Sunday, July 21, 2019

Lev Ke needs getting clue about Unz, kikes, not to mention the CYCLIC hist. trend of Spengler's "Decline of West,...."

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jews: Foremost Satanists, Leaders Of Present Corrupt Culture In "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 21 July 19)

Thou are TOTALLY missing what Unz's purpose is--don't forget he's Jew, loyal to Jews, engaging in dis-info and cognitive dissonance against dumb gentiles like thyself. And Unz is plainly veritably anti-goyim--just look at and read his "open ltr to alt.-right." Unz has nothing but contempt for gentiles--which actually is quite justified, truth be told, esp. to listening to (reading) the morons commenting here, this site.

Unz thus wants to pretend there are "good" Jews, Jews to be taken as "normal" part of society, etc., and his site here is designed as exercise-ground/training-camp for fellow Jew trolls and dis-info/hasbara artists/practitioners to coming and pushing their typical lies, prop., and lying. And thou can and should take note of the numerous stupid ****s here fm among the goyim swallowing it all and taking part, even defending Unz and falsely complimenting Unz for his idiotic, dreary, droning, moronic articles about demographics and "IQ."

"Scientific method," don't forget, is INDUCTION, built upon numerous items of observation, and all observation and inductive logic and process SCREAMS the Jew-infested ZOG is nothing but lies and lying, built upon lies and lying, the "manned moon-landing," etc., just another instance/chapter--which hoax must now be dis-proven which Unz and fellow Jews cannot do, they preferring to just do more lying and dis-info.

Thus Unz just blithely ignores all the findings about hoaxes and lies regarding "Apollo" "moon program," playing stupid as he does, and pretending, "gee, but we need to hear fm 'experts' in order to know what's really true"--which method ("hearsay" and arg.-fm-authority) is actually essential part of the Jew/Talmudic method, fool--get a clue, sucker.

Thou are WASTING THY TIME, fool, appealing to Jew like Unz who has nothing but contempt for goyim like thou. Thou ought to start getting clue, finding-out what Jews are, what they believe (SUBJECTIVE nature of reality, reality being merely what they say, in accord w. "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition"), what their filthy, satanic "religion" is all about--like lying and mass-murder of gentiles--see,, and

Note "religion" is always based upon philosophy of some sort first and most, only later and subsequently elaborated for myth and ritual, etc., and Jew "religion" IS philosophy, built thereupon, of (extreme) subjectivism, SATANISM, reality held to be product of mind/consciousness, making subject God, the creator, Jews merely practicing a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, making them, collectively, to be co-equal w. God, etc.--see citations given above.

And as Jews are such sublime collectivists, leading more isolated, "individualistic" subjectivists among goyim, they rule and dominate the now thoroughly corrupt culture/civilization of hubristic gentiles so many pretending to "free will" and "good-evil" delusions, mere expressions of subjectivism (hence Satanism), the stupid goyim just toooooo brainlessly moronic and corrupt to realizing, making them suckers and slaves for the Jews, all present establishment "Christianity," for example, totally in hands of Jews/satanists.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

# 796, Lev Ke says:
July 21, 2019 at 4:05 pm GMT • 200 Words

The only explanation for Ron’s belief in the Apollo missions is the strength of childhood exposure to extreme propaganda. Strong emotions brought about by endlessly repeated fairy-tales presented as real during youth seem to be VERY hard to pierce and undo.

Ron, do yourself a favour and spend some time on this. Debunk the ‘hoax’ if you will. You owe it to yourself. You have written way too many great, very well researched and documented articles about stuff that is considered much more controversial and emotional and far-reaching than this. It’s absurd that you would dismiss this claim off-hand, without the thorough examination that you spent on other topics.

The time-line, plus the existence of the Van Allen belts AND the fact that we are never shown a scale model of the earth and the moon in which the locations of ALL human ‘space-exploration’ events so far are shown [highlighting the absurdity of the claim that we suddenly, without any intermediary steps or tests went from low-earth orbit to another celestial body, 1,000 times further, and then suddenly LOST the ability to do so], are three very simply facts that make for enough weirdness and absurdity to make any person with half a brain ask questions. Let alone someone of your calibre.

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