Sunday, January 14, 2018

Real money is necessary for human life and living; currency is instrument of death--which the stupid puke refuse to heed--why they're stupid and soon to be dead....

Real Money: Necessary For Life; Currency: Instrument Of Death
(Apollonian, 14 Jan 18)

Ken: listened to ur latest, and it was ur usual excellent production. BUT, I want to submit that it was unfortunate (I think) ur justifying use of CURRENCY, distinct fm real money, commodity-based--I'm pretty sure I understood what u were saying. I submit rather currency is the very problem which is nefarious at best, and fraudulent and criminal in practically all cases. And of course there are conditions and circumstances--it's surely fraudulent if currency is made "legal tender," which would be, and is dictatorship. I suspect u were speaking in extremely clinical sense, and I'll bet lots of folks failed to grasp that and may even have thought u were endorsing the concept of currency as legitimate substitute for real money.

For real money, as any commodity, must be limited in quantity, and the basic fraud of currency is in the idea that it doesn't have to be limited ("elasticity"). And the continued issuance of currency ("inflation") then steadily drains and despoils all value and wealth fm the victimized people, especially as the currency is made "legal-tender." The present satanic society wants to keep the two ideas confounded, "currency" and real "money," pretending they're same thing--when one is necessary for life and living, and the other is fatal instrument of death and dictatorship.

There are many, or at least several, fatal concepts, like, in my opinion, the idea of "good-evil"--which I hold doesn't exist. Another, related fatal concept is "free will"--which again, I contend doesn't really exist. But these fore-going are ABSTRACT ideas which requires serious reflection for genuine grasp. The concept of currency (and central-banking) however is extremely practical (existential), not really mere abstract, and is absolutely fatal if not grasped--as it isn't by far too many of our pathetic fellow people--it's precisely why and how these over-populated poor fools are absolutely doomed.

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