Friday, May 29, 2020

There's HUGE, big diff. btwn thinking things out and then speaking about it all....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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There's Great difference, Divide, Contrast Btwn Thinking And Mere Speaking
(Apollonian, 29 May 20)

Well, ok, but if NO ONE ELSE is expressing the necessary thought pattern, then one who thinks he can do the necessary job needs to try, no matter how difficult it might be. Thus (a) Satanism is defined--extreme subjectivism--NO ONE ELSE EXPRESSES THIS BASIC THOUGHT. Most morons just imagine it means really mean, nasty, disgusting, etc., NO EXACT, useful, meaningful definition.

(b) Judaism is Satanism, merely, simply a specific form of it, most successful Satanism in all history--while most morons imagine it's just an alternative form of Christianity, like Lutheranism is just a diff. variety to Episcopalians. See,,, and for best expo on Judaism/Talmudism. (c) Satanism (extreme subjectivism) presently DOMINATES AND RULES, suckers--and people need to grasp and realize this in specific terms--it's not getting that way--IT ALREADY IS.

(d) Reality is objective (against subjectivism) and hence, DETERMINED, as I went to some lengths to explain to Ruhe, near the end of the vid. (e) THUS reality and history is CYCLIC, and (f) an excess population is eventually produced, due precisely to the previous success of the culture, consisting of (g) inferiors, weaklings, suckers, goons, esp. in form of TV-addicts, "liberals and progressives" who suck-along, allowing themselves to be intimidated and led by outright Satanists, esp, Thus the culture, now so heavily laden w. these over-populated inferiors fails to recover fm its inexorable Spenglerian "decline."

(h) Jews dominate the now hopelessly corrupt culture in Spenglerian "Decline of the West" due to their collectivism, cohesion, dedication, and ORGANIZATION--even though (j) they're far less numerous than the idiot Satanists/subjectivists among goyim who are far less cohesive and organized.

(k) U gotta realize that FIRST u need the essential thought, then one can try to be articulate, smooth, slick, etc. I have little confidence in the glib sort--they ALWAYS screw it up--in that way, I'm a little like u for disgust w. these incompetent people--good at gab, but can't think for ****. I wish we could have it all the way we wish, but we have to START somewhere, somehow, and believe it or not, I submit, I do well enough for showing the way, giving a solid start, whatever else in way of criticism u may have. U now have something solid to work with by which to apply all ur slickness.

(l) Once that basic thought is organized and established, THEN u can get slick, glib, and smooooooth--like u, for example. Too many people try to do it other way round (slickness first, then carefulness and thoroughness)--they've failed, as we plainly see, and screwed it all up, and NOW we're in serious trouble. With my method, at least u haven't lost anything, and I submit, there's a serious basis laid upon which one can build in substantial manner. Being slick is HIGHLY over-rated, and has NOT accomplished anything much, if anything at all, so far.

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

wescruz • 2 months ago

This guy has it right, but he needs to brush up first and prepare better, because he bumbles and stumbles

as a guest. I don't think Brian Ruhe cares at all, but crude is crude! Let's get some quality speakers on your show Brian!

-----------------------below-copied by ap in response to above-------------

apollonian > wescruz • 2 months ago • edited

Ho ho ho, I think u're right, in part, but good speakers aren't typically good thinkers--they're too bent on being slick and smooth talkers. Great example of "good speaker" is John DeNugent (see, slick, but a pathological liar. I think that's what happens to the "good speakers," they use their slick abilities to lying too much--they tend to become politicians, ho oh o ho ho ho. U say, "crude"?--not sure what u mean by that, but I try to deliver the thought, the idea behind the words and phrasing. Thanks for ur observations.

wescruz > apollonian • 2 days ago

I know what you say. But still one is not speaking only to hear "one's head rattle". If one is speaking to others, then one ne3eds to be able to convey a message without it getting all hog tied!

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