Wednesday, November 16, 2016

To arms!--to arms!--the satanists (led by kikes) are coming, u stupid scum--time to save ur idiot lives, morons....

To Arms, Suckers--Time To Save Ur Idiot Lives, Morons--And Enemy Is Satanism
(Apollonian, 16 Nov 16)

The poor, brainless, stupid scummy puke and dumb bastards--otherwise known as "people" of Jew S A--need to look at this vid, The satanists are organized, funded, and strategically led; they're not going to allow Trump to get going and rolling, suckers. Satanists ARE DETERMINED FOR REVOLUTION, dumbasses--GET A CLUE, u brainless scum, to save ur stupid lives.

So then, HOW can Trump and Christians begin to organizing most strategically? MAKE USE OF THE WORD, "SATANISM"--the people will understand. But problem is Trump is quite well-controlled by satanists within his own family who are inter-married w. Jews--and Jews know they're satanists, satanically-inspired, and they're determined to serve Jews first and most.

See, satanism is simply extreme subjectivism, making oneself God, as all reality is held to be mere creation and emanation fm one's own consciousness/mentality. But Jews (Talmudists--see are most practical as they make themselves to being God COLLECTIVISTICALLY, led and organized by their rabbis and religious leaders (a religion of criminality)--unlike so many dumb, isolated, individuated, mystic morons among the goyim who are more obviously psychotic.

That organization is secret to Jews' "success," so to speak. And note this satanism as of Jews could only succeed in a larger, dis-organized society of stupid gentiles filled w. hubris, as we see, esp. built, fm childhood, beginning w. subjectivism of "good-evil."

But again, if we use the word, satanism, people will understand more readily as it stands for simple, really, idea, easily verified by means of most simple perception and cognition. And it's the people, mostly Christian, who will coalesce against this dread, organized, ruthless satanism they're being confronted and terrorized by.

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