Sunday, February 17, 2019

It's good to see SOME kikes are actually as confused and dis-oriented as this one, ho ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Jew Disease Must, WILL Be Dealt With
(Apollonian, 17 Feb 19)

<blockquote>"4. You also fail miserably to acknowledge the OBSESSION with the Jews to the point of insanity, where it is impossible to debate."</blockquote>

"Insanity," says the psychopath--but Jew, WHY should humans "debate" w. thou murdering monsters?--thou wish, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho. There MIGHT be some "debate" among humans as to the wherefores and circumstances of thy coming eradication, but there will be no "debate" w. thou, sucker.

And of course, we humans understand humans are sinners--we'll not be able to eradicate sin, hubris, or even Satanism, extreme subjectivism, idea mentality/consciousness creates reality, making the subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition, Jews practicing this (extreme) subjectivism/Satanism in collectivist fashion. Jews call it "MIDRASH" by which Jew monsters imagine they create reality, like God does, with which God Jew monsters imagine they, collectively, are co-equal, God being merely their servant, slave, assassin, and hit-man, as on Passover and Purim.

Christ (= TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) attempted to "debate" thou monsters--and look what happened to him. Lucky thing He was (still is) God the Son, eh?--it demonstrates that TRUTH CANNOT BE KILLED, suckers--for TRUTH is OBJECTIVE, IS God, and always "resurrects" to come back to bite thou. But thou infernal monstrosities, called Jews, REFUSE to learn the lesson.

Oh, and "anon159," note we don't say thou psychopathic monsters are the only problem, for as thou see, the ENTIRE Western culture is in CYCLIC, Spenglerian "Decline of the West," degenerating in Satanism (extreme subjectivism and hubris). But Jews, thou see, are FOREMOST Satanists, the leaders--as in communism--thou monsters worship Satanism and lying, as w. thy "Kol Nidre" prayer by which thou seeks absolution beforehand, eh?

And indeed, Jew disease, like typhus and plague, fulfills a distinct socio-biologic function removing inferiors and weaklings among over-populated goyim.

But Satanism will always arise, like sin itself, subjectivism, and hubris--BUT Jews we can do something about--and we can do it in Christian fashion. Jews will be interned, separated by sex, prevented fm re-producing, and, voila, the task will be achieved--no more Jews. It will be a festive occasion, a holiday proclaimed for all humanity, the demise of Jews and Judaism, celebrated by future generations of humanity--like Purim is celebrated by thou monsters of today, actually. And it's really a simple solution, isn't it?

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 516, Anonymous[159] • Disclaimer says:
February 16, 2019 at 11:01 pm GMT • 1,000 Words

I do not know how to do the cut and paste thing with the block.
But you are beating around the same bush and not answering directly to my points.
We do not need to rehash history to discuss current events.

1.You totally skipped over the Camp David peace plan of 2000 by saying you did not see the map and settlements might be the problem.

No. All of the settlements were removed, and Jerusalem was split, I do not know how old you are but I am 65, the Jews tried so hard to make peace, it was stunning that Arafat walked away. No one could understand, and it had a profound affect on the current situation, because allowing the Oslo accords and Arafat back into Ramallah was a huge concession. Arafat threw klingoffer off that boat, and the PLO were responsible for the massacre of the athletes in Munich. You fail to grasp thru all of your threads, how sincerely the Jews tried, and how bad the leaders are not just in Palestine but all over the middle east, they are pathetic and do nothing to help their populations, for if they cared the whole mess would have been solved 25 years ago, and that is the truth, you cannot dispute.
The whole world had the Palestinians in their minds, but keep crying wolf, no one cares anymore. They squandered all the good will thrown at them.

2. You also skipped over the fact that the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza was an attempt to give full autonomy and they hoped that the Palestinians would thrive, remember what I said about the green houses. It was Hamas who took over from the PLO throwing them off buildings. Hamas is an extension of the Muslim brother hood, and regardless of what the history between the Jews and Muslims is in the past, you cannot deny that Hezbollah and Hamas want not one Jew in Palestine not a one. So what do expect Israel to do. Pretty feeble of you to say that real men cannot put down their guns. As I said if the situation were reversed and the Jews were in that ghetto it would be a different outcome there with trade, and innovation, and COMMERCE. If you think Israel has put all of its eggs in one basket, the Islamist have put all their eggs in the basket of destroying Israel to the ruination of their population. Not one Islamist will negotiate with Israel not one.

Their job is to destroy Israel.
Real men put down their weapons for the good of their population since as you said the Gazaians are in a perpetual no mans land, fighting a war they cannot win. Do you think that is a wise strategy? Do you think it advances their cause, or helps their population? The west bank is prosperous for everyone, and many restrictions have been eliminated.
Do you seriously seriously think the Jews want to keep a prison like Gaza going? Or that was their intention to create a camp of militants?

3. You also skip over the total lack of development is the islamic world towards capitalism and democracy for as you know Islam is not just a religion but a political system and a crippling one at that, for it is socialism under a totalitarian leadership with an infantile population. for them, . Shira is a burden on development, to care and feed for their populations under strict rules with little reason to innovate, for money and the making of money is considered less than worshipping Allah. If not for oil than what to they create or manufacture. It is not a priority. It is like Islam missed both the enlightenment and the Renaissance. You cannot blame that on the Jews, and you have to admit there is a certain amount of jealously towards the Jews for what they brought with them from Europe, to develop the land. You have to admit that Palestine was in ruins before the Jews arrived to aerate the land for farming. Look up Glad Mier’s description.

4. You also fail miserably to acknowledge the OBSESSION with the Jews to the point of insanity, where it is impossible to debate. That is what I was referring to by Giraldi and his followers. If you think that obsessing on the Torah and the Talmud and labeling the Jews as the sole problem in the universe do to the only fact that they are Jews whose very creation causes chaos in the world is a very limited pseudo science one where most intellectuals and people of reason and logic will reject. Understanding of humanity proves, that all peoples of the world contain bad and good, not one tribe has the ability to create and dominate good and bad, or evil . To ascribe all bad behavior to the Jews and none to the Palestinians or muslims to say that Israel supported ISIS and is responsible for Syria, is just ludicrous. I am not going to defend or argue with ideas like below. My point being that people with these ideas are going to be marginalized out of the mainstream and loose.

The Jews have become warriors and they will vanquish their enemies, no matter what, they have skill and innovation and military weapons not known to most.
I believe that Hamas, Hezbollah and the mullahs in Iran will need to be defeated before any peace can move forward, and if it means carpet bombing Southern Lebanon it will be done. Look no further that this thread, Giraldi and the sentiments below to understand why, never again means never again.
How much of below is repeated in this thread?

Judaism, which is just Satanism, the leading and most practical version (of Satanism) on earth, MUST BE EXTERMINATED, and Jews seem to understand this extermination is what gentiles must do, and should do, Jews wanting to get-out in-front by way of pre-empting this necessary extermination, as if to getting the gentiles to swear that they wouldn’t dare so think of exterminating this satanic filth–which gentiles MUST do to save their very lives.

• LOL: apollonian

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