Monday, March 30, 2020

Hoffman, the moralist, declaims again against Hitler, racism, etc....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...are-facts.html

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Hoffman, Obsessive Moralistic, Pontificating Again, On Hitler, Abortion
(Apollonian, 30 Mar 20)

Once again, we see the terminally sanctimonious Hoffman, the second, basking in his own imagined, concocted moralism, glorying in his demented idea that he's envied for his idiot moralism, pomposity, pontificating, and holding forth soooo lugubriously. Hoffman stinks.

For that is Hoffman's primary purpose in life, folks, to pretending to moralism, virtue-signaling, and that putrid morality of non-existent "good-evil," founded in non-existent perfectly "free" will--the basis of the old Pelagian heresy of St. Augustine and later, Martin Luther.

And such then is the DETERMINIST (absolute cause-effect; no perfectly "free" human will) nature of the Christian OBJECTIVE reality, basis of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--which Christian nature and philosophy Hoffman secretly hates and rejects, like the satanic subjectivist he really is, psychotically insistent, like the Jews he pretends to criticize, upon a perfectly "free" will and thence, the fictional "good-evil."

For Hoffman is certainly no historian of any significance, nor is he even remotely any kind of economist who knows much of anything about money and banking, least of all the subject of usury. We're all sinners, Hoffman the second, and no human will can ever change that, and the only way to Heaven is by means of God's grace and mercy, including u, sucker.

So why now don't we get down to essential basic definitions of basic words and concepts, eh?

First, regarding racism, it's obviously loyalty to and pride in people, ancestors, and culture, this in accord w. the fourth Commandment of original Ten, "honor thy parentage (race)." Ck any dictionary.

Hence Hitler's magnificent leadership for the German people who were taught (a) they shouldn't eliminate any of their own precious offspring, but other races could if they wanted. (b) Another lesson is that Judaic race obviously is the primary, everlasting enemy of gentiles, including the German.

Next, regarding abortion, the right to abort is necessarily in accord w. individual freedom and choice, obviously, but the Germans were persuaded under the war-time circumstances this individualist principle should be forgone and set-aside for purposes of defense of the race in the war against Satanism, Jews, and bolshevism.

And that's another thing Hoffman overlooks, the CYCLIC history according to Oswald Spengler and the "Decline of the West," as Germans and unc' Adolf were desperately fighting not only Jews and bolshevism, but the general Satanism and hubris of Western society which had been raging since the fallacious, but successful and advancing moralism of Rousseau and Immanuel Kant.

The tragic irony of history is that Hitler and the Germans themselves rather embraced this kind of moralism, esp. of Kant, and the consequential socialism and statism which hobbled the German economy of the time, and indeed afflicts the general economics and politics of the present day.

So it's in this general historical context of Spenglerian "Decline..." which Germans and unc' Adolf must be seen: Hitler's racism was perfectly justified in accord w. philosophic determinism against the satanic enemy who ruled and oppressed gentiles and Germans, those infernal Jews who ruled then and who rule now. God bless our dear leader, hero, and saint, unc' Adolf. Heck w. the satanic, psychotic virtue-signaler, liar, heretic, and lickspittle to Jews, Hoffman the second.

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