Saturday, February 24, 2018

What?--of course non-Jews are anti-semitic, by definition--for purpose of Jews (satanists) is to destroy humanity (gentiles)....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Judaism Is Simply Inevitable CYCLIC Sociologic Function For Reduction Of Over-Population
(Apollonian, 25 Feb 18)

This analysis/exposition by Karlin is beside the pt. as Jews simply have a determinist socio-biologic purpose/function, that being to opposing the original rationalist, hence determinist, objective view, understanding, and grasp of reality (Aristotle) which created the original culture by gentiles, as Jews are, by definition, foremost SUBJECTIVISTS (Platonists, also Kantian) who hold and push the "midrash" (interpretation) of the Torah, thus the Talmudist/Pharisaic--see and

Gentile pretext for subjectivism is moralism and hubris, the presumption one can be "good" or "evil," all this by means of (non-existent) "free" will--which opposes the Christian principle of "original sin" and sinfulness--self-interest founded in willfulness, pretending to hubristic, God-like "free" will.

Note then extreme subjectivism is idea that reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, thus making oneself God, the creator, thus satanism. Of course, many more gentiles are subjectivists and satanists, but Jews are most and best organized, most cohesive, collectivistic, best led for effectiveness of their group-think, Jews co-operating best, most practically, upon the subjectivistic project--ESPECIALLY and ultimately in way of central-banking fiat-currency--legalized counterfeiting. See for expo on central-banking.

Note then Jews don't originate the subjectivist (satanic) stage of a mature, degenerate society--which is done by corrupt and hubristic gentiles themselves, as in Rome and present USA--but Jews are enabled thereupon to organize, lead, and dominate the corrupt and relatively chaotic, dis-organized, and individualistic subjectivists among gentiles who yet out-number Jews (like Christian-Zionists, for example).

Thus organized by Judaic satanism (a redundancy, actually) the large satanic sub-culture soon dominates the whole rotten, corrupt culture/society in general in the great CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Note CYCLIC hist. follows the determinist, objective nature of reality.

So of course all gentiles and Aristotelians are non-"semitic," hence anti-semitic--for Jews are like a disease for their sociologic effect, like typhus, leprosy, and plague, that works necessarily to exterminating and eliminating corrupt, weak, inferior gentiles who've become subjectivist and satanic, mostly on pretext of anti-rational moralism, known in Christian theology as Pelagian heresy.

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