Monday, December 24, 2018

satanists thrive upon subjectivist fallacies of (a) perfectly "free" will, (b) guilt- and inferiority-complex....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Root Of Fallacious Guilt/Inferiority-complex, And Non-Exitent "Good-Evil" Is Subjectivism, Then Perfectly "Free" Will
(Apollonian, 24 Dec 18)

No, u got it all wrong: note Christianity is founded in sublime literature (New Test.) before anything else, w. sublime philosophy at the core--aside fm all the "religion" which mystifies so many. "Original Sin" then is a literary device by which to make profound psychologic observation, the necessary and natural human will, egotism, and self-interest which then is source of serious potential problems, but esp. sociologic and political if and when it isn't tempered w. reason and rationality.

Note further, "guilt" is diff. fm "shame," shame having to do w. other humans' approval, etc., guilt having nothing necessarily to do w. other people.

And the source or premise of guilt is fallacy of a perfectly "free" will, by which guilt arises fm fallacious idea one could have chosen differently, when fact is things are absolutely determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect--there was no other choice, really, it was necessary act, given all the premises which are seldom capable of sufficient calculation by the subject. Guilt is a sub-set of larger inferiority-complex.

Further, note guilt and inferiority-complex are means of control, as u indicate, but requires that false premise of a perfectly "free" will, which doesn't and can't exist within a perfectly determined world, according to determinism (absolute cause-effect) and objectivity. Inasmuch as reality is determined and there's no perfectly "free" will, then there's no "good-evil," either.

And all these, fallacious perfectly "free" (God-like) will, inferiority-complex, and guilt, are products of the subjectivist mentality which, in extreme form, then is literally satanistic. So the fundamental error would be subjectivism at bottom-most root. I do and must agree that satanists very much and indubitably like to work upon guilt and inferiority-complex, hence "good-evil" and perfectly "free" will fallacy/delusions. Satanism is built upon lies, un-questionably.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

anon[199] • Disclaimer says:
December 24, 2018 at 7:31 pm GMT

its just another scam to control people thru guilt and shame

feel free to believe in it though

1 comment:

  1. Yet ANOTHER essay censored by cowardly kike, Unz--who says he believes in "light hand" for censorship, ho o ho ho ho--typical lying kike scum.
