Saturday, January 9, 2016

In the large CYCLIC scheme of things, conditions aren't yet bad enough for the fools and goons to perceive something is terribly awry....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Too Few Morons Have Died For The Rest To Start To Getting Wise
(Apollonian, 8 Jan 2016)

Winfield: the powers have decided there's a greater purpose, that being in accord w. United Nations Agenda-21, reducing world population, etc. (see below-copied).

And due to "terror" we're not allowed info, that "terror" created by the powers themselves--as we see now in case of ISIS which has been given AA, highly advanced "stinger," missiles.

Given the latest ISIS revelations, I cannot see how Obola or Clinton continue to survive, traitors as they've been shown to be. Of course, they have Israel's cover, don't they? And all these stupid scummy puke of Jew S A, pretending they're "Christian" are totally terrified and intimidated by these Jews at the bottom of and behind everything--isn't it obvious?

So enough morons haven't been killed in obvious manner by Jews yet, so the morons forget that traditional anti-Semitism of our more honest and truly Christian (hence anti-Semitic) ancestors.

-----------------------above in response to below-copied---------------------

Anonymous January 7, 2016 at 9:01 PM

The book “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” by Jim Fetzer, et al was published and for sale on Amazon.Com for about a month before it was banned by CEO Jeff Bezos. Then the authors made it available for free on the site and others. This has been publicized for over a month since the banning by Amazon. While the only people who could prove that the editors and writers of the NY Times, Harford courant, Sun Sentinel, NYPost, AOL, NBC and other news outlets had read this book would be a US Attorney questioning these people under oath, it is very likely all of them have downloaded the free copies available for this book, along with the millions of others reported to have done so, and read every word of it.

Yet they obviously are bending over backward to avoid even referencing it, let alone discuss all the many contradictions this book poses for the official lies of Sandy Hook by government at every level, federal, State of Connecticut and Newtown Connecticut. These news outlets have a basic responsibility to the public to promote the public interest and that does not mean deliberately lying to the public about crimes of its own government. But that is exactly what is and has been going on here. The whole reason this book was produced was exactly because those responsible for properly and honestly investigating the events at Sandy Hook School Dec. 14, 2012, failed to do so. They are still failing to do so. The best result that would happen now would be a full blown public discussion of the book. Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics

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