Friday, August 5, 2016

Christian soldiers only need to fully expose satanic program and psy-ops being pushed....

satanism: Fully Exposed--The Anti-Dote And Solution
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 16)

Note in my article at I explain how the satanists have the up-coming election rigged, and they don't care that the people know it. Satanists are determined hitlery is going to "win" the election, no matter what. And of course, there's yet another thing, that being these satanists are perfectly prepared to assassinate Trump if it becomes necessary in their psychotic minds.

Further, I pt. out how satanists want to use this rigging and cheating by way of demoralizing the people, the people knowing the rigging in happening, yet so many not feeling they're capable to doing anything about it.

But of course, things CAN BE DONE against this satanism, rigging, and cheating, and it must start in the churches at the very grass-roots. People must understand what Christianity is really all about--worship of TRUTH (= Christ), the only way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14: 6). Thus Christians must explicitly understand for the people, and teach the people exactly what anti-Christ satanism is, satanists led by Jews, foremost liars (JOHN 8:44), Jews denying there's such thing as truth, even in face of Christ's (= truth) resurrection--u can't kill truth--anymore than u can kill reality.

For truth exists because it reflects the objective (God-given) reality, Jews denying an objective reality exists, God being their slave who does miracles for them, killing the first-born of the Egyptians at Passover, for example. Thus as there's no objective reality, it must be subjective, and for Jews, it's a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, Jews then most cohesive and organized of all satanists and criminals, satanism being the most extreme subjectivism, hence hubris, one making oneself God, reality emanating fm one's mentality/consciousness. See for best expo on Jew Talmudism and subjectivism.

And of course, the problem is so many "Christians" don't really understand Christianity for the primary ideal and principle of truth, so many, for example, pretending it's about "love," or "faith," or "peace" at any price. But nothing is possible for love or peace or anything without TRUTH above all, leading, ruling, and beginning everything and anything else.

Such then is proper Christian militarization, beginning w. church and mentality, knowing and understanding things properly, most incisively, beginning w. truth (= Christ), only way to Godly happiness. Truth = Christ, which resurrects and cannot be killed, as it is founded in that God-given, hence objective reality. Satanism is (extreme) subjectivism, founded in lies, Jews the leading satanists as they're most organized and collectivist.

Thus note the satanists only stop short of admitting their satanic program, for the analysis as above would follow. And satanists don't want the people to understanding the essence of satanism, that extreme subjectivism, Jews most organized and collectivist.

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