Thursday, August 18, 2016

Warfare requires contempt, hatred of the enemy who is trying to kill u, which is simple justice, most appropriate, BUT ALSO NECESSARY for successful prospects....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but probably not to be published, at comments,

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Hoffman Cannot Withhold His Hatred For Justice
(Apollonian, 18 Aug 16)

Hoffman: showing contempt for the enemy who is attempting to exterminate u is NECESSARY war measure, most appropriate as u demonstrate by ur own analysis and exposition of their Talmud which is nothing less than war program against humanity, God, reality, truth, reason, civilization, etc. Contempt then is not only appropriate and just, it's necessary in the obligatory war effort. And of course, we see once again u're here defending the enemy trying to murder the people, pretending thereby that u're "moral," evidently.

Hoffman, truly, it's TRAITORS like u who are just as responsible as the Jew monsters themselves for the destruction wrought upon oppressed humanity as we see. And in order to remove these Jew monsters, we see it's necessary to remove traitors like urself along w. the Judeo-Christian heretics and traitors, free-masons, homosexuals, et al.

And once again, we see u demonstrate worst enemy of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is such as ur phony "moralism" and monstrous idea of "good," the typical Pharisaic, not to mention heretic (Pelagianism). What a joke u really are.

------------above by ap in response to below-copied by Hoffman------------

Michael Hoffman said...

Why do you write “jews” in the lower case? To show your contempt for an entire people? How does this help Mr. Irving, or anything else?

Second, Irving has won very little unless his supporters become as active as his highly energetic detractors.
9:40 PM

---------------above by Hoffman in response to below-copied---------------

Cartier McCloud said...

I went to the trailer and left my 10 cents (inflation, don't cha know) about jews.

Irving won a long time ago, we just have to keep carrying the torch.
7:33 PM


  1. Hoffman actually responded:

    Michael Hoffman said...
    Because it contains a death threat, we have elected to publish, for the record, the preceding “comment” by “apsterian” (who is a registered user of Google’s “Blogger" service, though this individual has concealed his or her identity on Blogger).

    apsterian wrote:

    “...we see it's necessary to remove traitors like urself along w. the Judeo-Christian heretics and traitors, free-masons, homosexuals, et al.”

    This is now a matter of record and we are attempting to ascertain this person’s identity. 9:08 PM

    --------------ap responded (below) to above--------------

    Ho hoo ho ho, Hoffman, u're such a joke, a coward, heretic, Pharisee, and traitorous enemy of the people working to defend themselves against ur precious kike filth, ho hohoho ho

  2. Just now sent the latest to Hoffman, below-copied,

    "Awwwwwwwwwwwww, but gee whiz, Hoffman, what's ur problem, little Pharisee and Pelagian heretic? Hoho ho ho oho--isn't that legitimate opinion?--that u're purest, scummy, Jewwy, Jew-sympathizing filth, and traitor, and that u should be treated accordingly? Ho ho ho ho--cowardly Jew-loving scum, ho ho ho ho. After all, am I not entitled to opinion u should be and deserve to be . . . removed? Ho ho ho ho"
