features NATIONALISM against "globalist" world-gov. dictatorship--this is fundamental, THEMATIC contrast btwn the two basic political paths the people, all over the world, must consider and choose--even though all the rest of thy pts. made about Trump may be true.

Trump also made some telling statements about the poison vaccination programs which Big Pharma (Jew) corp.s are trying (and often succeeding) in imposing upon the people as way of keeping them sick, and even mass-murdering them (according to Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE program), as also by means of poison GMO foods and other food-additives, poison fluoridated water, poisonous "chem-trails," poison prescription drugs which have already killed millions, toxic "5G" electro-magnetic radiation, etc.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 656, Fatima Manoubia says:
February 10, 2019 at 2:44 pm GMT • 200 Words

But if this man, DD, is so intelligent as many of you here claim, why was so obscured to him, when it was not even for me, that a real state US tycoon, with multiple financial ties to Jewish billionaires some of whom rescued him in the past from several bankrupft, whose Chabad Luvavitcher son-in-law, who at his own have important real state interests in Israel, and was at first minute named “presidential advisor” whith full access to the WH security council, will give you MIGA ( Make Israel Great Again ) instead of pre-electoral MAGA, or the way we say it here, os daría gato por liebre?

One of two, or he is not so intelligent and is simply a racist simplón, or he really wanted you to rally for well hided interests which have nothing to do with those of the white, or non white for that matter, US people.
The same two possibilities could be applied to those with so high IQ posting here who supported, and still support, both, DD and Trump.

Is (Tulsi) Gabbard a mulatto?--she's dink, but "mulatto" is close, ho ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied posted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/a-passio...ment/#comments

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# 642, apollonian says: • Website
February 10, 2019 at 6:31 am GMT

Technically, Gabbard is a dink, self-identifying as Hindu–mulatto is close though.

Hey Artie-boy, do thou think thou are somehow better than Heros, or something?–that thou knows more, or knows better? I think thou are a twerp. What a guy!–right.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 639, Art says:
February 10, 2019 at 4:49 am GMT
@Fatima Manoubia

DD Heros dismisses Tulsi Gabbard as a mulatto.

What a guy!

Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art

--------------------below by "art" in response to ap, above, top---------------------

# 663, Art says:
February 10, 2019 at 4:05 pm GMT • 100 Words

Technically, Gabbard is a dink, self-identifying as Hindu–mulatto is close though.

Hey Artie-boy, do thou think thou are somehow better than Heros, or something?–that thou knows more, or knows better? I think thou are a twerp. What a guy!–right.

“thou are somehow better than Heros” — absolutely – hell yes!

DD Heros is the scum of the white race! Trashing other races is scum work.

To whom much is given – much is expected!

Little white boy DD Heros has been given much – and he has failed his people – he is the bottom of Christian Western culture.

Think Peace — Art

Saturday, February 9, 2019

"Vatican" and CHURCH are not the same, don't forget....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/a-passionate-attachment/

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Never Forget: "Vatican" And CHURCH Are NOT Same Things
(Apollonian, 9 Feb 19)

Grace: it's extremely important NOT to confuse the "Vatican" w. the Church--they're two TOTALLY diff. things. "Vatican" is simply a corrupt bureaucracy which pretends--pretending to have captured the people who make up the REAL Church.

After all, and never forget, heroic St. Martin Luther long ago denounced and exposed Vatican. Don't forget the Biblic injunction to beware of "false prophets"--see Gosp. MATT 7:15, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

Observe further, none other than Rothschilds have had effective control of Vatican finances since 1822--see https://www.gods-kingdom-ministries....apal-treasure/ .

Didja' know Vatican is sole owner of "Austrian publishing company, Beltwild, (wholly owned by the Vatican) sells a range of 2,500 pornographic titles from which..." Vatican "profits handsomely." See http://freedom-articles.toolsforfree...h-pornography/ .

Wikipedia gives an extensive account of Vatican loans fm Rothschilds, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothsc...o_the_Holy_See .

