Monday, September 14, 2020

Note: satanism is religion, yes, but it begins as philosophy--extreme subjectivism....

Chapter One: Christianity Satanized: Overthrow of USA, West; The Present Satanic Dictatorship
(Apollonian 14 Sep 20)

II. Satanism: Mostly Philosophy For Beginning Premise--Subjectivism

Note Satanism itself is mostly a PHILOSOPHY, extreme subjectivism, making mind/consciousness the source/creator of reality. For Satanism couldn't be mere religion of worship of any particular god as Satanism is that philosophy by which one makes oneself god, and as in case of Jews, Jews collectivistically making themselves god, the rabbis acting as mere arbiters, middle-men, power-brokers among the "leaders," who are always temporary, the rabbis constantly pushing new candidates to serve their latest ends.

And note also how Judaism becomes itself the leader of all Satanists, including the less collectivistic among gentile Satanists and subjectivists, as Judaism is most cohesive, most organized, naturally dominating, Jews leading both factions of the "good-cops and bad-cops," all by means of the criminal central-bank instrument. Thus the society is evermore satanic as it is dominated by this criminal enterprise, the central-bank.

Thus now we see how the real Christianity is destroyed and pulverized btwn the dominant factions within a hubristic empire which had first arisen among originally brave, honest, productive farmers and citizens of a republic. For the inexorable HUBRIS of success, victory, and prosperity erodes and subverts that original honesty and Christianity, Christianity featuring the objective reality, basis of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Subjectivism, esp. in guise of "good-evil" fallacy/heresy inevitably creeps in, and Christians are inveigled to pretending that "truth" is merely what one "beeeleeeeevs," as the people are evermore encouraged and required to think. For note mere "beeeeleeeevin'" doesn't make anything TRUE or real.

Thus Christian philosophy originally founded upon the implicit Aristotelian objectivity and determinism (absolute cause-effect) is encouraged to fade away within all the hubris and subjectivism of the false prosperity, false victory, and false success--at least that of Israel--ironically entailing the failing republicanism in face of rising imperialism, the empire dominated by a criminal enterprise, the central bank, naturally and evermore controlled and directed by satanic psychopaths who even admit their goal is anti-human (the "green new-deal") and the reduction of the human population (Agenda-21 and -2030).

For observe the original Christianity arose fm the hubristic Roman Empire of the time which was falling evermore into gross Satanism following a similar course to present-day USA, USA begun w. its outstanding Constitutional system of voluntary union of republican states but soon centralized and dominated by the criminal central-bank, the USA now a gross, horrific, satanic empire, as we see.

And note the original Christianity was most dramatic rebellion to satanic subjectivism, Christian ethics founded upon the implicit Aristotelianism and objective reality--which objectivity one sees is now nearly totally lost and completely forgotten, objectivity and determinism reviled as "racist," hence "evil," and not, therefore, to be tolerated and taken seriously by these psychopathic Satanists who now rule so definitively, funded by their criminal central-bank. For HOW can such criminal central-bank be itself tolerated by the real Christianity featuring truth, hence objectivity, the necessary criterion, hence a genuine rule-of-law?

Thus the Satanists demand a false "Christianity" founded upon subjectivism, hence "beeeleeeevin'" as the false criterion of truth and reality--which then secures their criminal enterprise of central-banking by which they rule and dictate their culture of death and anti-humanity, featuring, as we see now, perpetual war for perpetual peace, human population to be reduced by means of poison and toxic vaccines forced upon the people along w. poison drugs and so-called "medicine," poison food additives, poison food (GMOs--"genetically modified"), toxic radiation, both nuclear and electro-magnetic, etc.

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