Tuesday, September 20, 2016

If Jews conduct warfare against humanity; self-defense requires warfare against Jews, a large-scale, collectivist effort; such is simple justice and reason....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments, https://americansjourney.blogspot.co...66471980220381

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Proper Ethic To Be Practiced, Applied To satanic-Complex: For Such Is War
(Apollonian, 20 Sep 16)

"We have lost a battle but we haven't lost the war. Keep fighting.
" I still find those words very inspiring and hope you will as well." -Mr. Goody, fm "conclusion," above.

Mr. Goody herewith indicates "we've lost a battle...," but one must wonder if people have ever won a battle. When was the last battle the people and humanity won? Jew S A has lost consistently since War of Northern Aggression of 1860s.

I notice also Mr. Goody includes himself among the people, "we," but this is presumptuous, at best--and in all truth, quite false--Mr. Goody actually being willing flunky, dupe, and useful idiot for the satanists (subjectivism) led by Jews--observe Mr. Goody's smarmy, patronizing tone, as regarding "inspiration."

For, regarding 9/11, CUI BONO?--who benefitted?--answer: Jews Jews Jews Jews, satanists, and ONLY Jews and their satanist flunkies. Note Netanyahu, the kike leader of Israeli terror-state, admitted at the time that 9/11 was "very good," ho ho ho ho

And note this scummy, lying, filthy, anti-Christ traitor (Mr. Goody) is so keen and obsessed w. defending Jews. According to Mr. Goody, it's only individual kikes who can ever do anything wrong, Jews not conspirators--when all the evidence SCREAMS they are filthy, scummy conspirators, their very religion being conspiratorial, advocating conspiracy against humanity. But not Sabrosky, the useful idiot (Mr. Goody) wheedles and whines, ho ho ho ho. Mr. Goody is sooooooo impressed by the kike simply admitting what so many others have always known, Jews being enemies of humanity, Sabrosky deflecting to the Israelis. So now Mr. Goody wants everyone to play "good-Jew, bad-Jew," ho ho ho ho

Thus we know the Jews have achieved world hegemony, though Jews now, alone at the top as they are, still now consist of at least 2-3 factions: (a) the Israel-first ("neo-cons"); (b) Jew world order, "leftist-types," like Soros, "globalists"; (c) the more middle-class sort, though still extremely wealthy, who donate to "Libertarian"-sort, though all these kikes will often collaborate periodically and on certain Jew-sensitive issues. And note these "libertarian" -style Jews mimic exactly Mr. Goody for obsessionate insistence only individual kikes can be guilty.

Such then is the satanist and Jew-problem, including this putrid scum, Mr. Goody, who works so hard for the kikes. Mr. Goody will never admit he works for kikes, only that he works for "ethics" (but really SUBJECTIVISM), ho ho hohoho--which is a lie, for proper ethics means that if kikes wage war against humanity, humanity must wage collectivist warfare against Jews and their allies, the satanists and useful idiots like Mr. Goody.

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