So thou sees how Vatican is sooooo thoroughly, absolutely corrupt, endorsing terror-state of Israel, tolerance of homosexuals, invasion of illegal aliens, etc., but it must not be confused w. the REAL Church made up of the people partaking in the Holy Spirit and always refer to New Test. for the real precepts of Christian philosophy.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 622, Grace Poole says:
February 9, 2019 at 11:01 pm GMT • 400 Words

There is nothing in Bettalora’s book/video/frame with which I agree; I’ve “de-constructed” her thesis in my dreams (actually, instead of sleeping I composed a point-by-point refutation of her claims). I think she is dangerous inasmuch as she teaches young people at a Catholic college, and appears to have the approbation of the administration at that college, which, in turn, operates under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic institution/church.

In my late-night composition, I drafted the title, How the Sisters of Mercy Endorsed War with Iran.

From my perspective, sloppy scholarship paired with the strident, zionist/neoconservative-influenced ideological bent that Bettalora takes , tragically misinforms her students. They will be making serious decisions in the near future, and they are being misled.

Among the factors that drew me into this contentious topic of zionism, holocaustism, etc., was a passage in a 1950s textbook used at Yale, that mentioned the growing influence of zionists in USA. Among other things, discussion explained that there was no other force that was strong enough, or willing to, counterbalance their influence.

I immediately thought, Well, Roman Catholicism has a very large reach, deep pockets, numerous institutions and thinkers; Catholicism is the natural counterbalance for zionism.

Ever since, I’ve been looking for instances where Roman Catholicism has stood up to zionist projects: I haven’t found ANY. The closest the Vatican came was its delegation of Pio Laghi to plead with George Bush to refrain from waging war in Iraq. We know how that turned out.

It is deeply troubling to me that the power of the Roman Catholic Church is AWOL in matters of such importance.

Battalora works for a Roman Catholic college–St. Xavier University in Chicago https://www.sxu.edu/about/catholic-identity.asp founded by- and still run by an order of Roman Catholic nuns. Their web pages proclaim a gazillion times their strong Catholic identity and how committed they are to peace, love, mercy, social justice, etc., yet they provide a platform for this woman to advocate race-hatred, and to do so with scholarship that is so sloppy it should make them blush so badly their wimples would go limp.

I wish I had the talent and courage (and platform) to write an essay that would thoroughly shame the Sisters of Mercy for allowing the students at St. Xavier University to be influenced by a mediocre ideologue like Battalora.

How does holohoax fit when considering the defensive nature/configuration of Germany in wars?....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Holohoax: Mere Adjunct To "Progressive," "Liberal" NWO World Gov. Empire
(Apollonian, 8 Feb 19)

Yes "anon" (see below-copied), what thou say is absolutely compelling, and note--there's more. For observe Germany lost WWI, and was in horrendous military condition for many yrs thereafter--in fact, all the way till the mid to late 30s. Brits of UK had superior navy and practically even-steven air force--combined w. the French, at first, the allies were preponderant against German forces. Even after French capitulated in 1940, Americans were supplying Brits w. Lend-lease and other measures. Note the war was begun in first place by West, the Poles harassing and encroaching Danzig, Poles threatening war, Brits having made offensive alliance w. Poles in March 1939. See "The Forced War," by David Hoggan.

Thus Germany was ALWAYS in inferior, DEFENSIVE position--WHY and HOW would they then determine upon a policy of mass-executions, for which there is and never has been any evidence?--no documentary evidence of notorious bureaucratic Germans, and no physical evidence, no death-certificates, no bodies or remains, etc., Germans constantly suing for accommodation w. Western allies, as after Dunkirk, etc.

Thus Germany carried an initiative against USSR, until the 1941 winter counter-offensive of Stalin/Zhukov, which staggered the German lines. Then in 1942, the German offensive in Russia was only active in the Southern theater, the Northern and Central theaters on an active defense, the Russkies steadily receiving absolutely essential, substantial US Lend-Lease supplies, especially of trucks and food, building-up the inevitable Soviet counter-offensive at Stalingrad.

Similarly, Germans kept a DEFENSIVE against Western allies, those allies conducting a fearsome and murderous bombing campaign against German civilians and cities. Germans wanted peace w. Western allies--HOW could this have been done w. massive execution policies as falsely alleged?

