Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Economics: a science only a little more abstract--than physics, chemistry, but still subject to observation, induction, etc....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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Economics More Abtraction-Affected Science
(Apollonian, 12 Sep 18)

Winfield: I can tell u got lousy grades for English classes, eh?--u gotta break-up ur text into more digestible paragraphs, buddy--makes it more readable for normal humans.

But I wanted to credit u for ur observations upon currency, the problem w. it being it's practically INFINITE in quantity, the continued issuances making the already existing currency less valuable, necessarily devalued--which impoverishes the people, destroys their savings in banks, and eventually destroys people utterly--which couldn't and wouldn't happen w. FINITE commodity-based, real money, like gold/silver. See Mises.org for expo.

In fact, the finite units of real money actually become MORE valuable, gaining in buying-power (provided quantity of production increases).

Jewwy/satanic liars try to confuse the basic issue of currency vs. real money by injecting side-issues, non-essential, regarding charging-of-interest and the private or public ownership of the criminal central-bank, literally legalized counterfeiting--which simple fact so many don't realize. Why is counterfeiting illegal for citizens, but A-OK for glorified criminals, called "central-bankers"?

Note further, currency REQUIRES dictatorship of "legal-tender" laws--such gov. involvement/over-sight not required w. REAL money.

Problem w. economics is it isn't as subject to experimentation as physics, chemistry, and geology, for example, economic conditions often changing. Keep up ur good work and commentary.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Anonymous September 10, 2018 at 6:50 PM [Below text separated into paragraphs by ap.]

The one set of inviolate laws of the Universe are the laws of physics. Some people claim these are "God's" laws.

Whomever created them made sure that anyone stupid enough to think they can violate them may, and likely will, pay a very high price in dollars or in one's health or both. Even the arrogant conceited folks in Israel, with all their money and corrupt power in the world, are not permitted to violate the laws of physics. Do not try to fly. An unfortunate girl fell out of a five story window the other day and ended up quite dead when the forces on her by the earth reduced her velocity to zero quickly and provided such a large force on her resulting in her being quite dead.

Do not think you can swim like a fish and survive more than about a minute or less without oxygen. Never operate a gasoline powered generator in a garage attached to your living space lest you use up all the oxygen and turn it into carbon monoxide which will end all life almost instantly. There are similar laws for money supplies although not quite as rigorous as those for physics.

However, it is well established that no person, business or government can continue to borrow and print money forever without paying back the amounts borrowed in a reasonable amount of time, not an infinite amount of time. When governments think they can ignore this long established rule, bad things happen. The financial system may collapse. When it happened in the U.S. in 1929, people even died from jumping out of tall buildings in New York. They didn't want to be faced with the shame of not being able to pay their bloated debts.

The United States today is way beyond the situation which led to the financial crash of 1929. The gambling casino in New York is running 24/7 while the U.S. Treasury prints money like it was going out of style. Congress spends money it does not have like a drunken sailor, who cares if it will ever be paid back is their attitude?

They are violating the laws of money. History shows that a financial collapse is very unpredictable and can happen without warning at any instant. Almost anything which leads to a lack of confidence can lead to all "H" breaking loose and massive civil unrest and bank failures or even Civil War as the author suggests. How would you like to go to your bank only to find the sign "closed" on the door? Your hard earned money, you saved all your life for retirement, is gone, stolen by the gangster speculators on the NY stock exchange gambling casino. It can and will happen. Read some history books. It could happen tomorrow, who knows? Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics

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