Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Proper "militarization" requires knowing the enemy (a), and (b) understanding conditions in which enemy operates--dumbshits, like "Mr. Goody," playing "the girl," ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments, https://americansjourney.blogspot.co...99532204006420

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Girl-Like Sgt. Schultz "Knows Nothing"--Yet Clamors For "Reconciliation"?
(Apollonian, 27 Dec 16)

Another girl-like, passive-aggressive response we get, above (see below-copied), fm Mr. Goody who in his usual manner obliquely asserts "the true intent and content of the blog post."

But what is that "true intent and content"? Ho hoh o ho ho. Mr. Goody seems to insist that "true intent and content" is other than what his respondent (me) assumes, but refuses, in his empty-head, girl-like, passive-aggressive manner, to say or clarify, ho ho ho ho ho.

"Personal attacks"?--Mr. Goody u're an avowed, admitted anti-Christ who pretends u're "American," who has gotten on Rivero's list precisely for ur eager willingness to talk-down to Christians, berating them, pretending to criticize them for being mis-guided when u don't know what Christianity is.

Isn't that why u're called "Mr. Goody"?--ho ho ho ho--pretending Christianity is about "good"?--pretending to criticize Christianity on grounds of what u insist and pretend is "good," eh Mr. Goody? Ho ho ho ho ho.

And so I quote (actually I rather cite the book for its general subject-matter) the "same book"?--SO WHAT?--what's the pt. u want to make, sucker?--I'm not supposed to do it (citing the book)?--WHY, u brainless moron--don't u realize u need to say something about that matter of why not? Ho ho ho ho


So how is there "reconciliation" with anti-Christ like u who willingly, knowingly makes way for satanists, satanism, and Jews?

But like Sgt. Schultz of "Hogan's Heroes," u want to pretend to "know nothing," right? So then WTF are u talking about, fool?

"Reconciliation"?--u're the problem, Mr. Goody, u and the MASS of fools in Jew S A, making way for Jews and satanists, destroying the country, playing stupid as u do, like Sgt. Schultz, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho

Such then is continuing "Decline of the West," by Spengler, isn't it?--u giving us definitive demonstration, right?

"Reconciliation"?--WTF are u talking about?--u're the problem, sucker. For satanism and hubris continues to rage within the degenerate culture in Spenglerian "decline," right?--as u demonstrate so perfectly here, playing the passive-aggressive girl, ho ho ho ho

Christian anti-satanism and anti-semitism is the inspiration and original foundation of USA, now degenerate Jew S A, buddy--isn't that basic Christian inspiration necessary basis of any proper "reconciliation"?--proper law founded upon this Christian anti-satanism?

How can there be "reconciliation" w. u continuing playing the stupid girl?--"I know nossing," like Sgt. Schultz?

If u expect Rivero to run any of ur work, don't u think u ought to be able to say something substantial about Christianity which u pretend to criticize? How do u "reconcile" these things? Ho ho ho ho

-------------------above by ap in response to below---------------------------

Anonymous Dec 27, 2016, 8:03:00 AM

As usual you quote the same book over and over like a bible-thumper.

Your incessant personal attacks speak volumes about nothing really. Over and over again you simply attack me while sidestepping the true intent and content of the blog post.

But at least it seems you read it.

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