Saturday, February 9, 2019

How does holohoax fit when considering the defensive nature/configuration of Germany in wars?....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Holohoax: Mere Adjunct To "Progressive," "Liberal" NWO World Gov. Empire
(Apollonian, 8 Feb 19)

Yes "anon" (see below-copied), what thou say is absolutely compelling, and note--there's more. For observe Germany lost WWI, and was in horrendous military condition for many yrs thereafter--in fact, all the way till the mid to late 30s. Brits of UK had superior navy and practically even-steven air force--combined w. the French, at first, the allies were preponderant against German forces. Even after French capitulated in 1940, Americans were supplying Brits w. Lend-lease and other measures. Note the war was begun in first place by West, the Poles harassing and encroaching Danzig, Poles threatening war, Brits having made offensive alliance w. Poles in March 1939. See "The Forced War," by David Hoggan.

Thus Germany was ALWAYS in inferior, DEFENSIVE position--WHY and HOW would they then determine upon a policy of mass-executions, for which there is and never has been any evidence?--no documentary evidence of notorious bureaucratic Germans, and no physical evidence, no death-certificates, no bodies or remains, etc., Germans constantly suing for accommodation w. Western allies, as after Dunkirk, etc.

Thus Germany carried an initiative against USSR, until the 1941 winter counter-offensive of Stalin/Zhukov, which staggered the German lines. Then in 1942, the German offensive in Russia was only active in the Southern theater, the Northern and Central theaters on an active defense, the Russkies steadily receiving absolutely essential, substantial US Lend-Lease supplies, especially of trucks and food, building-up the inevitable Soviet counter-offensive at Stalingrad.

Similarly, Germans kept a DEFENSIVE against Western allies, those allies conducting a fearsome and murderous bombing campaign against German civilians and cities. Germans wanted peace w. Western allies--HOW could this have been done w. massive execution policies as falsely alleged?

Even then in 1943, during the battle of Kursk-salient, even though Operation Citadel was going fairly well, unc' Adolf cancelled the offensive--why?--because he had to transfer units fm Eastern front to Italy where allies were making some progress, moving up the Italian peninsula after Italy surrendered. Gross DEFENSIVE posture of Germany all the way through militates against mass-execution policies while Germany urgently sued for peace terms w. West.

Germans urgently, even desperately needed all available labor and man-power, not only for direct military purposes, but for industrial production. Germans NEVER expected to over-run the entire Western allies, so why/how would they conduct mass executions against anyone if they expected to negotiate peace terms?

So one easily sees, the entire holohoax edifice is mere fabric of lies, false-hoods, and absurd premises all the way through, making no sense whatever, though riding upon the natural anti-Semitism of EVERYONE, not just Germans--and this is aside fm the proven, demonstrated lies noted in the work by Jew Prof. Finkelstein, "The Holocaust Industry."

WWII was simply Part Two to WWI effort of world-dictatorship and -gov. of United Nations (UN) empire, the USSR as template and model of gov. for Eastern Europe and Asia, China by 1949, N. Korea by 1953 Vietnam by 1954, and rest of world as we see now, under the EU, enforced by NATO, and the big kahuna, USA, USA suckers for the "leftist" "globalists" at same time as the recent "rightist" neo-cons of Israel-first, entailing the new religion of holohoax.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 504, Anonymous[100] • Disclaimer says:
February 9, 2019 at 2:09 am GMT • 200 Words

Maybe you can say, No Holocaust = No Israel, who knows.

Some years back someone challenged holocaust author Jeff Herf; she said, “Would there have been a final solution had there not been a war?” Herf said, “No. No war, no final solution.”

But several Jewish authors have written that prominent zionist Jews began very early to agitate for war in/ against Germany. It must be assumed that they wanted a war.

If the formula is,
No Holocaust = No Israel; and
No War = No Holocaust (Final Solution),
then Algebra 101 says those Zionist Jewish leaders WANTED a war because they wanted Israel, and to quote Madeleine Albright, the price — a holocaust of Jews — was worth it.

Since we also know that there is no compelling proof that “6 million Jews were killed;” and there was and is abundant evidence that the zionist project in Palestine grew and prospered during the years of the war and afterward; and there was inescapable (though hidden) evidence that 70% of Germany was reduced to rubble and uncounted millions of Germans killed and/or displaced, it is reasonable to conjecture that the holocaust-of-Jews narrative was deployed as a smokescreen to prevent primarily Jews from discovering what their leaders had done — permitted or even arranged for the killing of “surplus” Jews — Jews unfit to people Israel. The story of Moses instructing the Levites to kill their fellow Jews is pertinent.

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