Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Christian analytic: necessary for grasp of any possible successful strategy....

Christianity: Literature, Philosophy, and Salvation
(Apollonian, 21 Jun 16)

The problem for the world and the USA is quite obvious, satanism raging and rampant, satanism being extreme subjectivism as I've always noted, the organized satanism absolutely dominating, the over-populated, filled-w.-hubris morons and goons being too easily stampeded and affected by lies and scams of the satanists--observe just the homosexuals, so filled w. righteousness, the rest of the passive fools cowed and intimidated.

What then is best way to organize humanity against satanists and satanism?--has there ever been anything better than dear old Christianity? But what happened?--as we see Christianity seems to be stymied in the face of present satanism. Look at the present satanic Pope of Rome, welcoming the Muslim masses invading Europe. And this satanic pope has many equivalents within Protestant and Orthodox churches too.

So we see the infiltration of the Christian church and the horrific confusion of Christian principles and philosophy. Thus Christianity needs be clarified and re-stated--"revived"--like Christ re-stated the original Torah law. Additional problem is people are still so distracted as they are by spectacles, aside fm fact they're artificially supported by the so-called "prosperity" and welfare-state, the old "bread and circuses." People will not become alert until it's too late and the economy and currency break-down, the "bread" failing, the people beginning to starve--as in present-day Venezuela.

And note the problem now is people are confused about Christianity even for what it is, basically: LITERATURE which expresses a philosophy, at least implicitly, by means of aesthetics and the story given fm the literature. So the task is to understand Christianity in way one would understand the preceding ruling and definitive literature of the West: that of Homer. And we see immediately Christianity must merely be presented for what it really is: literature presenting a philosophy by way of the story told in the literature. So what is this Christian philosophy?

Thus Christ (a) preached and clarified the original Torah to Judeans and descendents of Israelites, this in face of corrupt Pharisees, Sadducees, et al., (b) who thereupon determined to kill Christ, imagining their problem would thus be solved. But Christ = truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6, and the (c) lesson, which Pharisees refuse to accept, is truth cannot be killed as reality is objective, which objectivity (d) Pharisees deny, insisting truth is only what they (rabbis) say it is, (e) subjectivism, as fm their Talmud (see Talmudical.blogspot.com for expo, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com).

So what then do Pharisees use to make their lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) so attractive to the masses of over-populated goons and suckers?--they preach "good-evil," all-time favorite pretext for subjectivism--which is easy to believe for the goons and suckers suffering as they do fm inferiority-complex, such inferiority being so easily induced by means of fear propaganda and the break-up of the traditional families, children losing contact w. loving parents.

Philosophy then, of Christianity is consistent w. Holy Spirit, that necessary reason by which one apprehends truth (= Christ). Thus sublime reason of Holy Spirit entails integrity and honesty. Thus Philosophy is founded in that necessary beginning premise/assumption of objectivity (Aristotle) and absolute cause-effect DETERMINISM, the will of God, humanity not possessed of a perfectly "free" will. And it's easily noted then how Christ further elaborates in significant detail for ethics.

Salvation then for Christianity is defense against such as present rampant, raging satanism, philosophy and reason applied to problems, one of the great problems being understanding in first place for what the problems are. Thus we have a real Tower-of-Babel situation w. stupendous, anarchic confusion, well and effectively manipulated by satanists, the fools, scum, and filth sublimely suckered into thinking they're sooooo morally virtuous as they follow satanists--as in way of funding and defending Israel for thematic case-in-pt.

So, once again, to briefly sum things up for Christian patriots, we must begin in understanding Christian anti-dote to horrific satanic problem as in way of Christian literature, then philosophy, the enemy properly and sufficiently identified, satanism, organized, collectivized, and working so sublimely both by means of and against hubris-filled victims imagining they're soooo "morally virtuous."

The sad, tragic, but inevitable solution seems to be, at least in part, in the catastrophic kill-off, die-off of significant portion of these poor, deluded fools consumed in hubris and moralism, so well and effectively manipulated by satanists. Only then are significant numbers and survivors likely to take note of the horrific, satanic problem which besets humanity.

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