Friday, February 1, 2019

Ho hum, another Jew, another liar--holohoax lies is their very religion they push on gentiles....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Jews: Liars By Religion
(Apollonian, 1 Feb 19)

JLK: thou are the typical lying liar who lies--and lying is thy religion (see,, and The Son-of-God himself attests thou are lying liars who lie, lie, lie (Gosp. JOHN 8:44). Thou worships lies, liars, and lying.

Thou says (and lies): "[t]here's a general consensus...," "consensus"?--among Jew liars, no doubt, right?--and of course thou give no references. But simplest web-search turns up Walter N. Sanning, "The Dissolution of European Jews," who states there were no more than maybe, at most, 3 1/2 million Jews who might have come under control of NSDAP Germany, during WWII, most of whom would have been no more than about 2.6 million in Poland--THAT'S ALL, sucker.

Then thou lies more and talk about "Tracing by a committee of several nations," all run, controlled, and directed by Jews (liars). Thou seriously expects us gentiles here on this site to just simply accept thy lies and lying?--I thought Jews were supposed to be "smart"?--ho ho ho ho ho.

And what's this?--thou would "...look for filled-in ravines somewhere in the Carpathians"?--no thou wouldn't, liar--thou would just lie, like thou always does--it's easier to lie, and who would dispute?--they'd just get thrown in jail, fined, and lose their jobs--because Jews hate truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

Didja' know there was a trial in Jew-friendly Canada, in 1988, featuring heroic Ernst Zundel?--read the transcripts, sucker, "Did Six Million Really Die," edited by Barb. Kulaszka. So the state of Canada was enabled to spend endless and un-limited tax-payer funds to find ANY evidence for the holohoax--and there was none, NO documentary, and NO physical evidence, but for the usual Jew liars pretending they were "witnesses," and who were demonstrated liars in court.

For the simple fact is thou Jews are the murderers of Russians and Ukrainians before WWII, Armenians during WWI (the "Young Turks" were actually Don-meh Jew converts who co-operated w. other Jews and Zionists), and thou have ALWAYS been criminals throughout hist. following the dictates of thy filthy, satanic Talmud which exhorts Jews to WAR AGAINST HUMANITY--look it up, Jew.

And thou KNOWS thou deserves death, simply for the defense of gentiles against thou satanic psychopaths and criminals (a), and (b) thou uses holohoax lies to cover and excuse thy present mass-murders and ethnic-cleansing of Palestinians and Arabs in Mid-East.

So thou comes here to this site to lie, no doubt considering if gentiles put-up w. thy lying, gee, it all (thy lying) might be true, eh?--ho ho oh ho ho ho ho ho. I thought thou Jews were supposed to be "smart"?--shazam.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 42 JLK says:
February 1, 2019 at 9:57 pm GMT • 200 Words

There’s a general consensus that a little over 9 million Jews lived in Europe, including Russia, before World War Two. The question is how many were left after the war.

The best place to look (other than classified intelligence files in the UK, US and USSR) is the International Tracing Service in Bad Arolson. It is run by a committee of several nations. What do the bylaws say about disclosure of aggregate numbers?

I read a blurb on the Internet to the effect that about 3.5 million survivors had received payments from West Germany by 1985. I don’t know if it is true. That number would also not include survivors behind the Iron Curtain, which were ineligible. If there were an equal number behind the Iron Curtain, that would put the death total around two million, which is still a lot. Enough to fill the biggest stadiums twenty times over.

If it were a missing persons case, and we had no narrative yet, I’d look for filled-in ravines somewhere in the Carpathians, close to train lines and probably local volunteers still smarting from the famines of the ’20s and ’30s. But that’s just a guess.

I don’t think any history should be off limits in a free society, but we should never disrespect the real victims, either those who perished, or the ones who were stripped of possessions and careers and had to start again in unfamiliar places.

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