Saturday, April 14, 2018

The satanic society--is the sociopathic society--w. too many over-populated goons, suckers, scum, etc....

Doesn't satanic Society Produce Sociopaths?
(Apollonian, 15 Apr 18)

According to the determinist nature (cause-effect) and CYCLIC theory of Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," the prominence and dominance of top satanists and hence, Jews, in the society merely indicates over-population, the satanists here now to kill-off and exterminate the excess scum, filth, goons, morons, suckers, and puke--called "the people."

For note these satanists and Jews couldn't possibly do or accomplish anything, as they've done, without the willing help and co-operation of the scum of society, society having become soooo satanic ("liberal").

And NOTHING will happen to alleviate the horror and horrible satanism without continuing and sustained disasters and catastrophes--lots of scum and puke have to die and be killed, etc.--in order for the rest of the population to see, observe, perceive, and realize, "hey, we're in trouble--there are too many Jews and satanists." But then, and again, note u couldn't have one without the other, Jews and satanists (a), AND (b) the over-populated scum, filth, puke, suckers, filth, et al., who sustain the satanists and satanism.

So people have to realize and face-up to the hard fact(s)--(a) it's a satanic society, w. too many satanists and too much satanism, which all such satanism is actually a death-cult (which is actually all-too confirmed by simple observation).

(b) Next hard fact is satanism is extreme subjectivism, the idea consciousness creates reality. (c) And finally, most effective, practical subjectivism/satanism is the COLLECTIVISTIC, "group-think" sort by which the subjectivists/satanists all co-operate upon a common program (or criminal enterprise)--like central-banking, for foremost example--see for expo on this central-banking criminal enterprise which is just legalized counterfeiting, which (d) the brainless scummy goons who over-populate the society refuse to face--u can't have INFINITE "money" (it's actually CURRENCY, not real money).

So the society has to SUFFER before the over-populated goons, morons, fools, and scum even begin to realizing there's something seriously wrong--this is the tragedy. Many, or at least SOME, of the over-populated puke somehow have to be removed, offed, eliminated--it has to happen one way or another. Continuing to feed the scum "bread and circuses" only makes the problem worse.

Thus the real sociopaths work to continue in satanism, etc., the "bread and circuses," and they call the anti-satanists, anti-Christs, and anti-semites "sociopathic" (and "racists," which racism is all merely in line w. orginal 5th of Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (race)"). So it is in the Orwellian, topsy-turvy, satanic stage of "Decline of the West."

Thus the satanists and Jews steadily, intensively practice CENSORSHIP, as we see w. Google, Jew-tube, and Jew-book--they don't want the goons, morons, and scum to imagine there's anything wrong, u see?

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