Monday, March 4, 2019

Unz (Jew, of "Unz Review") is biggest troll of his own site, hoho oh ho....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted at comments,

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Endless Jewwy Lies And Liars For Dumb Suckers And Goyim
(Apollonian, 5 Mar 19)

Jew "TKK" lies and says the following: <blockquote>"There are many Jews in US state and federal prison.

"There are poor Jews.

"There are many Jews who are not successful. Indeed, dunces and drug addicts."</blockquote> "TKK," typical kike (and "dunce"), thus, as above-quoted, pretends to be stating facts, but it's just a mantra, a recitation of mere mythic "article of faith," and "talking pts."

(a) "[M]any Jews in US state and fed prisons"?--but HOW many, exactly?--or at least roughly. For one EASILY bets there are VERY FEW, far, far fewer than percentages of any other ethnicities--so isn't this significant? "TKK" wants to pretend he's settled the issue w. his lies and lying.

(b) "[P]oor Jews"?--well there are probably only two of them, right?--ho ho ho ho--which then allows "TKK" to pretend to the plural. Again, it's easy bet there are far, far few poor kikes by percentages than others--and there are significant reasons for this which "TKK" doesn't want to get into for obvious reasons, as his mantra of talking pt.s would fall flat and be exposed as the lies and lying they really are.

(c) "Unsuccessful Jews"?--but "unsuccessful at what, exactly?--after all, everyone is going to fail in the end, right? And Jews, by definition, by religion (to which all Jews by race are ultimately loyal to as they profess "Jew" as race--like Unz, our editor), are collectively co-equal to God, esp. in relation to gentiles who are mere species of animals, according to the rabbis and Talmud.

And all these pt.s here I make are easily demonstrated in fact and logic by reference to the obvious facts of politics and economics, esp. in way of money and banking, dominated by central-banking and fiat-currency (see for expo) criminal enterprises (mere legalized counterfeiting), the West, formerly Christian (hence rational, Christ understood as TRUTH, first and most), now in "Decline...," according to Oswald Spengler, this gross "decline" easily demonstrated and proven, beginning w. Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE policy which is active, working, and quite evident--poison vaccines, poison drugs, poison "chem-trails," poison GMO foods and other poison food additives, and fluoridated (poison) water supplies, etc., etc.

And what then are the factors of this general (CYCLIC) "Decline of the West"?--this is what Unz the Jew editor doesn't want to being known and detailed or analyzed, Unz mere Jew-serving, Jew-friendly, Jew-oriented operator (psy-ops) determined to obfuscate, confuse, deflect, and manipulating the discussion and dialectic, pretending he's "contributing" to anything "positive" regarding actual problems, ho o ho ho ho ho--and even having many of the gentile morons here, who actually complain about Jews, agreeing Unz is soooooooooooooooo wonderful, ho ho ho hoo ho.

And it's easy thing for Unz to simply deleting and CENSORING any serious commentary and analysis, like my own, leaving in the fools, goons, and suckers who merely complain w. the usual empty platitudes which roll of the backs of Jews like water off a raincoat, as Goebbels noted. Additionally Unz interjects the moronic "trollery" of such as "Thomm," and fellow Jew liars like "corvinus," and "incitatus," among yet other Jew liars--Unz actually the biggest troll of his own website, hoh o ho ho ho ho.

Kirkpatrick asks, "what will Conservatism Inc. do?"--well, WHAT actually CAN possibly be done?--after all, it's probably quite Jew friendly itself, accepting the inflated, proliferated currency, created out of nothing, etc. And long as that insidious currency machine (the central-bank) remains in operation and business, it will continue to doing the usual severe damage until the very "end-times" warned of by "Book of Revelations."

For note there's NO serious anti-Semitism actually tolerated or discussed here--it's always rebutted by the notorious platitude: "one can't judge all kikes by just a few or just one of them," and nothing further is allowed, anything to genuine contrary DELETED AND CENSORED, suckers--which the morons utterly fail to realize.

So only after many, many more gentiles have been killed off will the Jews and satanists at the top more seriously fall-out w. one another, having lost soooo many "shabat goyim," the top masterminds suspecting one another of the typical double-crossing, as of Stalin and Trotsky, only then allowing the remaining gentile survivors to even beginning to organize a genuine revolt w. any chances of success. Presently, things in "Decline of the West," are pretty hopeless, and Unz and fellow Jews just like to hear what we pathetic gentiles are thinking about.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

# 70, TKK says:
March 2, 2019 at 4:37 am GMT

There are many Jews in US state and federal prison.

There are poor Jews.

There are many Jews who are not successful. Indeed, dunces and drug addicts.

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