Even then in 1943, during the battle of Kursk-salient, even though Operation Citadel was going fairly well, unc' Adolf cancelled the offensive--why?--because he had to transfer units fm Eastern front to Italy where allies were making some progress, moving up the Italian peninsula after Italy surrendered. Gross DEFENSIVE posture of Germany all the way through militates against mass-execution policies while Germany urgently sued for peace terms w. West.

Germans urgently, even desperately needed all available labor and man-power, not only for direct military purposes, but for industrial production. Germans NEVER expected to over-run the entire Western allies, so why/how would they conduct mass executions against anyone if they expected to negotiate peace terms?

So one easily sees, the entire holohoax edifice is mere fabric of lies, false-hoods, and absurd premises all the way through, making no sense whatever, though riding upon the natural anti-Semitism of EVERYONE, not just Germans--and this is aside fm the proven, demonstrated lies noted in the work by Jew Prof. Finkelstein, "The Holocaust Industry."

WWII was simply Part Two to WWI effort of world-dictatorship and -gov. of United Nations (UN) empire, the USSR as template and model of gov. for Eastern Europe and Asia, China by 1949, N. Korea by 1953 Vietnam by 1954, and rest of world as we see now, under the EU, enforced by NATO, and the big kahuna, USA, USA suckers for the "leftist" "globalists" at same time as the recent "rightist" neo-cons of Israel-first, entailing the new religion of holohoax.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 504, Anonymous[100] • Disclaimer says:
February 9, 2019 at 2:09 am GMT • 200 Words

Maybe you can say, No Holocaust = No Israel, who knows.

Some years back someone challenged holocaust author Jeff Herf; she said, “Would there have been a final solution had there not been a war?” Herf said, “No. No war, no final solution.”

But several Jewish authors have written that prominent zionist Jews began very early to agitate for war in/ against Germany. It must be assumed that they wanted a war.

If the formula is,
No Holocaust = No Israel; and
No War = No Holocaust (Final Solution),
then Algebra 101 says those Zionist Jewish leaders WANTED a war because they wanted Israel, and to quote Madeleine Albright, the price — a holocaust of Jews — was worth it.

Since we also know that there is no compelling proof that “6 million Jews were killed;” and there was and is abundant evidence that the zionist project in Palestine grew and prospered during the years of the war and afterward; and there was inescapable (though hidden) evidence that 70% of Germany was reduced to rubble and uncounted millions of Germans killed and/or displaced, it is reasonable to conjecture that the holocaust-of-Jews narrative was deployed as a smokescreen to prevent primarily Jews from discovering what their leaders had done — permitted or even arranged for the killing of “surplus” Jews — Jews unfit to people Israel. The story of Moses instructing the Levites to kill their fellow Jews is pertinent.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

probable kike protesteths he's not kike, but if not, then he's gross, miserable TRAITOR....

Below-copied by ap submitted, CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/holy-mino...hotel-of-hate/

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Either-Or In An Objective Reality
(Apollonian, 7 Feb 19)

"Corvinus," buddy: don't thou get it?--it's either-or. Thou are either Jew--as after all, thou talks, thinks, lies, and acts like one, hence by inductive logic and scientific method, thou are Jew unless thou can prove thou are not Jew.

Or--thou are TRAITOR among goyim, always, lying, pushing holohoax, defending and speaking-up for Talmudist liars, including the pretended "non-religious," like Unz, who makes sure thou continue to posting while Unz steadily CENSORS and deletes my own postings for example.

----------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

# 134, Corvinus says:
February 7, 2019 at 10:56 pm GMT • 200 Words

“Jews will always dispute. That does not mean that the subject is in dispute.”

You mean people will always dispute whether or not the Germans murdered six million Jews.

“It only means that the Jews and their lackeys (homosexuals, sell outs, cryptos, minorities, etc) are nattering again in an attempt to put off for a little while longer whatever inevitable consequences (see history) are coming for the Jews.”

You mean the Alt Right and their toadies (race realists, white nationalists, monarchists) are virtue signaling for the nth time that whites must rise up against Jewish machinations, lest they be overrun by their third world pets.

“Jewing us works only for as long as we listen to them. When we get tired of being lied to and gamed, the conversation is over.”

