Sunday, February 24, 2019

Poor, stupid, moralistic "anti-capitalist" exposed for gross, miserable ignorance of economics, etc....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Thug Merely Exposes Gross Ignorance, Pushing Lies, Platitudes
(Apollonian, 24 Feb 19)

Good gravy, JN, but thou don't seem to grasp how dumb thou really are. Thou say, <blockquote>"I have been fed (and accepted) the MSM propaganda brain washing of “Capitalism = democracy and communism and socialism as Satin’s spawn since elementary school."</blockquote> But whose fault is this? Thou don't even attempt a serious, genuine definition of "capitalism"--generally, a socio-economic system built upon INDIVIDUAL freedom, hence rule-of-law, sanctity of contract, PROPERTY RIGHTS, and Constitutional republic--not mere "democracy," which is just moronic platitude--it's got to be more than just majority-rule, fool--why/how is that so difficult to grasp?

And FDR?--he helped start WWII to bring in world gov. dictatorship of United Nations (UN) and inevitable Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE--FDR genocided Germans and Japs. Millions of people starved in USA during 1930s--see .

Thou say: <blockquote>"Capitalism is about profit, not about welfare, where communism and socialism are primarily concerned with welfare."</blockquote> But capitalism (originally invoking the investing in capital tools of one's manufacturing plant) is about PROSPERITY for the entire society/economy, given the Constitutional rule-of-law and individual freedom. Communism and socialism are just about DICTATORSHIP, sucker--the excuse and pretext is "welfare," fool--and they have NEVER, EVER worked.

JN, thou are just tooooo stupid and ignorant, babbling moronic clichés, not even caring about actual, realistic definitions. But it's instructive to out and expose such ignorant creatures as thyself, lying and pushing thy platitudes, pretending thou are "MORAL," excusing robbery and cannibalization of the few upon pretext of giving a little to the poor, as thou ignores the difficult (for thou) economic science, human nature requiring incentives, and necessary foundation of law, sanctity-of-contract, and property rights

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 238, JNDillard says:
February 24, 2019 at 7:48 am GMT • 200 Words

I have been fed (and accepted) the MSM propaganda brain washing of “Capitalism = democracy and communism and socialism as Satin’s spawn since elementary school. That ruse, essentially promoted to gain our sheep-like acquiescence in foreign wars that have killed some 20 million since WWII, has grown desperate, as we see in the pathetic schrieking of the McCarthyist revivalists, with Rachael Maddow as exhibit “A.” The possibilities of socialism can be judged more accurately by the enormous and multiple benefits FDR’s New Deal brought to the country. The social security check that I receive every month makes a huge difference, and the porcine money-grubbers at the banks and Wall St. certainly would never back such benefits. Capitalism is about profit, not about welfare, where communism and socialism are primarily concerned with welfare. Look at Putin’s recent address to his government and look at the realism and genuine value of his priorities; look at Xi’s most recent five year plan and ask yourself, “Does the US offer anything that in any way compares?” I am not a Marxist, but the ideas of economist Richard Wolf make sense to me. I am not a socialist, but the ideas of economist Michael Hudson make sense to me. If you are not familiar with these two, I recommend you take a look before you climb on what Noam Chompsky has called “the manufacturing of consent” train, because it is going over a cliff.

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