Tuesday, November 19, 2019

M. A. Hoffman: just more putrescent, stinking moralism/Pharisaism posing as "history"....

Hoffman: Putrid, Pretentious Moralist Posing As Historian
(Apollonian, 19 Nov 19)

Michael A. Hoffman II, author of a new book on unc' Adolf, "Adolf Hitler, Enemy of the German People," is presently glorying and crowing that his book is under "increasing" attack (see https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ook-adolf.html ). But we already know Hoffman is very poor historian, merely the typical self-righteous moralizer, pretending he's "good," that he knows all about morality, and people should be more like him, taking his instructions.

And indeed, we can understand Hoffman wants to continue posing as the great moralist, as always, now using unc' Adolf as his foil. Thus Hoffman seeks to elevate himself and his usual putrid Pharisaism, hoping thus to making-up w. the Jews whom he well criticizes for their thematic Talmudism and Satanism. So that's Hoffman's purpose, pushing his moralism as always for him, and now in this instance, regarding dear unc' Adolf, to sucking-up to Jews. Is it any wonder real historians and honest folk have nothing but contempt for such as Hoffman?

Unfortunately, for Hoffman, he totally misses the boat for history as the Germans were attacked, France and UK, instigated by Jews and the Roosevelt regime in USA, declaring war upon Germany, which had done absolutely nothing against UK and France, which Germany under Hitler simply defended the German city of Danzig and the German people still living in Poland, Poland having taken land fm Germany illegally, who were being mass-murdered by Poles.

Hoffman, the incompetent "historian," overlooks simple, demonstrable fact Germany and Germans had been under active and unrelenting attack by the Jew bankers and associated oligarchs since 1914. And Germans under Hitler fought a desperate, defensive war against forces of Satanism and bolshevism who worked to mass-murder Germans of the time as they continue their mass-murder and de-population agenda to this very day under the brave New World Order and Agendas -21 and -2030.

Thus we the people can well judge Hoffman's incompetence by his previous treatment of the subject of "usury" (see his "Usury In Christendom..."), which Hoffman (falsely, at least tendentiously) defines as mere lending at interest, this charging of interest being, somehow, according to Hoffman, as "immoral," which morality Hoffman fails to define except as the commandment of God, which "commandment" Hoffman mysteriously extracts fm mere written material, like Old Testament, certainly not first-hand fm God, as Hoffman would like to pretend.

Thus we see Hoffman the moralist deriving his moralist judgment upon "usury" and lending at interest by mysterious, "magical" means--it says so in the book, thus it is true, according to Hoffman--so much for his knowledge of economics and money and banking, aside fm "morality" and history.

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