OK, the conversation is over. What next on your part?

“I think that there should be a permanent moratorium on listening to Jewish opinions on anything whatsoever,

I think that there should be a permanent crematorium on hearing Alt Right protests on this matter moving forward.

“prescribe our destruction as immutable basis for that decision. Motive strongly implies the crime.”

Who is being destroyed?

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

So exactly HOW are Jews properly situated in the determinist scheme of things?--HOW then should they be considered, treated?....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/holy-mino...hotel-of-hate/

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Jews Are Anti-Human, Necessarily, Based Upon Simple Facts, Education, Orientation, Etc.--Verified In Reality--Like Ron Unz, For Example
(Apollonian, 7 Feb 19)

Jews are execrable and deserving of hatred no less than are psychopaths--because that's what Jews are, raised and educated to being so--psychopaths--and Jews then only differ as to degree of this sociopathy and psychopathology. Ck their Talmud and its teachings; see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

And there are no good Jews like there are no good psychopaths, Satanists, or child-molesters, "good," understood here as useful or worthwhile for humanity. For Talmud is war-plan against humanity.

Note Jews are defined as followers of Talmud and/or genetically related thereto, who identify as Jew (like Unz, the editor here), relate w. Jews, defending Jews, etc. No decent person calls himself Jew.

Thus Unz's purpose here is to gate-keep and "normalize" Jews, pretending to ignore the Talmud, as if Talmud doesn't exist, pretending Jews are like anyone else, that there are "good and bad," like among any other ethnicity, etc., ignoring simple fact of Talmud. After all, psychopaths are like anyone else too, eh?--ho ho ho ho.

Thus Unz lies like the typical Jew snake, pretending he's for "free speech," etc.--while he CENSORS and deletes my expositions consistently and intensively. For Unz is determined to inflect, manipulate, contrive, and distort the debate/discussion/dialectic to suit and serve Unz's Jew-friendly, Jew-oriented interest, never doubt.

And in case there is any doubt of Unz's typical, Jewwy contempt and anti-pathy towards gentiles, esp. whites, just ck his "Open Letter to Alt.-Right," which he published here at his own site.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------

# 81, Commentator Mike says:
February 6, 2019 at 11:20 pm GMT • 100 Words

Just stating my opinion about that well know Patton’s quote. I’ve already been called a fascist based on another comment. Now implication of ? Jew perhaps? What next? Everybody gets called something when people start jumping to conclusions. So am I required to hate Jews viscerally just because I oppose their Israel, Zionist propaganda, financial, media, and cultural domination, etc.? Fine, it seems I also wrongly accused some contributors of being Jews based on some of their comments. Please yourself. And anyway I’m no big fan of Patton. Zhukov would have whipped his ass all the way back into the North Sea the arrogant Yankee prick if he’d tried to have a go, even with the help of what was left of the destroyed German army.

Unz, typical Jew, lies, says he's for free speech, etc., but actually censors most intensively....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/a-passionate-attachment/

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Unz Undoubtedly Carries On Most Intensive Censorship
(Apollonian 5 Feb 19)

Yes, and he actually already said the exact same things, in exact same words and phrases in earlier postings--but Unz prefers to publish him while he deletes/CENSORS (nearly) all my entries. And I'm sure I'm not only one Unz so steadily, intensively CENSORS--and I'd like to see the exact ratio of entries/submissions to actual publications for Unz's comments pages. I'll bet Unz does quite a bit of censoring in his efforts to manipulate and manage the dialectic/discussion/debate here.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

# 136, Nachtigall says:
February 5, 2019 at 9:01 pm GMT

Hey look, a hasbara troll who sneaks his comment in first to derail the discussion with a dumb strawman.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Is Judaism itself CONSPIRACY?--yes, it should be seen as criminal collusion--as it was earlier on in Christian history....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/why-the-w...licy/#comments

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"Conspiracy" Must Be Criminal Collusion; Unz Is Fraud (Typical, Lying Jew), But That's Not Necessarily Criminal, Presently--But SHOULD BE
(Apollonian, 5 Feb 19)

What?--is "religion among" "conspiracy theories"?--is this a stupid question, or what? So is religion a criminal offense?--OF COURSE NOT. By definition, "conspiracy" must be criminal.

A "conspiracy" is criminal collusion of two or more people, by definition. Now then, FRAUD is defined as criminal under certain circumstances, but there are CRIMINAL frauds, which cause actual harm, as in sense of depriving people of funds and property. But then there is mere FRAUD in the sense of lying, which lying might not be criminal as it causes no harm. If, for example, I was to say I was ten months old--that's FRAUD (lying)--but it isn't necessarily a crime.

I'll tell thou one thing, though: and that's Unz here is a FRAUD, though I can't say he's criminal--he's just the TYPICAL Jew liar, pretending he's for free speech as he systematically deletes and CENSORS my material and commentary, as he did in the previous Jonathan Cook article, allowing no less than 5 or 6 commenters to make statements against my (original) theses, but then deleted/CENSORED every single one of my rejoinders--THAT'S FRAUD, by Unz, the TYPICAL Jew liar, pretending he's for "free" speech and expression in promotion of a serious discussion. For Jews and Judaism are HUGE, big problem.

Is Unz part of a network of frauds, criminal or not?--not that can be determined--though he's un-questionably just one of a number of Jew lying liars, as I've noted, Unz DELIBERATELY lying, pretending he's for "free" speech and expression regarding the cultural situation in present Jew S A.

Unz un-questionably works to inflect, manipulate, contrive, and distort the patriot-type discussion/debate here, which Unz pretends to promoting. Unz's purpose is to "normalizing" Jews, pretending Jews are "like anyone else," that not all Jews are Talmudic sociopaths (which Unz un-questionably is, as I've proven), which sociopaths, of course, Jews must be, the very definition of Jew being Talmudist (conducting war against gentiles) or genetically related, and identifying as such. For to say one is Jew is to effectively defend and excuse Talmudism--hence to defend sociopathy. Q.E.D.

So is Judaism a conspiracy?--it's un-questionably organized mis-anthropy and sociopathy, without doubt, which should be out-lawed--which it was, in many places, in earlier times of Christian history--it should be out-lawed now. But wait--that would be "anti-Semitism," darn. . . .

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 94, niceland says:
February 5, 2019 at 1:13 pm GMT
Talking about dangerous conspiracy theories – is religion among these?

Monday, February 4, 2019

Unz CONTINUES to censor the apster, Unz the typical kike desperately trying to keep satanism hidden, including the Christian anti-dote, Christian philosophy....

Below-copied essay by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/a-liberal...rds-the-abyss/

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Unz And Cook, Typically Psychotic Jews, Pushing Jew World Order Censorship, Etc.
(Apollonian, 4 Feb 19)

Thou (see below-copied) says the "comment is nonsense"--but that's mere assertion-without-substantiation--question-begging. Ho ho hoo, hence it is thy comment which is nonsense, sucker. I speak the simple, DEMONSTRATED truth about Jews, Unz, and Cook, Cook for practical purposes being just another Jew, holding Jew (Israeli) citizenship, etc., pushing the typical Jewwy schizoidal subjectivism, holohoax lies, etc.

Note Unz, the typical, lying, Jewwy snake, has CENSORED and deleted ALL my rejoinders I've made to "miggle," "Rogue," "Justsaying," and the others--Unz the typical Jew LIAR, IS NOT interested in freedom of speech or expression. Unz prefers rather to publish the idiot trolling of homosexual "Colin Wright" and "Ilyana...."

"Unz Review" is mere psy-ops, and the rejoinders I wrote, which Unz deleted, are simply published elsewhere which now stand as evidence for Unz's typical Jewwy lying and psy-ops.

Unz is un-willing to face the philosophy (not mere "religion") of Christianity, Unz DESPERATELY, psychotically working to keep it hidden and covered-up, Christianity the ANTI-THESIS to the now prevalent Jew-led and -dominated Satanism which rules the world today, Trump just another flunky for the Jews and especially Israel.

And Cook, as I note, is simply psychotically SCHIZOID, moronically complaining in his schizoid, out-of-context manner about "liberalism" and "individualism" which liberalism was original product of rationalism and Christian philosophic tenet of objective reality, whereas the typical Judaic subjectivism and Satanism is now absolutely rampant, world dictatorship and Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE the Jew-sponsored "globalist" program in plain and blatant effect before eyes of the world.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 119, Jean de Peyrelongue says:
February 4, 2019 at 10:14 am GMT • 100 Words

apollonian’s comment is nonsense for me. It is just an aggression on Unz and Cook.

Itseems obvious that today , the jews and more precisely the zionists are running the show in all the western world and are still very influent in Russia; and that christianity is dwindling down non stop.

The new world order, this new religion also developped by the jews is replacing the christianism and the communism both invented by the jews, the first one to destroy the Roman empire and the second one to destroy Europe.

Both have had their time but now that the the jews are in power, they needed a new trick to definetely bring back the goyim to slavery. According to the jews, the goyim are not real human (God’ s children) but just talking Tools. This why this new religion is inducing the goyim to corruption and perversion.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

People need to place Christianity in proper CONTEXT--in DIALECTIC w. Pharisees who push subjectivism, satanism....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/a-liberal...rds-the-abyss/

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Who/What HATES Christianity With Greatest Passion?--Just Ask Thyself
(Apollonian, 3 Feb 19)

John (see below-copied): thou merely suffer the typical superficial "knowledge" of Christianity, the REAL thing--which is precisely what Unz works sooo desperately to covering-up, don't doubt, buddy. For Unz, typical Jew, lying snake, has censored/deleted my simple rejoinders to above, "miggle," "wizard of oz," "Rogue," and "Justsaying"--aside fm censoring most of my other postings/entries.

The poor Jewwy fool, Unz, can't figure-out my postings get published anyway, ho ho ho ho. And quite enough folks already suspect and now evermore understand what Unz is really doing--same old Jew-friendly dis-info.

Unz's purpose is the usual Jew-oriented dis-info, Unz working to obfuscate the simple PHILOSOPHY of Christianity, Christ being TRUTH itself (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--something thou utterly fails to grasp in thy ignorance. Meantime, Unz tries to inflect, manipulate, contrive, and distort the discussion/debate.

Wouldn't it be most interesting regarding Unz's censorship/suppression to see how many original entry submissions there are before Unz's censorship and eventual publication?--the deletions by Unz must be quite high and growing in number, do thou think?

Johnny-boy: what thou fails to grasp is the OBVIOUS Christian dialectic w. satanic Pharisees who push "Oral Law Tradition" and "midrash" subjectivism, holding reality, beginning w. Torah means now ONLY what Pharisees and rabbis say--SUBJECTIVISM, extreme subjectivism (by which reality is held as product of mentality/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition) being the very sort of Satanism which presently rules and spits in face of humanity, world gov. dictatorship pushing Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide. For best Talmudic expo, see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

Thus, thou see, Christ stands for OBJECTIVE reality against these Satanists and subjectivists--it's why and how truth RESURRECTS, buddy--get it?--the very moral of the story--thou cannot kill truth which is founded upon objective reality--it always resurrects and comes-back to bite thou.

Thou says: "...that horrible nailed-up body icon"?--that's simply TRUTH suffering in face of Jew snakes like Unz and the other Jews--and ALSO the even more numerous, moronic, mis-guided, and paid-off gentiles who go along w. Jews like Unz, don't forget.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 99, John Howard says:
February 3, 2019 at 10:25 pm GMT • 200 Words

I can certainly agree that those who would like to overthrow individualist liberty must first overthrow reason and objectivity, but to declare Christianity to be the bastion of reason and objectivity is too silly for words.

Certainly, most Jews want to overthrow liberty – they are mostly authoritarian collectivists. But so are Christians. Faith and self-sacrifice are the virtues of Christianity – just what tyrants require in their victims. Christianity is as silly and unreasonable as any other religion. Its purpose is – like all religion – to humble, shame and tame the individual and to make him easy for the parasites in power to rule.

You would think that more people would look at that horrible nailed-up body icon and immediately become very suspicious of any stupid philosophy that would choose that ugliness as its symbol. More proof, I suppose, that any silliness can succeed if taught to enough children.